DONS AUTO SERVICE Brakes Spring Re arching Shacks Eleclrical Repairs Lube Oil Eleclranlc Filler Change Tuneups WE OFFER THE BEST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE FOR YOUR AUTOMOBILE MfBM6biLAfetVi 5 ARMSTRONG AVE GEORGETOWN 8122 FLASH TAXI WATCH OUT FOR KIDS THIS SUMMER AIRPORT RATES PARCEL DELIVERY RADIO DISPATCHED 8779914 8771442 5 pat GRAND OPENING JULY 2nd 3rd 4th AT PLAZA CELEBRATE WITH Coffee Donuls on Thurs Cake Bubbly on Saturday Door Pr Da s for the Ladles Think Safety First Then Think ANDYS Import Auto Service New used Volvo Parts Now Available 17 years experience 348GUELPHSt Georgetown 8771944 CMS Your automobile requires maintenance for safe driving our services for a longer life We Care About Your Car Guird Vinyl Root Rt Prcum A Slum Dry In Pin Striping Touch Up FORFREE ESTIMATE CALL 877 61 36 111 GEORGETOWN KAYS GROCERY We appreciate the young customers we serve every day BE CAREFUL DRIVING 86 Guelph St Georgetown 8772811 When you want that Brlhday or Specal Occasonlobo Really cake all cream or cake n cream In many shades and ICE CREAM STORE HILLS SHOPPING CENTRE 8773312 RR VARIETY WEVE MOVED TO 51 GUELPH ST GEORGETOWN BESIDE GAIN GAS STA A VERY CONVENIENT STOHE WITH THE POP FACTORY BUNSMASTfcR ICE As of June 26 grade school children will again hit the streets beginning another summer vacation Because of the increased chances of accidents during this Schools out period we urge the motoring public to DRIVE WITH CARE This message brought to you as a public service by the participating community minded businesses and the Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Since 1866 REXWAY TOWING AND KENS AUTO SERVICE 61 GUELPH ST GEORGETOWN 8773951 CENTRAL CABS Safe Courteous Drivers Clean Air Conditioned Cabs Fast Service Commercial Rates Airport Service fT WIU BE A PLEASURE TO SERVE 8771111 8771234 Think safely now before it s too late brazier Guelph St at Rexway Georgetown 877 5286 For the best In QUASAR SANSUI TOSHIBA Quality Products RYDERS Your Anil Inflation TV Stereo Store MOORE PARK PLAZA 8779796 GOODYEAR Start with safety from the road up GEORGETOWN TIRE SALES LTD MS St They re counting on you to be on the lookout TRAVELWAYS BUS LINES Mountainvlew N One Stop Auto Collision Botty and Paint Work Insurance Appraisal 55 Sinclair Avenue Unit 1 Georgetown 8771900 Drive with Caution Preserve the future of your children and ours U