Look for seniors news next week Seniors Scene a local column about activities will appear Tor the tint lime nest Wednesday In several and Georgetown newspaper Including Herald The column will be written by senior citizen editor who live in the area and will cover events social happenings and programs a I interest to local senior citizens In town and Lauretta Mills are editing the column The column Is an Idea the Long Term Care Committee of the District Health Council which will provide resource and administrative support to the local editors It is hoped to establish a Seniors Scene column to the Burlington and Milton newspapers also B S REAL ESTATE LTD THE TREES THE BUILDER AND YOUR FAMILY A jrcal combination or now country homo to bo built Georgetown Coita Soo the lot and got detail Ellis panoramic view over Iho countryside or miles And only miles Coll Bill Ellis and walk this farm good paddocks homo ft of on Trolalgar Road Soo i Ih Bo Stokes HELLO LOVERS Come io trim ultimate Garden for two and Nolo panelling in lamily den and card about trie and glassed in id pool Call Bill Ellis to inspect Iho sc end nil semis ITISTEMPTINGII HILLSBURQH LIGHT LOAM ISacroswithgoodbainanddnvoshed low extension on ilio homo incorporates laundry A building includes a shop and cosy two bedroom apartment or a second family Asking SI Call Jotlo and no farming Only LONG LOW AND LOVELY pine doors and lush only two of many features in tins quality homo Your lira limp so through Iroos 13 to please Comos with acres natures boat Call AFTER HOURS Rosalie Barker FloMathoson CocMadln BUI Ellin Real Estate Services tor SCENIC ACHES SOUTH OF TOWN miss your opportunity io enjoy on this property Above Diane today 105 ACRES MINUTES FROM GEORGETOWN Only a mile road but socluded hold 1st mortgage lower than current Call RANCH BUNGALOW Acres Hills on quiet sac surrounded by tree rest F on las tic winding plus irn Homo features I wnlkup lie SEA LANDLORD apartments on tar go lol on Super 1st mortgaga YES WE HAVE A BUNGALOW ON 2 ACRES Only miles Io Go tram basement Mine kitchen room with mortgage 10 plus CUSTOM HOME IOWA MORTGAGE lamlenanco roe quality throughout For many extras call Lorraine Riloy now ROAD on up 2 down zoning dustnal Call George HONEYMOON SPECIAL 2 bedroom home on quiet street ok ccllont listed at Call OVERLOOKING LAKE 135 BUILDING LOT pretty in country selling edge Building permit vendor will hold will S3 down utile Bond Larry Bar pi Diana George C Jackson BeverleeHagan 8770842 Acton 8530138 Acton 8533112 Bonnie Shirley 8770366 Together we can help you better SECTION THE Wednesday April 1 list Page CLARK REAL ESTATE LTD- REALTOR 92 MAIN ST S- GEORGETOWN 877521 1 TWOHOUSE SOLD NAMES YOU CAN TRUST TERRA BEAUTY Lovuly bedroom overlooking rolling Iloor family room with in Here 1 lew the mo IMMACULATE COUNTRY HOME WORKSHOP TOO On rolling teres lieed lot workshop w CUSTOM BRICK STONE RAISED BUNGALOW Wilh lovely view on acre- largo spacious looms fireplaces garage ti res Ask for Pearl Keiby COUNTRY PARADISE sprawling on carefully groomed acres Hugo room idoat lor room Ion cod round pool Small barn largo garden a FASTFOOD That s tho business got In to on highway Iron Inge this place is popular spot dayi Call Hank Ron sink for do tail si Boasts family cheery wilh brick 1 1 I patio road loom 79900 Call John Clark WHAT A ONLY si Mortgage Call John Clark Features largr Jim Alters BROKER John Clark BROKER Clarke HankRenslnk Don Fend ley Barbara ATTENTION ALL BUILDERS bedroom aluminum homo on lovely lot There bio two extra building lots thai mako up package pneo only 89900 CollJimAkors INVESTORS BEWARE II you don call on Ihia ad you may bo sorry Largo bedroom homo plus on oddilion to professionals Four private entrances this lor plans Live in pari and Call Hank NEWLISTINGI bedroom sloroy homo on largo pio shaped lot