together we can help you better Royal Trust Goratown BUYING SELLING CHECK OUT THE CLASSIFIED ads CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Wednesday Publication Deadline Monday 5 00 m Friday Publication Deadline Wednesday VACUUM CleanCs Elcclrolux Filler rby Compact contra PIANO Organs now and lull The Piano and Organ Ex Brampton CLASSIFIED CASH HATES 877 8822 Words S3 Extm Words 5e each CLASSIFIED DISPLAY MEMORIALS 35e lor each poetry CARDS OF THANKS 30WordsS4 Add Lino j lQc each ENGAGEMENT DEATHS BIRTHS MARRIAGES GO words CLASSIFIED DEADLINE MONDAYS 00 FOLDING ping pong Call 677 00 Stove Tolophono 340026fsnt PANASONIC color V conation GO STOVE Washer ant dryer Under two old Coll 9Q65 GAS RANGE all SI or best offer Cr b All in good PC brown and white loothor cushions Excolontcon dton Call GREEN SECTIONAL chaster old with match wood top Excellent Reasonable odor 1360 3457243 GOLF CLUBS i Bag Spain rig Pro full sol Boys condition GUITAR 877 T game 2 Speakers 7523 348725lsnl ELECTRIC stove gold SI Water 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a packaged do Hickory Smoked d07 Free del HatlonH Trout Farms Lid 8773730 ea III Iback S3 Ilex bio Call B77 346924c5t Ventura 4 good con 519 7575 Com 342325c5tn1 PRESS PLATES Repair outbuildings line granaries bins or protect the trunks fruit troos used Aluminum Press x36 thick cents including applicable taxes at The Halton Hills Herald Front Countor The Buyers and Sellers Market Place 8778822 CENTRAL CABS Air Conditioned Radio Dispatched 8771111 CARS TRUCKS WE HAVE MAN QUALITY PRE OWNED ECONOMY CARS Pick Your Own Mam St South mile of Maple AM TO fl WANTED ONE SHARE FOR NORTH HALTON GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB Reply 10 Box 70 Tho 45 St Georgetown On WATSON AUTO WRECKERS crip truck wrick FREE PICKUP 8776226 GIBSONS Dead Stock Service Call cancel or 043 or Brampton Licence 346 HELP WANTED YOUR CAREER IN REAL ESTATE IS BEST WITH ROYAL TRUST unique day training exclusively tor newcomers course lees subs to quahlied registrants new 981 deterred profit sharing plan stall mortgages at preferred 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knowledge AP typing An attractive job lor the right person Modern Car necessary 000 CALL NOW Blair Personnel 4562449 RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT ARENA MANAGER INCLUDE day to day lor mo operation once scheduling control or facility atoned GENERAL knowledge operation trend J and Ihroo experience In ruona ration 3 lomol vale and in I luo stall work knowledge have elf eel common cation skills wriltonond oral Should PO33033 any of It I lowing Onlario Arena Managua Corl Arena A A T Foe lily Management Program CAAT Racronl on Louder sh p Program SALARY RANGE 390191 Dole for en 1901 Monday Juno 22 Apply In wf to Mr Thomas Shepard Director of Recreation A Parks Main Stteet Hint Georgetown Ontario L7G Matkod Anna Manager Application Confidential HELP WANTED HayesDana Inc Requires Mechanical Engineering Technologist or Professional Engineer to assist in our marketing oriented committment Minimum 2 yrs in mod urn to heavy manufacturing environment Experience in Held an asset This is an opportunity to grow with an expanding Company Comprehensive Benefit Program fully paid or by the Company Opportunity for advan cement Reply confidence complete with resume to HayesDana Inc Armstrong Ave Georgetown 3Z6 SALES CLERK requires an experienced sales clerk for the order desk Should have a good knowledge lumbar and building supply products Salary will depend on expenonce Good company benefits with a long established company Call or write 301 Armstrong Ave Georgetown A DON LEECH 8776931 3463WM ACTON CARRIER BEFORE SCHOOL DELIVERY WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS NO COLLECTING ICE CREAM DISTRIBUTORSHIP For Georgetown id tarn University Students Small businessman targe Investment required Conhct Mr 0 Young Dickie Dee Ice Ltd 10171 Richmond ITS Call HWNF EARN IN YOUR SPARE TIME Jon MICHELLE LYNN loam lush on good comm LARGE Torrlor Husky 2 years old room to run Very Free Id good homo CallMark for i coll Rivion Ha r3tyli3t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Buy Back Coniracl3 part time roalng worms In your garage or basemen Investment requ rod jsaugi 270 4580 or EMPLOYMENT WANTED EMPLOYMtNT I p UXURY I bedroom July 1 GENERAL HELP WANTED Tho H is Jilts club requires a Head Coach part mo II bo In August 1981 20 per week Compotil pro compel live PlgMs Tuoodays Wed Thursdays Sundays number of per to in and Heat Please to Town of Hallon Hills Parks Mam SI Ontario L7G 4X1 To Recreation Co or phono 1985 Hunt Jump Pleasure English Riding Instruction Complete facilities Indoor Arena to Advanced Children and Adults Also book