Home Newspaper of Hills SI A HERALD April IS A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Guelph Street Georgetown Ontario WILLIAM EVDOKIMOFF Publisher PAUL Editor DAVID BEATTIE Advertising Manager PHONE Second Mail Registered Number Good news and bad news for our planners Kudos for Tom Guelph St firms Weve often talked In the past about cleaning up the Highway corridor through Georgetown In this context the term really Involves existing uses and better planning or future uses The deal finally signed between the town and two highwayfront Industries this week Is perhaps the key to the whole project and a sizeable project It Is Town recreation director Tom Shepard Ibis week sealed the deal with William Company and Dorsey Ltd that will enable soccer buffs to use the firms lands and weekends over the next ten years or more In return the town picks up the tab tar about worth of realty tax a year and covers players for Injury and accident This simple mutually beneficial deal la attractive for several reasons not only do the two companies get assistance In paying for and maintaining their property worthwhile use Is made of otherwise empty space the problem of overused soccer pitches la alleviated and the development of land along the highway Is enhanced Our congratulations to Mr and our thanks to the two firms Involved may their contribution and willingness to pool resources with the town stand an example of how the businesses already in place along Guelph Street can ease traffic and development pressures both In their Immediate vicinity and across the com- unity Legal questions hinder planning It bothers us that Mayor Pete Pomeroy and town council must conduct their business In spite of modest concerns over the legality of their actions The case at hand Involves the preparation of secondary official plans for Stewarttown and Glen Williams now being ready for Inclusion In the overall Halton Hills official plan through resolutions from town and regional council The mayor expressed some doubt last week that councils action may be challenged before the Ontario Municipal Board since the provincial governments Planning Act requires a formal amendment to the existing official plan where secondary plans are to be ad ded It seems unlikely that the question of legality will pose any serious threat to council or the town bat coupled with recurring troubles over the areas long- range planning the episode la yet another example of Intergovernment haggling over procedure a clash of bureaucracies totally unwarranted by the small scale of the documents on the table Weve had plenty of troubles over official plans at both the regional and local level these past seven years and regardless of which government level deserves more blame were convinced these legal and procedural wrangles can be avoided Letter from the editor Paul Dorsey Rags to riches Combining the primitive writing style currently popular among young people with similarly fundamental but often impressionistic pen and ink renderings the Hills public libraries new fund raising novelette Rags Story emerges as a finite but integral testimony to the populism of the new prose a sign that readers everywhere may again turn to such condensed vignettes as a form of primal therapy Havingjustwadcdlhrough War and Peace I was less than enthusiastic this week when a library staffer dropped off a complimentary copy of thenew book for a press preview So cerebral a work I assumed would demand hours of painstaking preparatory research if the reader were to analyze its contents adequately plus days maybe even weeks of eclectic cross referencing to read between the lines as It were the subtle doctrines usually associated with such major socio- psychological treatises Ostensibly Rags Story recounts the background and continuing adventures of a Peruvian Cavie just a fancy name or guinea pigs with long hair according to the protagonist who look up residence at the Georgetown library now temporarily located in view Square after two less than ideal owner pet relationships with human supporting characters Author Pamela Payne perhaps a pseudonym designed to express the allegorical running like a thematic current through the book has wisely afforded us few clues about Rags previous owners The book Is after all fiction and since these characters Pat and effect little development of the plot or underlying morality they arc perhaps best merely mentioned to protect their privacy Rags herself narrates the story a rambling collection of misadventures highlighted by a fur raiding tale about an escape from the cage after closing time There la also the inevitable sensuous passages aimed more at initiation than at character or plot development In which the names of those Involved in any and all unspeakable activities are replaced by blank spaces purportedly to be filled by young fans of the randy rodent put out a pointer finger and moved it very slowly and softly start Ing at the end of my nose and right up to my forehead When does this I make little nimbly noises because it feels so good Passages such as this mire the book with images of a hedonistic piglet gorging herself on vegelaMos and human affection Indeed there Is a great deal of self Indulgence