Wolkout lower GOO Fust Mortgage at Call Tom Rob INVESTMENT PROPERTY 2 3 bedroom bedroom apartments all well maintained Slops Io GO transit shopping a schools Largb I on cod lot First Mortgage 12 til plus much mora Ash John Clark BUILDING LOT CLOSE HILLSaUROH 3 for your In country Try an to soil at Call Tom A CHANCE IN A LIFETIME You think you would own and a sot of good buildings dc you7 got 38 acres presently for but can easily be converted horses Call Hank DETACHED HOME IN THE MID Thai nghlt only you go this 3 bedroom brick homo on lot Has a now roof a roc room with on mora Call Marge Clarke 8771787 8772143 Pearl Tom Robaon Bob Macdonald 8777490 The Sign of the Times SUPER GOOD FOR INVESTMENT Already renled lake over or lor young mirnodu 1 super buy with bedrooms extra washroom and in Ilio quietest area Full Come Ellen Hogg Oil Res LARGE PRIVATE LOT Erin This bum must bo viewed Cathedral ceiling skylight Corner Brick F condition Cent il vacuum bdun and walk oil Call Barbara LAND LOTS OF LAND Rolling acres I 1 iLii- litres north CORPORATION OF CANADA REALTOR Be CHANGE LIFESTYLE on this Hobby Fami wilhm com ling distanco Toronio res land and barns Opens up St Call Alice Pokluda more information OH B77 BETTER BELIEVE IT There plenty room lor pool one has garden as well This bedroom brick bungalow has attached garage and very large Roc Room with Call Barbara Mullen SOUTH STYLE HOME 2 in Rockwood lively designed bedrooms separate dining room don living room with to dock Largo lol overlooking park area Ex col lent mortgage available Asking 60 Call Gerry REMEMBER WHEN INTEREST RATES WERE LOW7 This is 1 0 1 Offered here is a bedroom bungalow on country with basement Io help pay mortgage Private Call Barbara 529 GET READY FOR SUMMER FUN Centre of Town Aclon acres wilh natural cement pool Troul pond and shop house largo room cathedral ceilings and whilo Call HALTON HILLS EXCLUSIVE LOT LISTING Paved road close to well BEST BUY IN THE COUNTRY 71 ACRE FARM Comfortable larm homo Surrounded trees Bank barn prime location Just compare I Asking Call Gerry Rotzal877 STATELY ELEGANCE everything Call mo for Parker RENOVATORS DELIGHT COZY STARTER OR RETIREMENT HOME On big lot within walking shopping transportation mam love garage in s Call Parker Homo Walkout to largo dock Inground pool patio change room garden shod Better call now Alice OH Res 4593445 SUSAN CARRIER REG COOPER FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS SPECIAL- ONLY big country vory largo tot only 1 Brampton Call Porker 5296 ALICE BARBARA McMULLEN GERRY PARKER ELLEN HOGG BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Thi3 property is zoned industrial and is ideal lor operation Many poten tial Including garage body re plus building Plenty of parking Good financing Asking Coll Barbara or Garry BEAUTY This bodrooms delight needs a little tender loving care Franklin In living room Fridge in eluded A groat investment Lislcd at 900 Coll Susan Carrier Oil or Glorya DOUBLE VALUE Thia aero land has largo shop and two semi do lac hod house with it Each semi has with Roc Room Call Barbara LIVE IN AND LET RENT PAY YOUR MORTGAGE largo bedroom apartment with fenced yard Two apartments with two each Tenants pay Each has private separate fenced yard Good investment for young couple Call Barbara For EXTRA SPECIAL things of lilo such as dming room separated by fl trench iho elegant living room Cuddlo up to cozy firoplaco in mom Hoot don with pallo doors flj to secluded and yard over lowing with trees Also in eluded in this lino homo contra air conditioning pump control vacuum roughed In lor Inter- com and For personal please- call Ellon Hong Oil THIS WILL WIN YOUR VOTE Milton tines loco lion Well 3 bedroom homo gj dining room oat In En- Frldgo Stove Walking to most facilities Asking For appointment to view Scott OH Res 1526 on as J ft