I Tilt HERALD Wednesday April 181 Ballinafad Spring fashions bonanza By WIN Nil RED SMITH Herald Correspondent An event of unusual Interest look place at he Community Centre last Wednesday even ing when the C W sponsored a Spring Fashion Show by Heather Hill Fashions The Hall was Tilled with women of all ages eager to see the latest In styles fabrics chosen and Ihe redo tins colors for this Spring and Summer Mauve seemed lo be one of the favorite colors but he off white or red trim seemed to be a popular choice Tables were pluced on an angle on each side of the Hall and several placed on Ihe front They were each cover with a cloth and a dainty hi tic centrepiece hold lighted candle added to attractiveness of the ting An archway adorned with paper flowers was set up for which each model appeared before proceeding up the ramp which was in the Centre of the Hull Miss Hill was the commentator and announced each model by name and described what they were wearing To make it more interesting for the spectators the models were all local ladies from teens to grandmothers but they did a professional Job Those modelling were Diana Connie Cather inc Marg Martha Lewis Peggy Louise McMahon Joan March Ruby Pinkerton Karen Penny Helen Dorothy and Bonnie Walker Some music was played during the show by Nells The girl was Marilyn who used allergenic Metlcs to bring out the highlights was busy all evening keeping the hair perfect for each model as they had to change outfits many times during the fl how During the Intermission there was fun and excitement as several door prizes were given away Those donating were business people from the village and area The committee in charge of the Spring Fashions late the kindness of the follow who gave prizes Theatre Georgetown Terra Cotta Inn Heather Hill Fash ions Shorlill General Store Shop Peacock Beauty Solon French Plumbing and Electric Webbs Greenhouse Robert son a Flowers and Ford Brothers Feed Mill There was much work Involved In presenting Ihe fashion show Jamieson president of C W said there were many to thank for the success of the evening like Mrs Hill and her two who were responsible for the beautiful clothes the IS models who gave of their lime and energy going up and down stairs as the dressing rooms were in the basement and last but not least were the committee Viola Helen Brown and Joanne Stevenson who got special applause from the audience who had thoroughly enjoyed the evenings entertainment The Good Friday service at the church was not as well attended as previous Good Friday services Solos given by Paul Schwa and Alma Sinclair were very impressive The passages of Scripture read by Eileen Brown Sheila Stiles and Henri Gagnc wore also dealing with the last few hours before Crucifixion The message by Mr Stiles Were You There added the finish to a somewhat somber service How much different was the service for Easter Sunday The church was filled with worshippers People came out to rejoice as the hymns were sung The choir with Eileen McEncry at the organ gave a message of Inspiration with song and There was as usual Easter Sunday the beautiful pot of Lily blooms gracing the front of the Sanctuary which Joy and hope as was tbc message given by the mini When the service was over old friends and were welcomed One couple in particular was George Gibson and his wife George was a fad boy who Church and Sunday School here He has been living out west for a few years The couple are visiting his mother in George town and other members of his family living In the Mr and Mrs Jamieson had most of their family home for holiday weekend Mr and Mrs Lloyd Marshall had their family from Toronto for Easter Sunday Mr and Mrs Norman Swan Kevin his wife and daughter from SI Catherines were vlsltlig at the Smith Mr and Mrs Danny Slessor also entertained friends from Windsor over the holiday weekend Community BUSINESS DIRECTORS Air Cadet dance Sat Comrades in Georgetown hospital are Nick Gavin R Wiggins and Jim son AthomeareSamGlsby George Hughes and Ladles members In Georgetown pita are Marg Hunter Greene and At home arc Jessie Hayes and June Grief Bob Cory will entertain in the lounge Saturday On April Air Cadet Dunce will take place Tickets are available from Bill Moore or Joe Because of the branch sponsoring the Air Cadets let have a good turn out Tickets are per couple and the J will be Peter Edge On April Zone Convention will be held at the Cooks Legion Hall There will bo a bus leaving the branch at sharp All Interest members are invited to attend Let have a good turn out for this