Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 27, 1980, p. 15

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Community Dart Fun Day was fun for all miner successful noon evening chalked up for Gib Telford and his busy rwnd of helpers with another Dart tun Day over which at wild be very satisfying for lb of the darts were Carol Powell SjKu and Jim Fisher and second were the team of and Pat Pickering with Hicks Carmen Third were and Jean Murphy and Donna High scorer for the ladies was Helen HO and for the men it was for Page Well done everyone and lo all who played Its rewarding for those who work so hard to put a day together like this to sec so m in show up and have such a time lb would like to thark all who helped the and very successful dance that followed very often we have lo people because Ihert was no room left but such wis case hat evening I imagine that Gib is aire working on another me day coming Friday evening will Bob in your folks and guess wlnt Ik going lo be In the club room on Saturday evening also because is where the Mini is being played Legion Lines By Roma Timpson Another good evening lo look Winners of the car draw for week are Gil Preston Stevenson 362 Betty MacLeod 482 240 June Ross and reminds all car club captains there will be meeting ibis Thursday shortly after Please attend IF possible Th sThursdaycvenlnglsour general meeting don forget This is the place that new ideas constructive suggest ions plans or the future should be discussed of a few very good ideas lately but to reaeh the membership and get their views in the open weshould hear from YOU at meeting How it will we sec you Ihls Thursday about 1 had a chance lo see part of the Hockey Heritage night awards on our Cable lasl week and if you didn I sec it you will have another chance this Friday at p Try to if youcan youllcnjoy our Welsh President Harold Had ham admitting he at a loss for words Those that know him will say never he re did find Ihe right words to thank all concerned at the appropriate lime Hope you haven I thai March Is the Imperial Sections garage sale This at and lo be a successful venture they need lots or articles to sell Call at 877 for further details President I laid Dumper as kind enough lo phone and loll me that Bradley is In ospilal Also in I told that Glad is in Georgetown hospital June has had her operation and gradually feeling a each day To you three and lo all others not feeling per cent we send our verj best wishes for a specdv recovery If there are others in tins pi In I or shut in please call sick chairman enny Wright so he can visit ind put the nunc on our sick board and also call Aux sick an Joanne Coles FARMER HONORED and Son of Ontario received a Master Breeder Shield annual meeting of members of the Ho Is In of Canada held 13 Mr led accepted the award from Lawrence Henderson a of from Ballinafad Two Ballinafad teams join Youth Soccer Famed missionary at St Johns speaker for the Ihe Peel Presbylerian I ml I Womtn will bi internationally known missionary Bob Me lure Tic meellng will take plat 5 at St Johns I lurch Registration wlthDr Met lure speaking 1 Or spent more where hi treated from wounls 1 1 was the only one In with radium for Irt of cancer McCIure medicine in ileslinc Indn Peru Zaire Stiwidw ik Milnysia In 196H he was elected moderator of the United Church of Canada and coast to coast his term In December 1978 Met lure bis biographer Munroe Scott and ihcir were honored by the in legislature for standing achievements I on and abroad re information is avail Mrs it 4WT130 lilt llOBtHT By HER SMITH There was a large turnout of voters at the Community Ire Feb 18 The electors were casting their votes for the candidates in Wellington Duffenn Sim The Progressive Conser had a slight edge over Liberal candidate The results were as follows for the three polls Polls 103 PC 25 Liberal Libertarian 1 Poll 105 Liberal Libertarian PC Liberal 48 Libertarian The committee in charge of soccer for the com mumly recently to plan the season II was decided Ihis year club will have I wo teams playing in the Genrgclnwn Youth Soccer Ashgrove UWL quilt draw to be held May 20 leagues An atom team for boys born In 1970 and 1971 and a squirt for born in Registrar will beat Ihe hill on at 7 llegislra lion fee is Preference will be who played eason and since only limited number of places are he remaining will be filled on a first come This is for and Proof of age is required such as birth cert ifi cite TH would any ideas and as and finance from An Zeta Phi Sorority- entertains sister chapter Herald Special After a holiday season for everyone Zeta Phi Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi was ready for the first meeting of Ihc year January the home of Donna Wo Her Donna played as well as offering her program People of Purpose In which the