Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 1, 1981, p. 2

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Page SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday April 1 INI Acton church drops Bank of Nova Scotia Trinity opposes apartheid BAZAAR RAISES FUNDS FOR CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Mower tellers Rita Aatdcrs and Albert were two many Georgetown District Christi an School sop porter who helped organise and ran tie big fund railing sale and carnival In the Holy Cross Church audito rium Hundreds ol residents of all ages browsed among the sale tables enjoyed gomes of skill and chance and rested In a dining area over coffee and refresh ments Streamers and ha I loon added to the festive Herald photos Regions suggested cuts could limit HRCA programs By CHRIS Herald Staff Writer The Hal Ion Region Conser Authority has been asked to hold an Increase in Its budget to IS per cent a move which Its general manager says could force serious program cutbacks Speaking to the regions finance committee last Wednesday Murray Stephens said its general levy portion of the budget pegged at Si is already at the bottom tine without ing a much needed land expro priation and a new mainten ance garage project Alarmed that the increase in the general levy is per cent more than In last year budget committee members suggested that the Authority reexamine its proposal hold to a per cent guideline which the region has set for all department budgets Later Mr Stephen said the region is Ignoring the fact that the Authority has reduced the special levy portion of Its budget this year by per cent and said that Its combined budget Is actually one and a half per cent less than the one presented In 1981 Like the Children Aid Society and the regional police commission the Authority budget Is prepared independently from the regie- Selfhelp for blind citizens Continued on page with their dogs But the hassles dldn t spoil their good time Chatelaine recounted In Norway understanding female guide took them on a private five and a half of the Trondheim Musical Museum and let them play some of the old instruments In the Louvre somebody fetched a chair so they could stand on it to touch the cool marble body of the Venus do Mile- They climbed mountains talked with children country ate wonder ful food met good people The produced a book No Dogs Allowed which the couple sold to Mcthuen press administration The region can only recommend changes In the budget but cannot demand cuts Mr Stephens pointed out when contacted by The Herald Thursday The Authority began looking at Tor a new maintenance centre for its equipment last November not Ing that the province labor ministry was unhappy about the conditions of garages located at the Mountsberg Wildlife Centre near Camp- Meanwhile the Authority Is also planning to build new administrative offices near the Hilton Falls Conservation area Although regional chief administrative officer Dennis Perl In suggested the Authority use regional garages located along Steel Avenue In Milton to repair their equipment Mr Stephens argued that a lower priority to repair demands for the regions trucks IN GEORGETOWN AND AREA IS BACK AND THRIVING JO THE CONVENIENCE OF HOME THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS CAN BE BROUGHT TO VOUD DOOR OUR PRODUCTS INCLUDE- Dairy CrMma 10 and IccCraatn Products CottagaCbMM Butter TO BRING THIS EXCITING REVIVED SERVICE TO YOUR HOME wring NEW LIZZIES DISCOUNT Now Open in Moore Park Plaza DOG CAT FOOD OPENING SPECIALS TOP CHOICE BEEF TOP CHOICE BEEF CHEESE And many other brand name food for your Come in and see Ed today Entancs through Cochrane Travel By MAGGIE Herald Special Trinity United Church Acton will change 1U bank in an effort to pressure or In South Africa a apartheid policy although United Church In Canada may not make the same decision when its banking services are tendered later this year Bill Davis treasurer of the United Church In Canada told a congregational meeting Sunday that while the general assembly passed a resolution last summer opposing loans to South Africa the national body won let that criteria be the It wouldn be fair to ask our pensioners to bear a lots tin interest paid Just to be a conscience of the church he said Sunday a vote In favor of shifting Trinity bank account of about from the Bank of Nova Scotia was the congregation to discuss the matter Comfort a periston said be raised the Issue of shifting the church funds because he feels the church has a moral obligation to help South Africa blacks Banks be said are seen by the church as an organisation that can bring about change Churches will soon shift banks with increasing frequency and he wants Trinity United to be Trinity in When It was pointed out that cashing In securities deposited with the Bank of Nova Scotia could cost he Acton money Mr Comfort amended his motion so that only the current account will be Immediately Mans brief disappearance tightens rest home rules Operating year round and throughout weekends the Authority maintains about acres of property in Halton and surrounding regions and townships At a twin bay workshop near the Centre median keep about 30 trucks and smaller pieces of equipment under repair Meanwhile the Credit Valley Conservation Authority had its budget request granted by the committee although It awaits final approval from regional council today Wednesday The CVCA has asked the region for this year mostly Tor water control projects in Hills as well approximately for worked planned in CVCA general manager Glenn said the amount is well below the IS per cent increase guideline ded by the committee adding that about 000 will be trimmed from a share by provincial treasury subsidy Herald