Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 31, 1979, p. 4

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J it Home of Halton Hills October 1375 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 103 Main South Georgetown Ontario WILLIAM Publisher MICH PHONE Mall Number Temporary town dump a good move Halton Hills rural residents must certainly appreciate con expressed by councillors Russ Miller and Mute Armstrong who arc determined to see some for of waste transfer station established locally to replace the Georgetown landfill site which closed today In particular Coun Miller has been warning regional council for over a month that the closing of the Georgetown dump could nave a disasterous effect on the local countryside Coun Miller predicted that a populace used to a Georgetown would be unlikely to drive all the way to Burlington the closest open dump to Halton Hills to get of their garbage He predicted that in stead many Hills residents would choose to dump their trash Halton Hills rural roads A cruise along many Hills roads would seem to back Coun Miller up Already too many lazy residents are choosing to dump their garbage in secluded and previously attractive rural spots rather than drive into town We shudder to think how bad this situation would become if there was no dump in the town for the more conscientious citizens that many more Halton Hills residents would join in fouling our countryside with their gar Fortunately through the forts of councillors Miller and Armstrong we wont find our selves when the Georgetown dump closes down today A temporary waste transfer station will be established on Arm strong Avenue as of tomorrow At least 10 garbage containers will be ready at the Armstrong site today This is only an interim measure and regional council with the prodding of our local coun cillors is busy trying to find a long term solution to the problem Were also pleased that while the costs of the temporary dump are high at least the region will be picking up the tab It would have been grossly unfair to stick Hills with the bill considering the town as Coun Miller said has been a good neighbour to Milton by accepting waste from that com munity for five years Undoubtedly this helped fill our dump sooner tlian had been expected With the interim dump the region seems to be headed the nght direction thanks to our local councillors were sure our rural residents are happy with this development Town should oppose traps Hats off to Hills councillor Roy Booth Coun Booth urged council to stand up to the provincial govern ment and not permit trapping in Hills because the leg hold trap would most likely be used locally Booth termed the traps one of the ever devised and urged council to exercise their as a municipality to not permit trapping in Hills as a way to ensure the traps are not used here Mayor and other council members argued that regulations concerning leg hold traps are provincial jurisdiction ana council is not entitled to comment on the type of traps used but merely is expected to permit or block trapping as a whole Coun Booth rightly pointed out that council could indeed take a stand on the pc trap being used blocking any local trapping mm Booth proposal to ban Ir ippuif would ive in ideal limit Hilton Hills to control and refusing to simply rubber stamp policies to conform with provincial legislation if councillors feel leg hold traps are offensive then simply because the provincial government is charged with determining trapping standards is not a good enough reason to allow trapping The council should use whatever means are at their disposal to ensure the trapping does not take place If like Coun Pat Patterson Hills council approves of leg hold traps should at least give that as their reason for approving trapping locally rather than avoid the and hide behind provincial jurisdiction Coun Booth deserves to be commended for trying to exercise some local autonomy in opposing the offensive leg hold traps Trees should theHERALD likeo hiving a sewage in then for obvious ic hut if on from Miller resilient fnui tin ir pond littk isili to tki toun In io invLst lit tin and costs of planting crowing trus around the sludge lagoon lit as a v of reducing isual of the pond I he lagoon is par offensive because of Us to a nearby roadway The proposal will be con sidered as part of a study of sewage sludge disposal in Halton Lets hope the trees get the go- ahead the region can do for residents who have lo endure a sewage lagoon on their doorstep Governments financial waste illustrated with Pickering Park By Derek Nelson Qui en Park Bureau Of the Herald TORONTO A good example of how government wastes and money in the Airport Thil airfield which would have been built of Metro Toronto was born in 1972 shelved in and math part of a Toronto area transportation study from 197b 1979 Now the report is out with the bureaucratic title of Southern Ontario Mulimodal Passenger Studies and never Mere three more obviously wasted Heavy on jargon and light on facts report stresses obvious and buries the hard questions in a pile of words A good illustration of the kind of thinking that went into the report is the two page doubled spaced press rclcjse issued at the same time It alone look four to prepare JARGON The quality of the report itself can be illustrated by one paragraph that 13 repeated in variations throughout the studv The future uncertainties Indicate that there arc significant limitations implicit in long range forecasts of travel demand as well as In Ihe assessment of the capabilities of the existing transports lion system and future modifications lo this system of Ihe unnecessary big morels it comes