mm ChlcKen Bor Friday May MARRIAGES No Tlcketa and 8890 181 7 1 between Elks Half per tickets door Information Rick Hugo Cook or Dryden FOB Fun cool conditioned comfort loin Spring Fun Bowling league only Tuesdays 30 m starting May 5lh loom individual and weekly prizes welcome now 9922 Bowl Road op Gootgotown Market 2041 17C0 GEORGETOWN HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Annual Meeting in hospital calelena on April 7 30 Guosl speaker Hobnrl Politick dessert Ploaao come and a Discovery Day Wodnosday April BLACK CHEEK PIONEER VILLAGE loaves hero at 30 SHARP and approilmalely 3 30 Lunch will bo at Haltwoy Village Georgetown South THE I of Hair stylos will donato 50e from each customers bill on April thru Apm 25th the Hilla Unit of Tho Cancer Society Campaign Fund and also the salon will match Wis amount your now and hrjlp support against Cone or ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS a trot clinic on plant propagation Public Library p m Thursday April PLUS tho MOBILE GREENHOUSE will bo situated outaido Library Square from 2 on day and tour mob groonhouao 161 1 l6co REGULAR of Alcoholics Anonymous Friday night at m at SI John United Church Every one ANON Famly Group at SI John tod Church St Daytime group will moot Wednesday m evenings at m Al Anon lac fully of lor help to who needs to loam how live all many which alcoholism can ere a to or aggravate For further nation call 3013 or Tuesday Call D DAY Friday April 24 Metro Zoo Trip am Extended to Sam and Foe lor 1st child lor each ad child in some euro 50 Pro registration Georgetown i 148I15CO GEORGETOWN Choral Society presents WAY TONIGHT Sunday April Holy Cross Church 155316C0 Trio tho lato Margate I Dwyer would like to rolat and neighbours lor cards flowers and many acts kin shown to thorn in r recent A special nolo thanks to Elob General Hospital and tho Mai Ion Ambulance Service lor their care and compassion Also Fathor Colo and McCluro Jon os Funoral Homo lor their assist once and word PRESTON I wish thank my friends Ladies Branch 120 True Lodgo Sonkx J i Triangle Clubs Rev Dr Kennedy a Nurses For hlndness during my stay In hospital Preston PATRICK Lois Edward Ted Patrick both Georgolown wish to their which took place on April Rov Alan Bennett of First United Church SI cousin groom 1S45i5awwf TAYLOR In loving memory of our dear son and brother George ago 1 who passed Wonderful memories woven in a wo tenderly To love to cherish never to Lovingly remembered sadly misaod Dad Mom James and Connie BEAUMONT In loving memory Beaumont who gave his Ho lor tho in Holland 1945 Not lust today but every day Fondly by TAYLOR In loving memory who passed away April A promising young life Ever remembered by Uncle Tom and families Aunl Lirin and Uncle Ross TAYLOR In loving memory of a dear grandson George who passed away April 1973 His charming ways and char mlng are a pleasure lo Away the boaulitu i God Gone but loved by all Tho pearly gales wc Agendo voice sad and with unspoken ho homo Sadly and always mem bo red by Granny MORRIS In loving memory our dear son Arthur who passed away suddenly April 15 1988 all is still and silent And sleep my My thoughts ore in silent Whore my door son Arthur Tlmo speeds on thirteen years have passed Since death lis gloomy shadow cast Those whom wo lovo Go out of sight But out mind They In tho heart Of those they leave behind Wo love you and sadly mi As it dawns another year In our lonely of thinking Thoughts of you very near Sadly miosod and lovingly remembered Mom and stop passed away Fobruary 1969 and a dear Bill who pas sod away May And old I Lovingly by MORRIS In loving memory of Arthur who passed away April 18 In tho lives those who loved memories ol days by sisters Peart Doroon