Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 19, 1981, p. 6

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fcXTHA Friday Jung IGfl lljlltm and Guides at HI last on for son IP on J shoving Springs Keen and to the hit of of cries riHllWIIrs ha in and learning rorgplown Tim Hancock look on Layman Blue Springs Reserve gathering features jousting and jesting llrrald Special and j usIiiir ttcr- III I Die north Hilton Scouts Gunk fll list sicken it the Springs 1K0 Scouts Guides dors Venturers from Georgetown Milton and I lit fifth annul camp inizul by Ill ind Jean and John Shir pics I Mirk Howl of included an aikiourse signal lowcrbuild arranged by Stouter and Viuihaii and supervised by Hit compass com petition handled by Scoutcr it Mnrlin of ind speed knots handled by Tim Hancock of First Georgetown and won by Robinson in seconds Hick Gibsnn of First Acton instructed first while Ran Isla of taught shirt ind led the balloon toss walk and hunt Tin Milton won a tame of Prisoner in the when from Ins in record Tim JnLo of Acton and t Georgetown Seoul won I jousting Mark Howe led the Scout Own to the on hymns of McLaughlin or GtorRclown Bob of Fourth Georgetown led Hit which included skits and yells Visiting the over tht weiktnd Bob of irsl Alton Shrub and Turd II d li d in iwnrds to Ik pitrols and tresis to person in alien tin fur all IIil idtrs who make t imp a success Mi tl tr is ixdndrd or announces new Terra director of has he position of Ana Supervisor it the Terra Conservation Valley Authority General Miniver announced last week is replacing Herb Ford who has been employed by Authority for years and as the Area Supervisor for the past four years Herb is Wishing his own business from his home In Erin Ed graduated from Sir ford College In Lindsay as a Forest an and an Outdoor Recreation Technologist He was employed by Otonabee Region Conservation Authority until late in 1978 when he was hired by the Credit Valley Conservation Authority as Regulations Officer He will be responsible for the development and maintenance of the Tern Conser vallon Area wllhin limits of the recently approved master plan for the Area Hes got a story to tell Gordon youthful Toronto author of mystery stories- for young people will be talking about his writing and autographing copies of his books Saturday in front of the Grey house on Church Street across from the old library fn case of rain tht programme will be moved to Mam Street South through the courtesy of restaurant Copies of Gordon books can be purchased at Oxbow Books in Georgetown and the Book Nook in Acton Winners of the Gordon Korman Quiz Contest are Vanessa Tom Ross Amanda The lucky young people will be lunching with Gordon Saturday DRIVE A LITTLE SAVE A LOT AT MMffl THIS WEEK S MINI SPECIALS WALL PANELS CERAMIC TILE 75 if BRAMPTON Sale Prices That TAKE THE BAIN OUT OOF PAINTING Premium Quality Exterior GLOSS WHITE 1999 FLAT LATEX WHITE GLOSS LATEX WHITE Youve come to the right place MACKENZIE BULLDAU I I Swivel Rocker SAVINGS THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD THE GEORGETOWN STOVE AND FIREPLACE CO FIREPLACE ENJOYMENT AND HIGH EFFICIENCY HEATING CUSTOM KITCHEN CUPBOARDS 10 IF YOU CAN ANSWER TO THESE FOUR QUESTIONS YOU SHOULD BE A GALLERY OF HOMES SALES COUNSELOR TIRED OF WAITING 10 OR EVEN 30 DAYS FOR YOUR COMMISSION CHEQUE AFTER THE DEAL IS CLOSED AND IT WAS YOUR COMPANY S OWN LISTING TOO MANY BODIES IN YOUR OFFICE UNFRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE IN YOUR PRESENT OFFICE SUB PAR COMMISSION SPLIT LISTED BELOW ARE SAMPLES OF EARNINGS WITH A COMPANY