down to basic points First people will want to travel to and from the Toronto Second wc don I know how v ell we can the load Great t the very two questions the study was set up answer The whole argument about Pickering Airport has centred around them since the goahead Now thanks lo Transport Canada and the provincial Transportation and Com mumeations ministry wc get weighty statements of the obvious Another example The important relationships that between nomlc factors and travel growth recognized This kind of is what comes from writing a report by committee subcorn mil tec steering committee and liaison group where no ie wants to admit a mistake may have been made in the NOT I FAR Common sense alone would tell someone that Ihe rules of the ravel game hove changed since the post OPEC slowdown of 1971 It seems unlikely well ever recapture the soaring growth rates of the past and that didn t require a three year study costing a packet of money how much no one is quite sure involving two govern menu to determine That is especially rue when the only firm recommendations in the report arc to further delay decisions about expanding present Toronto International Airport or going ahead with Pickering What we needed was a document giving clear analyses of the variables that influence travel demand how they affect growth rates and what basic alternative choices exist ahead in lime We didn get il from this tic porridge Liberals appear to mimic past Opposition failings it Torus Usui lohavt IOMIM ft w rr vbeiti nil a question of Porn s In gin llt tlL Association for mlnrm ilion if ttorhl Christianity -V- hit lust unit of the questions of in nil taxation reltrpiptr art going to be it fur j long unit wlult burn oil Mil- Mill wnnhr for in Mil ilalbtri tin liheril MI fur nidi Ins suliuilv elevelnniel an inn mil s mil win hi net eis to know tppnN hi lnilk ilntii or dm ml ot of till jut Hindis lonfirrid is Info and Whit is itu Mr of links mil i infer hi nil llxill k I Ini i fli 1 Hit mm us ltd fit loni il l I if il from Ii m ill skTd lwt olve mill llu to Is art high H ljrk Tin shot in Ik tin i tin Tor bill would never know it rl inlurs iw inil si i heir pittltii idmg Hit r it ihis s From our files LIQUOR RUSH Georgetown liquor store is being rushed lo completion and mjv open as early as Novimbtr The store will be one of the in town a frontage on Mill Street of feel and a depth of 100 II is being constructed by firm of J n Mackinac and Son for Tom who will il to the Liquor Conlrol Board of Ontario As it is the only store il will servo Ail draw trade from lira and the district A request from Aiun council for the establishment of a store in town which was made about llu same lime as Georgetown was down the board prominent Acton merchant who spent a night in the Georgetown jail last week was of ehirgcs of speeding and obstructing a point The lothtaecusedbecause he had been locked in Ihe jail overnight by Police unstable of Ihe Georgetown delnchment of OPP Constable testified in that he observed Ihe car speeding wist on the highway and ihnseat a speed of well over miles per hour stopping the ear on western limits of town The case hit all three Toronto newspapers on account of It ipporing in great detail in loday eomplttt wilh pictures of Mr Mayor Armstrong Reeve Jami Good let and polite chairman Davidson who all said they the jxtlice IWHOM- VH AGO An ponding to an individual telephone jrt now being installed in dill exchange building in Gtorgetown I Telephone manager for Ihis lerriinry announced this week for completion late in Decern her Ihe extension will meet immediate demands for new telephones facilities due in tin rapid growth in ana Two fins within ten hours of each olhir Inched the I me home of Mr and Mrs Friday morning A streetcar with Iwo rooms attached the damage the Allofthe went up in smoke The first blaze which broke out 1 l a gulled and a recurrence 11 razed rimaming rooms a bedroom and a kitchen Mr llcane told firemen an oil space probably caused Ihe blaze AGO An arrest has bun in connection wilh Ihe severe be tiling of man in his ttaier losl week Georgetown elm of police 1 owe laid charge of murder wasalread in on her charge The building for the new W40 lostph Gibbons public school In s end was awarded by education board last wtek and is begin in a month Thiens stripped Richardson Crest Hardware in the downtown shopping area of It to worth of merchandise most of it ill a neatly executed robber morning Thelool includes rifles and boxes maml shells two lap ittur amplifiers three wnsl watches and In cash from till school were concern for safety of school children when ihe Ontario Resources Commission i lie education board for to drill on a north school for water The has si Iteliei Glen Williams school grounds as urn of drilling silts in its project lo w iter for the Glen A Georgetown garbage truck crew found Ives with a hoi load Tuesday when refuse inside the packer caught fire Tin was dumped on Maple Avenue near the Genii niua apartment so that fin me could git at the source of the lames After it was thoroughly doused tin miss was up with a end The Iwo bantam bowlers who a doubles Gary Miller and Hob were among ilhh its hoiiortd for winning national and 1 1 malum il honors in ficlels of sport nifhl Thi occasion was the first banquet staged by the Ontario govern s Pi of speciat in recognition of IB chief of the Ontario I I VI dropped pi ins for a in Company Don sud Ihe George Iv will continue is its i Iributioneenleralidwiiliifilbe to dm on remain in the unit I s Hills voted tin 1 for Pari- In nnt need there 1 mi use of an in the higher ell as light nil costs

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