Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 20, 1981, p. 19

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Georgetown Horticultural Societ Slide show plant sale tonight Herald Special The May meeting of George town Horticultural Society will be held Wednesday May at In Kno terian Church Hall At this meeting the prize winning slides of the Ontario ural Association a 1 Photo graphic Competition will be Following a short business meeting the annual plant sale takes place Everyone is welcome to come and buy at the sale tables If you have any plants to donate to the sale will be very accept able Come and ace the Mini Flower Show too Members of Georgetown Horticultural Society will be showing their I Love George town spirit by assisting the downtown merchants to plant annuals an the Main Street planters On June In conjunction with Pioneer Days the Annual Flower Show and Strawberry Social returns These tics are at Knox Church Hall Start to think Flower Show now so you will be ready to enter an arrangement then In April Colin Dickinson of Maple Leaf Research Centre spoke about lawns Mr Dick i risen is a specialist In crops with emphasis on grasses The maintenance program that most people can use for creating and keeping good lawn requires good seed proper and correct watering Lawns enhance your and add to the value of your property A good raking with a spring rake is the first activity for spring lawn care- Check as you go along for snow mould mice chinch bug damage dead thatch and late frost damage Bare patches left by th troubles can be reseeded or over seeded Dead hatch Is caused by poor drainage or poor soli Get rid of the thatch by raking or using a machine hen seed or over seed A Kentucky Blue Grass Creeping Red Fescue and ann Rye Grass blend Is a good one Be sure to ask for advice from a competent supplier when you have a special area to care for Kentucky blue grass is aggressive winter hardy and disease resistant It grows in full sun and repairs quickly Get a named variety mixture Creeping red fescue grows in shaded areas Do not over fertilize in shaded areas about half as much fertilizer as In full sun Perennial rye grass germ rapidly and is good as a nurse crop for other grasses It is not as winter hardy as other grasses Fast grass which Is offered for sale now is mostly perennial rye grass It is not as good a looking turf as Beta Sigma Phi ceremony a first for Georgetown In a special ceremony performed for the first lime in Georgetown Thursday night three were enrolled as Legacy of Beta Sigma Phi Legacy Daughters can be the daughters nieces or sisters of existing sorority members They must be under years of age and the members usually the mothers arrange to pay the initiation fees for them The girls can then automatically Join the group mite they reach the age of is Since this Is the 50th of the founding of Beta Sigma Phi during the Ritual of Daughters ceremo ny each girl received a solid gold necklace In the shape of the rosebud is sliver The three new Legacy Daughters are Campbell Michelle 10 and Joanne 11 A fourth girl who was to have participated in the ceremony but due to Illness Is Cathy some and tends to shred when being cut This gives a brown tinge to the lawn It can bo over seeded with Kentucky blue grass To plant small areas put grass seed in a jar with a metal lid in which you have made small holes Then use to seed the grass as you would use a salt shaker In large areas measure the ground so you can Keep track of the area covered and plant to pounds per 1000 square feet Prepare aero to be seeded fertilize sow and firm ground When grass is ready to cut 3 to Inches adjust the mower so half the length of the grass leaf will be left Do not use herbicides on tender seed Be sure the mower blades arc sharp Scalping when you mow will cause weed pro blems Fill in the so scalping will not occur Fertilize lawns early with a formula at 10 pounds per square feet Do the same In June or July In September the rate is pounds per looo square feet with a formula Fresh seeding needs heavy feed to lbs per square feet Grass needs a quick start or the weeds germinate and take over Drought problems show up under trees first Water so there Is one Inch of soaked soil for every ten days A pulsating sprinkler used In early mom Is the best watering method In late July or early August If you suspect that the town is attacked by chinch bugs Jen feed on plant stems cut which feed on plant stems cut the top and bottom from a fruit Juice can hammer thocan Into the soil and fill it with water Grubs will come to the surface of the water If there are chinch bugs Spray with helps to control Crab grass control use daclhal when forsythla Is In bloom or