5213- I EXCELLENCE AWARD IN CUSTOMER RELATIONS the HERALD Home Newspaper of Hills DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN WEDNESDAY MARCH NTY FOUR PAGES Ho need to roam Its right here at A There are 106 good reasons shop Downtown FREE PARKIN Council okays 50 recotnendations Regions revamping begins next month By CHRIS Herald Staff Writer Hal ton residents can expect to see major changes In their regional government within the next few months Meeting in a three hour special session of regional council last Wednesday morn ing councillors approved over sweeping proposals made in a recent 000 consultants study aimed at boosting the effectiveness of the region administration In addition apian to stream line the regions committee structure makcdccisions may be Imple mented in April Under new structure which could cost the region in newly hired personnel the chief administrative officer CAO assumes renewed Importance as the primary link between staff and council tors Having accepted the position twowceksago former regional solicitor Dennis Perl in insisted that only his office should answer policy questions from inquiring councillors Although some councillors protested that a stronger CAO position cuts into council decision making power the management study prepared by Johnston Consultants Toronto has stated that the CAO needs to improve communications between council and senior department heads In general report says more emphasis needs to be given to the senior staff role of tendering policy as well as executing and administer ing programs By going through his office Mr told Wednesday meeting councillors are less likely to be confused He noted that occasionally In the past regional representatives have been given policy information which has been challenged by the when brought up In council New staff positions created by the administrative changes include an executive assistant for the as well as an Information bank manager enlarging the scope of the office Other new staff will fill managcmentandclerlcalposi lions within the treasury planning and development health and social departments and the region is beginning to search for a new solicitor Public awareness Is high lighted under the new struct and Mr announced that regional staff are working on a freedom or Information bylaw clarifying what ments and information can be released directly to the public or through the press Mr later indicated that the region may consider hiring an information officer to provide press releases and handle Inquiries from report The planning and public works committee as well as the health and social committee will now deve lop policy ideas leaving the administration and finance committee to deliberate on the recommendations before forwarding ihem to council Although some councillors argued that the committee chairman should be switched on a monthly basis others maintained thai ihe committe es must have continuity In their leadership successfully supporting a oneyear term Instead All committee meetings will be by the CAO or his executive assistants A bylaw to legislate changes In committee structure expected In April will determine the number of members of each body How ever Johns ton have proposed that eight councillors should sit on each new committee One consultant earlier told council that while some changes would be readily noticeable in the next few months it may lake a few years before residents realize the benefits of the new Approved million school budget Half the trustees present it last Wednesday night board of education met ting successfully defended Ihe board new HIS million budget for 181 against million cut proposed by Oaky I lie rep Bill Herd The approved budget will bring an average mill rate Increase of 9 per cent region Although each town share of the budget will vary adjustment are made according local needs result could be a tax hike for an average assessment of The lime has long passed Mr Herd warned fellow trustees when taxpayers will support rising education In the face of declining enrollment Less thin one half them have children in system The board defeated Mr Herd motion however after members argued that recent addons Including computer labs for six high schools and an expanded French Immersion program cannot be Finance committee chairman Noel Cooper cited province wide cost per pupil rates by which Ihe board compare 1U spending lo that of other regions We have one of the loweit in Ontario he said Instructional costs mostly teachers salaries account lor per cent of the budget for a cost Increase of a million over last year School operations and maintenance will cost another million debt charges million and administration million well as lis French Immersion courses board plans expand Its special education services with new staffers and will hire new teachers COUNTDOWN TOWNS DISABLED ARENT STATISTICS Disabled people t Just statistics from the census bureau they re your neighbors friends and business associates That message local volunteers want convey between now and May I when ActiVan the special transportation service Tor Hills disabled residents finally hill the road for a oneyear run With an objective of IIS DM the ActiVan advisory committee appointed year by town council has already raised In public donations The bulk of service tintyear cost Is being covered by the provincial government and has donated fare will be charged to all service users can find out more about the new service and about how you can help out In this International Year of the Disabled by phoning advisory committee members Barb Stephens ST7SK0 or Ann Missing teens found safe by police Two young Acton residents who disappeared two weeks ago have been found some where in western Canada Details concerning the were unavailable as The Herald went to press Tuesday However one police source said thai Blalrc Smith 18 of Rosemary Road and her fiance Ross 19 of Churchjll Road North have been discovered out west but do not want their exact location revealed Except for a follow up to complete the investigation the case is no longer being treated as a police matter the source said The disappearance ouch off a continent wide look out by other police agencies after Guelph Ontario Police discovered a car belonging to Lome and Sally Smith ihe girl parents