Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 15, 1981, p. 23

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Together we can help you better Royal Trust C THE April IS 1M1 BUYING SELLING CHECK OUT THE CLASSIFIED ads CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Wednesday Publication Deadline Monday Friday Publication Deadline Wednesdays CLASSIFIED CASH RATES 877 MEMORIAMS 50f30wordaplus35e for lino poo try CARDS OF THANKS Words St I oral ENGAGEMENT DEATHS BIRTHS words DEADLINE MOKQAY SMELT NET spreaders Now Smelt running now SEVEN dinette girls Is clothes 877 LAWN TRACTOR cut twin blades lino cultivator EieaUeni Vacuum and 2 old in condition 5 spood duty chain 3323 1579151s WASHER Stovo 1561151a HARVEST GOLD Frost Free Refrigerator AGE Stove Maytag Automatic Washing 159715lswl SWING SET Chirm Cabinet S150 Small offer CHESTERFIELD and choir with Cham pagne Beige Fabric by KroehJor SI PIANO Organs now and used lull guarantee The Piano and Organ Ex Changs Brampton 4084 PIONEER HOMELITE SAW SALE OFF ALS MARINE ACTON 8531682 MILK 3 QUART BAG OR EtutyBtfdSpecfel C Georgetown AM TO 10 AM Monday to Friday Si WEEKEND SPECIAL now permanent I nature torn Jewellers This Thursday Friday Saturday OFF Butane Lighters There Friday Sat JEWELLERS Downtown Georgetown SWIMMING POOL SALE Manufacturer must clear brand now above ground pools Com pi to with motor pump patio and Regularly Now while supplies last Order now delivery to suit you Call ton tree 1 lor details Is AVOCADO Refrigerator Avocado stovo Excellent condition 877 DARK Formal pine dm ng table with six chairs solid walnut combination with record changer tape deck and matching hutch 653 3809 1567l5tsnt THOMAS keyboard electric organ with boat box to and magenta 4 piece bedroom suite dark modem table Captain chair assor ted curtains swag lamps VACUUM Cleaners supplies and service Queen Kirby Compact etc FRESH TROUT No tied cleaned Individually packaged to order per doz Hickory Smoked per delivery Hallon Hills Trout Forms Ltd LAWN TRACTOR 42 cut 877 156415lsnl NEWSPRINT ROLL ENDS per includ taxes Ideal tor schools labia coverings uses THE HILLS HERALD Counter WE HAVE MANY QUALITY PRE OWNED ECONOMY CARS To choose at prices you can altord Low payment Bank Financing PRESS PLATES Repair outbuildings line granaries and bins or protect trunks fruit with Used Aluminum Press Plates thick cenls each including applicable at The Hills Herald Front Counter HARDING CARPET SALE Special Manufacturers Discount Plus FREE PAD INSTALLATION CRITERION CARPETS Call Georgetown For FREE Estimate The Buyers and Sellers Market Place 8772201 CENTRAL CABS Air Conditioned Radio Dispatched 8771111 Chocolate brown Comoro with V8 origin go block floater Asking 100 877 14B616cl QMC ton ex running condition bust otter 158515catnl CADILLAC do excellent condition or best oiler 838 2913 TOYOTA CELICA as is evenings only 1977VW RABBIT great savor condition 1289 1971 duster Good shape miles 155416ctnl Cutlass 4 door Sedan M auto 1973 MERCURY 43 miles tinted gloss PW rear speaker Clean Interior 2 extra wheels needs some body work 400 or trade tor small boot 1972 FORD LTD 429 engine RECREATIONAL VEHICLES MUST Bo sold 1976 Corsair motor home all equipped pots pans dishes cutlery all Included 500 Firm Certified 153215rv 1909 ORBIT Cabin Traitor condtlon Truck cap short Box S225 alter 5pm 7801 155B16tsnt WANTED TO BUY USED HERALD CARRIER BAGS NOT TURNED IN BY PREVIOUS CARRIERS THE HERALD GEORGETOWN GIBSONS Dead Stock Service Dead or disabled animals removed lb paid or old healthy horses We can ten you the cause of death Call Fergus collect or or Brampton 3994 Licence C CASH Old or antique in any condition jewellery coins military Items Jars trunks etc WATSON AUTO WRECKERS Wanted scrap cara end trucks tor wrecking FREE PICK UP St per between 8 1 Wealorn Canada School Ltd Canada a first and trio only completely Canadian course under the Trade Schools Licensing Act C 388 For par the course write Box acorn bo Alberto or phone 752 GARAGE SALES GARAGE SALE 1 70 Poplar Ave Ac Ion Saturday April Irom Toys household clothes books Something tor everyone OARAGE SALE Carole Street 1 clock on day April 18 Fishing Rods Roots Lures etc Special lor kids 180315oawt GARAGE SALE 1 Brucowood am to Friday Apr 1 7 Something lor everyone 12 cu It freezer Simplicity Apt alio washer OARAGE SALE MOVING Friday a Saturday April 1 7 A 18 30 am to a pm Household Hems fridge Maytag automatic washer large variety of lor nltur NO CHEQUES PLEASE IBOQiegawf NOTICE TO CREDITORS tN THE ESTATE OF WILFRED ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate Wilfred Burt late of the Town of In Regional Municipality Halt on who