Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 31, 1979, p. 1

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to Mftn OKI KM INS Home Newspaper of Hills The big the big circulation read first by Reaching moit thin 13 in lis I j tfftBWf tf- This Week Human barricade threatened Temporary dump Georgetown residents won be without a town dump despite the fact Georgetown a dump closes today Regional council has agreed to the placing of at least 10 garbage containers at an Armstrong Ave site to servo as a temporary dump until a permanent solution can be found Page birthday Dan of Bell Canada told Georgetown Chamber of Commerce members the value of at their dinner Tuesday For an tion of the terms and details on its uses look Inside Page Touchy subject Death and funerals arc a subject shunned by many people and yet it is something everyone faces Acton funcrol director Bruce Shoemaker talks about his years in funeral business as this week Halton People Page Industrial profile The first in a series of background de signed lo assist region industrial deve lopment plan is being among re area municipal lies outlining capacities for development and gosling means of over coming obstacles driver Georgetown Nick thinks he knows Ontario Premier William Davis better than anyone else except Mrs Davis Mr probably right as the Premiers chauffeur the two men have plenty of time to talk Mr Lorito says the two men have become good friends during his stint as the Premiers driver Page New bus route cut after protest BPULDOIlSf Herald staff writer Tl Georgetown Chamber of Commerce has chopped Mary Sircel Henry Street side Drive from its proposed Chn bus route because of pressure from concerned parents and other residents of the rhood who keep buses the with a human blockade Rejected by the town gen committee night group of residents who live of slgna on a petition seeking to the bus route hod planned to confront the special shoppers buses when II make their first rounds tomorrow Thursday morn Inf following the committee meeting during which expressed shock at the number of signatures on a petition opposing what was generally welcomed as a com service project Ml of Mary Street contacted regional lice officials determine what form the residents protest might take Yesterday morning APPLE LOVERS Herald photo by Maggie Hat Grant Elliott IB month of hi younger Tommy Warren 11 month of Milton bow to enjoy lb lay red apple hanging here In front them Grandfather M J Warren of Georgetown help his favourite wee people out a Pine Valley Farm Halloween parly Saturday afternoon Nerval Concerned rural residents would be crazy not to seek a tax cut next year Mayor Pete admitted this week as a new draft bylaw res Wet Ing the movement of heavy trucks along certain roads emerged as the town s latest attempt to curtail problems stemming from wayside era pit operations in Halton Hills Sanctioned by the general committee Monday night ihc bylaw prohibits the movement of trucks weighing in excess of five tonnes along the Fourth and Sixth Lines and the 17 and between the hours of p m and Early morning and late night truck movements to and from wayside pita in the area represented a major concern of residents who lasl month confronted town council in the hope of solving their long standing problems Included among Iruck clogged rural roads named in the bylaw is Churchill Road South In Acton where an Town seeks cash for Acton hall In the hopes of guaranteeing provincial grant for the project the town general committee has recommended that council should formally its Intention to restore Acton old town hall The cautious de cision came Monday night of ler members were assured that their resolution did not commit the town to restoring the historic Willow Street building but simply represented its willingness lo contribute up to lo I rest oration costs estimated at t in total Clerk administrator Ken lit explained that the town s notice of Intent would enable the provincial ministry of culture and recreation lo extend an October deadline previously set for some form of positive response on the The resolution passed mously Noting thai ihc resolution referred the town hall restoration as a community centre Coun Miller questioned the building in tended uses He pointed out lhat here has been some consideration given recently tc the construction of a new separate school In Acton which would make the small building housing St Josephs Separate School redundant and thus open to uses The efforts of concerned Ac Ion residents to raise funds for the lown hall restoration were also questioned by some members Coun George Ma It by com thai council has come full circle in the mailer from deciding to tear building down com mil ling funds for Mr assured him lhat he new rcsolutloa alters no previous council decision but still re- res tile citizens lo raise per cent of the restoration cost before any action Is taken The balance he said will hopefully come from Hie Win larlo corporation the Ontario Heritage Foundation and Continued on page existing bylaw would be repealed so that region trucks can use the route to haul sewage sludge north to Erin township SLUDGE TRUCKS Town engineer Bob Austin told the commit lee that problems encounter by the sludge tanker trucks on alternative routes make the Churchill route the best Any where the route Is taken he added would still take the trucks past existing reside nc Along with Churchill Street located off Guelph Street in Georgetown and over looking the downtown core would also be subject to round theclock res Iricl ions on heavy Truckers and trucking companies found contravening the bylaw would be subject to fine for using Alley Street or Churchill Road any lime or for using the four rural roads between p and 7 Restrictions on the rural