I EXCELLENCE AWARD IN CUSTOMER RELATIONS H FobartRMlEitataUd the HERALD I DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN No need to roam its right here at home Home Newspaper of H There are 106 good reasons to shop Downtown Geo geiown I Wednesday May 1981 Buildin fate remains unclear Inflation time threaten Acton hall restoration HANNAH Herald Special Attempts to save Acton 99yearold own hall may be fruitless because of the pass age or lime and Inflation a town staff member warned interested parlies last week At a meeting of the council town hall committee re pre of the resident on committee the fund commit tec and town staff recreation director Tom pointed out hat years of inflation have undoubtedly increased the no restoration mates of made In 1977 Uses for the restored build included in a grant cat on to the lure and recreation in Decern 1379 may also not be totally acceptable The question of whether the red brick building at the corner of Willow and Bower Streets can qualify for Ontario Heritage Pi grants is also debatable since buildings receiving such grants must now have heritage or significance in the province rather than just in the local municipality he said Town clerk administrator Ken Richardson said one of the prorcqu sites to a heritage grant lb a municipal bylaw silting that the own will be prepared to assume all the financial obi gallons and main costs of he project must be passed before the can for a heritage grant There is no guarantee hit such an cat on partly filled or completely met The on hat work be done to restore he outside of the building with existing funds while the deba the merits of the project won l work no funds will be given to a project wh is begun without BABY HAD A BLAST AT BANGORAMA ii for kldi And adult who like o along too Above oneyear old Jeff Telford Aland Carol Telford fireworks pi ay Juthcore the real McCoy got underway at George town Fairgrounds Park Monday night Youngster like Amy Gordon were alio thrilled by pony rides by Wild wood Manor riding club Here gets a Utile encouragement from helper Helen Brooks Lot more Victoria Day photos page photos by Chris Aagaurd ministry approval Mr Richardson said Mr said the mini of culture and Ion grants are based on he of space In the building which will be used for cultural and recreational activities In Ihe community In the original application such things as town offices a Chamber of Commerce office and a police office were suggested as possible uses for the restored building None of these would be for grant purposes and that space would reduce the size of he Mr said he understands that there was never a complete structural analysis done on the building and the restoration costs sel In were only estimates Inflation could well have upped that figure to 1 tike to see he whole project rccvoluated he said Emotions have to be set aside and a decision made on whether the build ng is archi lecturally significant to he community or whether there Is a need for a community Although fund raising has been done it apparent hat inflation has pretty well eaten up anything that was raised People need to look at the Overall cost of he project and decide whether it still viable If ills then hey have o spend some more for a full analysis of what has to be done Then a final decision will have to be made whether more money con bo raised in the community and whether council Is willing to bear the cost of the project Cathy Sanford said will have ra by the end of August committee rman George Elliott said his committee has just over now and hopes to Increase it to through an Industrial fund raising campaign which will begin within the next two weeks Golden Helmets bikers at fair The Georgetown Fair Board has announced that the popular Golden Helmets Motorcycle Precision Team of the Ontario Provincial Police will be highlighting the opening night program of the Georgetown Fair Oct Although the team has appeared In Ihe area before his will be Its first appearance in Georgetown and the Fair Board Is very pleased that Georgetown will be included In their schedule of appearances for the all Since Ihis year is the 135h anniversary of the fair the board is planning and hoping back to the early days of Georgetown Fair establish in 1816 The Motorcycle Team has been In existence since and has appeared throughout the province at fa and In some of the larger parades During Cen In 1967 they also appeared in New York City taking part in a special Canada Week celebration The ride has received much praise from the many thousands who have seen it performed Although It is an exciting performance to watch emphasis Is placed on learn precision and safety is emphasized throughout Confirmation of the appearance of the Golden Helmets has been received by the board from assistance Commissioner J Kay OPP Traffic Division in Toronto The team is under the supervision of Hide Master Corporal A Smoutcr of the Burlington detach Mr Elliot said his commit tec has absolutely no power since the town must decide on what use will be made of the restored building what grants It can apply for and ultimately whether it should in fact be restored It the town s ball game he said The town originally wonted to tear the building down to make parking room for fire fighters at the adjacent fire hall A petition from Acton residents persuaded council to change its mind in May and fund raising attempts have mel with varying degrees of success in 111 interim Council promised to give the originally slated demolish he structure towards Its res lorat ion Instead If the rest of the money could be found from other sources A further meeting will be held to look at updated cost estimates and other changes which need more discussion said council town hall commit tee chairman Terry ATTACK OF THE Herald photo by Chris Aagaird II took two residents about 0 luffed conn- Ihr out other visitors is trips to Ihe parking lot to do II but four away from tana da Wonderland Saturday with at one of the new amusement park coin toss factor to beat game that wai confounding King and Danny Cooper won the stuffed dogs and enjoying a preview Wonderland which officially opens Maple No v I Is a and Sue Brian and Danny have In decide that to do heir basemen full of Wonderpets but In the I recommend Wonderlands many adventures as Ideal enter lain r people of all ages and Interests Youngsters lead the way in campaign Clean caring and community spirit abound in one area of Hilts these days as proud citizens of all ages pool their efforts to announce I Love In the community arc still being visited by volunteers from George town Chamber of Commerce and Area Rate- payes Association GARA who drop off explanatory pamphlets and the popular I Love Georgetown buttons The buttons have also been distributed among virtually all Georgetown businesses where employers and employees alike are wearing slogan on lapels and The public response has been fantastic according to campaign director Tom who adds that proceeds from the button sales at 50 cents each offset the campaigns cost and aid fund raising efforts or the library cul Georgetown thanks