Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 6, 1980, p. 11

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VIEWPOINT THE April St Enemy turns out to be neighbor here at home By Once upon a time long long ago the Indian nations our native Indiana stood strong united and followed a culture and belief that had endured for hundreds of yean Most Indian tribes had tribal democracy in which each man invested his goods and his manpower for the benefit of the tribe It a coopera effort with the forests and animals yielding the food Each mem ber of the tribe got what he needed no monies were ex changed The important fact here is that all production for the benefit of all not for profit or personal gain When the nations were con quered and the tribes sent to the reserves they continued in the beginning at least with their cooperative efforts The government passed a law in the United States forbidding the tribes to act collectively This was done at the request of the real estate speculators who wanted to usurp the lands allotted to the Indians and who knew that was an impossibility while the tribes acted as one When the law was passed so that each Indian held his own land individually the united whole was broken and the single Indian was left to the mercy of pressure and greed The lesson is there lor any nation to learn from United we stand individually the wheels of commerce will de vour this country Thats how it Is with the situation in Quebec and in the western provinces that speak of was a lime when the American Commie chaser Herbert Hoover saw commun ist infiltration everywhere Here In Canada in the forties and fifties people still believed in the threat of communism However over the years we became complacent we ac cepted high lifestyles and bought now to pay later the government acted in the same way When the money ran short they Just up and printed some more with no day of reckoning even in sight Today we still continue in the same beliefs Take the Olym pic Games for example Any one who has been to Moscow or who has read extensively the Communist system will tell you that everything that reflects on the country or the system of government is political During U S USSR athle tic meets in Moscow people who have been there report that over the A system are blurted out explanations that Russian athletes do so well because of the leadership of the Communist Party For all the Canadian Amer ican and other allied nations young athletes to speak of going over to Moscow on their own is the act of a fori The athletes themselves are not political but those who pull the purse strings are Therefore the Games are and will be politically led whether we like It or not No matter how much indivi duals In this country or Ameri ca hate war and the stuff that wars are made of the act of hating will not stop aggression While Russian troops bomb Afghanistan an independent country those who believe in MP protests Soviet team Hal ton MP Otto has protested In the House of Commons the intention to invite a Soviet hockey team to participate in this falls Canada Cup tournament Mr complained during the dally question period Monday that while the Canadian government plans to boycott the Moscow Olympics because or the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan it continues to allow trade and artistic and athletic exchanges with the Soviet Union Prime Minister Pierre told the MP that the government docs not intend to condemn sporting events held In forums other than the Moscow Olympics He pointed out that Soviet athletes participated in the Luke placid winter Olympics recently hosted by the nation which created the boycott policy peace and in the selfdetermi nation of small nations will achieve nothing by turning their heads back to the sand The Communist Manifesto slates boldly that their goal is world domination We can think peace all we want but that wont stop a military machine with a goal When our ally cur big broth er the United States of Ameri ca makes a stand we as a similar nation with similar ideals cannot in good conscience take a different stance The allies who stand with American against the Afghan invasion against the holding of American hostages In Iran stand together as one force against ruthless aggress or blackmail Wc cannot mouth peace yet stand apart from those who would draw the line The Olympic Games were political in Hitlers Germany would we argue that today In the face of history Attending the Olympic Games being held in Moscow would be to condone aggres sion by believing that the snake strikes in Afghanistan but that it would never strike against something it has deem ed offlimits To believe this Is to forget the nature of the We are living In a time of history in the making Make no mistake about it the world borders on war Those who shout We wont go we wont fight for Texaco have not studied or spoken with those who survived war camps who left loved ones all they had for the elusive butter fly of freedom Freedom has to be sought captured and fought for like anything else in life there is no Tree lunch This column started out with once upon a lime it should end the same way Once upon a time there was a nation called Canada when united she stood proud but soon fell divided She closed her eyes and they were gouged from her she turned a deaf car until the truths of freedom were no longer heard her people ran like sheep looking for an elu sive leader Joe Who they cried Pierre Where and so like sheep they ran amuck as the wolves came among them She fell from within for like she learned too late WE HAVE SEEN THE ENEMY AND IT IS US REFORESTING SCOUTS Halloo Hills Scouts Greg and Brian Carney pitched In and helped with Ihe reforesting of a on the Sixth line Saturday Gregs sliter was very helpful In keeping the two boys supplied with trees Teachers contract proposal Herald Special It will be another two weeks before the secondary school teachers in Ha I ton have the second year of their contract prepared to present to the board a spokesman for the Ontario secondary school teachers District 9 said Thursday Ron Ness OSSTF spokes man for District said the teachers are still working on their proposals for the second year of the twoyear contract they will take to mediator Marlin for mediation arbitration in an effort to arrive at a new contract for its members The Board of Education should be working on its proposals also he said and by about May they hope to exchange suggestions After that time Mr ky will be contacted and a mediation- arbitration session three to five days In length will be set up Free With This Ad RECEIVE ONE RED HONEYSUCKLE A Showy Shrub with baric 34 red flowers followed by red fruit VISIT NURSERIES ON May 3rd am- 1000 am May am am NO PURCHASE NECESSARY ONE HONtrSUCHlt PER fAUIlY COMPLIMENTS OF SPRINGBROOK NURSERIES Between 3rd Line and Road North 12 Mile East of Road Miles West of Highway OPEN DAYS A WEEK Now you can do your banking on Saturdays Because starting May the ID Branch in the Hills Shopping Centre in Georgetown is open Saturdays ram 1000 to Our regular weekday hours are Ties Wed 1000 300 1000 Closed Mondays Come in and ask about TDs Better Deal Banking senices including Daily Interest Savings and Daily Interest Chequing Accounts Halton Hills Shopping Centre Roger Sholdice Manager 8776981 I TODAYS FASHIONS IN MENS CHILDRENS AND LADIES WEAR VISA IS WELCOME weve gat it all GEORGETOWN MARKET PLACE GEORGETOWN WED AM PM THURS AM PM SATURDAY 900 AM 500 PM 8771598

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