Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 15, 1981, p. 15

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SAVE Youll do better with EASTER Youll do better with BAKED GOODS from ASP FROZEN FOODS from Tiny Cut Carrots Jane P Our Reg Price SAVE Gr0n VEGETABLES SLICED RAISIN BREAD 79 YORK FROZEN JANE RHODES FROZEN g I lum 9s Bran Bread White Rolls JAM PARKER GAINSBOROUGH FROZEN DEEP English Muffins Pie Shells JANE PARKER CARNATION FROZEN POTATOES Angel Cake 169 Hash Browns JANE PARKER FROZEN BEEF CHICKEN TURKEY Jam Buns Meat Pies Favoui EASTER BONUS DELUXE ICE CREAM SUYS Kant Frozen Concentrated Robin Hood Varieties CAKE MIXES pouch pack 29 FROZEN COD FISH CHIPS ICHW pxg 99 Bicks Pickles 199 Sole Fillets isss Frozen Whitefish Spices at 199 ftQ or BoniE Ocean Spray 159 STUFFFD SPANISH QUEEN FUJI JARS fcW STUFFED MANZANJUA J7S ml JAR 14OI Coronation Olives 199 Haddock in Batter 189 Our ROBIN HOOD FLOUR BOTTOM 23S I 2 99 Tc hi Cut from Canadas Finest Grade A Beef SIRLOIN STEAK SAVE lb Our Regular Price lb 369 Your Choke Maple Leaf Brand or Swift Sugar Plum Vac HALF HAMS lb Quarters inner Hams 189 Hams Ham Steaks MAM Pork Shoulders Side Bacon 189 MATIE LEAF SWEAT FICKIED PREVIOUSLY FROZEN PORK SIM C Rolls 159 Spare Ribs 14 Sliced Swift Premium or Regular or Thick Our Rag Price up to SAVE up to SIDE BACON Cut from Canadas Finest Grade A Beef OR WING Steak or Roast lb Our Regular Price lb J 99 MAPU LEAF Cooked Ham 179 ORAM A FROZEN All WEIGHTS Hen Turkeys 109 U1IUTV GRADE WEIGHTS Turkeys 99 WIPE OF CANADA GRADE A FROZEN TO Ayr Basted Chickens 139 FRESH MEDIUM Ground Beef MAPLE IIAF REGULAR OK Ground Meat 149 NEW OR HALF IHANK ID 1 Lamb Legs 189 MAFU LEAF Kolbassa 299 Polish Sausage Wieners IEAF SMOKED Sausage LEAF GOLDEN FRY OR SKIKUSt Sausages 239 LEAP REGULAR ALL BEEF THICK OR Bologna MAPLE LEAF SLICED 10 VANIRlIS IHOOCOW MACARONI a CHEESE lOAF VAC Cooked Meats 99 noztN suets Beef Liver OR fW Potato Salad 119 in stores with Deli Ham SECTION THE HERALD April it 1M1 Page North has new planning council Continued from page take measures to remedy such situations One of the goals of the Council Is to Inform the community of the agencies and services available how they can help who can make use of them and where they can be contacted To accom plish ihia the Council plans An ongoing aeries of news paper columns dcjcrfbing each of the services such the Community Legal Clinic Legal Aid and access to the Ontario Ombudsman Long identified as a community need the Volun teer Bureau will begin opera ting under the auspices of the Council activities will tart through Volunteer Week April to May I In its efforts to promote volunteerism in north Hilton and to enable groups with similar interests to engage In cooperative planning the Council coordinated the application for a federal Manpower grant to employ three at the Contact Centre Helping Hands and the Volunteer Bureau The Council can also provide expertise in assisting groups who are seeking grants or making proposals to various agencies and levels of government It may also act in an advocacy role on behalf of an individual or agency dilemma The Social Planning Council is a volunteer body composed of interested individuals with expertise in a wide variety of areas Any Council however can be effective only If put to full use through direct input from citizens The Council exists to deal with concerns and problems shared by indivi duals or agencies In the area and to assist them in reach ing an appropriate solution An Interim Board of Directors la serving until the annual meeting The Interim commit toe is composed of President Bill Tom Vice Graham Bland and Sandy Symmes Secre tary Pat and Trea surer Dolly Moulden Interim Board members are Peggy Jack Blrtch Peter Branch Callaghan Mary Carpenter Carol Clark Karen Ferguson Frank Hannah Fran Kay Bill Kort Ramsay Walter Ridley Mary Simpson David Sinclair Barbara Stevens and Erica Thompson Board members have involvement in a wide range of regional services public agencies and volunteer organizations Including Acton Social Services Centre various churches education Red Cross the Cancer Society service clubs Public Health pallia tive care ADAPT Helping Hands Eliza beth Fry Society University Womens Club Halton Womens Mental Health Clinic Agri culture and womens The guest speaker at the Annual Meeting will be Norma Lepa coordlnator of Day Care Services for Halton region The programme will include election of the board of directors and approval of the Constitution Memberships for any one wishing to loin the Council will be available at the door for a fee of and will allow the member to vote at this meeting Memberships are open to anyone over the age of IS who lives or works in Milton or Hilts The public Is invited to attend to more about the North HaTUurSocJal Planning Council Anyone with specific concerns should bring them In writing to he meeting for consideration at future meetings or the Council Copies of the Councils constitution may be seen in the libraries and municipal offices in Acton Georgetown and Milton Temporary headquarters of the Council will be at the Aclon Social Services Centre Enquiries may be made by phoning between the bourn of to Monday to Friday LEASING A CAR OR TRUCK GIVE US A TRY

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