Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 15, 1980, p. 1

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Home Newspaper of Hills THE BIG PAPER CIRCULATION GEORGETOWN SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES Till- HI- HUD Wednesday October is ibbO Monthlong wait for word on St Joes PREPARING FOR TAKEOFF Hare al Sunday Motor Club oap box ilrap la aped up gocart The eighth year of participants and spectators braved a chilly afternoon to get out and have fun Main rd along Herald photo Garbage bin cost skyrockets Miller slams bureaucracy A regional public works department report estimating it could cost to install a temporary garbage disposal bin In Acton sparked in angry clash last week between acting chief Dennis and Hills Coun Miller How cm you read a report like this and support regional government Miller asked in he midst or a heated public works committee debate on the issue lost Wednesday It makes me sick that something like this shows the that this thing does In response to a request from Hills council thai a bin be installed at the Acton sewage treatment plant the works reeommen ded that it be deferred until budgetary discussions in The initial cost or installing the bin the region has recommended using the old CI Road landfill site as location includes fencing landscaping to the site and construction or an operator station It will cost an estimated per year o maintain the garbage ELECTION CENTRAL Threeway race in Esquesing Special Ward Councillor George Maltby has announced his Intention to seek another term as a local councillor for Hills This is Mr Malbys fifth race for Hills Council He also served a term on Council prior to the formation of regional govern He lays he tuts no aspirations to move up to regional level Mr Maltby indicated ho was pleased to see a race shaping up in Ward We had a race before when no one else did he says lean toppreciatcwbynoone is standing up In George town Wards Its an unfair llune Ninety per cent of the people seem to be unhappy with council but nobody comes out to run for an election Ifweput inn ficilily it has to be run and run well Mr adding that he bin proposal would have to be approved by the mimitry of the environment could be subject to a public hearing But Miller not satisfied wild the regions explanation I Irymg to support regional government but to see a report like this indicates that there is something very wrong with he system Despite his fellow council or scorn of the regional report Coun Mike Armstrong approved of to discuss the bin proposal I have to with Dennis Armstrong sild And I m prepared to see recommendation go ahead doit hut let do it right Mr suggested that bin might maintained by the own as part Its own rcsponsibih tics locating he bin in the owns public A joint decision on the matter reichcd Hills own stiff and the regional public works department was jested by Hill Johnson quickly dismissed Armstrong Who says he staff is nut hippy with recommen diiion hi isked It very simple they are not opposed to his in fact they very much in favor of it Herald Special It will be another month separate school hoard gets word about funds for new facility for Joseph School At t meeting with represeu alius of the board and til ironts association in Queen Park on Thursday education minister kilt said allocation requirements from boards should be updated he ministry will also know what funds if ire avail from the gonrnment by With these two Hems in place she will know what money if she can allocate for iht school said board Hartley J Describing the meeting he minister board chairman Dob Brim executive director CtiCf Byrnes parents association Vince and himself as a positive one Mr said she The minister seemed completely understand he board problems including he they purchased land for school without any mini backing She made no promises Mr Sherk said but she hopes know In i month whether more funds will be to illocatc o boards The board asked or funding for a new school in both and Oakville received funds only or In year allocutions St Josephs is now housed in a old stone rented from he board of education Parents deem il inadequate and badly overcrowded students no lity house students in are i new school MODUI Alt SCHOOLS Mr said he also got strong feelings that the minister would like to boards building modular schools In future rather ban the conventional types In use now Such schools start with a central core to house such as healing plant library gymnasium and washrooms Classrooms are attached this core in such way thai ihey can be removed taken to another school a future time If enrollment drops in one area and rises in another Only a few such schools are In use In Ontario at the present time hut minister made the message quite clear thai she felt thai was he future direction for boards to look he said The board will attempt lo look some of hese schools finds them a good concept from he standpoint of a taxpayer They are said to be aesthetically beautiful have an extremely long life span and energy saving in design The ad van t age of being to remove some rooms rilher than close Ik m off as a school enroll ment drops and add them to one with a rising enrollment his to be obvious to anyone ho MOHECHtDIT She is much ah said she hoped wt d consider the modu typt of building or Acton Mr I got the tin if we built type of she wants to see built we might get more credit for than we think Parents iBsoclatlon pros dent Vinei Whclan said he felt thi genuine when she laid she was doing her best the limited funds available to her for distribution he was not totally enthusiastic about a modular school Mr said the parcn3 seeking lavish accommodations for he think we could be lo go that way if we have to Mr said But we 1 going to lower our dnrds unless we have to In discussing capital for next year Stephenson she expects tupital allocations be made in Januiry or February rather