roads extend from 17 Sidcroad northwest lo Regional Rood on the Fourth Line from Sidcroad northwest to on the Sixth Line from Trafalgar Road southwest lo the Fourth Line on Slderoad and from Trafalgar southwest to the Sixth Line on Sidcroad Coun Russ Miller suggested that the Eighth Line and Sidcroad should also be motion doing so until hi can Rick West of Chamber of Commerce announced that the planned protest had led CI amber off to drop the Mary Henry from their I wide The special twomonth bus service I sail will stop at he hospital centre and senior citizens residence as planned using James Street We arc sympathetic lo the concerns of residents in area re children safety and arc not Interested in providing a service that people don wont said Mr Viest The special service by the CI amber and Trav Bus lines Shopper Drug Mart at a tomorrow Shoppers will be charged cents per ride except for pre and seniors can ride free The passib lily that tnans who art forced to walk along roadways of snowclogged sidewalks might be threatened by the hourly buses on some residential streets emerged as the main concern of citizens who signed the petit presented Moil lay nil by Gerry Corncv Mr Con suggested ihe alternative route along James and Princess Anne Drive he would also benefit from the crossing guard stationed Princess and Mary would ell rninnte the majority of our ncerns he told the commit Coun Roy Booth out that tie petition few names from Street and none from Drive Mr Corney latcd that were canvassed during the time available The resi dcnli of only two of those I used sign he said because they no children might be threatened by the bus traffic Otherwise Mr Corncj said Ihe clearly indicated that the Christmas bus would find few passengers in his neighborhood Many of those igncd stated their prefer to mply walk the centre or downtown he added As well as the possible stemming from the twice hourly appearances of the bus tintinupitonpatf Focal in limbo until sewage set Heavy truck traffic warrants tax cut mayor Mayor Pete has proposed that the land located south of Georgetown which belongs to McLaughlin As socio lea be deferred from the regional official plan until the question of sewage city is settled once and for ill fn notice of motion to hoard last night Ma or proposed the properly located south of Hun Hollow between the and Lines south to 10 be deferred from Ih rcgionnl official plan now awaiting approval the Ministry of Housing means the land will have no designation d the plan and will be bl for development Mayor said the sewage capacity for Georgetown plant is h can look t development proposals fo area and decide what would like to see done wllh tl Since the release of Proctor and pt earlier this on the by S McLaughlin dates to build a 1 development south of Geo town Mayor said he has met at different limes with the Minister of Housing Bennett Minlstir of Environment Harry Par roll senior the Minis try of Housing regional publ works staff at representn from SB McLaughlin Associates and the lard mount Development Corpora Ma or said ho did commit to in any hint during II meetings and the towns solicitor was present to ensure the town I g tinn was not affected It as a witness that my in good behalf of the town lit bill T A of these meet 1 Properties di S McLaughlin As has agreed to hold lis million law I t the town and also on p the com pa bund at tl On I Board said If the sewage capacity is then the town and the I proceed the which would be to id a secondary plan for tl selling exactly w would like to see EN DAMAGE AFTER TRUCK CRASH Damages was estimated at when a nick up truck crashed through a anil drove Into a cornfield on the Slderojil west of the 1 on Ihe weekend The truck driven Glenn of Georgetown was westbound on 10 when It the roadway taking out the anil through a cornfield or 100 metres before Ing through the fence again In an attempt to regain the road The vehicle became stuck on a rock The damage to Ihc bumper fenders and both sides of the truck is estimated at Damage lu the fence and the crop in the way of com and res devc on those lands That when you decide on the impact on of services and so on he said Major I said the Ministry of Environment has been Ihe culprit in the dis between IhL town and Focal because have not settled on firm for the sewage capacity of the Georgetown treatment plant He said that the own list of priorities for sewage allocation will remain the same because it was drawn up but if the of ihc Environment increases the capacity of the plant ere would be room for more development T mayor said the Ministry of the Environment calculates the sewage capacity of the Georgetown treatment plant at million gallons population of peo ple The ministry figures are based on one person requiring 100 gallons of sewage capacity a The Proctor and Red fern report says the sewage capacity could be as high as A 5 million gallons for an lent population of peo ple Even going by the ministry figure of million gallons however the mayor If the figures were changed from 100 gallons per person per day to this would pro room for expansion and devc lopmenl I not asking council lo do at this point Mayor said not slick council neck out a mile on this Council would be in charge all the way The mayor said he has met with members of the industrial and commercial community in Hills to the TRUCK ROLLS Workmen Thursday afternoon the on Stationery front lawn after a tractor trailer loaded with paper on Avenue Truck owner and driver Wheeler of Glen Willi mi lays the vehicle was while be in another building on builnei When be out he found the brake had failed the truck bad rolled ahead over the end a culvert and I in Damage were unavailable at pre time Herald photo

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