A THF May 1980 Pages Tennis club problems Letters to the Editor prompt resignation GDH has EDITOR NOTE a espy of a letter for pnbUcatiM Tbe He rald Mr Gordon President and Executive Members of the Gordon Tennis Club I am submitting my resigns lion u a Director of the Gordon Alcott Tennis Club Having been a part of the Executive with Hal too Hills Tennis Association In and Secretary for the Gordon AI cott Tennis Club In it la with regret that I have come to this decision I have been unhappy with the way the Gordon Alcott Tennis Club executive mee tings have been run this year not complying with the club constitution only one written record of minutes decisions made without motions passed for example the public an of the new 1960 membership fees made with out an executive vote and an Furness questions comments To the editor of The Herald Regarding the Gordon tennis club agreement I would compliment your reporter on the accuracy of report However there are two false statements both of which have come from the recreation dlr Tom Shepard He claimed the rates were increased before he made his offer which he prof esses was not a threat This is not true The directors of CATC felt they were forced to raise the fees by up to 200 per cent In order to stay solvent He and the council lead by Councillors Booth and Miller are responsible for the great increase In fees The club must now pay an estimated or maintenance whereas be fore the club members did this for free as their public service Secondly Tom Shepard ted we were not eligible for grants under the old systems His very own department he us get and com unity centres grants to aid with the clubhouse project I would caution the lion director in fact and not rumor Councillor Roy Booth takes a highly moralis tic stand against such actions A Woman is concerned for Sunshine School To the editor of The Herald This la a copy of the letter I sent to WD Herd chairman of County Board of Edu cation To the members of Halton Board of Education I am concerned regarding the sake of the Sunshine School This school for the mentally retarded was bull by donations from citizens and groups of citizens in the com Acton Georgetown and Milton In when the boards of education were asked by the government to take over the education of these pupils the North Halton Association gave the building and Its contents over to the Halton board for this purpose I believe one dollar may have been passed Safety inquiry studies standards To the Editor of The Herald I am presently acting as a consumer representative of a Task Force on Special Safety Features being formed by the Canadian Standards Associa tlon Committee on MotorOp erated Appliances Household and Commercial The goal of this task force Is to determine how much safety should be built Into a group of electrical kitchen appliances Including food processors Juice extractors can openers blenders carving knives and meat grinders Concern ranges from whom we should be trying to protect children or the handicapp ed as well as the normal user and the number of injuries and their severity Incurred from these products The task force is looking for more input from the user of these electrical appliances and anyone with knowledge of dents resulting from fire shock or mechanical hazard of them is asked to contact me at their earliest convenience Yours sincerely Mrs S A 177 over to legalize this I feel because this was a gift It should be given back to the North Halton Association for their use in whatever capacity they feel necessary as a real or for children not capable of being trained in the public school environment Integration started In Sep tember 1S76 but really la not Integration in any way except two classrooms in a public school Therefore cliildren are still isolated but In an very undesirable atmosphere for most of them cannot partict pate In any way with natural public school pupils and so are psychologically placed In a situation of frustration and possibly emotional demorall The older pupils of Sunshine will be going toDrury school in the foil As these pupils get older they learn to cope with society If they have been well trained Tor this In their early years Having pupils from Brock and Wolfe also high school curriculum students attending there will be a Tree flowing benefit from one group to another I do congratulate you on this programme Very sincerely yours G Jeff ares Milton telephone Vote on the proposal without the op portunity for discussion I was especially disappointed with the increased coat to Juniors who should be encouraged to participate A tripled fee In crease should not be I agree with the user pay philosophy but feel the pro posed agreement Is a step backwards for tennis in Georgetown which could cause a change in membership pride and enthusiasm for the club and clubhouse which has been displayed and so evident over the past couple of years A lack of maintenance and deterioration became very ob vious at both Joseph Gibbons and Moore Park courts last year At Joseph Gibbons courts more frequently than not 1 were out nets In need of repair and stones on the court surfaces as well as disrespect for rules and regul both in dress and con duct The town had taken over responsibility for these courts I personally disagree with the new proposed agreement I feel our executive did not discuss this agreement ade quately nor were the club members properly represent by this Executive It is too bad that the pushy attitude of the Hills Recreation Department cam this situation All executive members of G A T C are well meaning volunteers whose on ly interest is in the organized development of good tennis Georgetown Sincerely Gall Williamson school spirit student replies To the editor of The Herald I am a grade 12 student at GDHS and I help nolle a letter that appeared in your paper last Wednesday May This letter had to do with the lack or school lit at GDHS There was also a question asked in this letter it was and I What is wrong with the students and teachers of Well I feel lean answer that question fa rly