died on or about the day of January 1981 are hereby to send particulars some to undersigned on or before day of April otter dole the Estate wilt distributed with regard only which undersigned shall have notice and the will not bo I any person whoso claim shall not then have DATED AT HILLS DAY OF March Ruth Burl ad tho Estate Wilfred Burt by her Solicitors 1 Milt Street Georgetown Ontario SALES SERVICES LTD a Corporation li pursuant to the laws tho Dominion of Canada has carried on and intends to carry on business Its head lice at Armstrong Avenue On However is hereby given thai TWD Safes Sorvtcos Ltd a separate and die tine I corporation that has business and Issued any In corpora tod pursuant the laws of Province on Ontario Intends to msko to the Ministry Consumers and Commercial Relations for a Cortrficate sold Corporation Solos a Services Ltd Ontario by Its Lawrence Lawrence Steven son 43 Queen Street Weal Brampton Ontario TENDERS Royal Canadian Legion Branch la contemplating renovation to the existing kit Persons wishing to submit tenders please contact Bus Halo 3835 for details PU P Ail Breeds Grooming Clipping and Shampooing Also Evening Weekend nlmonls Available 30ARLETTAST 8771995 WffliWl LOST Quasar Mens Digital Watch east end of Georgetown 7723 SIAMESE CAT Blue Point Female BaHmalad Area Lost April REWARD or 677 HELP WANTED be experienced for Salon in Georgetown Please cat or 7917 HAIR STYLIST for work in bright progressiva salon full backup training and wide scope tor both personal end financial growth Salary plus commission fringe benefits We rogulre able ambitious person why not lolk It over with us Hair Stylos Ltd 877 An Immediate opening for person perform the duties a Weal candidate must bo neat in appearance have a pleasant personality and be able to typo 4560 For personal interview please con tact Mrs K Jackson Floxonic Division Ltd SI W Brampton On I 451 1250 15891Ghow COSTING PAYROLL CLERK Metal Fabricator requires ex periencod costing clerk mediately Soml automated on includes most face to of costing and ell facets of hourly payroll Minimum Costing Accounting pari salary excellent benefits eluding denial Please contact Mm Division Ltd Nelson SI Brampton Ont- 451 BABYSITTER wanted lull time from now tV end June Live In preferred or NURSES Nurses with I V experience lor a Medical laboratory Collection Stalron in Georgetown Reply In writing to HOSPITALS IN COMMON LABORATORY 145 Queen Si Suite 203 Bramnton L6W CARRIER FOR TOMCNABB Wednosdsy and Friday before school delivery NO COLLECTING 8772201 YOUR CAREER IN REAL ESTATE IS BEST WITH ROYAL TRUST unique 30 day training exclusively tor newcomers course fees subsidized to qualified registrants new 1 deterred profit sharing plan staff mortgages at preferred rates staff loans at special rales OHIPand extended medical coverage dental plan disability benefits bridge financing plan national Inter office referral program national corporate accounts stock options AND MORE JANITOR Applicant must hove 2 yrs experience Apply In person 193M0UNTAINVIEWRDN GEORGETOWN FOUNDRY HELP INC MOUNTAIN VIEW RDN GEORGETOWN ONT CABLE TV TECHNICIAN Aggressive young co has immediate openings for skilled cable T technicians Advancement op for person with Initiative Salary and benefit package negotiable Phone for 2767703 COMPUTER OPERATOR Our location In lust Northwest of Toron to 35 minutes from downtown Due to business growth we require a mature In dividual wilh 2 years experience as a computer operator HASP 2 and Data Communication with remote or mini computer Is a definite asset The Individual will have the opportunity to develop skills In programming systems and management Our salary and benefit package are very com including dental Please send your resume In strictest confidence or apply in person to HUMAN RESOURCES MRSISENTOS BURLINGTON CARPET MILLS CANADA LTD GLIDDEN BRAMALEA REAL ESTATE Ci GEORGETOWN 69000 3 bedroom brick bungalow large kitchen and living room extra washroom roc room laundry room and bodroom on lower level Double car garage B Daws Real Estate Broker 5198533790 REAL ESTATE ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE LARGE FAMILY HOME ONLY 63900 4 Bedrooms large main floor family room with brick fireplace and walk out to wood deck full basement with darkroom car garage 600 at 1 1 due Oct To view call Guy Church MLS 4574770 or 5199415151 ROYAL CITY Realty limited suing is now ACTON URGENT Duplex near shopping area renovated Must sell quickly Reduction offered Brick bungalow with added renovations just great for the handyman Good residential area Must sell owner leaving Priced lower in Acton JACK HOLMES REAL ESTATE BROKER Mill ST I ACTON 8531650 