Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 24, 1981, p. 24

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fl SECTION HERALD Together we can help you better Royal Trust B775237 BUYING SELLING CHECK OUT THE CLASSIFIED ads CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Wednesday Publication Deadline Monday 5 00 Friday Pubticat on Deadline Wednesday 5 CLASSIFIED CASH RATES 877 MEMORIALS SO 30 words plus for each I no of poetry CARDS OF THANKS Words 54 ENGAGEMENT DEATHS BIRTHS MARRIAGES BOwordsl classified deadline monday GOLF CLUBS Bag Spalding lull sol ELECTRIC stove gold SI Water Culigan SI Call even rigs only 34BB25lan1 ELECTRIC DRYER rua orango brown dresser Coll B77 5017 MILK 3 QUAHT BAG OR JUG Early rd Special Georgetown Jug City Georgetown 45 Main SI N AM TO 10 AM Monday to Friday RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS Quality Products 1 Dlitrtbutor GLADYS 340727fsnf FRESH TROUT Not tod cleaned dually packaged 1o order per d07 Hickory Smoked 00pordoi Free delivery Hills Troul Farms Ltd 8773730 TEAK FURNITURE SALE- BRAMALEA OPEN TILL EINAR CLAUSEN LTD NEWSPRINT ROLL ENDS por lb nclud taxes dual tor schools vo ring s USES THE HERALD ATARI T V game sots speakers Admiral Viking now Tolepbono GAS STOVE washer dryer All under 2 years old 3331 CHESTERFIELD and chair coffee and end tables lamps d nolle sol appliances color TV also don furniture air conditioner Like now used or months 877 HARVEST GOLD STOVE with sell clean no oven 1 cu It type 1974 Maverick I Phono VACUUM Cleaners supple and service Fille Queen Compict contra change Brampton 453 Boys suit 18 good condition PIONEER CAR STEREO ex condition doors 853 TENT cap sleeps 2 dressers lum plywood 1081 LAWN TRACTOR HP 38 cul condilon Call877 4350 345525snl FOUR skate board wheels nearly now Precision I bearing Asking a par or best offer Call 7117 345225lsnl OVAL KITCHEN TABLE wood grain lop chrome pedestal logs on In very condton 5B59 PILLOW back captain si Van 353224o GARAGE SALE Saturday Juno ROQon Cr Hems cloth ng T V GARAGE SALE Four families Saturday June She II St Baby hum etc RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 1977 light eight HOUSE TRAILER Sleeps way burner stove healer water tank Easy to tow 00orbos1offor 451 30pm 340924rvn1 TON TRUCK 350 radio Tolophono 342325cain PONTIAC Gran 50 milos cortlliod 877 alter PRESS PLATES Repair outbuildings line granaries and bins or protect the trunks fruit with used Aluminum Press Plates 23 009 thick 58 cents each Including applicable axes The Halton Hills Herald Front Counter A GENUINE PREINVENTORY CARPET SALE Everything must go before June 30th Price cul on all slock and many room sized pieces by Harding at sq yd Criterion Carpets 128 Guelph St Georgetown The Buyers and Sellers Market Place CENTRAL CABS Air Conditioned Radio Dispatched 8771111 CARS TRUCKS uncurl lied Bos oiler phono 350125cXt 1973 PONTIAC cyllndor good shape Asking 1974 Comal automatic ps 4 noods minor body work vinyl root Asking 677 YAMAHA Call 350025CSI 1974 FIAT 128 000 or oiler CeJt853 351625CSI DODGE CHARGER Call Don 1973 PONTIAC LAUREN TIAN good cond I on VO p3 pb dr Cor I lied Call alter pm 353525c St AC CORVETTE I PW PIS tlttel AMFM stereo T bar roof GT Good Year mounted on mags 42 Call WE HAVE MANY QUALITY ECONOMY CARS To prices you poymonl Bonk Financing STANDING hay Lino south Georgetown 877 4032 354225p WANTED Apartment sued in good condition Coll 351525w WANTED ONE SHARE FOR NORTH GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB Reply to Box 70 The Heaid SI On L7G3Z8 GIBSONS Dead Slock Service lb paid lor old horses Wo can toll the causa Ftrgui or Bnrnpion Licence WATSON AUTO WRECKERS 8776226 TRANSPORTATION WANTED WANTED Rido to nodyClaronco area to arrive a Phono 877 4184 FROM Ac I on to Georgetown lac lory ore a Leaving a Acton During day call 7338 ng3 353124rw MMJ GENERAL HELP WANTED Tho H J 13 gymnastic club roqu rot a Head Coach pari 1 mo Tho pos on will bo In August 1981 approximately por week Competitive and pro competitive programs wook nights Tuesdays Wed and Thursdays and Sundays number hours per week could bo expanded to n ness Instruct on depending on tho Individual Wage negotiable baaed on ox and cation to Town Hollon Hills Recreation and Main St S Georgetown Ontario L7G To the Recreation Co ordmalor or phono or 677 1965 evenings lor moro 343925hw DO you noodlowoik Earn to per hour For call HAIRDRESSER wanted Please can Riviera Halrstyl sts 348524hw HELP WANTED SALES CLERK requires an experienced person for the order desk Should have a good knowledge lumber and building supply products 5 day week wilh good company benefits This is an tunity to