THEIILKAU Wednesday March I IWO Radio hack Learning museum proposed prices expire March 29 1980 Herald Special public school principal association to up an cducjtional musium or region In a to the Hoard of ducition president asked or support in principle for i and board mimhcrloatl is liaison while pi in doclops Milton trustee Hill said the Milton favored proposal anil the vacant Richmond Street Sthool on Lint as a site or the museum is on Region The museum would i one or tworoom bulletins furnished in the of tin IBOOs or IJOOs Mr said hi understood some artifacts books ind furniture whuli were used in schools be is hj mdivldu and wis sun school could i jxxl if an wasmudi to public would indeed be if irhcles of historic iluiliu wen not madi la f ruse lion by the public lit ml or worn if were lost fort anls in one j from flit at this point ilolhr rcquiri mentshaveytt he said art of rusing funds for such project Inquiries cm c irk ino he said Ontario miRhi to help since it would a project I agencies or imzations such as hiitoricil ho of education mil might be willing to htlp Tea Federation he interest in support sinct it Region staffing additions rtRion lion and is riionimcndin to council that tin lJHfl stiff complement intrust limited to 15 including six positions which an full undid it a cost of Thtinina5t ifnpproiid by council will stiff rigum to made last without a quorum based on a listing pronded chief idministri tut I rmi Hud bluest addition will Ik to the public works dcpartmuil will be added The additions include threi wnttr plant Hon budgeted at a design technologist at rind technologist at clerk is being added to at The llullon regional will hai a curator assistant as SI A senior public nurse at MOW and co ordinating it art other paid positions The full funded positions include two infint education teachers two resource teachers secretary linfanl stimulation program and clerk for the planning department All of Iht funded positions with the exception of the clerk are funded by other levels of government The lav clerk will be subsidized by a fee charged to developers for Red Cross gives us so much People across Canada turn to the Red Cross for blood for transfusions for water safety and for health pro grams suited to all ages Bui the Red Cross can continue these programs only with your help The lied Cross asks for your financial help a year during Its annual fund raising campaign But It there to help you and others In this community every day of the year When you give to the Red Cross money is is careful administered to ensure il helps as many people as pas stbte Support your You can count on us r 0 semi rntible is pole synchro motor Wow utter 1 scons idti stable kilo With S34 cil 12 FAJLSt7 Elegant tower speakers 169s Optimus- heivy magnet tweeter with crossover point at 3500 Hz Continuously variable pid control RPH wilts 35 13 12 stereo receiver STA 100 has a highly sensitive low noise circuit design 22 watts RMS per channel with no more than 1o distortion Counlerweighled illumi nated signal meter tuning is a breeze Bass treble controls have centre stop FM muling reverse switch Inputs lor magnetic phono tape in tape out tape dubbing to a 2nd deck AC convenience outlet 31 bursts of rapid fire while light capture the I in lit freeze every liyill ihmg that moves Automatic dialer frequently numbers by one button For or pushbutton phones One button dnlmg even tor long his LCD clock timer AC adapter Uses cell no 1 lor memory Not for mulb line or party line use phonocassette stereo system Cassette has pushbuttons or all functions including gilil counter level controls Auto stop 3 speed chinger has diamondsapphire stylus Stereo mike jacks 1198 Cassette deck SCT 12 recordplay deck his CrO switch digit counter output level control Auto stop Record from or ijV phono or add mikes make your own live recordings 14 601 system Clannelte stereo system Recorder has pushbuttons for ill Auto stop dull recording level con 3 speed changer Add 2 extra speakers What a buy AMFM LED clock radio wiki your favourite Sneak mere snooze control Other luxury lea res include sleep switch bright LED with hi lo dimmer fnsl slow me set AFC Micron FM 12 TRC201 Boost side pincls Auto squelch char jack test but ton With Chinnel Radio hack Guelph St Georgetown 8777001