now for Summer Program 75 weekly June 29 Aug Horses trailers lor sale Farm Mrs Lister 8773598 REAL ESTATE REDUCED NOW 69900 7 year old bedroom balhs main family room with lireptace car finished garage kitchen with open concept to family room Large dining room central air water tner SI Sonar alarm system 32 pool wide completely fenced yard secluded yard with large cedar deck Reinstated heating costs 280 Better than new condition Located 75 minutes from Georgetown In Niagara Falls only minutes to the BRING US A OFFER T GORDON REALTOR NIAGARA FALLS 4163565555 CENTURY HOME On 3 acres located at Terra Cotta This framo two storey has been modernized 3 bedrooms livngroom large cheene bright farm style kitchen with rear summer kilchen Should be ideal for family living HUNTER REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME On one acre north Large main family room spacious dining and living areas 3 bedrooms master has games room plus full basement for rec room HAVE A LOOK YOULL BE IMPRESSED CALL Realty limited HUD IS ELKS HALL lor rent Contact Harold Sr 877 9230 30 pm ACTON ma ocartmont Large yard 320 BOWER AVE Aclon 1 bedroom apartment Total rent Good zed lot easily converted throe bedroom homo 10 lor duo at January A3king S57 Phono NO AGENTS ONE apartment responsible quiet tenants only required 5644 or 459 urn shodT Glen Williams unfurnished 1 each to GEORGETOWN Possession Sop torn 1st Roloroncos roquirod month INDUSTRIAL UNITS FOR RENT ARMSTRONG AVE SO FT PER UNIT For Information call luehol SHOWROOM SPACE 730 FT Highway Call ACCOMMODATION WANTED YOUNG lady teacher ro room and board In homo commencing 1st or EXECUTIVE coupe want to rent house In Georgetown or Acton Rural or In town 1034 349725wmt WANTED Room to rent 1610 343324aw Western Canada School of Auctioneering Lid Canada frsl and only completely Canadian courso offered Licensed under Trado Schools Act A 1970 C 366 For par Box Aoorta or phono 752 LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR OR Straight Trucks CALL The Initilute Trailer Training Lid Toronto HELP AVAILABLE LADY w IdoGardonng home clean and odd 853 HERBS HANDYMAN SER VICE all typos of handyman work 8859 or 2578 RESPONSIBLE ADULT wishing to babysit children up preferably In tno Wo area Phono Isobol DAY CARE Infants to pro schoolers Wooklyratoper child Lunches and largo yard Collattor7pm 343624dc RELIABLE daycare my home yard and caslonol Saturdays lor sum English or French to years ot ago Highway 7 mllos norlh Goorgotown References 7840 348325dcn LADIES thing unusual you tired of old typo homo party plan II so us a try Got your friends lor a and a lingorlo party Wo sell You wont bo sorry you did Any lady an ad will rocelvo without obligation a lovely gilt For more Plus Royal Salisbury Way Brampton L6V 3G4 453 330722p Dose Rondavous Oil ng Ltd Brampton 416 453 1601 Acton5t0 CHILDRENS BICYCLE Days Saturday Juno 20th Doconlo your blkos wagons or Moot in James SI McKonilo sharp N no major something tor Sponsored by Ponnioswor North Haiti Sports 877 plus THE SALVATION ARMY Service every Tuesday Cat 877 ACTON CRAFT CLUB Juno 27 at lor old Coat 50e Library Call Iho library for details 321725co REGULAR open moot Alcoholics Anonymoua Friday at St Johns United Church Everyone w coif FILM for kids Saturday morning Pubic Library 10 321825co Y SUMMER CAMP registralons being tod or Kindorcamp day camp dng camp 89 Rd S ANON Group moot ngs St Johns United Church St group will moot Wednesday at 1 30 p m and Tuesday evenings Al Anon oiler help to anyone la lo lo I mi dllci 3255 ill 3013 or UNION PRESBYTERIAN WA end Bake Soto June 7 At the homo of Mr Mrs Loo Campbell west side of church Adults Children 75e GEORGETOWN Hosp Auxiliary Strawberry Social In hospital grounds Saturday Juno 27th 14pm 347825CO FORGE STUDIO GALLERY Terra now works gloss wood oils colore pot lory artists Sunday Juno 5 pm Open Wednesdays Thursdays Saturdays a Sundays 5 346824C0 MUSIC NIGHT Georgetown Public Library Friday Film Fost for Suitatto for yrs and older 322024ce CLIMB ABOARD Iho Library Travel Friday Film Juno 19 at tho Library plus GEORGETOWN WIDOWS Contact Group mooting ot Knox Church Halt Juno at All Widows Welcome HALTON BURLINGTON Association Annual mooting and Strawberry Social at Llgny Hall Road Friday Juno BAHA I FAITH world Is one country and mankind Its in lor motion lor Informal dscuaslons or Box 91 SER VICE lo bo hold In tho Glen Williams Comotery Sunday Juno 2 All will bo In case ol roln vlco will bo hold at St Albans can Church ROCK HILL PARK From on Sunday at 200 pm and lot Go Canadian with Harold tyro Area Code Garth Bourne and Band or Camping lor thraa day a and adminlon two how all or lor Met adult Chlldran 14 and S3 Proschool If J Hill R Sholbur no ISO Coll 347725C0