Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 26, 1981, p. 6

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Cage WEEKEND Friday June a together we can help you better Trust Georgetown BUYING SELLING CHECK OUT THE CLASSIFIED ads Market CENTRAL CABS Air Conditioned Radio Dispatched CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Wednesday Publication Deadline Monday 5 p m Friday Publication Deadline Wednesday p CLASSIFIED CASH RATES MEMORIAMS words plus for each I no poetry CARDS OF THANKS 30 Words 4 Add tonal Linos ENGAGEMENT BIRTHS MARRIAGES words CLASSIFIED DEADLINE MO HO AY M lil7imi ANTIQUE in excellent con consisting 72 table w drawer and 2 cuoboards brako ass door on op and cupboards rs wth leather scats livo chars 1 arm chair Excop 1 well turn Humus tollol deal lor cottage day and Saturday only 2 MILK 3 QUART BAG OR JUG Early rd Jug City Man St 7 AM TO 10 AM Monday to Friday 189 RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS Qual Products since Distributor GLADYS SCOn 8771089 340727lanf FRESH TROUT Nottud donned ndmdually packaged lo order 00 per do Smoked do Free delivery lis Trout Farms Ltd 8773730 TEAK FURNITURE L SALE OPEN 791 TILL arms EINAR CLAUSEN LTD NEWSPRINT ROLL ENDS 10 taxes Idoc in g s USES THE HERALD FRONT COUNTER Admiral Stove Viking now 340028lsnl GAS STOVE washer dryer All these 2 old 3519251s CHESTERFIELD and choir cod no and and tables lamps sol appliances color TV also don 3529271a 30 HARVEST GOLD STOVE VACUUM Cleaners supple and service Compact or bu in and commercial fa PIANO Organs Wurllfcer new and used full guarantee Tho Piano and Organ Ex change Brampton MOFFAT range avocado 35525fsnl LAHGE too fridge 877 THOMAS keyboard Electric organ new or boat 677 350525lsnl GOLF CLUBS bag carl com plate set asking Mens chest waders SI Tape recorder KOfling Con asking 0381 OVAL KITCHEN TABLE wood grain top chrome pedestal ition S5Q CLEVELAND motor miles C 358626opnf PILLOW bach seats lor Van 877 GARAGE SALE Saturday June 54 Regan Baby items V etc 352125g3 CARS TRUCKS DODGE CHARGER Call Don venlura6 cylinder automatic good shape certified Asking 1974 Mercury automatic p3 needs minor body work roof Asking 877 2888 350725cSt YAMAHA 5500 Call Gord 350625cat PONTIAC LAUREN TIAN good condition V8 4 Cer tilled Call 853 3686 altar 5 m SI CORVETTE 350 cubic Inches automatic PW P8 PS till steering stereo T bar GT Good Year mounted on mags 42 Call WE HAVE MANY QUALITY PRE OWNED ECONOMY CARS To choose at prices you con afford Low if payment Bank Financing STANDING hey 15 acres Lino south Georgetown 4032 WANTED Apartment piano In good condition Call GIBSONS Dead Stock Service removed 3c lb paid lor old thy horses Wo can toll you the cause ol death or I 345C WATSON AUTO WRECKERS Wanted scrap cars and trucks lor wrecking FREE PICKUP 8776226 GARAGE SALE Plants and garage salo St Glen Williams 3561 GARAGE SALE Four lam lies Saturday June 10 am 58 St Baby slro Iters humidifier a pi Inn res etc RECREATIONAL VEHICLES groat beginners Low mlaago boat fcMJMJJIBiH 1964 CHEVY IMPALA Super Sport door hardtop seats and VB automatic now condition and out S3 titled 853 354525c TOYOTA COROLLA back 4 speed certified S3 flexible Con alter 5 877 354425cStnl MAVERICK Best oiler phono 1074 FIAT good condition Will cor I or best offer Call PRESS PLATES Repair outbuildings lino granaries and bins or protect the trunks fruit tress with used Aluminum Press Plates 23 009 thick 58 cents each Including applicable taxes at The Halton Hills Herald Front Counter A GENUINE PREINVENTORY CARPET SALE Everything must go June 30th Pricos cut on all stock and many room pieces by Harding at yd femhandomtryi irrnsr Criterion