Page I WEEKEND EXTRA Friday January Plannin for Georgetowns main highwa Study would stabilize growth Herald StafT Writer Though unenthusiastically received lost Tuesday by pub lic and councillors alike Georgetowns Highway corr idor report Is probably one of the most Important documents concerning the towns future soon to be blended Into the revised official plan Within 125 pages AJ Dia mond Planners Ltd of Toronto have managed to everpresent planning headac hes along the bustling four- kilometre Guelph Street strip from Maple Avenue to just beyond Hall Road And report offers some dramatic solutions aimed at avoiding of Georgetown yet increasing the business and Industrial appeal of Guelph Street According to the studys bal anced development diet Guelph Street would be divided into three segments for resid ential commercial and In dustrial land use with the easternmost section expected to bolster Hal ton Hills scar city of available Industrial property DOWNTOWN FEARS Appreciating the fears of Georgetown Business Imp rovement Area merchants that efforts to enliven Main Street shopping may be wasted be cause of a booming commer cial strip along Street Diamond planners have ad vised the town not to proceed with anymore large retail de partment stores shopping malls until it is sure other business areas wont suffer serious a toss in sales As the report notes retail space In the community close to and may exceed the maximum the population can support In addition the study points to the slow rental of space in the Hills plaza and the high turnover rate of small businesses between Maple Avenue and Mountain- view Road as Indicators of a glutted Guelph Street com mercial market The marketing analysis would have to consider not only the effect on traffic flow through the corridor if another large commercial develop ment is built but also whether it could offer new shopping op portunities to stem the flow of shoppers to other LENIENT But the studys criteria for highwaycommercial motels car lots burger stands grow th at the eastern end of Ibe study are near Hail Road are more lenient White it can be argued that such businesses arc often the greatest contrib utors to roadside sign pol lution the report reminds readers that Guelph Street is a major highway and the travel ling public demands these ser vices Even though highway commercial lands occupy only a small portion of the study area they form an Important port of the studys balanced development scheme Its hard to Imagine Guelph Street looking this In the near future It Is a possibility Georgetown Highway Corridor report this conception how the might appear well of Drive If council follows through with a balanced residential and Industrial development scheme for the area The Jan 1 1 public planning board meeting and was completed by A I of Toronto a At the other end of the corridor however between Maple Avenue and Mountain- view Road Diamond planners have realized a potential for residential development more homes Instead of addit ional gas stations although they propose that the resident ial use of this area should allow store owners to keep apart ments above their shops The only other opportunity for major residential develop ment would be provided by the Dominion Seed House lands approximately acres of ara ble property The studys re commendations for the prop erty should the owners ever sell form probably the least popular part of the study and have already been questioned by one local councillor BACK GARDEN Whether envisioned for homes factories warehouses shopping centres or schools mat rungtime resWeiuslJfr difficult to as everyones favorite backyard garden Even if the owners never sell the study points out that the town could expropria te the land to build a new civic centre Itsstill only a fledgling idea but as Diamond planner Meri- McKelvey told members of the towns planning board last week a civic centre housing the towns administrative offi ces and other public facilities would pack an enormous am ount of business muscle Its location she tressed must be thoroughly studied because any area of the community would benefit economically from the people flow to and from the building As important as commercial growth Is to the longterm business viability of the area the studys discussion of in dustrial lands urges planners to act quickly and set immed iate goals for Industrial prop erty and protect it from being overwhelmed by commercial NOT RELATED Retail stores services and offices directly related to the functioning of the Indust ries should be prohibited as industries cannot compete for the land values created by commercial development ex pectations the study notes And while it realizes that Georgetown to industrial growth anywhere in the community will only be decided