Special Halton regions health and social services committee nude no recommendations last Tuesday on how staff should deal with the conduct of regionally supported rest home residents A resident at Cher a Rest Home Acton left the home to spend his monthly comfort allowance on alcohol then sought social services assist and refused to return to the rest home The Acton rest home was not officially notified of the nun whereabouts until four days later despite bis receiving aid from several agencies Committee was told the man a 50yearold alcoholic disappeared March and went to the Acton Community Services Centre seeking help and was sent to the Salvation Army which housed him brief In a Guelph hotel The man then turned up at Acton Seniors Residence a rest home on Mill Street west March 9 and was taken to the regional social services office In but refused to return to Cher a and agreed to go to a rest home in Hamilton by bus HB got off the bus In Burling ton and was reported as miss ing until he called the Hamll ton rest home looking for guidance He was collected from Burlington two hours later Guelph rest home operator Kathorine Kelly spoke on behalf of operators of Cher Rest Homo In Acton when she Questioned whether it was a policy of staff to send Halton residents out of the municipal If they were receiving regional assistance David a member of social services staff said the resident had I sent to the rest home In Hamilton because there wain t room to modate the man at Recovery House a halfway house for alcoholics located at Milton The man refused to return to Cher s Rest Home Mr to Church GEORGETOWN MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH ALLIANCE CHURCH EDWIN MITCHELL Sunday April 1981 Sunday Evary Sunday Morning p 1 a 11am Biblical Preaching Praise and Como and Our Church Your Church Everyone Welcome Weekly Boys Girls Clubs Youth Activities Ladies Colleo Hour RALPH Recreation Prayer Moot Jolly Son ST GEORGES Visitor Always CHURCH and Growing IMMANUEL Sunday April LUTHERAN CHURCH 3am HOLY EUCHARIST HOLY EUCHARIST PASTOR REV DR 11 am HOLY EUCHARIST Sunday April Church a m Sunday School 11am ChurchServlce Church the Lutheran Hour PH0T0RAMA SAME DAY SERVICE IN BY 10 OUT BY 5 KODACOLORII SPRING SPECIAL YOU HAVE A CHOICE OF 116 GUELPH ST GEORGETOWN 8774588 said end was willing to travel by bus to a rest home in Hamilton The places to shelter transients In are limited and when no place Is available these people have to be sent outside the region Mr Vivian that poll ents are not sent or committed to rest homes by a court order They come and go on their own and for social services staff to tell them where they should stay Is improper Mr Vivian said that Mrs would receive funds owing her under the proposed purchase of service agreement as soon as the ministry of health approves the contract Other Investments will only be moved when they reach maturity unless has not changed its policies Mr Comfort and other speakers stressed that while TorontoDominion Is seen aa the cleanest of the banks because they promised a year ago to make no new loans to South Africa there Is no moral purity In the Issue among Canadian banks Arlene Bruce chairman of the church board said that taking no action Is the same favoring apartheid Ross a Halton Hills councillor and former church board member oppos ed the resolution because ho feels boycotting banks Is an unfair secondary boycott OPPOSES ACTION one else a wife A child t be punished for his father misdeeds and a business be punished for its customers bad policies I don feel its right to condemn anyone because they don t happen to agree with the opinions of the United Church general council Mr Knechtel said I think general council missed the boat when they grabbed for the newspap er headlines and Ignored the logical route prayer Mr believes apart held opponents should Insist that companies dealing in South Africa send no whites only members of minority races preferably blacks to represent them Why we making more efforts to talk to the Christiana In South Africa to bring about change rather than throwing stones at the Bank of Nova Scotia Trustee Ralph Denny said the bank has allowed the church a grace period when there was no money to pay off principal on a loan for a new building Older congregation memb ers are disturbed at turning on the Acton bank branch he said Rev Charles Beaton ty a pastor said If the bank sees the church decision as important enough to make them send out their president to discuss the matter then he hopes actually making the change will cause banks to take a serious look at support South Africa with loans They re a big corporation and losing our little account won hurt them Mrs Bruce aid The bank president even told us that But we can go on doing nothing That s as much a statement In favor of the system as this is against It The church board will also examine the banking practices of the local credit union before it decides where to shift the church A decision on where the funds will go is to be made May ST JOHNS UNITED CHURCH REV JEFFREY C DAVISON Sundays QlonWiBlsms 1 a m Georgetown NURSERY FACILITIES EVERYONE WELCOME NOW OPEN SUPERIOR SHOE REPAIR GEORGETOWN MARKET PLACE NEXT TO THE BARBERSHOP Launching a great new velour season Irresistable fashion favourites in the brightest shades of emerald and blue Easy care velour by Regency is machine washable Jackets skirts pants tops and dresses Pretty prices from 19 00 Spring Millinery A rainbow of colours In our large collection of up to the minute dressy hats choose one to match your nearest outfit Yours tor a song from 11 00 teller Cage The ladles Fashion Place in Downtown Georgetown Main SI S Formerly In The Old Bank

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