Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 12, 1979, p. 5

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Michael Movie goes out with a bang The party the cast and crew of Never Trust an Honest Thief who spent a month filming in Georgetown packed their bags and left town a hang In one of the last b Is of local shooting the film crew orchestrated a car chase through town Wednesday that culminated in three separate crashes on Thursday the most spectacular of wh saw a Volkswagen Beetle hurtle into the ravine just in front of the River Drive bridge tie he paper mill dam It was definitely one of assignments Herald reporter Paul and I enjoyed covering Be closet P who isnt the prospect of a over an embankment and bursting into flames was delightful especially since job was to record the event in pictures I think that secretly weekly newspaper reporters harbor dreams of covering stories in exotic locales In the midst of some making battle So far an exploding car Is the Closest I come but it wasn bad substitute Pleasant assignment Like the July parade filming the car on was also para affair Four different cameras were posted in locations around the crash scene to record the event Art of nurseries told me he almost five hours just preparing the dirt ramp over which the car hurtled into the ravine The usual array of dim crew talkies was bolstered by those carried by members of Stunts Unlimited a California based stunt teams flown in for the crash While most of Ihc public was kept at bay on the side of the Credit I managed to get with feet of the crash scene next cameras close by a handy tree for protection The stunt car was driven by Snuffy Harrison and his first run was little disappointing As Snuffy came barreling over the guard rail and Into the ravine his boss was predicting car would do close to rolls before coming to a flaming halt Instead after a few feet of crazy driving the car managed one roll before Snuffy pressed a hand detonator in the car setting off a four pound bomb in the of the bug creating a pretty good explosion First run t Stunls Unlimited staff rushed to he flaming car extinguished It and helped Snuffy crawl to safety The crowd applauded but Snuffy looked anything but pleased in fact he teven look relieved at surviving as he peeled off his protective gear He wasn happy with the stunt and it seems they decided to take it out on the car The first step was to drive yeah drive the car back up the hill where it was rolled down empty Film of this will be in with Snuffy dm over the ravine the real punishment took place when Stunts Unlimited staff the car in the bottom of the ravine Based on the previous explosion I didn expect much of bang when I was told the car was to be detonated about feet from my perch I should figured out things were going to get a little holler when it took thestunt crew over hour to loid the gasoline power etc into the car and set fuses During the setup time was joined by few more photographers who decided to try some shots from a closer angle A sound min informed us he was setting up an open mike a few feet from us and urged us to slay quiet during tin explosion w sail poised in the open rH make my shot when I heard director call down from the bridge I j staff the car He them to cover and watch out It was only then I noticed duo parked only a little closer to the car thin me luddled an embankment some trees with few of sin as further cushion in front them I at this point my macho instincts woul In jlluw to flee More photographers The car went up in three explosions but I didn know that the time My shot of the f rM Most in the paper I jumped a little as the explosion turned out to be about 10 times stronger is the one in the original stunt In fact the power of the blast iclually pushed back I completely shakiness however A usually sedate female reporter parked about five feet from me let go with an impress and dived behind a tree with the first blast I curious as to how the men arc going to remove that from their tape it so safe bet the open mike us picked it up bout three seconds apart was destroyed Reporter got a sourvenlr piece of car as chink of the flaming wreck landed about a yard from his position It may not have been the midst of a war torn battleground I think we are both sat with our taste of fireworks I feel remis if I give my personal best wishes to the crew and cast of Honest Thief is they leave town to complete the few then held into the editing stage of the movie The Herald has appreciated your cooperation In making it easier for us to cover the event and I think it safe to say Ihc townspeople of nhncenjo Hatching In the liming We re looking toward to the movie spring release and let hope the film producers pick up director George idei and premnre the movie in I think they could definitely count on a packed I Who residents were getting cent iboul the movie being made in their downtown One resident told mc he saw a buddy his on Main St for the first time in years list week His pal complained about the Americans taking over downtown but friend reports the fellow was the first bigs of groceries he ever purchased on Main St I guess it is good for business to moke a movie Honest Thief schedule got little derailed lost week with a lab Tuesday night in Toronto Seems somebody downtown messed up the entire days film of thecar chase It ill had to be re shot Wednesday which put them one day behind schedule This created problems for the people from Stunls Unlimited who were supposed to be back In California to do stmt work In another movie Instead they spent the shooting in Georgetown Y JOGATHON The Georgetown arc hot to lrr1 well Jog anyway They re busy preparing for a walk a Jog a to be hrld between