than in June as happened this She was told thai a new Acton school would be one priority on their allocation list In 1B81 and that it would be the boards only project in such a category Dr Stephenson also seemed pleased by personal invitations from both the board chairman and Mr drop in and view the facility at her convenience Nassagaweyans join Wellington irii part of Welling Ion on Tin first step in the proeess will require the s of it lust Boo ire i properly owners on a petition winch Ihc pirns lake to the toinitv admin stration ind fill met meeting October If the petition is well received the lives pi in in iltend tie full council October I their request to Join the number township like Us neighbors railed iolunlecrs from Ihisi meeting in Pull School to einv iss the former township less thin half the anas properly owners sign the next eleven there beany point in itlendmi the committee meeting she Mrs said County Warden Archie Ihe county council would be Iheir if they could prove represented a sufficiently number of area tixpiytrs Once the has iscerliincd the feeling of Wellington County Council Ihey will approach Queens If Iht county will accept em and residents want lo make shift Mrs Newton said she il like lo see any machmi blue while or pink Irv to stop from leaving the dark days of regioml government behind The association wis formed in June in response concern express by residents of the former of sissafaweji upset at lax hikes as pari of the if in fallen region While work on gelling out of the region theassociali on will also attempt field three cindidatcs in Ihe November 10 lo oppose those ling Ward on Milton council ind regional council A Watson of Rill he would be a candidate for he group while 0 A Street also offered his services If no one else can be round lo tackle job Mrs Newton either she or husband would stand for election if a ihird in be found before nominations close Oclober If no one else surfaces by the tirni close Maurice or I will run Mrs Newton said But no one going in by acclamation from our neck of the woods in this let COFItlNG BASES Questioned how they can field represent the i and Millon same time they Join Wellington Mr said he was covering all ises by the action We don I know how long it Like lo accomplish our goal ind we intend work on A new township council would need lo after Ihej joined the county he said The issociution has also collected more than double the required 50 signatures lo a petition calling on the province to initiate a judicial inquiry Region deficit Tin deficillnquiry petition will for more until the end of October Mrs Newton said When asked why the lion should succeed in break loose from Ihe region when on to get Atlon from Hills failed two yeire ago Mrs Newton pointed out the difference in the two eases wants of region join Welhnglon County Acton just wanted out of Hallon Hills By invcsilgal ing three possibililies joining leaving Halton Hills or getting a deal he existing he Acton Troup fragmented their case she said To be Mrs we do not enter lain the idea of defeat Settlement reached in Maple Lodge strike Pat Patterson won t run supports Sheldon s hid Ward Pat Patterson town council vehemently outspoken critic of regional government will not seek another term on Hills council in he November 10 elections I m going support Sheldon Coun Pat told The Herald Monday I Junk she has the fortitude to say what she thinks and will tell those fencesitters what they should or do The year former vice- president of Swift Chemicals Canada Limited and current owner of a large cattle farm In staled Iwo weeks ago that if he did run spin ho would be after a seat on regional council Monday he offered a parting volley the region Frankly the region has all credibility with the people Patterson said Mrs Sheldon announced her candidacy for a Ward seat an Ihc local council September Dolly a housewife the race last week seeking Incumbent Miller regional scat Coun Patterson said he still plans to a regular figure In Iht gallery town council meetings after the November elections He said he may sell the farm in the future but expects slay In Hills to have some fun Pat A 28day old strike it Maple Lodge arms in Nor val came an end this weekend as workers ratified a new iwoycir contract in IR33 vote slnki which began September 15 whin about 200 members of the workers unionized under llnilcd Food and Commercial Work Union wilked off the Job prolesl low pay poor lime- off schemes and long hours ill but shut down Canada largest chicken workers mostly live haul production and delivery personnel demanded an BO cent per hour Increase In wages In each year of a contract the first January Prior to he strike Ihe workers were earning per hour Under the new agree me til the company will give a cent increase in ihe first year the second year Details of on other made by the union weft available as The Herald v en lo press During bitter and vio lence ridden dispute total of wen filled by Peel rctiiinil police and four wo men strikers in following in front of the plant eaiib last Monday The union failed muslcr full support of its Maple membership in thai the was strongly workers break the picket lines mail production astern Maple Lodge tion officer told The Tuesday that it would takt company some time to recover lost duringtheslrlkt he normal output of about processed chic kens to chic kens per day at one point in Die strike Ihe plant was si down last week when inspectors refused to go into tht factory Hotel property sold Herald Special Kassinn purchased the Dominion Hotel properly on Main Street North Saturday Doug f read an of Mr said there arc no plans for tin site at he moment CALL TO IormerlrneScolcommatiderCol John It Barber wis a at the official opening of the Perl Lome Stats Regimental museum Sunday afternoon museum on John Street will be open for on a regular bails Herald photo

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