Letters to the Editor Tilt April 1RS1 Pitt I Consider the disabled Student opposes BNA closure Clarks filibustering delay To the editor of The Herald Consider disabled During this the Year of the Disabled It seems appropriate to assess our town and region to see what we can do to make life better for our disabled neighbors Consider the following questions 1 Is a person in a wheel chair able enter your store Are there steps up to the 2 Is the door relatively easy to open Could a person using a en no In one hand open the door with the other hand Could a person with painful arthritic hands open the door Are the public washrooms accessible to a person in a wheelchair Arc the aisles In your store wide enough for wheelchair to go between Can the disabled use public transportation Will the taxi service assist a person to transfer from a wheelchair into the cab Is a person In a wheel chair able to get up and down Ihe curb on his own Are there enough public benches How far Is it from one bench lo the next Many disabled people arc able to walk short distances but need to sit and rest frequently Are there appropriate leisure and recreational programs for the disabled and lor the disabled Are there volunteers who will visit those who live alone and hose who are home bound 10 Is a person In a wheel able to enter your church on his own or are there steps into your church Is there room among the pews for a wheelchair or would the person have sit in the or at the back Are there any public tele phones that person in a wheelchair can reach 12 Are there enough volun working the homes for the disabled or arc more our volunteer groups provide programs Tor the disabled throughout the year or mainly at Christmas Cubs provide cleanup where town slow to act reader To the tor of The Herald May offer through your newspaper a collective paton the back and a thank you to those cubs and their leaders who are out every Saturday picking up Utter along the fence of the Dominion Seed House property Their efforts have indeed improved the appearance of the highway corridor As long as visitors keep their eyes on the Seed House property they may not notice the garbage on the other side of the road fast food outlets My letter was forwarded to ihe town engineer but no action was taken I have enough faith in people to believe they would use garbage containers if Ihcy were provided Right now they have no option but to deposit their empty bottles boxes etc on the lawns boulevards and parking lots which you must agree docs nothing to enhance the appearance of the town In the meantime cubs and leaders keep up the good work It is appreciated Sincerely Margaret Wilcox Georgetown Fairy stories do come true and counting GLT To the Editor The Herald Fairy stones do come true Once upon a time a year ago to be exact a group of players set out to raise towards building a permanent new theatre This coinciding with the opening of its last production of season Bedroom Farce George- TOWN OF HALTON HILLS LIBRARY AND CULTURAL CENTRE Weekly update page A6 And whereas the happy ending to this tale has still to be writ the total public subscription required Is GLT would like lo take time sincerely thank all who have contributed to Its campaign and to urge those interested who have not yet purchased a seat plaque to do so quickly There arc only 17 left Thank you John Roe Chairman Georgetown Little Theatre raising Drive Library Cultural Centre EXCITING NEWS FROM J STEPRITE SHOES Exclusive new 1981 styles Super comfortable daytime foot- wear fits like a second skin come prices start at try them on You will be delighted to find such comfort SPRING AND SUMMER COLOURS AND STYLES Sim Shoes Flatter your feet with 33 dressy fashions and comfort Spring Summer Colours Other Styles in Stock SlieB Not Available in All Styles SPECIAL AH Caprice Can Can PANTYHOSE 20 OFF STEPRITE SHOES WHERE FASHION ft COMFORT GO TOGETHER 39 Main St Downtown Georgetown 8771263 Hon CLOSED Tun A Wed lOOOitn i ft 10 tin pin 14 Are the public parks Bible he disabled you have considered Ihcse questions look at the ones you had to no and it you can do think change the answer to There are two other Issues I would like to draw your Ion to The first is inrtRard to Creek Park Many of you have probably enjoyed spending a day there about a year ago a senior citizen told mo that she attended a seniors picnic at that park She and many wen very dissatisfied for the following reasons 1 the were not si tun ted near the picnic areas Therefore many became very tired making net trips to and from the washrooms 2 there not an area where the round was relatively even Therefore some were frightened that they would trip while walking there was transportation around the park wagons pull by tractors However ride wis bumpy and many seniors found hey ached for days after taking the rides they were not able to participate in most of the recrcntlonal activities Id by the park 1 am not suggesting every park should cater only to the ceds of the disabled and elderly but they should be considered because statistics loll us that by the year 1905 one in citizens will be over the age of Many of these people will not necessarily be disabled but there is also a rise in number and proportion of those years and over It is that a high percen on page To editor of The Herald No document affects Ihe Canadian people as much as our Constitution If we arc going to change our Conslllu lion we must use a slow and lawful process We cannot afford In rush into the lion of our Constitution with amendments We must speak out against a prime minister who proposes unlawful amend mints or process Mr Trudcau plans unilater of the Hon This means that he will amend the Constitution with out the agree of the premiers or Ihe twenty four million Canadians Our present Constitution grants premiers certain powers In Section Pierre plans lo arrest these powers from the provincial governments and to proceed on his action as if the provinces have no powers The prime minister plans to redistribute powers giv ing the federal government priority in most facets of decision making According to our present Constitution this Rags read then ate our review the Georgetown library mascot the subject or new coloring book to help raise funds for the librarycultural centre dropped off the following note concerning Herald editor Paul Dorsey s review of guinea pig self narrated biography available or per copy at both library branches In town Dear Mr Dorsey I must say when I first read your column my feelings were hurt to tell the truth I dldn understand many of the big words you used my what a mouthful some of them were made me hungry I Ihink perhaps you were laughing at me but I realty am a SUPERSTAR you know Everybody loves me yes I am raliicr self indulgent but I m sorry you had such a hard lime coloring my pictures perhaps you could come Into the library and borrow some of lovely markers Ail colly yours J Novak D T J Kohari DT Georgetown Denture therapy Clinic QUELPH STREET on ttidi 7912314 Is Illegal as the Supreme Court of Newfoundland proved I support a centralized govern menl but we must achieve this through proper means At the present time Mr Trudeau plans to include a Charter of Rights in the new Constitution All rights not Included in this Charter will no longer be ours from the Charter would be Ihe right to own property This appears be a step towards Marxist style socialism I do not think that Mr is a nisi but I do feel that the proposed Constitution has some weak points Let us express our opinions and correct these weaknesses and not rush anything to meet any deadline Wo have thrived under the A Act for 114 years I oppose the use of closure in constitutional debates I also oppose Mr Clark filibustering to delay tion Our leaders should forget ihe glory seeking and get on with this important Job Our politicians should stop beating around the bush and get to work In tea ml ike fashion Yours sincerely MlkePelrce Student The Georgetown Choral Society Broadway Tonight A PotPourri featuring music from Camelot My Fair Lady Brigadoon and Gigl Sunday April 26th 8 HOLY CROSS CHURCH Guest Artist Bruce Armstrong TICKETS Mac Milk Towels Things Georgetown Fabrics Fit for a Queen SPECIAL PURCHASE from the makers of THE WINCHESTER QUILT Mattress and Box Spring Set at SPECIAL PRICES and theres no SALES TAX 13 Gauge Coll Spring Construction with Deck Insulator Pads 1 Foam on each with Deep QuMlod Foam Covor Buy in Sets and Save 00 TWIN SET Full Double Set Queen Set or may be purchased separately LIMITED TIME OFFER ONLY 239 STORE HOURS WED THURS 5pm FRI SAT9 Mastercard and ChargexVisa Welcomed Gougeon HOUSEHOLD FURNISHING Side Door Entrance 95 Main St S Downtown Georgetown off walkway to Parking ON THE LOWER LEVEL FOR LOWER PRICES