Page Wednesday April Council backs Elks effort ANYTHING YOU NEED The Aden Men I lub holding Its annual rummage and auction sate May at the Curling Club on Churchill North Here Wayne and Kevin Kenslly display one of Ihe lor the sale which In pail years has as much for the local If you have stuff you like to unload but can gel It to the curling rink for May yourself call or Herald photo Herald la May Is Hearing and Speech Month and Mayor Pete Pom of Halt on Hills has designated this Saturday May as Elks Purple Cross Deaf Detection Day The and their lary the Order of the Royal Purple In Hilton Hi Hi are planning a Tag Day Saturday la publicize the work that the Orders arc doing In field The and the Order or the Royal Purple raise funds to continue the work of their national program Elks Purple CroM Deaf Detection and Development Program Across Canada the Elks and the Order of the Royal Purple have committed themselves to a national program which promotes tho earliest possible Identifies lion of hearing Impairment and assists in providing the beat possible services to the hearing Impaired Canadian child Since the Inception of this program in the Elks and the Order of the Royal Purple have expended over million dollars for hearing programs In Canada PROCLAMATIONS WHEREAS The BPO Elks and their auxiliary the Order of the Royal Purple nave established a program to bring about the earliest Bible Identification of the of hearing child by continuing to search out ways to assist in the detect ion development and rehab ilitation or hard of hear child and WHEREAS Such detect ion and development in Infancy Is vitally Important if appropriate assistance in developing language and Tour of farms for 4H By JAMIE llatton II Sheep Club The March meeting of the Sheep Club was held March in Huron County Our first stop of the day was at the farm of Doug Miller where he proceeded show us his family sheep operation We were then treat to an excellent meal put on by his mother After thanking Mrs Miller we headed to of Herman Lisa Voclmlc at Auburn and viewed his sheep set up Then third stop of the day was made at the Old Mill in where we had some time to look around From here we headed to the farm of Don and Florence at Clinton where they explained the sheep operation to us This was our last stop of the day befoe heading back to THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES SAILORS If you love the sea well make you a sailor The Canadian Forces needs sailors and even if you never set foot on a ship you could qualify The will pay you to loam any many lfl1ereTingand trades And youll see more life than you dreamed in the bargain Interested Tor mofo Information visit Canada Employment Centra on the first Wednesday of each month or mall the coupon speech arc to be provided and WHEREAS Assistance is needed In coordinating and upgrading all programs In Canada in their continual campaign to search and find this hidden handicap in Canadian children through continued coordination and consultation with qualified In the area of caring and speech impair and WHEREAS The Elks and their auxiliary Order of the Royal Purple endorse May as Hearing and Speech Month in Canada and have designated the first Saturday In May as their public Information day NOW THEREFORE I Leading Knight of Kills Elks DO HEREBY PROCLAIM Saturday May as Elks Purple Cross Deaf Detection Day and urge alt citizens to support the objectives of the Elks Purple Cross Fund PROCLAMATION WHEREAS the Elks and their auxiliary the Order of the Royal Purple established at the 1967 con venllon a program to be known as the Elks Purple Cross Deaf Detection and Development Program and WHEREAS such program was established to bring about the earliest lion of the hard of hearing child by continuing to search out ways to assist In the development and rchablllta lion of the hard of hearing child and WHEREAS such detection and development in infancy is vitally important if appro priate assistance in develop ing language and speech art to be provided and WHEREAS assistance is needed in coordinating and upgrading all in Canada in their continual campaign to search and find this hidden handicap in Can ad Ian children through con coordination and con sulfation qualified audi speech pathologists educators of the deaf and professional agen and educational pro grams THEREFORE do I the Mayor of llilla author lie Ihe Elks Purple Cress Hag to be flown over our during month of May known as Hearing and Speech Month in recognition of Ihe valuable work of these Orders Its magic I Conrad the Magician brings his sleight of hand to Hills May courtesy of the town public library board He II dazzle youngsters of all ages with an 11 a m show at the Acton library then vanish only to reappear at ihe Cedorvale Park Community Centre gym for a m performance Admission is free TOWN Of HILLS PUBLIC NOTICE STREET RENAMING TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council lor The Corporallon of the Town of Hallon Intends to paBS a by law to change name of the road allowance located between No Highway and the Intersection with Main Street in the Hamlet of Glen Williams formerly in the Township of from Street also formerly known