ON A SPLIT AND CLARK GALLERY OF HOMES SPLIT 518500 00 IMPORTANT IF YOU HAVE TO DEPEND ON BIG COMPANY REFERRALS FOR A LARGE PORTION OF YOUR INCOME THEN WE DO NOT WANT YOU IF HOWEVER LOOKING BACK OVER YOUR PAST TRADE RECORD SHEETS YOU FIND THAT YOU AND NOT THE COMPANY YOU ARE WITH WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR MOST OF YOUR DEALS THEN YOU ARE THE TYPE OF SALESPERSON WE ARE LOOKING FOR NOW THAT THINGS HAVE SLOWED DOWN FOR A WHILE IN OUR INDUSTRY AND YOUR LISTING SUPPLY IS DEPLETED NOW WOULD BE THE IDEAL TIME FOR YOU TO MAKE THAT CHANGE YOU HAVE BEEN CONTEMPLATING GALLERY OF HOMES UNIQUE SYSTEM OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION LOCAL REAL ESTATE OFFICES AND IN OFFICE HOME DISPLAY MAKES YOUR JOB EASIER PHONE TODAY ASK FOR JIM 521 1 or ALL INQUIRIES WILL BE TREATED CONFIDENTIALLY AKERSCLARK FORD BROTHERS FEED MILL COMPUTER POOL RUDYS WELL DRILLING COMPLETE GUARANTEED CLEAN WORKMANSHIP 13SS 9 HOME OF THE WEEK mm PLAN I 092tnfl FACTORY OUTLET ALUM STORM W THE PLACE TO SAVEI Visit Our Shoivioom E A Mitchell PHONE PEARL GUTHRCt MOBILE DECORATING WALLPAPER SUPPLES AND shop at home service phone SYWAY A SPACIOUS SPLIT ENTRY HOME WITH THREE BEDROOMS This throe mod I urn fronlsgo building lot and In 1000 door tor and aim cut a great amount accommodation In polo nils I In tho unllnlihed lowar aval Tha Inn sty to la In horizontal siding wllh veneer accenls and with a ha karoo For who could bsallarnalaly In shingle Tha main entry leads Into a compact oyer which I win hall stairway loll hand leading down lower level lha right hand leading up to Iho main living level main landing and roc option area laeda naturally right and Into lha largo living room The living room looluroa a relied hoarth tlrapteco tor convivial homos and a wlda eliding walk through leading onto Ihe largo Iront facing balcony A wellplanned shape combination provides cupboard storage abundant count orlop work surfaces and sensible work triangle configuration The dinette area Ion lutes a sliding glass walk through which provides to the wlda rear lacing balcony For those who prefer Ihe could be completely Isolated via Installation of a convenient pocket door allowing greater privacy and hygiene a positioned wall away from the main activity areas lor disturbance Each has generous a torn go and for view and natural light Tho spacious master bedroom has bathroom with shower The Untitled lowor level a roughedln fireplace and a roughed In bathroom as the basis for future development additional living accommodations recreational facilities Plans for design So 1092 may be purchased either by the single sel a cosl for tha first sot and for each addition sot or by tho package A tlveiat plan package Including llret sot Is economically priced and en eight sot package also Including set only Whichever method you choose please Include or poilsgo and handling lor tho current edition Select Home Designs magazine series featuring Imaginative doc orating and homo Improvement Ideas plus quality home plana of every type Available for 12 plus 75 cents poslaga and hen ling DELREX Aluminum G0RD y HAMILTON CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom Home flenovilteni Additions Vinyl ind Wood Window AREA AGENT FOR WINDOWS Call or THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD nana LOW MONTHLY FREE GF PAINT WALLPAPER I Inliflor Exttilor Spray Brush of Roll Wallpipedng 8778787 I J ROOFING I J HEW ROOFS I I FREE ESTIMATES its l Michael Iff WORKMANSHIP FREE ESTIMATES Ask For Mlko 8771 547 I

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