abandoned at the Hoc wood Conservation Area on High way of Acton Commenting on the news that couple had been found Mr mother Joyce said she is relieved both are safe Complying with the couple wish police have declined give their parents details the couple s whereabouts But they told the police I hat they would eventually contact us Mrs said They re not young kids anymore and I m not worried like I was before JUST MONKEYING AROUND PEERING THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS The Mad Hatter paid a brief visit to Georgetown Monday morning before returning In rough the looking glass back to Wonderland And these youngsters at the community A on Mountalnvlew Road South were glad to welcome him with a day of games movies goodies to bake and other things to do bandy Cann Laurie Gage and Maria Jenkins arranged Mad latter s Day for the kids who dressed especially for the occasion Social planning council grant hiked north s volunteer search can begin A second appeal for funding has earned fledgling North Soc Planning Council to start programs in and Hills promo- ling in the area Although Ihe group- formed In November and now boasting a board of about volunteers originally asked the region health and social services ecmmlllee for only was recommended to regional council for approval Appealing Ihe decision before council last afternoon George town and High School viceprincipal and president of the group Bill Thorn warned councillors that not citing more money would dampen among board members There is a demand for a social planning council in North to form a third mponent in a strong region piann body Mr Thorn sad Burlington and lie have similar enhance social services In the area and con tap larti prof ssioml ces for counselling Of the he explained would be used for salary expenses Including and administration costs With additional revenue gained through a funding drive the North had hoped to hire an director to ordinate programs the most Important of eh will be the creation of a volunteer bureau In the area We will continue to invest gate other sources of revenue Mr Thorn said adding that appeals to and Burlington United Way organizations had not been very encouraging Awaiting a report on the of forming a region a social planning council v would include the North Oarvillc and Burling ton groups the social services committee had set aside for the proposal But we can I wait until November to find out what will happen to that reserve Mr Thorn said We need the add operating capital Unwilling lo forecast what would happen to the North planning council if it was forced to regional money he md that it could not start i volunteer bureau Council eventually agreed with Hills Miller who suggested adding 13 lo committees pointing out thai Ihe North group may be able to share In the regional social planning council reserve which could be In November Meanwhile fellow rep Dave successfully recommended gelling Ihe additional S3 from he IN 000 reserve commenting that il s better to take from one account and give to another rather than risk bankrupting the region through more dona lions to volunteer UPPER CANADAS HISTORY RECALLED Final count gives Julian extra 24 votes Noted actress Pauline Carey was In Georgetown Community Centre Monday evening perform her onewoman play recalling Anna J am Its on the wife of Canada tint vicechancellor during the late Arriving In Toronto In the bleak autumn of a homesick Anna visiting her hatband comet to enjoy her surroundings detailing her experiences In lengthy letter back lo England Herald photo Raiders make See inside Bringing with them extensive backgrounds In puppeteer Ing Johan and Alison Vandergun presented Lampoon Puppet Theatre s Monkey Business to youngster at the Community Centre Saturday afternoon Watched closely by kids who lingered after the show Alison demonstrated some of her hand work with one of the atari of the performance The company founded by the Vanderguns has toured across Canada and performed by Invitation in Poland Russia Hungary Holland Mexico and Japan Herald photo Burlington Liberal Julian Reed wen his farmhouse Monday and split a cord of It is Ihe fint hard physic al exercise he had since re election victory party Tlursday night according to supporter John Minns and finally cleared his head of the blur left over from five weeks of hard campaigning Election return officer Audrey Boron official count this week Mr Reed a plurality of votes of 494 votes as was originally reported over Progressive Conservative Fran Balnea Mrs Boron reported thin week that Mr Reed received 13 votes Mrs Balnea 12 votes and New Democratic Parly candidate Chris Culler votes Of the riding 139 eligible voters she said visited the polls Thursday for a per cent lurn Among the ballots cast 105 were rejected because they were Improperly marked or were cast by Ible voters another were left unmarked and ballots were handed back unmarked by voters the polls but also declined to make a choice Some voters may recall that Mr faced an even tough challenge In his first bid for election when per cent of the eligible voters cast ballots In 1975 Continued on page A3 Former Geor constable Mikes skills save ill colleague A Burlington summons server who suffered a heart attack while on duty Feb 23 owes his life to a regional police officer who served in Georgetown Constable Mike Larson was the first policeman to arrive the Burlington neighborhood where Ihe coronary attack was report He found a special constable from the force who had been serving summonses unconscious in his cor with no detectable pulse Constable Larson removed his stricken colleague from the car and applied pulmonary resuscitation until a pulse was MIKE LARSON detected Ho then accompa nlcd the officer In the ambulance to Joseph Brant effectiveness of Hospital repeating procedure five different times en route with an ambulance attendant help The stricken officer Is now recovering In hospital Constable Larson who is currently serving in Burling ton Joined Ihe Force as a Cadet In July and was appointed Constable In June 1SS0 He has previously served in Georgetown and at police headquarters In Constable Larson received his training In CPR while undergoing his recruit training at the Ontario Police College in Aylmer Ontario Constable Larsons only comment regarding the