as Regional Rood No 32 Wild wood Road THE Council or a Committee of Counc I hear any person or by their counsel solicitor or agent who claims that he or she will be adversely by the by taw and who applies to be heard at a to be held In the Council Chamber at Municipal Offices Trafalgar Road on the day of May 981 at the hour of p m in evening ALL to appear before Council or a Commitlee of the Counc I are to be submitted In writing the undersigned no later than 1 2 clock noon on the 14th day of May 1981 THIS Notice was first published on tho day of April 1 98 1 CM Assistant the Clerk Town of Halton Hills Halton Cable on the move Long a noteworthy part of the Highway landscape above before moving to an Armstrong Avenue studio In Georgetown Cable Systems Lid is moving again Mayl The Georgetown studio and offices close May 4 by which time cable TV station will be operating out of 11 Main St North In Acton The phone number and fortune will be BUSINESS DIRECTOR II CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Dr Ft R Hamilton AND Dr DC Patterson OPTOMETRISTS Provisional Building Rom On re Ontario TELEPHONE 3T71 n GW Corbett DC CHIROPRACTOR Mill Strt For Appointment PHONE Goebelle Wagner MacAdam Main street South Georgetown Ontario L7G 8775155 4535532 Evtryont Midi 877 2201 R E Clipsham Limited Surveyors Consulting Road South Suite HALTON Hills Georgetown Ontario 414177 FORD BROTHERS FEED MILL SMdCMaitfng aflURSHdHTiMg FREE KOI RUDYS WELL MODERN ROTARY D FILLING COMPUTE SYSTEMS GUARANTEED CLEAN WORKMANSHIP 8554660 FACTORY OUTLET A a doors THE PLACE TO SAVEI Our Showroom SPACIOUS COUNTRYSTYLE SPLIT LEVEL Thla dramatically rustic yet elegant split level home design Is bast sultsd to frontage urban or suburban building lot provides In excess of 1 BOO square test wellorganiied finished Door area lor present use and postal is two large urvllnlahed areas which total more than square teat additional living accommodations A partial basement living room provides even more space lor recreational facilities or merely lor storage space The exterior combines a mod I led manssrd root elements western ranch house to create an im pression a rural astata Mixed and vertical siding area complemented by twin brick chimneys and heavy shake roof and twin and a projecting bay window land a sense urbane elegance The wide frontage gallery provides excellent wsalher sheltering or the double- main which lead Into recep tion oyer and outerwear storage eras The com area ad jacent lo tha oyer would be as a more formal llbraryfolfice lor the a am lo he la gained via hall stairway from rear Ihl unflnlshed ares From the oyer trafllc moves up Ihrae steps end led Into the long rectangular living dining room com Tha living room features raised hearth masonry and a wide projecting bay diamond paned windows The dining area ha a French doors leading a wide rear balcony The kltchsndlnello com may be completely Isolated via convenient doors for privacy and hygiene It Is an extended ha pa coun ts nop work surfaces and a step wo triangle configuration Three down Irom Ihe kitchen lias the laundry utility complex and vanity bath which provides abun dant laundry and other storage facilities Adjacent to complex is the un finished family roomJTV lounge The room a second raised hearth masonry lira place and twin sliding glass walk through to the rear Adjacent to Ihe family roam Is situated a compact mud room area whence two lead down lo the double enclosed garage lo Ihe rear pi which Is positioned an enclosed loot storage facility which would make an excellent workshop lor the home handyman All four bedrooms are positioned on Ihe upper level the cenlrsl bathroom and linen storage closet Each excellent exposure for view and natural light and each generous closet storage The luxuriously spacious master bedroom double closet and a large ihrseplece en- suite bathroom with an In terior garden provided by tha dormer windows Plana for design No 1783 may be purchased either by Ihe single sel si a coat or the Ural eel end lor each ad ditional or by the package A live set plan package Including the lirat set Is economically priced at and an eight package alio Including Ihe Is only Whichever method you choose please Include lor postage and handling Ontario residents please add sale tax Send lor the current edition Select Home Designs series featuring Imaginative decorating end home Ideas plua quality home plans of every typo Available lor plus cents postage and handling To order any Hems please sand cheque or money order payable to Home tha Week Address to Home of lha Week do The Hilts Hersld Suite Jsne Street Toron to Ontsrlo MSN HAMLT0N CUSTOM CARPENTRY Cutis Kernel mo mi AREA AGENT FOR WINDOWS Csl187M144or 1S1B4UBBB7 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD J HUTTON ROOFING FREE ESTIMATES ju LOW RENTALS FKE 34SQuelphSI A Mitchell PHONE Queen St E Brampton DECORATING DO IT THE EASY WAY CALL PEARL GUTHRE MOBU EC0RATMG PAW AND Ft shop athome service phone THE GEORGETOWN STOVE AND CO EKJOHKEHT AND HIGH EFFKENCy HEATING CUSTOM KITCHEN CUPBOARDS 34SQUELPHST QEOROETOWN ONTARIO a PAINT WALLPAPER InlMlorAEilwlor 8778787 Mlclutl Fobert QUALITY WORKMANSHIP FREE ESTIMATES Ask For Mike