It Till- Wednesday April I9HI Panel Bratkin bowls perfect ISO a ichi r of bowlers and still a from GeorRLlown Howl dre mi of a jwrfect game on Friday April in Brampton bin bow lid 12 toiisccutive strikes for score of Along tin lourmmtnl traits at or another Margie has won Hit top awards provmu ill ml Hit Bowlers Assoi lSntkinsivMlnlshenn lltr I I- Sin Outs I Plus Bob Hand i rnbu Tom lt Jiff Hills TO vie iki I mil Jinrnkr orm MOD Ten tin UTS Judy Carroll Weeks 40G Jiff Shine 457 iv id inrii lint icr Muhacl 1141 Juniors Kill 214 Tcresi isl 226 1251I 549 Cindy Kavnnagh id Hicks Brtnl Brink Holt Si mors 711 f- Marshall 1 Hid 1 So ends another minor hockey season his just a not lit r successful at Thtw indmi up of the 1980Ht season is now in the works and our Annual Spring Gene rjIMiMinKwillbthUd April it Gordon Hall al Amend with of will scheduled O11K in imendments and Masters ready for hoop tourney ilbj I for tin ijiiiirioihjnip ill hosted by tht clown Misters Rep tifht kirns wilt of I hi fcimis will plitd it school 111 lilt TO will Kit and iurlinj is an Opt sniiilionid by Iadits Imktl lion Thecmsol final will In at3 at GlIHS fiym Hit 11 at Hit high George chimp In Hamilton May and May Coach the team is reidy for the and tin ladies been In two exhibition names the llmr ben tin exhibition is tentatively scheduled team at school tomorrow day but pressti Inform was ALL BEDROOM SUITES AT A SAVINGS OF 2035 Example Above 8 piece suite regfsl price 79900 complete FURNITURE WAREHOUSE LTD TERMS AVAILABLE Guelph SI Georgetown 416