Celebrate Learning Education Week May 39 May Is Education Week Georgetown Family of Schools has planned several activities for parents and students before during and after Education Week The theme Celebrate Learning is particularly meaningful as all of our schools try to learning fun for our girls and boys Not only do fed that Icirmng is fun but also that learning should be on go fig That is why we have included in our activities events for all ages from pre schoolers to senior citizens From the number of people taking special Interest it night school and on weekends it la apparent that a great many in our community do celebrate learning every week Be it square dancing or computer programming people are turning on lo education Again this year the Georgetown schools will have displays in local stores and businesses around town The Herald will support Education Week by covering the good things that happen In schools We suggest that everyone Celebrate Learning during Education Week by visiting their local school and by getting Involved In the on going process of education Town council has proclaimed the week of May to Education Week in Ha lion Hills Cool in the Furnace at at Acton Christian Reform Church May Open House Also registration for KB students Education Week activities 11101 Open Day and 16 I 1 and Mir All rooms open Everyone welcome V Miy Open Day May Open with educational demonstrations in the evening JOtPilt HWSSCIKHI May Open Day or Parents and Visitors May 3d p Open House with students doing activities fi Operetta Camda Goose plus certain classes open to parents each night Apr JO Mir Hook Fair May IJU Stnior Citmns from Kin Court to visit the school Kindergarten Mothers Jay Tea SCHOOL Mays 7 Arts Night Open House May Spring Concert May Spring Concert WILLIAMS SCHOOL May 5 Open House May Open House May 13inpm Book Fair Video tapes of school activities available at alt visiting times I SCHOOL May p Open House Gymnastics choir dance presentations HARRISON SCHOOL May pm Operetta Canada Goose ORGLTOWN DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Service Clubs Invited to lunch with students in the Tour of school also available May a am GDI S Band to visit Pine view School SWORTH SCHOOL May m Spring Fair Bake sale craft sale rummage sale prizes games movies Fun for All HOI CROSS May p Open House pm Mr Cliff Byrnes Director of Education The Separate School Board will speak on the topic Cele brate Learning ST May 30 p House Sec Primary students hatch Ing eggs planting gardens light experiment growing Glen grant Jack in Beanstalk See Junior students Social Science I- air May 30 p An lion Night Tor parents Workshops Physical Effects of television on children GtOIKfcTOWN DISTRICT CHRISTIAN May The school choir presents selections from It SECTION THE HERALD Wednesday April list Need alternative Post office monopoly feared by MP McDermid Glen Williams Public School was awarded for construction of an addition and alterations by the Board of Education Thursday In accordance with the board decision to have a general purpose room and library resource centre in all of its schools the school will receive a new room plus an addition to its library From the Ottawa Bureau of The Herald The Crown corporation which takes over operation of the postal system should not be granted a monopoly Brampton Georgetown MP John McDermid has told the House of Commons All Canadians are hopeful that many of the problems and difficulties associated with the post office will disappear with the creation of Crown corpo ration Mr McDermid said but If they do not the people should have an option People should have the freedom of choice about how they want their catalogues delivered and how they want their bills delivered he argued In the Peel region gas and electric utilities hand deliver their bills custom era and the people want to be assured that this can be done If the post office falls them He said during debate on the bill to establish the corpora Hon that the monopoly pro visions would also cut a revenue source from such groups as air cadets girl guides and scouts which raise funds by delivering notices I know that in my area the youth groups participate in this service for community organizations which arc then assured that delivery is made on time would hate to see young people of that privilege he concluded you NEW TO TOWN Would like to call with GIFTS and bout Qewgaiown We are your local agent for instate and other fine companies For further Information on HOMEOWNER FARM COTTAGE AUTO Call Hugh Hunter at W F HUNTER REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 122 Guelph St Georgetown CANADA TRUST 8779500 Main Street Georgetown RANCH BUNGALOW MUCH ACREAGE Beautiful three acres with Irees rose bushes berry bushes apple and a lot of land for a vegetable garden Ranch bungalow is extremely well kepi basement is full and conmpletoly finished Asking 12 000 JBSuPBnfi SPACIOUS FORMAL EXECUTIVE A I brick homo In beaut lis in on area elegant homes X and oak circular staircase from ttio basement One in today in only AFFORDABLE ACREAGE 74 acres with good bank bam Highway property north west Georgetown Easy commuting For Information 9500 Priced 07 1 ACHE COUNTRY LOT lot Georgetown and FOR HOMES THERES NO PLACE LIKE THE PERMANENT MEMBER OF THE TORONTO BRAMPTON REAL ESTATE BOARDS COUNTRY LIVING SOMEONE This could be your last chance own your dream home outs do town This 3 bedroom bungalow just south of town on close to acre lol is ready for the gardener to enjoy Priced at a low 900 00 This home won last too long why not make your appointment right now Call Rudy Cadieux or GREAT FINANCING 3 bedroom with walkout to garden Don t wait for this one Asking only 38 900 Call Freddie Burton or STARTER HOME OR INVESTMENT townhouse bedrooms balhs near shopping Iran parks and schools good financing Call Freddie Burton 877 or SHOPPERS WORLD PLAZA BRAMPTON CANADA PERMANENT TRUST CO LTD