Lillian 158315m engagement Ihoir daughter Rosomory Joan Sloven Ctaylon McKnighl son Jim and Joan McKnightol Acton A PERSONALIZED CATERING SERVICE BUSINESS MEETINGS BANQUETS WEDDINGS SHOWERS PARTIES No Occasion Too Srmll wm SERVICE DIRECTORY HOME DELIVERY SERVICE IN GEORGETOWN CALL DAYS EVENINGS OR WEEKENDS THE MILK MAN 8779140 use the WANTADS CALL 8778822 LET US TAKE YOUR CALLS AddallttlopraitQeto your business TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE PERSONALIZED SERVIC AROUND THE CLOCK AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS JUST Installed and guaranteed month unlimited mileage Most North Amir lcn Cars A George St S Brampton inijjji Bookkeeping Accounting Services FOR THE INDIVIDUAL OF SMALL BUSINESS INSULATION INSULATE NOW CONSERVE ON HEAT WARMER IN WINTER COOLER IN SUMMER WE USE flOCKWOW FIBERGLASS CELLULOSE INSULSPBAVFOAMFORWALLS ALL TYPES OF ALL MATERIAL APPROVED carry rfw Government Total Price Gov pays DO pay only 67 INSULATION LTD GEORGETOWN MILTON 8777447 8787121 DAVE LOCAL REP TOWN OF HILLS THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HILLS PUBLIC NOTICE To widen and reconstruct Guelph Street from 180m westerly Mountalnvlew Road easterly to 220m easterly ot Sinclair Avenue and further to recon struct Sinclair Avenue from Guelph Street to Duncan Drive Notice Is hereby given pursuant to Section and Tho Municipal Act being Chapter 284 Tho Revised Statutes Ontario 970 that the Council the i own of Hills at its meeting to be hold In the Council Chambers Municipal Administration Trafalaar Road at 7 30 on Tuesday April 21 will consider the enactment passing a by law lor the widening and reconstruction Street from 1 westerly of Road easterly to 220m easterly Sinclair Avenue and further to reconstruct Sinclair Avenue Guelph to Duncan Drive A plan showing this project and proposed by law may be seen in the Engineering Department Trafalgar Road during office hours Any inquiries should be directed the Engineering Department The Town of Halton Hilts The Council will hear in porson or by his Counsel any person who claims that his lands will bo affected by said by law and who applies to be heard Persons wishing to be heard should Ihe ol the undersigned DATED the Town Hills this 1 8th day of March 1 98 K R RICHARDSON A C T CLERK ADMINISTRATOR TOWN OF HALTON HILLS MAIN STREET SOUTH HALTON HILLS GEORGETOWN ONTARIO L7G4X1 From May 1 there will be a new procedure to apply for a CHIP home insulation grant If you aro considering Insulating your home you should chock il you eligible for a Brant ThonsondCHIParequestcardfor your personalized application form which will Indicate that grant money has bean sot aside for you for days ARE YOU EUQIBLE YES NO 1 a principal or nonprofit hostel 2 storeys or lew 3 Was January 1 in any or bo- fore initio II you have answered YES toalllhequos lions you can obtain your ap plication form or a grant by us a CHIP request card This card Is available from most insulation material retail outlets Insulation contractors or from your provincial Canadian Home Insulation Program Box 1270 Station Toronto Ontario 4167890581 or toll free 18002681618 it icctt in BOOKKEEPING SPENP MORE TIME ON YOUR BUSINESS LEAVE YOUR BOOKS WITH US 8775628 CUSTOMIZED ACCOUNTING SERVICE INCOME TAX BOOKKEEPING ACCOUNTING Fof Individuals or 8530355 or 8530263 ANNS CARTAGE PIANOMOVERS FULLY INSURED WILL DISMANTLE 8776183 Acton Photo Camera WILLOW ST ACTON 8534250 makis FASTRapilr loi photographic equipment FREE within Repairs completed within days WUliilimllilHl fritnol mete to choose Irom day on hand at all timet LET US MEET YOUR FRAMING NEEDS Acton Photo Camera 4 WILLOW ST ACTON 8534250 REID ENTERPRISE 8779474 DRIVING SCHOOLS TEDS DRIVING SCHOOL Shelley