members were entertained bj history of Georgetown and its founder George Kennedy this from non native of town too A mixed social was held Jan 19 when the girls aid their husbands tried their hand at bowling social hour and a la to lunch at the home of Elaine and Bill Large Pete Phi was kept busy In January with the selling of tickets to our second Consum Evening sponsored by Miracle rood Mart A very good attendance an amusing and informative program by Arthur Buck butcher and a delicious array of baked goods from Miracle Bake sale in April fly Herald Spec 111 The monthly of Ihe Association was held at the home of Barb Feb were nine m ithers present discuss upcoming events Three of these events will take place In April a craft and sole with ihe Limehouse April 13 the annual bottle drive April and Ihe Mother and Daughter banquet April Food Marts own bakery help ed moke Ihe success of our evening to raise funds for a charity The charity chosen this year was the Meals on Wheels program Elaine Large took charge of our program for the second meeting in January treating us a film of ballerina Karen Kain Hot appetizers and homebaked sweets were passed around during ihc mo vie quite a change from Ihe usual popcorn The Feb meeting was held at the home of Donna Kay Qulnn program of Liv Loveliness proved verv informative as Kay demon a new concept In a facial care program some thing we are very In Feb 12 our chapter enter lalncd a sister chapter Alpha The highlight of the evening was a game of Court Whlsl with some variations A lunch of fruit punch and fancy sandwiches was served around a Valentine thcim An enjoyable evening was had by both groups About the Hills- Freestones Thomas and Jenny Freestone of Stayner celebrated their anniversary at their son home in Acton Saturdav The Freestones met on the boat to Canada in 197 and were married Feb 1930 In Georgetown They relumed to England in 1936 and came back to Georgetown in 1957 Mr They left seven years ago The Freestones have three children Thomas In Acton Kenneth In New Brunswick and Jean Moore in Llstovpl They also have six grandchildren Hospital euchre night The Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital will be holding a Bridge and Euchre Night tonight in the Newfoundland Club in Avenue Auxiliary president Marion Booth said she would like to particularly thank the Newfoundland Club or donating its hall free of charge The entrance cost is per person which covers refreshments and Ihe to win some of Ihc many lhat will be av liable Club for widows Georgetown recently formed group for met or dinner February the Mountain Dew Rest lurant on Street Some members enjoyed per followed a general meeting at Ihe home of club preside ill Hill The is planning a potluck supper I r Additional information is available from III tr- 4115 By JOHN Br 1 Herald correspondent On Tuesday Feb Mrs Vern Picket was he citizenship and world affurs meeting of the Women President Mrs Alexander presided and opened with a short reading on citizen s of today The ode and creed were repealed and roll call answer name one of your duties as a and some good ones were given A Idler was read from the Provincial Mrs Diammd summarizing the nasi year The Lions Club In town asked for volunteers during the school break to help the hockey International Last fall 19 members made quill blocks after two weeks of work and 170 hours by 17 ladies in Mrs Alexander s rcc room he quill was completed and is very beautiful Tickets on arc being sold by the members and the draw will be held May The ladles were reminded to bring their carrot loaves next month lo be judged and sold Program in charge of Mrs James who gave the moito Learn to do by doing a short sing song of favorites by Marion Hunter wilh Isabel Camey at the piano was Then the guesl Vivian Hunter of Ter ra Cotta who belongs lo the University Women Club also in art showed slides on India and Tibcl She is very interested in refugees has a child there and a short while back she and a teacher friend flew to Lcdac where she said Ihc people arc cheerful and happy they hie very simply in and make mats repair shoes and sell antiques lis a mountain ous snowy country and winter comes from mid September to May She sells carpels and on their behalf as arc so dependent on this help Mrs Wilson thanked her and presented her wilh a small Mrs G Ttevirannus I hen us to sing a German song As this month was the I s54thbnlhdav a candle light cere mon was done Mrs J Hunter 111 a candle for all past members the work did to start an Institute Mrs Alexander lit a candle for our prcscnl members and what Ihey arc doing keep active Mrs Trcvi It the third candle for the future and hopes for sup- pi to continue in years to of All prepared decorat ly cakes aid given by Mrs Wilkinson and the singing of Ihc Women grace meeting closed