both on Rags part and Ms Paynes There Is also much selfserving description of library work cleverly disguised to promote interest In the librarians noble profession among young readers Hags muchrecounted near legendary escape from her cage doubtlessly a metaphor for Iran release of the American hostages enables the four legged fur ball to acquaint herself with other beings who are the some yet different Stntler and are two also loafing around the library at the taxpayers expense Though they remain Imprisoned Rags nocturnal nosey around prompts them to put on a show and teach the guinea pig how best to exploit their mutually limited accommodations And while Rags attempts to reenter her cage herself without success she is not replaced until morning when a library finds her snuggled old velveteen alley bag symbolizing the creature comforts of childhood where shed bedded down after hours of discomfort Just on a cold window ledge Thus Rags embodying Everyman returns to prison a happy pig squeaks with delight every time his keepers approach with their meagre offerings of food and comfort and submits herself to occasional outdoor forays during which she remains very much a passive curiosity among students and other youngsters who seem inevitably armed with hair and nail clippers Now envision the overall project Rags Story a accessible story of totalitarianism subduing natural freedom and curbing social Intercourse is presented as an Interesting harmless pastime for youngsters whose parents In buying copies at apiece arc helping to build the new library cultural centre for a good cause I suppose but must we confound our children with the doctrines of Stalinism Id also like to take Issue with library staffer who provided the books Illustrations So freeform and are her sketches of Rags that the hirsute little looks like a gone to seed As a result my attempts to color the pictures yes Rags Story is also a coloring book turned each page Into a hellish mess no matter how fine my crayon lines and how subtle my cross hatching The picture of the new cultural centre turned out really neat though Constitution stakes still rise as PM ponders court defeats Hags Story Is actually great Tor kldl and la available at the Acton and Georgetown libraries at the litter location this Saturday the pig herself her biographer and her Illustrator hot I an autographing tension from 2 to Ottawa Report Stewart MacLeod Ottawa Bureau of The Iter Id In the immediate aftermath of that decision by the Newfoundland Court of Appeal that Minister Trudeaus constitutional package Is In effect Illegal there Is a broad view that this Is an enormous setback for the federal government But It may not be It and his ministers were obviously convinced they were on sound constitutional grounds when they brought the controversial package before Parliament last October And during its long commit tee study and subsequent Par lumen debate legal questions didnt dominate discussions Although there were frequent references to the ties of the package the opposition has been devoting more attention to the political aspects the lack of consensus the alleged dlvislveness the lobbying In Britain the exclusion of God from he preamble and such specifics as native rights and womens rights Whenever opposition MPs raised questions about the legality of the package Justice Minister Chretien and the prime minister always expressed their confidence that they were on undisputed legal grounds And since the Conservative opposition was J package on every conceivable front the legal arguments receive any more attention than the political comments of some backbench British MP And when the Manitoba Appeal Court ruled by a 32 margin in Ottawas favor the legal arguments were pushed further into the background ATTENTION DIVERTED The opposition concentrated on the political arguments opposing premiers scrambling to come up with a consensus on another amending formula all the attention was riveted on this exercise In the parliamentary filibuster the federal Tories killed lime by attacking every thing from the Speaker to New Democratic Party constituency offices The debate had lost Its focus Most people werent even listening to what the MPs were saying But the Newfoundland court decision Jolted them We are some what disappointed by the judgment a subdued told the Commons Then In what appeared to be retreat ing gesture he said that if Parliament quickly passed the resolution he would await a ruling from the Supreme Court of Canada before asking West minster to give it a final approval And if the Supreme Court decided the resolution was unconstitutional then it would be dropped I wonder if we could not agree to pass the resolution and make sure the of Canada Is acting not in a hypothetical case but on a real one and agree to respect the decision of the Supreme Court of Canada he said in the House The Immediate reaction of the Conservatives was to reject this proposal arguing that Parliament be debating a measure that a court has declared to be Illegal Since the legalities are still very much a matter debate particularly when a decision is still to come from the Quebec courts and since the Supreme Court would be better served by having the amended and