Sl Qeor DAY OR EVENING INSTRUCTION M O LICENSED INSTRUCTORS FULLY INSURED DUAL CONTROLS Operated Ted Dial JACK BEER INSTRUCTOR Graduate Licence Dual Control Fully Insured Complete Training CALL JIJ4IMIUM lor confidential eleclrolyila cell THE BEAUTY SPOT 8775376 CARNEY ELECTRIC Chi lie Carney ALL FORMS OF GENERAL INSURANCE For Promo Call Your Irvdopondont Agon BARBER HENLEY LTD COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE AND GENERAL INSURANCE 72 Main St S Landicaplng nails up maintenance FREE ESTIMATES TUlTMANS GARDEN CENTRE SOD FOR SALE INFIELD Line between Deiry Roed and Britannia Road East Trafalgar We deliver 17626941 17940557 OPEN WEEKENDS SAND STONE BY BAG OR BULK Concrete Sand Brick and Play sand Silica Send FOR DELIVERY BAGOSAND INC 15199413242 8773998 Thinking of Decorating READ THIS SHOPATHOME SERVICE ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATIONS AT YOUR CONVENIENCE EXPERT REPRESENTATIVES SMART WAY TO SHOP FULL GUARANTEE COMPETITIVE PRICES LOWCOST INSTALLATION WALLPAPER ON WHEELS For Acrylic Cell THE BEAUTY SPOT 8775376 Brampton Monument Works MONUMENTS MARKERS LETTERING 451044518261363 BILL GARBUTT Plumbing Heating Ltd Industrie Realdenltel And Commercial STREET Georgetown PLUMBING HEATING SID SPEAR SONS Plumbing Healing InaUllatlona Repairs WE SELL THE BEST AND SERVICE THEREST CHIMNEY CLEANING AVAILABLE 8772121 RENOVATING CONTRACTORS HOME RENOVATIONS 8774080 MATTS ALUMINUM P BOX CHURCH ST GEORGETOWN ONTARIO Aluminum and Fascia Storm Doors and Windows Soamloss Eovo Resklenco 8774217 FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP UPHOLSTERING Quell Workman TH BRIGGS 8779312 STAINED GLASS Ashgrmt Stained Glass Co 8772542 COUNTRY CUSTOM UPKOLSTERV For further Inlormallon CALL 8531810 or 8777231 BILL VAN RYN WEED- PEST WEED SPRAYINO FER TILIZING INSECT CON TROL CONFEDERATION STREET OLEN WILLIAMS ONTARIO B H PRINTING LTD Quality Print no prices ALL TYPES OF PRINTING BUSINESS CAHDS FORMS WEDDING INVITATIONS 4518547 or 7599185 RADIATORS REPAIRED CLEANED PEEL RADIATOR SERVICE 118 Helton St Brampton Reer Dixie Cup 4517177 EARLS FIXIT SHAVER SERVICE 134De1reiBoueverd Complete Smell Appliance Electric Shaver Sales Service GIVE EARL A TRY BEFORE YOU RE BUY MOTOR SERVICE SMALL ENGINE SPECIAUST REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES LAWN GARDEN CHAIN SAWS FREE PICK UP R 1 ACTON 8532219 RENOVATING CONTRACTORS REPAIRS ALTERATIONS and TILE WORK PHONE MIKES HOME IMPROVEMENTS rooms kitchens ling I For Free Estimate SUPERIOR SHOE REPAIR GEORGETOWN MARKETPLACE next Barbershop SOFT WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD BE CLARES PRECISION SHARPENING ALL WOHK GUARANTEED Sam Saw planar cullary lawn ale 8774976 FREE INSTALLATION and Service COMPLETE OF Treatment Equlpmenttor Home a Farms and PHONE 8776242 PAVING CONTRACTORS SAVESSS TOP DUALITY GUARANTEED KING VALLEY PAVING LTD ONTARIO ASPHALT PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS TENNIS COURTS ETC BARNS AND STALLS ORNAMENTAL CUSTOM WORK OAS STATIONS malarial Extra In commarctal Expart wortmanahlp Heavy and Fraa Wiillan Complata CALL A3 FOR 8771181 7834097 King Valley Pairing Ei e rtepeoted paving com pany that Georgetown ft all unrounding MEMBEH OF CONSUMER PROTECTION BUREAU ft THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU KING CITY PAVING Limited RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL Members Consumer Protection Bureau fi BtWAF OFIMfTA TORONTO BRAMPTON KING CREST PAVING INC aura INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ORDER NOW SAVE UP TO 20 ON ANY JOB WITH COMM ASP LIMITED TO THE FIRST OF FERS Wo take tno lime do It right Members the B and Registered with Con sumers Protection FREE ESTIMATES TORONTO BRAMPTON 4512398