to the dozens of directly Involved In the business canvass Mr reported Waller Biehn Doug and Whiting all Chamber directors deserve special credit for getting the businesses and Industries Involved Among the examples of citizens doing their part Glen Williams cubs spent Saturday cleaning Up High way roadsides In George town and the Glen ball diamond Cubs from Georgetown Fourth B troop will clean up the highway debris between Mountain view and Sinclair May 30 Georgetown Venturers have arranged through Helping Hands to paint a carport for a physic ally disabled homeowner and will do some for a Sixth Line senior citizen Girl Guides will be escort loco I seniors on neighbor hood visits and shopping excursions Georgetown High School teacher Chris the school Outers Club will spend a weekend or week nights cleaning up a footpath which Is used by many residents including seniors Such a program should be continued on an annual basis and deserves everyone support Mr Bertelson commented The campaign committee will be rewarding schools groups and Individuals who have participated with I Love Georgetown balloons scrolls and framed Achieve ment Awards Involved schools will also receive cheques to donate to a able cause or their choice Area dignitaries are ted to help deliver the varl awards by making the rounds aboard a chartered bus and visiting selected homes whose owners have expressed their community pride and spirit In some way Organizers stress that there a still plenty of lime to get involved Individuals bus esses and service clubs should get in touch wllh committee members to co ordinate plans and ensure they re in line for subsequent recognition You want buttons We got buttons Yes I Love Georgetown buttons ore still Button campaign rman Roy reports that there are a few hundred left You con pick one up for cents by phoning Mr at or by visiting Joe a Tuck Shop on Main Street Vilo Fruit Store in the Moore Park plozo or Georgetown in the Market Centre The buttons are making the rounds both outside Hills meanwhile As well aa Ontario Lieutenant Governor John who picked up the souvenir during his recent visit with the Chamber the buttons will be wom by members of the Optimist Club of Georgetown Indiana and by high school students from Port Leamington Newfoundland Both groups are visiting here this week as part of exchange programs with their Georgetown Ontario counterparts If you vc spotted on I Love Georgetown button anywhere else the organizers would be thrilled to hear about it Irwin Dorsey Ltd may close as Dow- Jones battles Ottawa By ASTRA Herald Special The president of Irwin Dorsey Ltd Dick Willis told the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce Thursday that the publishing firm may have to be shut down in a matter of months Approximately IS full time employees would be affected by the shutdown of whom reside In the Georgetown area The repercussions of a shut down there with some or the town tax disappearing also The reason for the plant potential shutdown Is the Supreme Court decision not to hear case of Dow Jones and Co Canada Foreign Investment Review Agency Approxim years ago the owned Dow Jones acquired Richard Irwin an Illinois textbook publishing firm Irwin Is now a small subsidiary or the can company According to the Foreign Investment Review Act how ever no Canadian firm can have a change in foreign parent without first proving that It would provide cant benefit to Canada For the last five years Dow Jones has challenged jurisdiction In this matter since the merger occurred between wo foreign The case seems to have come to a standstill with the Supreme Court refusal to even hear it Were not past the shock decision on a case that he considers a landmark in s history It is the first time the Act has been challenged and now other Canadian firms are more or less in limbo unsure of what to do if their parents merge with another firm Mr Willis agreed that there Is nothing fundamentally wrong with the which Is more or less trying to protect Canadian Interests from foreign investment but he feels hot the application of the low in this cose is wrong The acquisition of Irwin by Dow Jones affected its Canadian opera lions but can be in fact beneficial Mr Willis noted that plans were made for ownership At the moment the options company has are to shut down sell out or hove the employees buy the company Mr Willis t know how realistic latter option since the cost of buying ond maintaining a company would be too exorbitant for only people to raise The ate of Irwin lies In the balance at a meeting June between and Dow Jones Here for the last time arguments will be presented In the hopes that an agreement can be reached If the firm docs have to shut down Mr Willis hopes it can still operate for at least a few months in obligations to campus bookstores JohnMatheionJustlovc I I Kathy English hospital Intommon i 1 v- I I II will work In lab because he got to be by all he nurses Specimen collection station gives hospital unique service The Installation of a new specimen collection station at the Georgetown Medical Centre only the sixth such apparatus in Ontario prom is to save valuable time and effort Tor nil concerned patient doctor and George town District Memorial The station provided through the Hospitals In Common Laboratory Incorpo rated program was on display during medical centre open house Friday Courier costs were loo great for small hospitals that had to send test samples to larger facilities board chairman Murray Young explained So our Ion began collecting samples for the smaller hospitals sending out In large batches for analysis pays the betterequip ped hospitals to analyze samples which Georgetown hospital cannot handle The smaller hospitals can thus more confidently refer the riskier costlier work else where attract specific Jobs to augment their own per test cost efficiency and decrease the amount of paperwork burdening administrators by handling certain Jobs in house The savings o taxpayers since 1975 because of have been significant Carl Broun the orgoniiatlon general manager said because the roles charged tho end users are less than It would cost the local hospital to do the work offers essentially all medical diagnostic laboratory tests available in Ontario It has over different test procedures from the routine to the esoteric Georgetown District has been affiliated with for eight or nine years said hospital administrator Fred Morris which means that tests which were not economically feasible for us to perform would be done through the association It not that the hospital does not havcthcequipmenttodolhese tests It a that it is too expens ive to tot up the equipment every time there Is a need for It We send the samples to locations where the equipment Is already set up for work as hormone testa and drug monitoring Alex of the Georgetown Medical Centre endorsed the project so that patients would not have to spend an extra day getting a blood test Now they can go and have the teat without an appoint right away The lab open to all Ihe patients In the Georgetown area not just those from the clinic Itself