accurately of all a great number of students who attend GDHS have part t me Jobs which take up a great deal of time Ing Saturdays I can easily say that over per cent of the school students have part time Jobs so I don think you can blame those people who work for the lack of school Another point In Andrea letter I strongly with is her question about What Is wrong with the teachers If she is looking at this as If the teachers at do not devote enough time to their students and their actlvi ties I afraid she wrong In the years I have been at I know that teachers like Mrs Cosgravc and Mrs Metcalfe devote hours on end to the track and team and Mr MacKay th the wrestling team Mr worthy with the volleyball team Mr Adams and Mrs Vclla w the swimming team Mr w th the basketball team Mr McMa and Mr with the football team Mr Kotani with the gymnast cs team and Mr Hunt and Mrs Miss Smye Miss Pearce and other teachers help students with academic prob cms Well all these teams take in a considerable number of dents and a great number of hours of training and coaching If you look at the history of all these teams you will see that they hove all done very well and most of them have made It to OFSAA championships With them doing so well and devoting so many hours and weeks of hard work how can anyone say has a lack of school spirit The letter that I read in last Wednesday paper made me so angry that I am obligated lo tell you there is nothing wrong with the students nor the teacher- of Yours sincerely Mark Gr 12 Too hard on Soviets reader tells columnist To the editor of The Herald I understand there ore those who read your good paper who would 1 ke to read the other side of the Olympic story My goodness you are hard on the Soviets May As a matter of fact I am a Scottish British Canadian a touch of an blood in my veins Of this touch I am Justly proud and the manner In which your paper writes of the great Soviet Empire is loathsome You say that Empire of which I am a small port Is the most powerful and bloody in history This statement is untrue and abhorrent How about England They killed my Mary Queen of Scots on the block besides many others How about Iran They grabbed hostages from the S and have del the U S many ways The USA is no exception She too has taken territory which didn t belong to her I it most unkind to the Soviets as you have done We gave them the Summer Olympics and are now backing out What kind of people ore we 1 am sure the Soviet would treat the participants royally Trudeau and USA la down their truly MillcentA Mllroy TV commercials the product of deranged ad media minds By GERRY I remember a few yean back when they called TV the boob tube today it has deter era ted to the point where even self respecting boobs don t want to be caught watching it Personally I think my own distaste for T V has a lot to do with those asalnlne conuner They insult the lntelll gene of your average chim panzee According to the deranged minds of the advertising me dia life Is tube of toothpaste an and the fact that you can do It better in the Bahamas Here stomeof the gems that really get to me Have you caught the one with that big lying in bed who used a deodor ant for three days and might not tomorrow next to him the Metro Zoo probably smells sweet The feminine protection ads friend Why June you look are next on my list of pure like you ve crossed years off nausea especially the one with your figure In many circles the little girl turning a remark like that would make saults on the high bar I don you as popular as snow In July find the ads In good taste or and I m sure the deep freeze even necessary for that matt that would follow would kill How about that poor soul who could write a commercial for her favorite detergent She a the same lady who used to be asked if she would trade her detergent for two boxes of another brand The question overwhelmed her with her mathematical genius she thought It was a trick question so she always stuck to Bide or whatever How about the twit who tells her friend to put your money where your mouth is and her sparkling clean breath wins out every time WOMEN Women bras seem to be a blggee for ad men The one where Miss Cutesee tells her any social season Whileadmenarebig and feminine protection i noticed they re short on Jock strap ads I guess that be cause ad men are Just that men and perhaps Jock straps are something we Just don t talk about How about those welldrea souls who are busy paper their walls They usually have on a cocktail dress or its equivalent As soon as the camera gets its shot In comes a poor brow beaten char who actually hangs the paper while Miss Prissy sits on the sofa and calls it the yes wall boned earlier about how you can do It better In the Bahamas If It Is what I think It is supposed to be then all those fraudulent ther apists should pack up clients and how to- manuals and off they should fly to the mas If a tourist draw has to stand for something It might as well stand for it How about the submoron who goes to the library to discuss Irregularis ty with her librarian Wouldn t Shop per Drugs be a more likely Continued on page AS ASSOCIATE TAX CONSULTANTS Income Tax Return Preparation OPEN Man Thurj Pr day Saturday on Guelph St Corner Of Maple Ave 8772217 NOW OPEN See Hottest i Design Colour We also cany a wide selection of savage Childrens Shoes Christinas Boutiques LADIES SHOES THIS WEEK ONLY SAVE AN ADDITIONAL FROM OUR ALREADY LOW PRICES ON 10 PINE LIVING ROOM GROUPINGS GROUPING CONSISTS OF SOFA AND CHAIRS COFFEE AND TWO END TABLES Do it the Admiral Way ADMIRAL WASHER AND DRYER Til Saturday May 24lh only year complete warranty Pair for only U Ranges from 259 Dishwashers fromW Refrigerators from J1 Air Conditioners Extra Special nly J7 FURNITURE APPLIANCES 334 ST 7 GEORGETOWN 416 CORRECTION NOTICE Summer High Steppers Sale May 22 24 on Page the 8 pee Redwood Ensemble individual prices The price for the curved Redwood benches should read pair We apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused our customers THE GEORGCTOWN MARKET PUCE HON