approved resolution before it I dont agree with the Conservative reaction NEW DIRECTION But thats beside the point What the Newfoundland decision has done is to refocus attention to the legality of the measure Suddenly thats the over riding issue And all the arguments are directed at this one aspect which they will be other Issues are pushed aside The constitutional debate now will effectively become a legal one Should the Quebec courts also rule against the federal government I dont see how the prima minister could proceed with the resolution even with ultimate approval from the Supreme Court And of course If the Supreme Court also upheld the provinces there wouldnt even be that political question to consider The resolution would receive a well deserved execution But and this is getting back to my original point what if these other courts uphold the federal position In that event I would think the government would be Jar better off than It would have been without the Newfoundland decision The issue now is firmly in the courts and If is fortunate enough to get future decisions in his favor it will be virtually impossible for his parliamentary opposition to reassemble another broad offensive on other fronts On the other hand should courts rule against him It will be equally improbable that he will mount another offensive to patriate the constitution Its just that the slakes now are much higher Dont let victory fool you longterm Tory trend down Queens Park Derek IN el son Bureau of The Herald In one sense politics is a lot like sports Vou can be a hero to he crowd one minute and a bum the next And it Is not a terribly rational decision When applied in the context of the 19S1 provincial election where Progressive Conservatives ran as Davis candidates almost to the exclusion of the parly name the Tories must have worries about the future With a masterful campaign well financed welt led well organized with a popular premier heading It up and fumbling en masse in the opposi tion camp the PCs still won only of seats The turnout was a ridiculously low per cent Indicating a general lack of emotional Issues motivating voters to go to the polls and no great pull by the Rotary Club April Davis name alone More Important the Liberals actually increased their vote both in percentage and real terms even though the consensus was that Liberal Leader Stuart Smith ran an uneven campaign and didnt touch nerves with his issues MUCH WONDER If under those circumstances the best the Conservatives can do is a marginal victory one has to wonder about the party ability to maintain Its grip on power The problem is the yoyo like reaction the public seems to adopt towards many political leaders Probably no politician oscillates In Ontario esteem to the degree Pierre docs being seen as Superman at his 1968 high point while playing the Devil Incarnate at his 1B79 But Premier William Davis while he suffered the same extremes In public affection and disaffection as has had his own brushes with a volatile public Davis was relatively popular and high profile in the 1971 election campaign yet a target of personal abuse in the 197S contest DIG WORRY This lime around the lives tried to package him in a manner similar to the 1971 run but lacking a high turnout and an Issue such as separate schools were then with less successful results What happens if four years of majority Tory government produce the same kind of negative Image In the public mind as the four years following the ConservativeDavis sweep of 1B71T The Conservatives future Is complicated by the human tendency to vole against rather than for on voting day Opposition parties rarely win elections more often governments lose Smith is hardly the darling of the masses but if Joe Clark can win hands down In English speaking Canada as in 1979 because of the unpopularity of the incumbent then Smith too has a shot in Ontario COULD BE Of course this assumes the Tories won go into the next election campaign with an emotional Issue and mais fervor on their side The PC Parly hasnt lasted 38 years In power by being stupid And Davis isnt about to roll over and play dead either Many feel the Tories came from behind partly because of hard campaigning by Davis to squeak out a minority victory In the election Equally one can never over estimate the tendency of both the Liberals and In Ontario to had at Just the moment when It looks like the Tory monopoly on power may be broken The Conservatives still win a lot of voles because tboy are perceived being the lesser of three evils But even adding those qualifiers one has to conclude the long term Tory trend Is downward Even many who like the Conservatives ore as one retiring Tory here once tired of them THIRTY YEARS vaccination as a control Bangs disease Is fast becoming a general practise on the part of all progressive cattle owners in According to figures recently received from the Ontario Veterinary College calves were vaccinated in in Thia la almost a SO per cent Increase over 1949 The comedy Raggedy Nan sponsored by St John Guild and presented by the Young Adults Group of St Davids Church Campbellville was performed at Stewarttown Hall Night Several weeks ago a campaign to raise funds for the March of Dimes was