advance with a progressive company Call or write 301 Armstrong Ave Georgetown A TTENTION DON LEECH ACTON CARRIER BEFORE SCHOOL DELIVERY WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS NO COLLECTING 8772201 YOUR CAREER IN REAL ESTATE IS BEST WITH ROYAL TRUST unique day training exclusively for course lees subsidized to qualified registrants new 1 981 deferred profit sharing plan staff mortgages preferred rates staff loans at special rates OHIP and extended medical coverage dental plan disability benefits bridge financing plan national Inter referral program national corporate accounts stock options AND MORE I Hew to Heal Willi Truit your mediately For j I or 1513 PART TIME SECRETARY Active office Alternate evenings and Saturdays Typing necessary CALL 8775213 Real Estate Ltd asms DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Baso requires rocopi on Duties to include pal relations bookkeeping and lyplng Apply resume to BOX 71 CJO Till Herald 4S0uelphSt Ontario URGENTLY needed porlonccd Call EARN a week lull time part time Cor 1169 352724hw HAIRDRESSER required lor call sors 877 7917 352624hw EARN IN YOUR SPARE TIME Jon MICHELLE LYNN sales team Display kit beaullltil For nlormatlon call 2541 4016 WALSH EDWARD dissolution of their partnership as of Juno 30 1831 CLEMENS MICHAEL AND DOUGLAS GORDON EDWARD have merged their practice as partners with THOMAS W G PRATT who conducted general counsel practice at 330 Bay Street Toronto HON JOAN B will remain as counsel The firm name will be PRATT EDWARD Quean Squire Building 24 Quean Street East Brampton Ontario L6V1A7 and at Airport Road Church Street CitodonEail Ontario REAL ESTATE REDUCED NOW 7 year old 2i baths main floor family room with flreplaco car finished kltchon with open concept to family room Largo room cenlral air water 000 00 Sonar alarm 32 pool 65 wide fenced yard secluded yard with largo cedar dock Reinstated healing Belter than now condition Located mlnulos from Georgetown in Niagara Falls only minutes to the QEW BRIVQ US AN OFFER T GORDON REALTOR NIAGARA FALLS 4163565555 KITTENS homo 6 wanks old lillor trnnod 4501 352225P8II Pet Also Even Weaken ntmonlj I Jiff 13th 1995 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY guQionlood Buy Back Contracts Make S24 yearly part time Msalssauga Ontario 4500 or EMPLOYMENT WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED ELKS HALL lor rent Contjcl ColplltS 7 9230 alter 5 3428frtt MOBILE homo lor rent on Huron Saublo Beach bain lam ly camping 793 3549 352025r COTTAGE south Sou bio Beach 352624lr COMMERCIAL OFFICE OR STORE SPACE For ronl Small units available Prestigious building down town 453 LUXURY bodroi Tower open to 7 SHOWROOM SPACE 730 SO FT Hghwaylrontago Sprinkle rod Reasonable rents Call EVfjt 4682 INDUSTRIAL UNITS FOR RENT ARMSTRONG AVE SO FT PER UNIT For Information Jack Luthol 8776936 ACCOMMODATION WANTED DEPENDABLE young family needs homo lo rant by August 1st In Georgetown Good Call 351325aw EXECUTIVE couple Willi to ronl house in or Rural or In YOUNG lady roquros commencing Sopi 1st or 4283 RELIABLE daycare my horn yard Weekly and Saturdays lor or French mo lo iirs ago RESPONSIBLE babysitter would liko summer Job 877 362524ha DAYCARE lor aged boya star ting August In and area Coll alter m BABYSITTER roquirod lor cos and Wojtorn Conofla School oritur Ltd Canada a first ind only an anywhere L Iho Trido School Act A C For par Box Lacombo Albert or phono 752 8215 111 LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS OR Straight Trucks CALL Tilt Canadian Irtttlttitt Trad or Trailer Training ltd Road Toronto Ontario M6M4H1 1971 HELP AVAILABLE LADY J rflIMIAJMHIM ELECTROLYSIS MARK your calendars now I Hornby Garden Party July 18 1981 354025C0 RECITAL lor Halion HMs Elkeltos Monday Juno at School Ing domonslralon 7 Adults SI 35112Eco FAITH Bo Geo gel own GEORGETOWN Houpnai Auk Strawberry Social n trio til grounds Saturday Juno27lh 1 ANON Family Group mooing SI Johns Un ted Churcli St Day I mo HALTON Strawberry at Ligny Hi I Ha ion Road Juno ACTON CRAFT CLUB Snturdiy Juno at lor old Cost Aclon Public Library Call Iho 321725co SUMMER CAMP no being idercamp day ip REGULAR moot Alcoho Fr day night at p John a led Ch Everyone FILM FEST 1Mb SALVATION service Tuidiy ROCK HILL PARK From on Iho wot or Sunday it and let a Go Canndun with Harold tyro and Code 705 also Garth and tils Band Adults SO Advance or Camping lor days and a dm I on to two all for for each adult Children 14 year and under fra J Hill no LON ISO Call 347725CO MICHAEL and DEBBIE HAST INGS nee SPARKMAN happy to announce the the son Michael on Sunday Juno 1st In Pool Memorial Hospital Fir lor Mr a Mrs Dave Hasl ngs