SECTION THE HERALD Home IMftifMipijr of The Buyers and Sellers Market Place phone CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Wednesday Publication Dead Monday 5 00 m Fnday Publication Deadline Wednesdays CLASSIFIED CASH RATES CUIUS THANKS FRESH TROUT Netted denned packined order per Hickory Smoked per del very Trout Farms Ltd 877 3730 WEEKEND SPECIAL A now feature Jewellers Saturday only 20 OFF SILVER Tray Candl Holder ate Thurs Friday Sat McNamara JEWELLERS Down low Gee go town FIREWOOD Dry split and kind Ca I allot weekdays me PIANO Qigong now and lull guarantee Organ Ex change on KITCHEN sot Ike now and tec trie belt Call BALES Pnmo 3rd Crop Alia la Hiy 00 per ton up Coll BUI Aloxondir877 FOUR cy Ford arm lot with snow plough Call tor NEWSPRINT ROLL ENDS THE HILLS HERALD From Coun1or SWIMMING POOL SALE Manufacturer must clear brand now ground pools Complete liter pump pato Regularly Now SI 409 to supplies last Order now delivery to you Call toll too or VACUUM C loan ore sorvco Filler Quoon Compact SCRATCH DENT CLEARANCE SALE Brand now 30 Ranges manual soil clean from Shop unriy lor boat so loci on GOODLETS Downtown Georgetown OAK PEW stripped Asking 10897twf quart bag of Early bird special GEORGETOWN JUG CITY Main St N 7am a Monday Friday 1 89 1074111s ONE sot ol American Poo Encyclopedia Ed lion extends lo 72 choirs SCO table 4 It cup Konmoro electric cot lee maker 8 and H O gauge ra engines Call 10877I3WI 26 RCA Color Con solo TV old Bust oiler INFANT Car 5 automatic swing baby Call CARS TRUCKS 1974 MATADOR In good WE HAVE MANY QUALITY PRE OWNED ECONOMY CARS 1979 HORIZON TC standard mo tall with el and appearance op tons aluminum wheels powor brakes roar window hatch release cert tied rust proofed I Con i816a11or500pm 10B57catwt con S3 000 00 FORD Torino or bast RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 1979 HONDA CB850 com with Fairing AMFM stereo dyno guards bach rest crulso con Irol Excellent condition best GIBSONS Dead Stock Service Dead or disabled an mala removed lb paid lor old hoallhy horses Wo can loll you cause death Call Fergus collect 843 or 843 Brampton Liconco RP C WATSQN AUTO WRECKERS Wan tod scrap cars and true I lor wrecking FREE PICK UP 6226 WATER DAMAGED CARPET SALE Wo got Hooded in last weeks storm and have to clear out all damaged stock this week Qualltltes up to 3200 per square yard are going at per yard But hurry Criterion Carpet 128GuelphSt Georgetown Ontario PRESS PLATES outbuildings line granaries and bins or protect the trunks of fruit with Used Aluminum Press Plates 009 thick cents including applicable taxes at The Hallon Hills Herald Front Counter WANTED TO BUY USED HERALD CARRIER GAGS NOT TURNED IN BY PREVIOUS CARRIERS THE HERALD GEORGETOWN CASH Old or antique fur In any condition toys coins military Items fruit ars trunks 4903 r wish I radiant heart devote their heart mind soul and energy to I ho task promoting the mankind and establish ng world peace who blind to colour Indlllorenl raca unimpressed by nations and unprejudiced any religion No experience Ago no barrier P Box Ontario L7G 4T1 or phono 6138 Tho Is one country and mankind Its citizens Hah 19 11 Oo now and Slncoro Call Rendovous Dating Ltd 453 30B7 1 am lo 9 Sal Singles couples moot people tor friendship dating marriage pen pals Box Station Toronto Ontario PETS LIVESTOCK Pt All Broods Groom ng CI op ng and Shampoo Also Evening a Wookond lablo ARIETTA ST CHINCHILLA black Standard 24027I LOST FOUND While Roxway area Call 677 10467lSlnl LOST Orango and white puralan cat In area Georgetown Mo mortal Arena CaMB77 8056ot1or5pm Woslom Canada School Auctioneering Ltd Canada first and only completely Canadian course offered anywhere Licensed under Trado Schools Licensing Act RS A 1970 C 368 For par next course write Box or phono ELKS Hall lor Harold Colpitis Sr alter 5 30 OAKVILLE Uppor Road Lino sell contained bedroom apartment In firm house base mo hydro heat Included Also available acreage with fann