Board complies with ministr reg No more early kindergarten admission Herald Special The board of cduca Hon has decided it must comply with the ministry of education guidelines and refuse admittance to a number of pupils who had expected to enter kindergarten next Tall Although the ministry of education stated In 1974 that pupils must be five years old by Dec 31 or a school year In order to enter kindergarten that September the board continued a nonconforming policy which allowed children to enter kindergarten in September provided they turned rive by Feb of the school year The board has been trying to arrange a compromise with the ministry since last fall In the hope it would be given one more year to phase in the change The board received a letter early last week in which Education Minister Stephenson refused lis request made at a meeting between board and minister the week previous Acton trustee Bruce says the minister gave the board the option of starling a pre kindergarten class to run for the youngsters who won t be able to enter kindergarten in September WONT HELP This won help the situation Mrs Bruce feels because many or the about pupils affected by the change arc already In or nursery school programs and arc going to get no benefits from this sort of class If re ready for kindergarten in September en the following January is too late and won offer any great stimulus for them she said Janet Fleming the Acton mother who collected names of parents in the area whose children would be affected by he change is bitter Personally at this point 1 m bitterly disappointed that the board had no choice but to comply with the minister directive Mrs If had been properly dealt with over the years the unfortunate liming factor could have been avoided If the change had been made last spring or even last summer the parents could have adjusted their plans for their child Now we been left with no alternative avail able to us through the board and we have lo consider other alternatives outside ihe board if we want lo carry on our children s programs as we had expected to do Mrs Fleming said the only alternative available now would appear to be private schooling Not only is that probably an expensive solution for an average family to consider on lop or school taxes it will have to carry on for two Age restrictions are set for both and first grade pupils Therefore Just attending a private school for kindergarten won t let an underage pupil into Grade 1 will only result In a wasted year unless the family carries on so the child can enter second grade in the Halton system The closest private schools operate in George town Brampton and Guelph Mrs but most of them don have a en level and therefore won t meet the needs of the Halton youngsters 5213- I EXCELLENCE AWARD IN CUSTOMER RELATIONS lGJ Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Wednesday February IS 1MI Planners concerns allayed Grants available for both BIAs FUTURE SKATING STARS Cedar vale Maple Avenue school students turned out In force to spend a few hours with parents Gordon arena Among he eager skaters were left to right Bruce an Adrian Butcher Class I lea her Robinson Keith Tippet and Yvonne Moore Tracy Hitchcock and Krliten McElhotir arc sealed in the middle Herald photo Reed attacks PCs handling of regional government issue Regional government has failed the taxpayers of and Premier BUI Davis should stand up In public and admit there are problems Halton Burling ton Julian Reed said Saturday Endorsing recent predict Ions by Mayor Pete Pomcroy and others that 1981 will see additional deficits in the regional budget Mr Reed celebrated his nomination at the Community Centre in Milton by railing against what he called the Conservative government mismanagement of regional issues Nominated by Georgetown businessman Henry Helfant Mr Reed had the uncontest support of 100 delegates at the meeting He try to win a third consecutive election for the Liberals March 19 A resident Mr Reed called Conservative candidate Fran a formidable and well organized opponent but pointed out that since the election was called Feb Premier Davis has suffered through I bad days of campaigning while Liberal leader Stuart Smith has enjoyed 12 good days In challenging the Tories perennial leadership campaign platform the MPP criticized Mr Davis Metnnle Heed gels celebrate Julian i Burlington 1 lberals I unwillingness to correct substantial flaws In the structure of regional govern ment which the Davis government introduced here in 1974 It show any lack of leaders hip admit you re wrong at times Mr Reed contended And because Tory environ minister Harry Parrolt waited no long before order regional council last week lo examine alternative landfill sites throughout he said regional unneces ndwkhed as parents Julian and nomination Saturday o lend the March IS provincial election bolstering their case for at Site in rural Milton while the propo sal foes expended similar energy lobbying against the scheme Let me ask the govern how they could allow the Site controversy to exist for all those years he said Being organized by Mr Reeds brother Laurie the Burlington Liberal campaign will involve three riding offices Opening dates and operating hours for offices In Georgetown and Acton will be announced Georgetown Improvement Areas arc both eligible for he provincial housing ministry Main Street revltallzation grants It was announced ing Monday night s town meeting Vitally important to the town plans to improve the physical appearance and commercial viability of the the grants could amount to per community depending on the budget share the provincial government allots to the program in and the outcome of studies In Acton and Georgetown Planning department expressed concern last fall when applying far funds lhat