with a sociil Limehouse oiher successful seas is hop ed fer There was a larce crowd at pancake supper at he church on the evening of Shrove Tuesdi The ladles of the sal down were waited on for The men were in charge of the and did a very good job The young people served at the tables Crokinole wis after the meil lo Mcfncry great grandmother Sun lay when grandauhter Cole and her husband became the proud parents of a baby Caribbean holiday a 12port cruise By MRS AW III Herald correspondent We extend sympathy lo Mrs Mitchell and John Mtchic family on the death of Mrs Mitchell brother Eason of Port Slanley February Blanche visited close at Brandon Man recently David has return from a two week cruise In the lower Carribcan calling at ports during the holiday We welcome Mr and Mrs Sandy McLaughlin to our a Tbe have bought the property owned by Mr and Mrs George Morn son a home in Red Deer Alberta Congrituh lions to Mr and Mrs Bruce Coles nee Bcrjl McEnerj on the arrival f their little Mr ant Mrs Bill aid little sons lended fortieth wedding anniversary of Bill parents Mr and Mrs Alvln at on week end Mr and Mrs Brown were also on Sunday I- ISM Page OiN HOMEFKOINT Fans and fame wont change Susan MS I- Herald Columnist The sun is shining spring is waiting to break and 1 eel great Could it be the fact that I received a genuine fan letter addressed stamped and all has mo walking on in In me a dues paying member of he mop and a stoop and scoop actual having a However I believe in giving credit where is due and I think that all the uplifting hours of Sesame Street have watched over these many basically responsible Big Bird is enough to bring forth unsuspected heights of creative talent and has proven to be an spjratioruil mentor countless mothers apart from yours IruK My loi ing husband thought a huge Joke first He inlin the sun must have been well down over the farm when Ihc letter was written and that possibly my irer had her predinncr happy hour to a leiMhv JO mi I respoided with some heal the lady in question was oh a person of it discrimination and lisle ind how could he a husband possibly the almost intuition that lashes bet vein mot even on the written page itvrHHirioOMi hush then became rather gloomy about Ihe I re ip especially after I had the letter blown up into ill size poster He is convinced thai not only will this rtumlc p of correspondence go completely my he i inflite mv but his socks will no longer get v shed I I it will not change me at all The washing ill done Ik fore I agree to audiographs and the el crowds on doorstep wishing lo touch fame Susan will have lo waituntll I have the In other words I am determined on through life wilh my demeanour ill is always I fell it fair to warn nearest and dearest it a mt re hundred years from now our home iel well be a national monument a prized of the in Heritage Foundation I suggested thai mi it of paint in the kitchen might be good place as I I hale to lie posthumouslj recalled as having run t mess j wis when I olio up with the suggestion thai I hi consider widening Ihc driveway and in loll as people will soon be travelling from the I ends f to visit our Brampton cottage thai le to It it is hair jnu Shikespeire received this kind of II from ni Golden will be going to Maritimes led and members Wednesday evening Iebrunrj at Luxton Hall The president sided and opened Ihe meeting Canada and the Theme Song Our Irunsportalion convenor Laura Dennis spoke of three bus trips one lo another was a 15 day trip lo the Maritimes in June and the one to Scott at The two were with seniors were well to quickly Two new members were added our membership Lamberl and Mrs received the birth dav greetings The singing of For they are Jnlly Good Fellows was pre ceded by the reading of poem An ode to an by June and was opening of our even ings program A special salute went to our oldest lady mem Frances a very witty and active lady who is celebrating her birthday Friday also to our oldest male member Joe Fuller who Is hovering around ihc BO mark The latter is a member of team We were fortunate in having Jack Carpenter Slation CKCO Kitchener as the MC which added greatly to our program The senior members of the Jojce Carpenter school of Dancing were delightful and thoroughly enjoyed by he se niors as they danced and through their acrobatics The lone junior was superb in her precision of Ihc taller These acts were Interspersed numbers from the Happy Gang choir of the Golden Agers under direction Isabel McDonald These were well received as was the duct The Sunshine- of Your by Isabel McDo- ntld and Irene Davidson Gla dys Davison delighted every one wilh her singing of The Bells of St Mary a Edna presided at the piano for the evening A lime followed REGAL GATHERING ivalbrr ik llrlh lrjham

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