use In granular from In the fall plantain and dandelion control use Quack grass control mow often or use roundup Orchard grass control dig it out Round leaf mallow and prostrate Knit weed use I Ilex Use a herbicide spray early in the morning when the there will be no rain for or hours after application Use sprays as directed Spray drift can be dangerous D Is harmful to evergreens MAY IDEAS Plant seeds when the oak leaves are the size of a mouse LIMESTONE ALL SIZES GRAVEL FILL AND TOP SOIL BUD HAINES 3 DURHAM ST J Novak DT J Koharl DT Georgetown Denture therapy Clinic 104 STREET on Highway dm Id Post Offle Phone 7912314 TOWN OF HILLS RECREATION PARKS DEPARTMENT LADIES MORNING TENNIS There are still openings in most time slots REGISTER 4 30 Daily Recreation Office James Slrttel Hills GEORGETOWN Ontario Sigrtupsngle or s NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Planning Board of tho Corporation of win hold a to discuss and a Proposal tor Plan of Subdivision and on to Roatrlclod Aran Zoning Bylaw No Tfioso pi Involve a proposal to subdivide Part Lot Con cession in the Town Georgetown or Family Dwell ALL INTERESTED CITIZENS ARE WELCOME TIME 30pm DATE Tuesday 1SS1 PLACE Municipal Admlnlitrallon Building For Municipal Office R 1 Una Trafalgar Town of Kill Georgetown M P VEHDITTI A M A PLANNING DIRECTOR TOWN OF HALTON HILLS Ian lot at of i I to car garogo separate barn or workshop on 3 garden kind pond and stream Don do lay lor your Call now Asking 3333 in Real HOME AND INDUSTRY Do you a good homo on m nutos I om 101 where JOHN WOODS NICK RUTH Bungalow with dining room Pta on Main Road Bungalow to downtown Bungalow or carport lira Highway We have anxious and ready buyers for above mentioned properties Plaatt a call LOTS AND ACREAGE seres JUST LISTED A lovoly and la to lull decorated bedroom lownhouse Mont con I on a homo s vary vale and it backs homos Good Ml Asking HORSE SENSE HAVE YOU GOT IT IS aero horse Featuring 28 stalls Indoor arena 1 room club room bedroom apartment 3 tack rooms 7 pod docks and Coll today format on Asking only Good Mortgage COMMERCIALINVESTMENT PROPERTY rent the consider 1st mortgago at don bo call now Priced BEAUTY Th a boosts I irgo master n I room roplaco plus Plus Good I nunc I Ask ng SANDY CHAMBERLAIN ALSILS KENTSCHUPPERT car Warm soil speeds nation and promotes strong rooting of seedlings Harden off Indoor started seedlings and wait until after frosts arc over before setting out When your taster Lily leavcsbegln to turn yellow cut the stem back to or Inches Take tho bulb out of pot and plant the bulb Inches deep In good soil in your garden These bulbs arc winter hardy and will flower in vour Borden PUBLIC NOTICE TO RECONSTRUCT WIDEN AND ALTER REGIONAL ROAD NO 13 Mountalnvlew Road at the Inlet section of Cam pbell Gate In the Town of Hills Georgetown hereby von Reg pal having sod la Sod and el bong Rev sod Statutes of the I the flog pally Is moot ng bo hold n Reg slnt on Bronte Ontario at 1 m on Wednesday Juno pass by law to reconstruct widen and alter Road No Road at Intersection of Campbell Gate in Town of Halton Hills Georgetown A plan showing iho hods rod lor this and mo proposed by law miy bo eon n Iho Reg Department Oil cos 1151 Road On tar On Wednosdiy 1081at130pm I by Pub w II hoar person or by j Counsel any person who cams thai Linda bo ly by trio by and who bo hoard Any such person who tin bo hould as soon bo on to Mr Garfield Brown Regional Clark Tha Regional Municipality Halton Ontario 20th Apr Hilton HI 01 13 l GARFIELD BROWN SECTION THE HERALD Wednesday May INI CANADA TRUST BEAUTIFUL OLD TREES DIFFERENCE among you II find a boaul 3 bodroom brick homo la Inviting as ThohomoalsocMcornpletowllhasuporrec room PrtcodatSTO SUPE AC NEAR GEORGETOWN nuloa Go Train nutos lo Down own Toronto lot Is gorgoous Troos pond garden all kinds flowers shrubs car do Inched workshop 1 year old 3 ranch bungalow a beautifully kept A maintained Tha roc room a a real lor or Building tot between Georgetown and Now Is to Invest In land Asking JKUm AFFORDABLE ACREAGE with good bank bam Highway property northwest of Easy commuting For further Information ADO LOVERS WILL LOVE THIS ONE If I country properly In Mount Forosl area rolling land Some bush ponds a pond alien deal lor lhal sh hole Also Stool born good mortgage at 10Wdueln 1983 4 older homo main floor family room beautiful country kit Priced to soil at 07 500 SOLD JUST LIKE A MODEL HI lo movo no decora ng needed Excellent design kl chen nook extra washroom and largo attract lam cosy I and doors cedar dock Super In Heart Lake For Informal on I Ellon Hogg GUARANTEED TO PLEASE ISupor brick ranch bungalow on aero Complain 40 pool odors a Ioplpccs etc All Coll fleg Coopor