buildings 536 COMMERCIAL Space In Square proxmalely 1000 It suitable or office or retail outlet Maximum year louso with one year renewal clause Apply to Box Herald Quolph St Georgetown ROOM lor kitchen and laundry Female only 677 103171s COMMERCIAL OFFICE OR STORE SPACE For Small units available Proat building down town 453 NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Commercial downtown Pork Ave Ideal for professional and merchants Up 4 It available Will suite lor Information please write or coll 923 2779 Development Ltd Davenport Toronto On I LARGE bedroom men I In house with Park and lilies nek dod per month t maluro ROOM ova lab smoker abstainer Coll TWO bedroom house for lust Nerval Or sua Kt no lent Call lor informal on 10787lw lrnlnng provided lor up can I Crown city 21 Realy Ltd good mortgage at Im maculate semi in Acton 3 bedrooms private drive garage Close to all facilities See this ACRES EDEN MILLS 4 BEDROOMS MORTGAGE UNTIL 10 ACRES ACTON AREA For further Information on any of the above please call Kay Maxwell at or at home URGENT SALES Duplex central renovated newly Insulated and roofed Ideal Income property Low bedroom brick bungalow 2 walkout to patio and pool close to playground and shop ping Priced In Offers wanted 4 bedroom family and recreation rooms 2 car garage small barn newly decorated i acre clear lot 1 a Low down payment Vacant Must sell owners anxious 10147hw JACK HOLMES REAL ESTATE BROKER Mill ST ACTON 8531650 COZY 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW Near Fairy Lake Features finished rec room with fireplace and bar paved drive Inground pool with patio mature trees laundry room and workshop area plus more Must see Only 00 CALL GEORGE GRAY REAL ESTATE LIMITED DAYS EVENINGS OUTSTANDING SO ACRE ESTATE led pom soaring place walkouts rooms don study family Minutes to 1 1 mortgage duo Ings Kent MUST bo sold 3 bungalow on aero lot coso Hlllaburgh Asking ox collont mlgo IIS until 1964 Call at Orango Realtor Inc D roct Line- 10298ro ELLIS Does your enterprise roquri heavy exposure on tin busiest corner In lown Belle It wtli parking it with BUI Ellis at Realtor- ELLIS Opportunities ted In Ihu Genera Commercial zoned building on a busy corner In vestment business operation Olflcos Llvo In II you Is knocking at Discuss with Bill Wm Ellis Realtor 1033Bro PRIVATE SALE older homo In Acton a pernio bachelor apt largo lal mlgo low down payment Asking Call oiler flpm era HELP WANTED SALES REPRESENTATIVES Male Female Established customers and territories in Georgetown Acton and Brampton Career Opportunity 27 month training No experience necessary For further contact Prudential PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA 1 675 1 157 and ask for Monty Knight or Rick De Priest ioi48hw THE LORNE SCOTS PEEL DUFFERIN HALTON REGT Want an interesting part time Job Meat now people and earn Radio Communications Infan Irymanship military driving and marksmanship CALL RECRUITING OFFICER DAYS EVENINGS Knowledge stock keep Wr to lo Box Guolph I Georgetown AN OPPORTUNITY LIVE In Babysitter required lor 2 old Own room weekends and evenings Oil WANTED able babysitter lor 3 and year days prolorobly King ham Rd Acton 10837dcwf BABYSITTER required for month old In my home Tuos and 10 4 Ex roqu rod Coll 30pm 108l7dcwf RELIABLE daycare my homo lunches any ago HALTON HILLS HYDRO COMMISSION Effective March 1st 1981 The following energy rates will apply MONTHLY RESIDENTIAL SERVICE First K W at 5 9c per K W H Additional K W at 3 35a per K W H Minimum Bill MONTHLY GENERAL SERVICE Demand First 50 KW at No Charge Balance K W at per W H Energy Charge First K H at 9C per K W H All Additional K W H at per K W H Minimum Bill 00 THE ABOVE RATE ADJUSTMENT HAS BEEN PROPOSED AND APPROVED BY ONTARIO HYDRO AND WILL BE APPLIED TO ALL CUSTOMER BILLING IN HALTON HILLS lOBOTnwf lays Photographer requires mile model Kndly en phono Conl Mr PO Box ACTON CARRIER WEDNESDAY S FRIDAY BEFORE SCHOOL DELIVERY NO