important meeting All committee chairmen who have not handed their report In lo Lloyd Hounsell please arrange to do so before Thursday which Is the general meeting night be the branch elections Now starting at 8 p m is the lime consider who to InacoupleofmonthaltwiU nominate for the executive Charity service mean busy year for WI By BOOTH Herald Special Reports presented at the annual meeting of W I gave proof of a busy prof table and useful year in community participation During members made and sold a quilt quilted others catered a banquet and food booths at two auction sales and held a craft and bake sale I all the treasurer handled ore than The Memorial Halt Is a I res pons bility At present the District Scout council is using it for its headquarters and sharing in the considerable upkeep In a new furnace was installed part of the cost be defrayed by generous donations from citizens The ill and arc remembered and at Christ mis shut ins from the com receive a gift box The canvassed the village on of the IB and collected a good sum These ladW organized successful Canada Day celebrations with the hope this annual event will emphasize the Importance of day A twoday croft training course In crewel embroidery was enjoyed by several per sons Six euchres were also held Donations were made to Sick Children Hospital the Heart Foundation pennies ship girls trip and I bursary fund The executive of Mrs Anderson president Mrs F Hannah vice president Mrs Benton 2nd vice president and Mrs W Klrkwood secre tary treasurer will be happy welcome any visitors and new members JCP PLUMBING CONTRACTING Residential Plumbing Additions Alterations For Information Call Anytime 5198530025 CARPET CORNER COMPLETE FLOOR COVERING SALES AND INSTALLATION CUSTOM MADE DRAPES best way to choose yobr floor and drapes to shop at home We give personal in home attention to your ng needs a large selection of qua vinyl and carpet floor covering and drape samples Wo FREE ESTIMATES and have many in stock specials help you save even more money Compare our Workmanship Service Prices 8533620 BIIILimberlnkProp LEGION LINES By Tom Elliott LAND BARGAINS tie a and Ontario do pos lands boon seized lor non payment For tho formed mora are 1 orally thousands tunltles buy hunt ng homo Investment and form properties sol lor I than those generally bong In tho range so are worth lor Our son up to Ists thaso along do tails Coat yaw subscription Is SI 2 payable to TAX SALE PROPERTIES Dept BOXS380 Sin Ottawa OntarloK3C3H Dr RR Hamilton Patterson OPTOMETRISTS Car ratal Building It Mount In ft old S Georgetown Ontario telephones mi GW Corbett CHIROPRACTOR Mill Strati Georgetown For Appointment phone Mil CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Goebelle Wagner MacAdam Main Sou in Helton Georgetown Ontario 4535532 Everyone read small You the HERALD 2201 EC R E Limited Surveyors Consulting noers Road South Suit ALTON Ontario K1 THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES NEEDS SAILORS If you love the sea well make you a sailor Tho Canadian Forces needs and oven If you never set foot on a ship you cot qualify The Forces will pay you to learn any one of tho many Interesting and Important sea trades And youll see more of life than you dreamed in the bargain Interest For more Information visit Canada Employment Centre on the first Wednesday of each month or mail the coupon Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre Ham Streol West Hamilton 1HB THIS 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atepaavlng work triangle and abundant cupboard storage II la conveniently to the dining room easy when serving All three bedrooms are grouped around the plece bathroom and away from the main disturbance Each good choose please Include ISO for postage and handling Ontario ad This Is an eyoappeallng cottage and home design which provides an alliance of con- Plens lor design No may be purchased either by single set el 00 for the set and lor each additional set or by Ihs package Alive- plan peckege including the lira sol Is economically priced at and an eight package Send for the current edition Select Home Designs cottage magazine Series 47 featuring money- saving doll ideas and Inlormallve articles on the Canadian scene plus lull color pages quality college plena lor ail season Available for S3 tl cents postage and To order any of these please send cheque or money order payable to Home of Ihe week Address Home of Week Hilton Hill Herald Suite Jane Toron to Ontario M8N4C GORD HAMLT0N 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