Till- III HUD Jmuir Losses sadden friends of two area families By SMITH cm Id Correspondent We were sorry to hear that the family has suffered its second bereavement in about two weeks Farl in January they re ceived word lint a sister in law had died in California More recently they Rot Ihe sad that Morgans bad died In California We sympathy to Mr and Mrs Morgan and Sympathy is also extended to the family Mrs recently suffered the loss of her brother Morrison The new 4 II club will be meeting at the home of Betty Koperdraad ills Saturday Jan an at Ml girls 12 years and over ire invited to attend Th club is a cooking class IMiLhCameFirst girls will be making up dishes using and recipes con nmgchicktn Shelly Wilson is assisting Mrs Koperdraad with this class Snow has a quilt the Frames at her home Any with a hours to spare would be a welcome visitor The January meeting of the was In the base ment of the Church Joan March was the hostess The president Mrs Jamlcson called the meeting to order and opened with an inspiring thought on prayer The roll call was answered by each tiling about a book they could recommend gave the devotional which was on the Church and what it stands or in the Two hymns were iung which fitted in with the theme During the business part of the meetiig some plans were made for future activities one be ng a fish on show to come Spring and possibly a Scouts need more leaders By KAY WILSON Herald Correspondent Euchre winners at the Community Club last week were men 1st Geo Burt 2nd Jean Bran ladies 1st Gertrude McGee 2nd David son lucky draw Sid Felke- Cubs and Scouts arc holding a paper drive the last Saturday of each month raising funds to send 10 scouts and two leaders to the Jamboree in Banff More leaders are needed since there are more boys wonting to join than they can provide leadership for If you can help out in this great movement they will provide a uniform Art Rice of Terra Cotta Is the man to contact and don forget folks to leave your old papers out this Saturday morning and help out this worthwhile cause Nerval Community Centre had seven tables of euchre last Thursday night Ladles ford Men Marie Murray Phil Landry Lone Hands Muriel Miller Lucky draw Ethel The annual meeting of Norvai United Church was held last Sunday following the church service with a politick dinner buffet style All groups showed a good financial year with fair bat ancos Most committees re the same except for a few changes Mission vices Committee where Marilyn Smith takes over for Cindy field Congregational Life has liar ley releiving Marilyn Smith Chairman of Elders Jack Crawford taking over from Bill Church Trcas remains the same with Mnry Crawford who received a hearty vote of thanks for a healthy report Feb I at 11 15 am will be Mankekalo Mah longer an exile from South Africa Because of her activity in various organizations she be came on In her homeland Yard Sale later The social committee gave a report and a discussion on prices took The topic for this matter was literature Gloria Johnson has prepared a paper which she reod stating the importance of reading good books Grace and Jessie Madill were the committee In charge of lunch and a social lime was held followmf the meeting Rev Stiles was busy Sunday helping with the Andrews Church in Georgetown Rev Fred of Brampton was speaker for the fad Sen lee He gave an interesting sermon entitled Element of Surprise Mr and Mrs and family or Kincardine were weekend visitors with his par Mr and Mrs Leo Burns Supper impresses winners LeanncHall William Weir McKnlght Don Hoy Smith 457 erry Wallace Comrjdes In Georgetown arc It Wiggins Swan Sam J Gilchrist and Mlndisln St Mike in the lounge Saturday will be Harry Membership night will be In Id April The membership reports mem Iters of are early he service officer wishes to report that the new address of the district office of the Department of Veteran Affairs Is now at 37 George St Brampton There are very few tickets left for the Imperial dante to be held Jon To avoid dhippoliitmcnt call Art I Jim or lorn At the Imperial meeting the hiis was presented by com Bottoms piped in by piper George and the Legion Lines etrtmony wis conducted by AndySymt II was an ceremony for tl fun day will be at a m By Tom Elliott J in The fun day will be March J The first members will be other per sons will be on standby The fee is pay as register LEGION HONORS THE POET BURNS New contact Hot spicy the famous haggis receives Its ceremonial cut during celebrations at the Georgetown I Branch izo Saturday night Hob Mel hee mastered the ritual steeped In history honoring Scotland favorite bard lies watched closely by Tom Hutchison and Girls Iipr Band piper Jane Herald HERALD Community Vnnnn Canada Inc in Georgetown has signed a federal contract with the defence department to manufacture electron tubes the department of and services has It win among 350 unclassified contract worth 10 or more that were awarded by the department to Canadians during the week ended Jan They totalled million Provincial SWEEPSTAKES Citizenship is WIs topic Tracer ACCOUNTANT Phone IIII Street Georgetown Ontario I 7C I WIN TICKETS tk By Mn JOHN Herald Correspondent On Jan the Women Institute met for Its Citizenship and World Affairs meeting in Church with Mrs James McPhail as hostess Mrs opened with the ode and creed Mrs John read lost month minutes and called the Roll which was answered by mentioning a place In Canada you still like to visit and why Most wanted to go West A letter was read from the District President Mrs D Lindsay bringing greetings to our group Monday workshop at was announced Mrs John McNabb was appointed delegate to the Officer Conference at Waterloo early TheWI euchre be held Feb The different standing committees gave their reports after which the program was in charge of Mrs Clayton Wilson who with the assist E Wilkinson had some splendid items on Have you been a good Canadian citizen with readings on Federal and Provincial governments by Mrs Fred Mrs Bruce McClurc on the Indians and the Prairie Provinces Mrs John on Ottawa the capital of Canada and how it got its name concluding with Mrs Frank W Wilson on hockey how It began in with a ball instead or a puck and the success it has become today A splendid motto was given by Mrs G Wood on Ci I liens hip begins in the home Courtesies by Mrs Vern Picket After singing O Canada and the I grace a social hour followed Well we arc heading into February now the coldest month and the shortest in the evenings one can notice the light staying longer and on the second of February that ground hog come out and see his shadow and will scoot back Into his den again for six more weeks Isn tthata happy The Herald is looking for correspondents to report on social events and activities in Hornby Terra Cotta Glen Williams areas of Hills If you re a member of any group or organization in one of these villages why not give us a call at Meanwhile our correspondents in and are more than happy to include your news from these hamlets in their regular reports Dr M wishes to announce the change in location of his dental practice to Guelph St Corner of Mill St on 2nd floor Same phone number 8776939 J Novak DT J DT Georgetown Denture THERAPY Clinic 0S STREET on Post OMIce Phone 8778974 RECOGNITION HONOURS AWARDS EVENING Applications are being accepted for individuals who have brought recognition to the Town of Hailon Hills In andor who have achieved provincial Fame or betteHn an activity unrelated to hisher means of livlihood Awards Evening will be held In May 1981 II you know of some Individual or group that is eligible please contact the Depar or applications and Information Former Students of General Wolfe High School Oakvlllo plan to attend our 10th Anniversar Reunion Saturday Feb 28 For more Information call the school at 8458662 PLUMBING CONTRACTING Residential Plumbing Additions Alterations For Information Call Anytime 5198530025 Beautiful Price Sale ENERGY EFFICIENT DISHWASHERS SAVE 50 or Valentines Day Feb 14 ENERGY EFFICIENT REFRIGERATORS Sales Tax Exempt mi mnoo SAVE 100 or Valentines Day Feb 14 All Holpoint appliances at least 10 OFF FAKES OH M STOCK ITEMS ONLY it DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN ENERGY EFFICIENT RANGES SAVE for Valentines Day Feb 14 LETS 8772551 fa