and It am Saturday September at the Georgia pictured here Irani left to right John Hike Dobbin and Cruise get for the Letters to the editor with their Dobbin and Joanna Dobbin re hoping residents famtij aflalr and help raise or Hie I til funiU Iol Glen citizens clarify stand VIEWPOINT Tut a tantalizing taste of Egypt Open Letter To Council of Hills In light of recent lions to council we feel it is important to clarify our tloti Our appearance before was a reaction to a developer who was for a resolution of committee to approve his con of development before the planning guidelines were in place 2 The idea of a comb notion of estatetype homes and park land Is not vlthoul merit but we suggest that It was lure as the present Official Plans and proposed Secondary Plan do not allow for It Population and density goals are now in place and those proposed do not support the density suggested All we asked was that council and the planner lay out the guidelines in the form of a plan hat is official and pro tected by zoning and agrees with Regional and Plan for the IT OF AND DENTS ALIKE IF our town is to prosper It must grow controlled by sound planning allowing phased increases thai provide for an adequate water supply future treatment rca traffic patterns and still maintain the town and hamlet character Residential and Industrial growth should be encouraged but regulated so that It be comes a benefit to all Vie hope that good relations and not confrontation will al low open communications be twecn developers and the ple so that we can build a The Stein The Co Co in By Herald correspondent King Tut a name coined by newspapers the short version of on ancient who ruled Upper and Lowe Egypt over years ago Tutankhamun died a boy king somewhere between his eighteenth and twentieth year the cause of his death is unknown I his rather obscure is responsible for a craze that is sweeping Ontario right here and now in 1379 TUT RAGE Is the rage eve rywherc the treasures from the royal tomb of Tutnnkha have appeared since Egypt for a North Amen can lour in lye You can take a choice of Tut haircuts jewel ry disco clothes ornaments lunches complete with mini lectures on ancient Egyptian life Tut buttons books you name it and our plaslic society will find a way of capitalizing on it How about Tut T shirts with all kinds of garbage printed on them Treasure of Tutankhamun Keep your hands oft my Tuts That s enough to make insist that his ancient curse strike out again In New York One million tickets were sold you get a ticket from the museum if you were Queen of England herself royil tomb was discovered on November by How ird Carter In the Valley of the Kings What a discovery it was furniture chariots Jewels statues gold everywhere the glint of gold priceless artifacts in all it took over ID years to remove them from their tomb after sitting beneath the sands of the desert for nearly years Tutankhamun was not a par ticulorly famous ruler of an Egypt In fact he was almost unknown He ruled ap proximately nine years as the throne age nine and dying somewhere between his eighteenth and twentieth year Because of the mugnid of his tomb we can only guess at the splendor and grandeur of some of the more prominent Most tombs were plundered by grave robbers thousands of years ago some Egypto logists believe there arc still tombs to be discovered that may make the Treasure of look poor in Egyptian hi lory lasted over six thousand years Six thou ind years is quite a stretch when you compare it to the one thousand years of modern Europe or ancient Rome or the two hundred years of the Unit Stoles Those thousands of years of history developed a crafts manship of great beauty that would rival an Ancient Egyptians believed in life after death They built elaborate tombs to house their dead and filled them with everything could possibly be required in after life Furniture food boats wine beer clothes games musical instruments anything that could give plea sure or fill a need Because of their belief in after life and the attention pild to dclailliii each aspect of life in ancient fcgypt Is made ivnilahle to us through the paintings on lie walls of the tombs and the writing of songs and stories and them On Tutankhamuns tomb w ten Live Soul Live for millions of years O darling of Thebes scaled with thy face turned towards the and eyes filled with love On the first of November we here in who were lucky enough to get tickets will step back thousands of years and view some pieces on disploy at the Ontario Art Gallery from the treasure of Tutankhimun The beauty of these pieces and the mystery of ancient Egypt combine In a puliinf force that will have Tuts name on lips The will be at a special preview of the Trea sure of Tickets were sold out on the firs day but there will be many news and magazine stories with pic available for those who would see the glory that was ancient Egypt live again CERAMIC CLASSES Part time classes now available For further information call Georgetown Ceramics m fcm on a buaqet get best is at Mo iode Guelph St Guelphviow Square Georgetown 8772668 THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING DURING OUR GRAND OPENING WE WERE SWAMPED THANK YOU FOR COMING IN NEXT TIME YOU COME BY PLEASE LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF YOUR PIZZA Ask Ron or Mark WE WANT TO WE WANT YOUR HELP IN MAKING PIZZA YOU LIKE love at First Taste HILLS SHOPPING CENTRE Where the movies are 8775128 ELECTRONIC VIDEO GUARD TUNING SYSTEM with Knob and UHF Channel Selection CHOOSE ZENITH for greater satisfaction BRAMPTON COLOUR SOUND FINANCING NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRE MASTER CHARGE NELSON ST

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