Georgetown end Mr ft Mra Reg Sparkrnan arrival their con Todd John J on Saturday June 13 weighing 8 lbs Thnllod grandparents are Kay Dick Woathorall and Pat and Jotin Loughnnn FORTHCOMING MARRIAGES and Paul Flss Leamington are ptoasod to an nounco Iho forthcoming marriage Ihoir daughfor to John son John end Lorraine Georgetown to take In Loam nglon Juno 1981at4pm Or and Mrs Solomon Toncoo pleased to announce forth coming of Wendy to Mike son of Mr and Mrs formerly of Georgetown would Iko to thank all our friends and rolativos for cards llowora visits special thanks lo Senior Cituona Club Nurses on Word A and to Or Kennedy I was a patient in Georgetown Hospital Thanks again Not Puckering family tho late Francos old wish thank friends for if cords and all kindness In loss a dear and grandmother Scholiold torn away Juno 1978 When of love broken And loved ones to part It loaves a wound that Sadly missed and always remembered by Mom Don mo Rhonda 352424m HENDERSON Will am Royln loving memory of a dear gran and nephew Bill who passed away suddenly as a result an accident on Juno 1976 Though his em la Is gone lorover And his hand wo cannot touch Still wo have so many 01 one wo loved so much Hio memory our keepsake With which we It novor part God has him In His keeping Lovingly remembered by Grandma and Grandpa Allan Aunt Pat and Undo Bill Shubort 352325m to Canadian Cancer Society be on appreciated mark of rospocl and should bo ad Canadian Cancer Society Halion Us Unit Carda bereaved pts lor tax to donors 351725m Joan Suddenly on Friday Juno 1981 at Grahom In wife loto Douglas Hodglns and dear molhor Lynda and Stephen Scarborough Boloved daughter of Joan and late Graham Georgetown and sister Anne Mrs SprouloJ of Brampton and John of at Iho Jones Funeral Homo Edith Street Georgetown Whore a hold Monday June 22 Greenwood Comotory In memory con Hon to Canadian Can cor Society or Heart Foun on would bo appreciated ARMSTRONG On Friday Juno 1981 at District Memorial Hospital Leoco wife Isle John William Armstrong and door David and Janet Mrs J Storlnga Loved of Erlnn and Buffy Dear sister of Fred Looce Brampton and tho lata William Edna Gould Blossom Mason Ruth Wright Dick Susan and Bert at tho McCluro Jon Funeral Home 34 Edith Georgetown whom service was held Tuesday Juno 19B1 In Greenwood Cemetery In memory con trl buttons to Canadian Can cor would bo op WELLS Maxlno Elaine On Tuooday Juno at and District Memorial Hospital Maxlno of R Goorgolown wife ol Gaorgo and doar of Chori Lynn Brad and Stevon and daughter of Thomaa and Elslo Luyben sister of Roy Doris Gory and Bruco at Jones Funeral Homo Edith Slroot whore private funeral was hold Wed nosday morning Cremation followed In memory con to Canadian Can cor would bo pfcciatod Senior Citizens Week Two heads are better than one when it comes to fixing up the old soap box racer managing the books or trying to solve a perplexing problem when there is experienced hand to share the load Shar idee experiences makes every problem seem half as heavy and every solution twice as good And as it happens Sharing is the theme of Senior Cilnens Week for We all have a lot to share is the slogan which has been chosen promote Senior Citizens Week this that slogan We all hai to share is the philosophy seniors want to highlight June to 27 will be the official Senior Citiieas Week However throughout the month of June and beyond local groups will continue to promote the idea that our provinces seniors have special abilities which theyre eager to share The special needs of seniors will also be brought to the att of other age groups Today there are many seniors who either individually or through groups are sharing their special talents and years of valuable experience For instance many retired seniors have taken up volunteer work often turning a few hours a week into a second career Others are turning lifetime hobbies into profit able pursuits And many do freelance work as consult ants to their professions One group of seniors have been visiting a day care centre to give pre schoolers a head start in developing their reading skills Ordinarily this might not be possible but with a ratio of one senior to one junior the results have been great and some close friendships have been formed Now these young are able to enter school with some reading skills making lessons easier for them and for their often overworked The success of that project certainly encouraging and is just cause for a celebration And a grand celebration there will be during Senior Week A lot of people call life The Survival of the Fittest You know a lot of people are

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