once its sewage treat ment capacity Is established Diamond planners suggest that the town should increase the amount of land along Street available for industry In addition the town should work closely with the regions business development department and the local Chamber of Commerce to pro mote industrial growth Meanwhile the town has already started working on the studys traffic enac tions the element that binds plans for industrial commer cial and residential growth in the area Must take interest in 81 if BIA to show results report The Georgetown Business Improvement Area has called upon councillors town staff and Main Street merchant to Jivareome a pivotal year for downtown Georgetown In presenting a 14page yearend review to council BIA president Lynn Barnard said last week she was pleas ed with the team effort inv olved In drafting the report Im proud of the fact that as a very diverse group we have been able to pull toget her as well as we have she said We hope that we can work with you Please keep In touch we intend to keep in touch with you Established in the has admitted that lack of interest among some of its member merchants has hin dered attempts to promote shopping opportunities in the Main Street area The notes that not all merchants arc willing to open on Mondays stretching the shopping week to six days nor has it been success ful in encouraging uniform restoration of storefronts to Main Streets ap pearance In 1980 we still offered a confused image as a shop ping area ihe report slates satisfying neither the pede strian or the driving working with Toronto architect Paul Marlel BIAs board or management has managed to erect two identity signs establish free parking zones t treed islands down the middle of Main Street Downtown merchants successfully combined a Pioneer Days celebration with the Hills Art Councils last June and Mrs Barnard said later board hopes to have activities Join the downtown event on Main Street this year In addition the board Is anticipating a grant from the provincial govern ment for a core area study establishing what Is downtown business people should set for themse lves to keep the a viable business centre Town staff have already narrowed a list of eleven consultants who offered to conduct the study down and will make a find decision soon Meanwhile bylaws are being prepared which will enable the downtown area to become eligible for improve ment grants from the provi nce once the core study Is completed for both Georgetown In the future the hopes to erect over head banners on Main and Mill Streets promoting the downtown area and plans to bury overhead wires and add stylish street lighting along Mill Street Merchants BIA pay a special charge over their regular business levy asses sed each year The board works with an annual budget of and present ed a sample Monday night showing councillors how the money might bo Traffic flow along the corri dor would be greatly improv ed if there were fewer access points the study says Inter section traffic lights even with proposed lane additions should be carefully synchroni zed and feature more advance urn signals to prevent the frustrating waits motorists now experience during the days rush hours WINDOW DRESS And the study has proposals for window dressing the corri dor much of which will prob ably be enforced through a planned development control bylaw Landscaping would be come extremely Important along Guelph Street in the future and with additional sidewalks Diamond planners visualize the corridor becom ing more attractive to the walking shopper Planning director Mario Venditti told The Herald Mon day that be and his staff are pleased with the report They must wade through its recom mendations adding their own before returning it to council for approval Expected to start Implemen ting parts of the study later this year council will begin by passing some of the bylaws Diamond planners say are needed to insure responsible development on the corridor The study will be added to the towns official plan currently awaiting revision by a special task force After that Mr said council can begin planning some of the Improvements outlined In the study WATCH OUT FOR ANDY Arnold presented a Ronald McDonald watch to Andrew Sehrelber winner of he McDonalds coloring contest this month la The Herald Herald photo Any an organization dedicated to helping Hilton Hills physically handicapped is hoping that area residents with time on their hands will get caught in the spirit of the International Year of the Disabled The group meets the last Tuesday of every month at pm in Actona MZ Bennett Public School Volunteer help Is needed and the group emphasizes that sharing a few hours can make many people happy The group also needs volunteers for its Sunday morning