the ministry would recog only one eligible business Prior to Monday announcement by letter from housing minister Claude Bennett Main Street program I consider Hills unique dual structure While emphasizing that the government action confirm whether Hills will receive funding Mr Ben net said lhat each of the two studies would get or per cent of the study costs wh is less Meanwhile council is ex peeled to pass a property standards bylaw for the down town cores or Acton and Georgetown March t in he bylaw which deputy planning director Bruce McLean told a public meeting Monday night estab lish minimum maintenance and not construction standards for the will also be in the town official plans for the two communities The bylaws received little discussion among councillors at meeting but were prals by Acton businessman Paul representing the com muniiy pressing surprise that the bylaw hardly has anything Council sets fee for rest home licences Premier makes it to Georgetown As announced in The Heralds Weekend Extra Friday Ontario Premier Bill Davis was expected to visit Georgetown this morning Wednesday for a breakfast with local Progressive Conservatives and other admirers at North Golf and Country Club The Herald will cany photos and a story about morning visit this I Smith to follow Burlington Liberals expressed hope Monday that their party provincial leader Stuart Smith will soon be following In Mr Davis footsteps and also visiting theridl v ty worker said they d originally hoped to have Dr Smith attend a planned non party function In Milton Saturday but found his schedule already booked There has thus far been no Indication New Democratic party leader Michael Cassidy will visit Burlington during campaign The election takes place March 19 Rest homes and lodging houses in Hills race a bed licencing fee up to following passage of a new bylaw during Monday night town council meeting Originally proposing flat rate or J per lodging home councillors agreed to reduce the licencing fee following a presentation from Rest Home Owners Association of Ontario communications director Mary I to point out to you the licencing fee In Ottawa is flu in Windsor and In Kingston Mrs Gurncy old councillors during a public meeting to discuss the bylaw The town had based Its Tee structure on more extensive lodging house regulations found in larger Ontario muni However at east one area rest home owner said she is disappointed that the bylaw lumps rest homes under the same regulations as lodging The bylaw Acton Kelly maintained doesn I go to protect the level of care provided in rest homes and has argued for more stringent guidelines However clerk tor Ken Richardson said that ihe lodging house bylaw has to encompass rest homes since the Municipal Act doesn I give municipalities the power to directly leg slate rest homes Other municipalities have managed to more directly deal with rest home lines by breaking down lodging homes into a number of different classes Mrs Gurney admitted she fell the town bylaw t covered as much as she had hoped when she met with members of the town staff and resl home owners Monday I now real lie it goes as far as it can she said urging council to lobby for changes In the Act enabling he town lo set clear regulations When the town bylaw overlaps with provincial safety and health standards the more stringent regulations would apply Mr Richardson pointed out at a general committee last month Murder charge laid A charge of seconddegree murder has been laid against the Georgetown youth a rrest In cot ncctlon with the death or Williams dent Herb Wild ret 1 Brian Donald was originally charged with man slaughter and two counts of theft over Following a consultation with the gating officers from the Hal ton Regional Criminal Investigation Crown Attorney Jim Treleaven elded last week Mr Field should also bo charged with second degree murder breaking and entering and taking a vehicle without the owner consent new in it that t already covered by building codes and health standards Mr Neils on said it would enhance business life in Hills Georgetown entrepreneur A I Pilutll pointed out hat parts of the bylaw heir on thi official plan amendments need to be clarified Concerned that an apart ment building he owns would not conform with an official plan stipulation calling for a third floor fire exit If there Is more than one apartment at that level Mr was assured that windows could be deflnid as exits Mr McLean that enforcement of the bylaw would be on a complaint basis with the enforce officer sending the to a special prop standards committee People wishing to submit comments on the bylaw have until Feb Copies are available at the town office on Trafalgar Road South in Georgetown Chip Petri Mo left guest at the Acton annual meeting Monday chats with merchant Paul after the meeting Mr Petri I to spoke about he advantages of promoting Acton LcathrrtoHn Canada Herald photo New identity may unify old new Acton By TA I lit Hera id Stall It very important to the life of the community for Acton lans to have an identity they can be proud of Ch told members of the Acton Business Improvement Area IBIA Monday Mr Is chairman of he steering committee behind the drive to promote Acton as Canada Other members of the commit tee include Beard more per manager Don councillor Terry and representatives from the and service clubs The Idea of promoting actually arose discussion between Janel and Mr Rankin Mr said People in the own of Aclon have kind thought thai they re forgotlr about in the region be the smallest municipality and in the town of Hills as well Mr said Working together promote as will not only benefit community commercially but will create a feeling of unity among he said Ac on has a resource no one has taken advantage of a resource hat has been