Mv Its back pool time again and the rec department had some sound advice for owners last week Taking the plunge this year This week hundreds of Hal ion Mill families Mil uncover thtir pools readying their Iwikynfd retrials to make the hottest of summer days there work the I st to go on fortver and pumps hue be reattached water has to be vein attach Hilton recreation dipirtmint conducted a semi on preparing pools for summer use Thursday at District School speaker DousPalon a rixri course instructor at In Hamilton aid The most important 1 can give to pool is if you re in doubt bout cent the health department r It Is Hilton rtRlonal health said Thert are loo of contagious for our labs to lest to pools You to us something to look for As long as your pool is properly chlorinated you I bictcrii problems Mr said The first Poolside reports from Norm step prepare your pool is to take i sample and have its and levels tested From these lest results the pool owner can be advised as to methods of balancing their acidic Testing la usually free any pool supplies store There are about types of They grow rapidly may appear on pool walls on the water surface or re main suspended not taken it will clog your water filter Mr noted that The mobt effective way to prevent algae growth is by ensuring you vc got the proper number of three for a by foot pool and a pump that filters your pool total volume of water least twice a day Don I turn off your water night Chemical and problems arc more likely result off selling any energy savings he said measure for acidity of should be maintained at all limes this level the disinfectant properties of chlorine function safest and best Levels higher than could cause eye soreness At high pH levels skin can become Measures below 9 cause skin and eye irritation Though it is at these levels where chlorine works most efficiently health problems and corrosion may occur The remedy for high or low pills simple If Is too high add either muriatic acid or sodium to your water If is too low add soda ash sodium carbonate or bicarbonate soda baking soda will reduce acidity It to consult a pool dealership for proper treat of problems If your pool becomes dls colored It may be due to an excess of certain mintrais in your water Brownish orange color tales loo much iron Black means loo much or magnesium And If your is blue green there too much copper Shawn Sanderson of s Pool added If loo much stabilizer is added to your pool it will make all other less effective When you first open your pool you have to shock it This means adding active chlorine vour nool water labout jo pounds for a by 40foot pool This will kill algae spores and bacteria Shocking will also rid of any excess chlorine hair oil perspiration sun tan lotion or anything else that may have made its way Into your pool Mr Sanderson noted that All pool owners should shock their pools at least every two weeks with either sodium or calcium hypo- chloride which Is a solid and safest to use Mr advises all pool owners to buy a lest kit They cost between and With it you be able to insure that your pool is pro perly chlorinated Leave all other testing to poo special 1st good maintenance of Extra 10 a year takes care of liability spending about a ir more on your home cm be cover f pool liabilities which I resulted in recent court Tic Li of more than m lawyer Tom said As long as a summing pool owner be halts in a sense n he probably won liable for pool accidents Mr Anderson noted that more than 10 per cent of all pool are diving related Between and diving accidents vctc reported to Toronto General and Sunnyurook has pilals Injuries to divers resulted In liability for diving accidents there should be no hidden dangers the water shouldn be murky and markings should indicate where it safe to dive The pool owner bylaw is responsible for the super vision of all young and poor swimmers said Mr Anderson Those who teach swim lessons in their own pool face greater itics and should notify their insurance company in writ ing of their situation Vacationing pool owners are not liable for accidents in their absence as long as they ve abided by Hills safety regulations in the construction and enclosure of their pool Copies of bylaw are available from the Hills building depart menl phone B77 If you allow friends to use your pool in your absence you re still liable for any accident that may happen to You may be excluded from liability by a contract but this Is binding only between the pool owner and the Individual with whom the contract is made your pool Is both a health and Investment protection pool contractors report increased of up to per cent over last year sales Most attribute increased lo I reused interest rates Pessimists fear interest rates only get worse and like vie of last year s Gold rush people arc panicking Mr Sanderson said People are buying more pools because of the Increasing ex of maintaining a Today people would rather vocation In their back Jick Robertson salesman for homily Trust Ileal fcstatc said Investment into a pool for investment sake is bad A swimming pool depreel in value quickly And most owners of above ground pools usually end up having to their pools when they sell their homes Mr Robertson points out that the value of an pool can only add to value of your home However there may be a difference of up to per cent of what pool may add to your home value if sold in the winter If you re going to Invest inn pool make sure it something you Like good care of and arc able enjoy having for many years said Mr Robertson And with todays average pool costing about 000 that a good advice The moat effective way to prevent swimming pool accidents around the home Is set conditions Tor pool use Karen Goodfellow water safety chairman or the Georgetown Red Cross noted that most drowning fatalities been prevented with rescue breathing knowing what to do In an emergency The procedure Is not the most appealing but It the most effective method of rescue breathing With immediate action most deaths could have been prevented life jackets leaf skimmers and a boll attached a rope should all be by poolside Any material that is light portable and floats Is a potential lifesaving device Mrs also advised practicing life saving methods regularly making sure everyone knows what to do In an emergency keeping a phone with emergency numbers attached within GO seconds reach keeping a first aid kit close by but out of any child s reach keeping all pool chemicals and measuring instruments locked up when not in use positioning your float line a foot before the drop off line knowing the location of your hydro source keeping a whistle at to