altiltoroiN 8782365 INSIDEBUTOUT Yes its inside the town of Georgetown but its definitely out of this world This executive multf level home perched atop a ravine has a pic turesque view of the valley and river below FEATURES Spacious foyer living room room bedrooms 3 bathrooms Fridge Central air electonlc air cleaner Family room with stone fireplace and walk out to pool New pool with ceramic tile coping change house wrought iron fencing Flee room and workshop 144 500 This home Is perfectly located on one of the most sought after streets in town It will be our pleasure to arrange a personal viewing for you Call us today 8782365 PRIVATE SALE ACRE SERVICED Building Lot In the Beautiful WJdwoodAreo Town gas Asking 59 CALL 8779877 AFTER 7pm 1599 IS RE WF PRIVATE SALE ACTON S43 3 dominium bathrooms throughout lull baaomont Fenced yard private driveway End unit WEDDING Dance or Stag lions Hall for rani Contact Earl ELKS Hall tor rent contact Harold Colpitis Sr after pm SO FT AVAILABLE JUNE 1 warehouse and ft bright modem Of Ileus carpeted and air conditioned with lobby and reception Kitchen stationary room and janitor room Four of large executive office with washroom and board room Huge general office area washrooms and shower Fenced compound at roar loading dock end extra In loading door Security Key System throughout Call J Mig or tiller Cable 142Bfrtf COMMERCIAL OFFICE OR STORE SPACE For Small units aval lab to Prestigious building down town FOR RENT to rosponsiblo couple bedroom apartment fridge utilities Included Juno 1ol occupancy No children or pets 159216tr THREE bedroom raised bungalow closa to all amenities In Acton Owner lives In basement seeking mature couple or single professional ONE heated spar tment Private entrance Doytool Drive LUXURY TWO bedroom available Sitvor Creek Towers 677 FOR RENT bedroom bungalow in top condition with carport and largo fenced backyard close to shops end schools Available May 1st rent per month Forap- fiolntment call evenings Available May 1st Included No children 877 GEORGETOWN Park Area CtOM schools end Train par month plus utilities Available May 1 el for viewing Call 2721241 AFTER 6 HOUSE to share In Georgetown with person alter WILL person who took Grey end Rod Soccor Track Jacket from Holy Cross School Friday evening April 10th please turn It Into tho Herald Office Required for Rep Soc cor team this year IBp ANYONE knowing ways of money for group Please catl877 1512 Do now Una and Sincere Call Dating Ltd tOOl 3067 to Sat ROYAL HERITAGE FILM SERIES every Wednesday evening at the Georgetown Public Library at m Wed April The Medieval Kings April 22 Tho April Charles May The Stuarts Restored May 3 The First Throe Georges May George May Viclorla and Albert Juno Victoria Queen and Empress Juno 10 Edward and the House Windsor Each 1 1 ten In the aeries ts approximately 1 hour In length and Him screening a ore tree to tho public AN INVITATION moot AUTHOR ILLUSTRATOR AND RAGS star RAGS STORY at the Georgetown Public Library on Saturday April 18 4pm Rags Story is a book and Is another fundralslng venture tho Library stall at the Georgetown Public Library in support tho Now Is Centre Tho story colouring book will for 159315wnl BUFFET LUNCHEON Sponsored by the Daughters of St Georges Anglican Church St Georgetown on Wednesday April at 1 to p m Turkey scalloped potatoes salad dessert tea and coffee Adults Children under 200 E3QUESINQ Historical Society Mooting April m el St Stephens Anglican Church 1480 Hornby speaker Alan Barnes on subject Domestic Lighting 1780 All welcome 157415co Discovery Day Wednesday April BLACK CREEK PIONEER VILLAGE Sub leave a here at SHARP and returns approximately Lunch will be served the Halfway House in 20 includes bus lunch and tour Pro roglator la necessary P DAY Friday April Metro Zoo Trip 9 em 4 Extended care 7 30 to and Feo 10 lor 1st child tor ad dltlonel child In tho family Extended care 2 GO Pro registration Georgetown Mountalnvlow Rd B77 Al Anon Family Group meetings at St Johns United Church Guolph SI Group will moot Wednosday at 1 p m and Tuoadoy evenings 30 p Anon tactfully offers help to anyone who needs Id how to live with all the many difficulties which alcoholism con create or aggravate For further Into motion call 3013 or cell Solvation Army pickup Tuesday Call 6522 Regular open meetings Alcoholics Anonymous every Friday night at St John a United Church Everyone welcome Miracle Food Mart presents a CONSUMERS EVENING Tuesday April 7 at Lodge Tickets Hits Elko I las For tickets 877 16531 See GEORGETOWN Choral Society preaenls BROAD WAY TONIGHT Sunday April 20 HotyCroas Church 15631 See

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