carried on In local schools Later It became known that the only society authorized to collect from schools is the Red Cross so It was decided to send the raised to the authorized organization Rev Arthur Dayfoot who returned from the United Church mission field in China this year after six years was welcomed back to town Friday when he addressed gathering in St John Memorial Hall Mr spoke at length Impressions gained as an evangelistic missionary before and otter Lbe communist domination of China The Legion project of sending cigarettes to the men In Korea got underway ihls week with initial orders to be sent by Tucket Tobacco Company In Hamilton Local men include Earl Becrman and Bob TWENTY YEARS Georgetown dart team established themselves as the team to watch when the district dart finals roll around later this month in Hamilton The team made up of Bud Hill Roy Art Hall and Bill Ranahan won over teams In a Zone Dart tournament held in Brampton A former town resident Brigadier became vice president of ihe Royal Winter Fair last week Brigadier Wallace moved to York Mills two years ago and is president of Pittsburgh Industries An attractive new entrance and a larger librarians office will come out of a renovation program now being undertaken at the public library Library board chairman J Lam bcrl said this week hat the renovations will Include new terrain steps at the entrance which will extend farther into the library proper to reduce the present sleep Incline The building will also receive a new floor in the vestibule and new double doors at the entrance Edna Strong president of the Junior Farmers Association of Ontario was guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Alloa Junior Farmers Peel County Juniors learned they are a small fraction of the 7000 members in districts in Ontario A move contemplated by councils several limes during the past few years will become reality soon when to gas pumps arc installed at Ihe Council on Monday voted to contract with Cities Service OU Company lo supply gas fuel oil and diesel oil at an undisclosed TEN YEARS Women Institute held their anniversary party at Stewarttown April with a lively tables of euchre A special birthday cake was colored in the Wl blue and gold Total expenditures for the Halton County Separate School Board for are estimated at 602 last year Revenue from the provincial government amounts to or per cent of the total 1971 budget Revenue from local taxation makes up most of the balance of board funds at Of this 748 comes from municipal tax levy and from use of the 1970 other levy on municipalities Nature has not been cooperating with Conservation Authority annual Maple Syrup Festival at Crawford Lake For the past weekends the Authority has been selling maple syrup bought from a commercial operation in of the lack of their own syrup The Halton County Separate School Board last week approved the appointment of a new super of schools Clifford He has been assistant superintendent with the Waterloo County Separate School Board Maple Nursery School parents held their annual wine and cheese party at the home of Terry and Fran Baines March The evening included a sampling of exotic cheeses an old fashioned sing song and toasts with various Canadian wines ONE YEAR than north of health and social service programs nine staff positions and road reconstruction projects that were to Include the rograding of the hazardous Mountain view River Drive intersection moy have all fallen victim to regional budget cutbacks I really dont know to look for any more cuts chief administrative officer Ernie said regional public works employees are back on the Job today after ratifying a new contract Monday The new contract gives workers an rate of effective Immediate ly up from under the contract which expired Dec The new contract calls for a per cent payincrcaserctroactlvctoJan I and a further two per cent effective June 1 MP Otto Jellnck Is delighted with his appointment as corporate affairs critic in the Conservative shadow cabinet It enlarges my Interest from strictly small businesses to medium and large he said It will be a very challenging portfolio to handle Georgetowns Rotary Club celebrated its anniversary in grand style Saturday night with a gala banquet that saw four locol club members presented with Paul Harris awards the most any club has received in one presentation According to District Governor Paul Actons McKenzieSmlth Middle School will lose Its viceprincipal whohas been theresince 1978 and spent three years before that as viceprincipal at Georgetown Centennial Middle School He was elevated to a principals position by the Board of Education Thursday night POETS CORNER Lost wallet A shocked look upon her flee How her wallet left that place Left her stranded In the store So the couldnt shop no more She looked and searched all a round No sign of that wallet could be found With her license and credit cards too What could thit depressed lady do Oh what a shock did someone You cannot pay how would you feel Who would do a selfish act Only someone thai li cracked Say someone with cupboard bare Children hungry nothing left to spare It wis that know No one saw the go They who live sneaky way A prison term some day will pay I