swim program for the handicapped Running from am to noon at Middle School poo the program is open to anyone needing water therapy Goligers Mnrtna atnee IMS PRESENTS TRAVELOGUES HIKE YOUR HOLIDAY I Jan MEXICO 24 Feb S AMERICA 31 Mar 0RIENTS PACIFIC 28 Apr May EUROPE Frit Storting at 730 pm plena at 8770103 Dogsled races like this one last weekend at Coniervatlon Area In which nation Hills teams competed will be among activities at the Georgetown Jaycees Photo by Ace llalleyl several nation teams compiled will be among Wlnlerfest HI scheduled for Feb In Fairgrounds Park Make fun of winter at Feb celebration Continued from Page 1 animal dogsled race will go ahead Mr Evers said A two or fourmile course is being planned for the open event starting and finishing in the park but running outside the Fairgrounds boundaries Jeff in Rockwood is organising the race can call Mr Evers at Other service clubs have been adding to plans recently The Club of Georgetown Is handl ing preparations for the snow sculpture contest open to groups and Individuals The Optimists have announced they will run contest again this year DONm RETURN jtNTwo popular contests returning to the rMtpr the Jaycees plan to have another event and a snowball throw for the younger crowd Mean while one of the two rinks ready at Fairgrounds Park will be family skating Indoors the Armory will housea number of commercial exhibits organised by various businesses In town Miltons Racers Edge George towns Hazen Auto Service plan to hold snowmobile at the park as well Businessmen Wanting to find out mora about the space available at the Armory should call Bill or Jeff The are planning to staff an Information booth at the Fairgrounds gate to help spectators and participants find their way to all the activities Both the Jaycettes and the Outers Club have said they would operate fnod concessions to feed hun gry crowds Tho dance Is scheduled to kick off at Available from Diane Pennce B77B768 or any mem ber tickets will cost MacMillan and Wife disc joc key service ore providing leal entertainment The Beaver Is at 1 1 looking for a name Entry forms were featured in Inst weeks Winterfest advertise ment in The Herald and may be dropped Jiff at Beaver Lumber on Guelph Street or Akers and Clark Real Estate and Golden Fish and Chips on Main Street Georgetown be fore Jan Look for promo tional appearances by the beaver In the near future Further information on terfest events is ova liable from Doug and Bill the Hills Capital budget Feb regions 1981 capital budgetoutlining major purchases and construction cost forecastswill be presented to council Feb acting regional treasurer Jim Stewart told the regions finance and administration committee last Wednesday The budget including a fiveyear expense plan will be bent to the committee following its presentation to council and then forwarded to other committees for review Regional staff hope to have the budget approved by end of April Still no business chief region has had little success In finding a replacement for William Marshall former business development director Heltons finance and administration committee last Wednesday decided to hire an Independent agency to locale candidates for the Job after only applications were received following Canadawide advertisements and an announcement through Ontario Industrial Development Council Five prospective candidates await interviews with the committee Mr Marshal left in October to assume a similar position with the regional municipality of Ottawa Car let on St Simons concert The Gentlemen and Boys or St Simons Church Choir of Toronto will perform St Christophers Church in Burlington his Sunday at p m First formed in 1883 the choir now consists of 16 boys and IB men and has given concerts at prestigious institutions in both Canada and England St Christophers is located on the Guelph Line in Burlington Ticket information is available by phoning or between a m and 1 m Tuesday through Friday MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR EDWIN H MITCHELL Sunday January Every Sunday Bible School I1i 30 FollawsMip GOSPEL TEMPLE JESUS HAS A TABLE- SPREAD FOR COME FELLOWSHIP WITH WONDERFUL FAMILY SUNDAY JANUARY 1 945 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HOUR 3RD WEEK OF SUNDAY SCHOOL CONTEST ADULT CLASSES STEWARDSHIP SEMINAR It MORNING WORSHIP M- INDOOR CAMP MEETING WATER BAPTISMAL SERVICE RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS FELLOWSHIP TIME LOWER AUDITORIUM AFTER SERVICE SPECIAL MUSIC SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER ALL DAY Director of Stewardship Toronto A DOING CHUKCHI FOR A LORD JOHNS RESTAURANT AND TAVERN PHONE 8770151 TASTY TAKEOUT ORDERS S3 Main Straat South Georgetown Ontario FREE HOME DELIVERY MM MINIMUM IN TOW OFT OVER MO i