the HEP A LP orts Week THE HERALD Wednesday April I I ISO Page Looking back gave it a shot Dun das Int champs ByMARKCLAlRMONT Sports Editor September seemed a long way off for the George town Raiders Intermediate A hockey team Thursday night at 8 By the time three ute periods of stoptime tlon had elapsed Into two and a half hours the opening date of next year s training camp loomed even closer The local team had just been eliminated from further post season play in the sixth game of the th playoff Hockey Assoc alien for CAUGHT UP I that the Raiders wcren as good a team the winners but It was a com b nation of factors which when combined were too much for them to handle Play their gome In 14 nights Georgetown was caught up by a season of Inconsistent play the bad luck of a poorly scheduled playoff series and a good team We went out been avoided The season could also have been shortened by games to allow for a more relaxed and better played series Or the playoff series could have been cut down to size Standout goal tender Peter who held the team in all year In many games and In the playoffs while injured agreed that the set up of the playoffs contributed the Raider loss As it happened the Raiders were obviously a tired lot dy Just stood there said nobody took their man and scored That took the wind out of our sails lamented the coach went on to win In overtime If we could have won that we could have come in here to Alcott and won it said Blundy I thought we had a better team than we ended up with said Raider president Bob Hooper Management supplied Steve with The day or Grand Champions crowned eight new house league teams Sunday at Gordon Alcott Arena Here the A V Ten nan major atoms lake a victory skate around the Ice Tack and Tog got the day long parade of winners when they captured the tyke title LouUis Fence picked up the novice and Hal ton Hills Cable won the minor atom crown Dockery Plumbing are the new pee wee champs and Elks Lodge are the tops In bantam play lis I ton Cable midget were winners as were Prospect Paving Juveniles 1984 or bust With the I960 Summer Olympic Games likely to be a political farce Mark Bray of Acton to further trouble for the 1984 Games to be held In Los Angeles The 13yearold Is in Heidelberg Germany this week w the swim team He is only one of three from Ontario on the Canadian team which is mining against members from the West German and an teams He has been training hard recently putting in dally sessions at the pool with the Marlins from seven to each morning and four to six each evening His specialty is the butterfly