here longer than the town but he only thing you hear about Is the smell Well Its a healthy smell because it creates Jobs The project going to take a he warned Newcomers In Acton are not aware or the heritage of town because long lime Acton resl dents akc he leather Industry so much for granted they never discuss it and the newcomers never hear about It We need to bring those wo sections ThecompuieiiiforU- i About the Hills Start making Crazy Boats Georgetown have picked April A the date for the 14th annual Crazy Boat Race on the Credit River Employing Lie same format the club will launch canoes from the Terra Cotta Inn at noon and the crazy boats from theTenthLlnebrldgeahalfhourlater finish at the paper mill dam above Glen Williams this year Spectators are urged to pick their viewing spots along the river as early as possible since parking facilities are limited Last Year I race attracted about HO boats in five different categories and hundreds of spectators For entry Information contact Jack Lee at weekdays Endorse death penalty Although town council usually makes a practice of receiving and filing rather than endorsing resolutions tent toll from other municipalities councillors Monday strongly supported a Hamilton region recommendation calling for the return of the death penalty for police killers Walter said that the resolution should include the death penally for all murderers but he added he prefers another way of implementing the penalty other than hanging Recalling the death of metro Toronto police constable Sweet in January 1981 some councillors said that the courts do little to discourage criminals from shooting policemen I shudder to think about what little support what little respect policemen receive before the courts Coun Miller said Saving hearts Actons Murray Memorial will offer three A heart foundation instructor will teach the courses set for Feb IB and March Participants will learn about anatomy and function of the heart and lungs understand a Healthy Heart lifestyle learn how to reduce risk factors be aware of heart problems learn the signs and learn to help prevent a heart attack victim from going into cardiac arrest learn oneman cardiopulmonary resuscitation and learn how lo save a choking victim To register or inquire about courses visit the office Wednesday or Friday or call Parking laws tightened In light of a recent Supreme Court of Ontario ruling concerning the legality of certain parking violations listed In many municipal bylaws the town has tightened up Its own parking regulations First the owners of care regardless of whether they were driving at the lime of the Infraction can still be held responsible for paying fines unless the car was used without the drivers permission The tame bylaw amendments which will be forwarded to council next week affect parking violations In metered areas as well A tribute to Scouts This week Feb 15 to Is ScoutGuide Week around Ihe world when millions of boy and girls men and women to celebrate the spirit the movement In a special tribute to scouting Herald reporter Taylor spoke to hard working scout and guide leaders Halloa Hills for an Inside perspective on scouting In the community For a glimpse Into the activities of over I people In Hllli atone see pages Bl and CI for a miracle for Terry Fox town arc here from tanning at Beardmores and Hellers to mi nufac luring at Superior Glove to retail at the Old Hide House Mr Petrlllo said There are no missing parts The only missing part Is the Identity The first step towards I shlng the Image of Leather town is to explore the history of the leather industry In Acton and possibly set up a museum type structure Mr bald The next step is to design a logo which residents can identify with the community The logo can give us on identity and something to Iden lify with he said Mr pointed out that Acton has many other which would help with the promotion of the He suggested that with Prospect Park Fairy Lake the Radial Railway nearby the Bruce Trait Chudlelgh between Acton and Milton and the retail store Acton has the capability or becoming a lar tourist area he said The Chamber of Commerce and the other people involved with this are going to have something to be proud of Mr said In his remarks man Larry Greaves comment briefly on the Leathertown promotion saying Acton can be known as more than just a smelly place Mr Greaves also talked briefly about the work of ihe BIA As of June i960 there were BIAs in Ontario It is not something that designed to rescue the ants he said Its an investment that will be paid back to the community with an Increased tax base He calculated thai the bus I nesses in the Acton pro vide the community with 300 juts Monday a Day of Prayer for Terry Fox at Holy Cross Church drew a strong res ponsc from the community Father Dave Cote said a fair number of people were in the church at all limes during the day There was no formal service organ It was simply a place lo come and to be united In prayer for a common pur pose Father Cote said Phyllis Mceks one of the main organizers behind the day of prayer said that there were over signatures in the guest book but number of people came into the church from tbe auditor where a blood donor clinic was being held and never signed the book Father Cole said be was pleased and pleasantly sin- prised by the response lo the idea He also said he was encouraged by the number of young people who took time from their lunch hours at the high school to drop Into the church I th it was an Indies Hon of what Terry Fox means to alt of us he said CLOWNING AROUND clown Ten Norma Rasa af Georfefewa reveatei to be raised of E4m but Saturday that to I They were two of Ik contestants In Glea Eden cetnpetWaM The aU area was celebrating thdr day aria which Inehtdeda branch obstacle a