COLLECTING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY SECOND INCOME Oppor your own homo No door to door ollng Cl I lor inturv year training p am management when qualified Col on preferred is to BOX CO The Herald 45 St Georgetown EMPLOYMENT WANTED University students re summer employment a bio only May manulacluring Will own on Please BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY YOUR CAREER IN REAL ESTATE IS BEST WITH ROYAL TRUST unique day training exclusively for newcomers fees subsidized to qualified now 1 981 deferred profit sharing plan stall mortgages at preferred rales staff loons at special rales OHIP and medical coverage dentil plan disability benefits bridge national inter referral program national corporate accounts stock options AND MORE to Heal Estate With Royal Trust your training com mancaslmmadlaloly For a call Joan INSULATION INSULATE NOW CONSERVE ON HEAT WARMER IN WINTER COOLER IN SUMMER WE USB I rtlLULOSI NMILSIHAYFUAMfuHlVAlLS All All We carry the Government Grant Program In il ipiyu EH INSULATION LTD GEORGETOWN MILTON 8777447 lb 8787121 DAVE LOCAL flEP chid care moal3 1 a day location SCHOOL will care lor and work with children 3 years up in my homo Mountain view S urea 10217dc RELIABLE babysitting In Ac Ion hot luncho9 loarnlng ponods ad company for my son RELIABLE needed hull dnys per week for boys 7 and yooro Con 1 school 10887dcwl COMING EVENTS Al Anon Group meetings at SI Johns United Church St mo Group moot Wednesday 30 p and Tuesday at 30 p Al Anon tactfully offers help anyone who needs to loam hew to live all many lieu II which Ucoholl3rn can or aggravate For further mahon call or Tho Daughters SI Georges Anglican Church Guolph SI you to monthly luncheon on Wed nosday Fob 30 to Turkey scalloped potatoes salad dessert ton or per person Regular open ngs of Alcohol Anonymous every Friday night at SI Johns United Church Everyone wo Icomo corf SATELLITE LIBRARY VICE will operate EVERY FRIDAY 1 am to 3 m at Main SI For information 10427co Ashgrovo Women In February pm Stowarltown Hal Admission SI Good lunch and prizes 10537cewl Goorgolown Optimists Club Anniversary at St George 3 Anglican Church on 71h March at Versa Four Bullet li and door prizes Admission per couple For 4818 Fooling a Join Parents wilhout Partners next mooting Monday March 1981 Call 4197 10889cewl Sixth Annual Com mun Association mooting Thursday February 28 1981 p m at Norval School Guest speaker Julian Rood MPP 10868cont Widows Contact Group mooting Knox Church on February pm Showing pictures Holy Land All widows welcome 1 A 0 A I starting soon All 453 Parents Partners Fab British Nlghl Cook British Pollock New mombors welcome For Inlormalon call 1058 10247co SPARE TIME Help your Rad Cross to help others Canvass lust 12 homos for MARCH Campaign lor Funds call 877 now Tho Solvation Army Pickup service Call 8522 tf COMING EVENTS Goorgolown on Tuosday Mar 1981 5 30 pm p m adults engagement of r daughter Sally lo Barry son Mr J Mrs Don Hum bo rsl WILLIS Wayne pleased first chid Laura born 7th 1981 in 7 lbs 5 A very special hanks Or A Ashonhursl at Georgetown strict Memorial Hospital Proud ore Mr Mrs Mr great grandparents COSGROVE Brian and Karon are to announce birth of daughter Loaf bom on February 1961 A alstor for Michael Elmer In loving memory of a dear husband and who passed away February 13 Lovngly remembered by and Glenn Martin In loving memory my wonderful father who passed away on February 1980 It only lakes a littlo space To wnto how much I miss you But will my To forgot tho day I lost you always GIBSON John Sorqoanl at Arms Royal Canadian Legion Branch 139 Strootsvlllo Suddenly in on Saturday February 14 1981 John Gib son husband Win nlfrod Door Anno Mrs Dear gran fattier ot Ryan and Lynda Resting Leo Homo Ltd Queen St S Streets II Service bo hold tho Chapel on Wednesday at 1 In torment Cemetery In lieu lowers donations to Charity of your choice would bo appreciated 10707dwl HERALD CLASSIFIEDS GET QUICK RESULTS