ND Friday Mays l Expanding to Friday helping weekday coverage Over the past Winter The Herald sports section has expanded from our Wednesday edition to both Wednesday and Friday editions The addition of sports to two editions per week has opened up some new opportunities for the the community We ore now able to feature more pictures and stories than was ever before possible There number of advantages with this Oftentimes the paper is caught in a situation where we would like to write more and add more pictures to the paper Unfortunately we are like ambitious students who want to write a SO page essay on J Salinger Catcher In the Rye but are limited by thtlr less The Weekend Friday edition enables id to add what we could not find room for in the Wednesday edition It also invites us to quicken the sports limi For sports which are happening on Mondoy Tuesday and Wednesday nights the Herald can help to lessen the time frame and allow sports news to be read on Friday rather than waiting for the following Wednesday We invite submissions for sports items which ore happening early In the week and promise that items not able make our Wednesday edition will be included in our Friday paper Hopefully we can expand our summer sports so it rivals our Winter effort For more information about submissions and inquiries help us improve summer give the sports desk a call at Our deadline for sports copy headed for the Friday edition is Thundiy a or Utile later If you warn us in advance Road race season theHERALD Sportsweek attracts local runners Darnell Doug Smith do well at 10 kilometre road race Georgetown s Masters marathon runner Bob Dan competed in the Eaton 10 kilometre run In Toronto last Sunday and placed third In his age category Overall he finished Junior Boys 5 Jam Stafford Paul Ha Doug Mens Masters ISO Derock Coin Rogers 3 137 Bob 1070 J Doug Smith high school long distance runner finished third in the Junior Boy s category and overall Below arc the results of the runners 30 50 19 34 Run for the Honey is on race June 6 G EWFWIG specials J D Smith Dust oil rig shoes There onlv days to prepare for ihe annual Honey Festival Kilometre Race on Saturday June Last year edition of the Bread Honey race also known as the Run or the Honey attracted largest participation Alter last year heavy turnout the Credit Valley Marathon Club which the race in conjunction with The Times has put the start of the race back lo a a m ensure improved race control by Peel police En Iran who get their entries to race by May will receive a race package through the mail The race package will in elude a map a race sticker and an entry tag to allow the competitor to use dressing rooms it Vic Johnston arena before the race With the race package runners will not have to line up before the race to prerefliter Once Main The Trophy II be presented to the lint com to finish the ours tilth this year begins at entrance to Milling Red Drive and finishes on Church Vic Johnston arena The first entrants in the race will receive complimentary Hun for the Honey courtesy of The Tunes For all there will be framed certificates In finisher placing and Trophies will be awarded to the over all winner and tutest woman Medallions will be given to top Complete resulis will be publish in the June edition of The Dean Foster the Toronto Olympic Club won in 1W0 in a time of minutes three seconds Kithe Tanner was the top woman finishing in SB 16 In IW9 Rick Chase won In a J May Remember Mom With a gift shell remember every day of the year I loLpxrtnJb DISHWASHER model SC710 Adjustable top rack 6 pushbutton controls cycles with option 2 indicator lights Sott food disposer Rinse agent and detergent dispensers Cutlery basket Retractable cord reel Cherry decorator wood top Available in Almond and Snow White Available at DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN 8772551 DRIVE A LITTLE WALL PANELS CERAMIC TILE 75 BRAMPTON HP Chasterilslds Matlrosiaa pin SELECTIONS SAVINGS G CONSTRUCTION 877 MOUNT VIEW DELREX Aluminum 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GEORGETOWN 8774193 RUDYS WELL DRILLING DRILLING RESIDENT GUARANTEED CLEAN WORKMANSHIP TRADITIONAL BRICK BUNGALOW WITH FULL BASEMENT This bedroom brick bungalow Is perfectly nulled lo Ins frontage ban residential building lot and In excess of square fsat wall nil hod door ares lor present use and enables almost as groat an amount of living accommodation lo be developed In the full at futuro date Tho la In Tudoreaquo and board trim brick chimney and Tha heavy roof could bo alternately In ding lo Individual family and regional The main entry leads Into an energy contenting vestibule which at an air loch between Ihe and Indoora to maintain the In door temperature The open a Into a com pact reception oyer and Irom which Iralflc move naturally Into long roc tangular living room Tho living room a hearth or convivial at and formal charming bay window which could bo IJnlthed wllh an Interior win dow for whose decor leon toward Ino traditional A wellplanned shape com- blnalfon provldea a work triangle con figuration counter lop work surfaces and cupboard storage The area contains ample apace lor the of a stan dard dining sulto but In vitas Installation built In nookfurnlahinga An optional wall the dining area from area thus dividing the lormal from the prlvata arena of the Interior Stair from the dinette area lead down Ihe compact mud room facility and to the The garage con tains ample space for the In of a workbench for Ihe homo handyman and provides a convenient access to both the aids of the home All three bedrooma are positioned to the raar the I low plan and well away from Ihe main entertaining area for freedom from disturban ce Each haa generous storage and good view and natural Ifghl I lor arge bath Mitt shower This Is an excellent home plan ottering the young family a highly practical and liveable Interior layout In an eyeappealing and enduring exterior finish Plans for daalgn No may bo purchased either by the alnglo set at a cost of DO tor the first sot or by packago A live plan package Including first is economically priced at and an eight package also including first tat Is only Whichever method you choose please Includo for postage and handling Ontario residents ploaso add salsa tax Send lor Ihe current edition Select Homo series featuring imoglnotlvo decorating and home im provemenl Ideas plus quality home plans of every type Available for plus postage and handling To order any of these Items ploaso send cheque or monay or dor payable to the Home of the Week Address to Home of the Week cJo Hills Herald Suite Toron to Ontario MSN GORD HAMLTON CUSTOM CARPENTRY flsnivitlani Vinyl Wood AREA FOR WINDOWS Call B77 3144 or THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD J ROOFING LOW RENTALS FREE SERVICE FREE FACTORY OUTLET ALUM STORM E A Mitchell PHONE 4516232 Queen SI Brampton CALL PEARL MOBLE WALLPAPER SUPPLES ANDROOnm shop athome service SYWAY THE GEORGETOWN STOVE AND FIREPLACE CO aVWOTWaV FOP FIREPLACE ENJOYMENT AND HIGH EFFICIENCY KEATING CUSTOM KITCHEN 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