Page SECTION IE HERALD Wednnday April I APPRECIATION DAYS APPRECIATION DAYS Mental health iiEwifscTroNpmcED won our heartsjnd weVe saying clinics cover all the bases According the Canadian Mental Health Association mental Illness is now the moat urgent health problem In Canada The most important fact to remember about illness Is that mental break downs are of many types and have many possible causes Some of these causes arc physical sometimes psycholo gical and sometimes social In the North Ha ton Mental Health Clinic provides community based psychiatric service for clients in Milton Georgetown Acton and the surrounding rural district The clinic offers psychiatric assessment and treatment for individuals and families as as providing follow up care to those clients dlscharg from mental health at 111 ties The clinic is staffed by two psychiatric nurses one social worker one secretary as well as three consultant trials Although direct client service is our prime respon sibility wc also offer consult services to schools agencies and general hospitals in north Halton During Mental Health Week May to the North Halton Mental Health Clinic is holding an Open House Thursday May from to at their Milton office at Brown Street Refreshments will be served and everyone Is welcome The social stigma attached to mental Illness is still so strong and generates such feelings of guilt that the subject Is rarely discussed openly Today a great deal is known about mental illnesses and how to treat them although there are still areas which require more lion and research before they are fully understood In general there are some basic concepts that help clan and remove the stigma of mental illness The facts are there is no single cause no single illness There are a large number of different conditions some of which are serious others transitory and very temporary causes of mental Illness can be physical Examples are brain damage due to toxins or vitamin deficiencies the causes may also be purely psychological or grow out of interpersonal problems mental illness Is never a question of failure or will power To suggest that a mentally ill person should be strong willed and snap out of It is the same as suggesting that someone With a broken leg should stand up and walk mental illness strikes more Canadians every year than all other conditions combined Including Cancer and heart disease almost half the people In hospitals in Canada arc there because of emotional or mental Illness Minor emotional upsets are as natural as the common cold and they can strike anyone Everyone has occasional symptoms and It is not unusual to feel unloved or inferior suffer guilt fatigue tension fear or anxiety It is only when these symptoms persist or become more severe and inter fere with daily life that help possibly should be sought According to Ontario health minister Dennis Tlmbrell community based mental health programs offer an alter native to In patient hospital care They have a proven record of success and provide a valuable service In the community People who do not require hosplta Ilia Hon tend to respond more quickly If they are treated In their own familiar community setting The North Halton Mental Health Clinic Is 100 per cent funded by the ministry or health administered by the regional department of health using office space In the Milton and Georgetown Health Units as well as the Acton Cotnmunl ty Service Center and the Glen Lea Clinic in Acton Home visits are an Integral part of the clinic functioning provl ding services to those clients unable to make office appoint men la For those Interested in how they may be able to help the Canadian Mental Health Asso ciation Is a voluntary able concerned with the mentally ill and their families Work of the lion falls into three categories Social Action Public Education Community Service For more information on the Association or if you are interested In establishing a branch In north contact the Acton Community Service Center at 8333310 or the National Office Of the Canadian Mental Health Asso ciation at Street Toronto phone Solid White Albacore CLOVER LEAF TUNA FLAVOUR Product of S A Mix or Mitch RED OR GREEN LEAF I PRODUCT OF ONTARIO FRESH CRISP CHILE SWEET FLUMP JUICY RED OR BLACK Cucumbers 99 OF IB IN ft BITS CANADA HO I GRADE PRODUCT OF Mcintosh Apples 179 Avocados ONIONS OR CANADA NO 1 GRADE PRODUCT OF A Carrots 1 CANADA NO GRADE PRODUCT OF ONTARIO 99 Onions PROD OF CALIFORNIA LARGE SIZE SEIDLESS CANADA OF CANADA NO I GRADE PRODUCT Of CALIFORNIA Navel Oranges 12199 Apples Granny Smith Asparagus 449 PRODUCT OF RIPE CANADA NO I GRADE PRODUCT Of J A SWEET JUICY PRODUCT OF FLORIDA Strawberries 99 Anjou Pears Green 79 Mushrooms 489 GRADE FLORIDA 3 100 New Potatoes 2 99 PRODUCT OF FLORIDA JUMBO Of A Grapefruit 5 199 Radishes PROD OF CALIFORNIA SWEET SEEDLESS SUE IIS PRODUCT OF HAWAII JET Navel Oranges Papayas PLUS BOTTLE D Pumpernickel Bread 79 PepsiCola PARKER Twin Rolls SLICES FROZEN CRUST OR 199 Totinos Pizza ml FROZEN FRIED BEEF TURKEY Baby Shampoo Swansons Dinners ASSORTED TYPES a JOHNSON Black Diamond Ultra Ban Deodorant JANE PARKER MENS BOYS SIZES Raisin Pie wis 149 Tube Socks L IN ASSORTED VARIE 199 Green Giant Entrees FROZEN CRINKLE OR STRAIGHT CUT McCain Superfries pig 109 COCKTAIL CLOSEUP Florida Concentrated TOOTHPASTE ORANGE JUICE OLD SOUTH In Own Juice Dessert Bits Crushed Sliced DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE SHELL MOTOR OIL 99 TOMATO SAUCE HELLMANNS MAYONNAISE MR CLEAN I CLEANER Hire pintle 199 CHRISTIE COOKIES fl tin big 119 All Purpose FIVE ROSES FLOUR kg big SPIC SPAN CLEANER SAVE 36 Wllh Pectin Raspberry or STRAWBERRY JAM ivQQ Our Regular Price 89 tills SAVE Layer Cake Mixei Auorted Varieties DUNCAN HINES Our Regular Price 35 Orange Pekoe TETLEY TEA BAGS Oalmaal Supreme Apple Strudel Almond Crlfp DARES BISCUITS lift 199 DARES 350 g tin lie bag 129 SAVE 30 Our Regular Price CORN FLAKES Our Rvsular Price APPRECIATION DAYS APPRECIATION DAYS SALE