signal any emergency ensuring any gate or door to your pool is locked whenever your pool Is not in use Most drowning victims are children They should always be supervised Glen Campbell Hills supervisor of aquatics said Most drownings occur In unsupervised areas leant really say there a problem with private pool accidents because ihey required to report their accident Neither Georgetown hospital nor police in Georgetown have any talis tics on pool Injuries Mr Campbell noted that other than the odd cut or stubbed too there have been no major accidents in a Georgetown public pool An employee Georgetown district hospital said We don get many pool related accidents A bigger problem Is with kids who swim in rivers and step on broken glass Mrs Goodfellow said Our family pool Is one of the best Investments we ever made For a superenjoyable summer moke sure your pool is safe then you really love Volunteer service chiefs hold meeting Wednesday Need becomin critical Region study will promote daycare Herald Staff Writer region s daycare supervisor has predicted that residents will see a much higher role for daycare in the as a result of a study now underway We have a mobile society with a large number of single parents who have no one absolutely no one call for child Norma told members of the North Social Planning Council recently Because workers tend to travel lo the region southernmost communities young parents especially single working mothers need a wide range of daycare services in the north or move to more expensive in or Burlington Describing daycare as an investment human Mm said that the region and the provincial government will spend about on daycare this year wheh breaks down to about one cent per levy dollar to residents While opera centres of its own lone on Maple Avenue north of Mountain Road In George town as well as two others In the region also purchases services from privately run centres In Milton and Oakvllle and also enlists privite home care from residents throughout the region relatively small number of parent pay full fees while taking advantage of regional daycare services Most users are single parents mostly mothers whose daycare needs are subsidized by the region to virymg degrees depending on financial status KELP JOBS Daycare Mrs pointed out allows the single parent to remain In he workforce rather than quit his or her Job go on family benefits to support a child Without daycare services taxpayers may end up forking over a month in family assistance for the single parent with one child to he JIM per month It the parent Is able to get subsidised daycare Historically Mrs explained a mother might quit her Job and collect family benefits lo care for her child until the youngster la old enough work and leave home by that time the mother may be between 8 and years of age unskilled and forced to live on welfare for the rest of her life Noting haw devastating this can be to a parents self esteem Mrs said the long term unemployed parent is a poor model for the child as well as being very experts to the provincial taxpayer What we want do is stop her from coming on the system she added By placing the child in daycare centres or private homes the parent can then use the time to look for a Job participate In Job- retraining programs and when she has found work gradually begin to cover some of her child own daycare costs While parents pay full fees they arc earning per year hey may only pay a minimum of per day at per year Private home daycare In which youngsters are cared for in a homo environment may be a little more expensive but it accommodates parents who have to work at odd hours of the day or during weekends But it does not provide hour service Not all parents receive subsidized daycare for their children because of severe financial trouble Mrs Lepa said the region services also offer daycare for thora pcutlc reasons removing the child from a hostile environ while parents seek counselling or otherwise over come a family crisis Meanwhile regional council lore are expected to receive the daycare study later this month The Association Tor Coordlnators of Volunteer Services will hold a breakfast meeting at the Burlington Cultural Centre II 30 a m his Wednesday The aim of the session is share information and ideas among of leer services on the effective use of you volunteers in their programs There will be an impressive panel of guests with extensive experience volunteer these are Muriel or p at Trafalgar- Hospital Bull Ihe Developmental Centre in Milton Youth volunteers will also be represented There be a minimal charge for breakfast There is no preregistrarion All motors and volunteers ore welcome Participants will be asked to share their ideas and concerns about youth tecr involvement For more information act Marion Presld or Joyce hlsh itor Save this Summer with HOME POOL OUTLET Your Mursatl Dealer Kilos Slab Chlorine 66 9 Kilos Pucks Shock 1 Gall 1 Muriatic Acid Tile Cleaner Litre Pool Pol Plus For Information and Free Delivery Call Joe or Bob at 8775077 or 24 SEVEN DAYS A WEEK At you NEW TO TOWN or h you Jul into Would Ilk to call on you with HOUSEWARMINO GIFTS end Information bout For this information and Houiawarmlno call 8774812 HOME POOL SERVICE SERVICE SALES Pool equipment chemicals Suppliers ot Mursatt Chemicals Pool Openings Maintenance Programs lor service satisfaction call Robert 8774124 Oft FOR MOTHER We have the perfect gift ideas for the crafty Mom who knits needlepoints etc Wool anil yarn of colours Aug hooking Mac ram DON FORGET MOTHERS DAY IS SUNDAY MAYIOIh GUELPHVIEW SO GEORGETOWN iGoligersi serving travellers since 1955 Were having a- Disneyworld Day Saturday May 9th 1000 am 400 pm Coma along to Goligers tor a full day of Disney fun and entertainment for the whole family Well be showing films all day about Florida and fabulous Disneyworld in Orlando FREE balloons colouring books and candies for the kiddies as well as a huge range of brochures on super vacation packages to Florida at those affordable summer prices See you at I Hills Shopping Centre 8770103 EASTERN J BLOOD DONOR CLINIC to A reuse mo yon MB A wm asm nam ran I 3D p Commuters come right work BE RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR at the GEORGETOWN KINSMEN ClUB CLINK MONDAY MAY TH at HOLY CROSS CHURCH AUDITORIUM Avenue PERSONS IB OS and yoar will ACH lhy URGENTLY rtaadad BLOOD HELP THE RED CROSS OBTAIN A SUFFICIENT SUPPLY OF BLOOD TRANSPORTATION and at the clinic available to donor It it Mra or Flo On day SERVICE CLUBS REMEMBER THE BUCKET OF BLOOD CHALLENGE AWARD PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF CLINIC DAY MAY 11TH ON YOUR CALENDAR