Open O1l0rs877 dream bar bo que 3 car garage So And all on Cn I 5296 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY This property s deal lor Inm ly operation In ndustnal lion Many IJ plus 3 homo service on Vendor II si n INVESTMENT PROPERTY 125 BOO brick nearly ranulos from town main apt Ins largo three apis parking Vendor It hold 2nd Igogo current market CM IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Largo treed lot bungalow ln Alumni lor easy minlonarce Urge 1 shod roctoul on room bar Sling mollguoo it b AlcoPokludu 877 55 PLANNING TO BUILD Hero sn i acre lot bo do well brick homo on road For moro on coil Scoll Large Irood 3 bungalow In urn sldng lor easy maintenance Largo I I shod roc room Ih wet bar Call Conlro Town 12 1 1 Two Is 3 bedroom and one 1 Included parking Private Ion 5296 SOS Brick and cedar Attractive home on largo lot house now a man floor room rlne Moors and a spacious Ivng room odd I on has modern Ih sol oak separata dining room largo roc room wlh 2 largo bathrooms mortgage For data Is on ng homo cal before you miss out Margaret Parker VERY DEEP LOT period lor Iho vegetable good soil Cozy homo lull and alt has lor another largo rooms Taios ore only per year To Inspect please call Ellon Hogg877 A BUTTON Country homo In small village Iho large frontage there Is plenty of room 0 your garogo or workshop A period lor Iho small try quiet peaceful and 000 For more In formation coll Ellon Hogg HELPIINEED SOMEBODY To fin started got two bedrooms wlh a Fianklkln I In living room My aero lot Is with nice bees and I m only driving Brampton to Goorgolown Asking Coll My BEAUTIFULLY APPOINTED EXECUTIVE HOME Solid brick maintenance enjoy landscaped garden quel patio roof she by birches Famly Irvng close to and cultural centre and one the mosl secluded areas In town this boauty has ar lor sum plus numerous features For personal on ploaso coll Ellon Hogg 38 iITi JIM CALVERT SUSAN CARRIER REG COOPER palo a pool Nature pond woods and meadows only 159 CaiMatgPnrkorB77 48 A MAGNIFICENT 1B2 ACRE RETREAT Sol ludo and country to calm you nerves Stroll through roll ng hardwood pick mushrooms ducks and land In Iho ponds Old log ding cot Id bo Artists Stud barn homo w Ih healed workshop pronmntoly hour I Ask ng 165 terms Call A PICTURESQUE BUILDING LOT ACRES Vary private and roll Nicely Two ponds minutes and Already savored and ready for bu I ding DBEAM ACREAGE Imog no acres and gently land Almost aero In 1 kilomolor nor Iho Inn This superb property your plans Ideal for solar homo Only ODD Call mm OUR STRENGTH GLORYA EADES BARBARA MULLEN PARKER INVESTMENT PROPERTY Owner Reducod 19 3 centre of Acton Approved Idlng lots plan available 4 bedroom with 4 largo family room Shop on properly hydro usodprovlouslyBsrepolrshop cupboards and It dish washer Mortgage CaH Barbara 5298 OWNER WANTS ACTION And thai Is why Ih lovoly Acton homo Is lor Many extras to name In ad so in call Gerry Only Lola of for someone wiling do some work Coll Alice 877 5206 UNIQUE SETTING storey homo bedrooms 2 baths In Miction with to lul ravlno lot lor Information coll be GET TOGETHER Farn ly members or close and II live side by aide In Iheso detached homos on lovoly lol Housosw on dood Asking 50 per house CaH Alice IS OUR ALICE GERRY ROTZAL ELLEN HOGG I trails and ponds charming Now England stylo homo Very secluded Mezzanine on upper level standing alono replace between living dnlng room sowing room Log cabn cook stove sink and cupboards could bo a house Very private soiling 50 down van dor w II hold mortgago under current Call Parker LIVE HERE AND LET RENTS PAY YOUR MORTGAGE 74 BOO Centre ol Town bedroom apar tmenls applancos separata entrances and ample parking Mortgage Call Barbara Ion 2 Acre Hobby Form with now 4 bungalow double car gorago Two barna have hydro and water Asking CaH Pokluda 16 TERRIFIC VALUE FOR REASONABLE PRICE Townhouse Hills tor 42 IIS mortgage til 3 bedroom bain master bodroom has docoralng It In dishwasher walkout from basement Roc Room Call Barbara 40 ADJOINING BARBER SHOP Raised brick bungalow on mately acre 15 mlnutot horn Featuring bright spacious kitchen largo living room 3 bedrooms plus largo bedroom lower level finished roc room Zoned com mo re and Included adjoining barber shop now in on which Vendor would prefer to rent back Good Asking CallGonyRolzaJ877 5290 VERY SCENIC LOT Only 3 Goorgolown nearly 4 trees stream 8 privacy 000 Call Reg Cooper TWO COUNTRY LOTS Sklo by aids In pretty 1 and 1i each 16 mlnut03 Orangavllle Ready build Asking each Lass sold together School Glorya Eados WANT TO BUILD groat parcel located north east of Acton Think actor It Is right Asking Call GorryRotzrjl877

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