Carpets 128 Guelph St Georgetown TRANSPORTATION WANTED WANTED Rldo to nodyCtaronco area plan at Phono FROM Acton to factory area Leaving from Acton During day call oven ng3 353124rw IdllWKHlB GENERAL HELP WANTED The Halton Hills Jills gymnastic club a Head Coach port Tho position will bo commencing In August approximately 20 lira por week Compotltivo and pro competitive programs week nights Tuesdays Wod and Thursdays and Sundays number hours per week could be expanded in elude recreation kinder and 1 1 no Instruction depend on the Individual Wage porlonco and qualifications Please send application to Town of Recreation Parka 3fl Main St Georgetown Ontario L7G 4X1 TO the a Recreation Co ordinal or phono or 1985 evenings for more motion DO you needlework Earn 58 lo 520 hour For Interview call HAIRDRESSER wanted Please call Rlvlora Hairstylists 348524hw TRUCK DRIVER Class license for Toronto deliveries Apple Products DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Base Georgetown a rocoptlonisl Include patient relations bookkeeping and some typing Apply with resume to BOX HELP WANTED SALES CLERK requires an experienced person or tho order desk Should a good knowledge of lumber and building supply products day week wilh good company benefits This is an oppor unity to advance with a progressive company Call or write BOEHMERS 301 Armstrong Ave Georgetown A TTENTION DON LEECH ACTON CARRIER BEFORE SCHOOL DELIVERY WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS NO COLLECTING YOUR CAREER IN REAL ESTATE IS BEST WITH ROYAL TRUST unique day training exclusively tor newcomers course fees subsidized to qualified registrants now 1 981 deferred profit sharing plan staff mortgages at preferred rates staff loans at special rates and extended medical coverage dental plan disability benefits bridge financing plan national inter office referral program national corporate accounts stock options AND MORE I Haw a Real W IN Royal Trull your training comment mediately For confidential interview call Bonnie B77 or PART TIME SECRETARY Active office Alternate evenings and Saturdays Typing necessary CALL Real Estate Ltd 351425m HAIRDRESSER red lor I EARN a week lull time Salon In Car required 7917 876 352824hw I NEIMAN WALSH EDWARD ce the dissolution of their partnership as of June 30 1981 CLEMENS MICHAEL NEIMAN AND DOUGLAS GORDON EDWARD have merged their practice as partners with THOMAS WG PRATT who conducted his general counsel practice at 330 Bay Street Toronto HON JOAN B NEIMAN will remain as counsel The firm name will be NEIMAN PRATT EDWARD Penthouse and Quaeni Square Building Street Brampton Ontario Church Street CaldonEsst Ontario L0N1E0 REAL ESTATE R J BARKER REAL ESTATE Coming Home HOBBY FARM WITH STREAM Conveniently located near Georgetown thi3 20 aero paradise offers large custom built homo huge finished basement extra kitchen and walkout to cedar deck Main floor family room Call us or further RJ Barker Real Estate ARE YOU Looking for a home that Its your pocket book Large and completely renovated 2 storey detached home In well established area of Georgetown on pool sized treed lot with lots of room offering three bedrooms entertainment sized eat in kitchen sun porch and work room To see is a must CallR J Barker Real Estate 1961 Ltd R J Barker Real Estate Ltd 4516220 EMPLOYMENT WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED Man lablo to do odd culling grass garden HELP AVAILABLE KITTENS lo good homo 35222Sp8 LOVABLE Old ish Sheep to good homo good Cull 510 puppy for Black a tan male we oka pt All Breeds Grooming CI pp and Also Even on from Jan 30th July 877 1995 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY guaranteed Buy Back Contracts 524 part rni3ng bolt worms in your garage or baa erne Investment required Syaloms 6533 Ontario or lor rent CorUaci Harold Colpitis 877 after NEW TOWNHOUSE August 1st 877 MOBILE homo lor rent on Lnko Huron Snublo Beach area pleco bath camping COTTAGE Beach 352624fr COMMERCIAL OFFICE OR STORE SPACE For Small Is town TOWNHOUSE Ave Ui 425 a able July 3792 SHOWROOM SPACE SQ FT Highway Iron la go Call Evgs INDUSTRIAL UNITS FOR RENT AVE SQ FT PER UNIT For Information art jjck Luehol ACCOMMODATION WANTED DEPENDABLE young family needs homo to by AuQust tat In Goorgalown area Good references Call PROFESSIONAL Aug 1st or alter phono 1 alter collect 355325wrnl WANTED TO RENT bachelor or 1 bedroom apt lor single gentleman wilhout anytime July lot or 355625wrnf YOUNG lady teacher requires room and board In quiet commencing Sept 1st or 4283 3334lrtf RESPONSIBLE would Job 877 5880 DAYCARE required for 2 school boys starling August 10th In and area B77 alter 3534dc BABYSITTER lor or evening a Del rex and Moun tain area 877 350425dc Coll Rundovous I Ltd Bmmpton416 30B7 rim pm ELECTROLYSIS JOANNE IHB Western Canada School of Lid Cinadau I ral and only Canadian anywhere L censed under Trade Schools Licensing Act RS A 1070 For par liculars iho course wnlo Box Lncombo or phono 752 lit LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS OR Straight Trucks CALL The of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd 1262 Weiion Road Toronto Ontario 1371 MARK your calendars i Hornby Party July 18 1961 RECITAL lor Is Monday Juno at High School Baton rl ng demonstration 7 9 m Adults SI 75 is I FAITH B Georg 3055T GEORGETOWN Hosp Auxilory Strawberry Social In the grounds Saturday AL ANON Group mootngsatSl John tod Church St group Wednesday at m and Tuesday pm Anon ly to anyone needs loam how all many alcoholism can croato or aggravate For mat on call 3255 ACTON CRAFT CLUB Saturday Juno at 2 for old Cost Aclon Library Call Iho Ibraryfordola 321725C0 SUMMER CAMP oo being lod day camp riding imp S 311425co REGULAR Ale oho Anonymous Friday P at St John a Church Everyone wo Icofno cell FILM lor kids Saturday morn at Aclon Public Library THE SALVATION ARMY Call ROCK HILL PARK From on the walor Sunday June at and 7 lot s Go Canadian with Harold Mac In tyro and Area also Garth Bourne and a Band Adulti IB Advance or Camping for Ihrea day and admission to two hows ell for 00 tor each adult Children 14 and S3 free J Hill R no LON ISO Coll MICHAEL and DEBBIE HAST INQS noo SPARKMAN happy to tho safe arrival ol their son Michael Charles on Sunday Juno In Pool Memorial Hospital Fir at grandson lor Mr Mrs Hast ngs Georgetown and Mr Mr3 Rog Sparkmon ol Br amnion FORTHCOMING MARRIAGES HIdogardo and Paul FI3S Loam are pleased to an nounco Iho forthcoming morrlago of daughter John Kennedy John and Lorrolno Kennedy Marriage to lake In Leamington Juno 27 Mr and Mrs James Ferris aro ploasod tho of Itioir Torisa Loo Terry to John Eric Kor Rck John of Storting Michigan and Mnrg of Too swat or Ontnflo 3S4925onf curds tlowora via Is A to the Club on Word A and to Or Kennedy whlo I was a In Goorgolown Hospital Thanks again Nallo Puckering 354325colt Tho family laloWH Crag Rod would Ike ox press Iho appreciation for k cards floral and lor Heart Fund don a lion a at Iho timo of Craig pass A special thanks to Rev Barrow Ian and the McCkire Jones Funeral Homo lor Ihoir help and Hold Tho ly the lato Francos Sen Hold thank in ends lor Iho r cards and all acts in the loss of a d oar mother and grandmother eld 351025coll iiNiMWiiH William loving memory a door son ana brother Bill who passed away Juno 1978 When Ho s love broken And lovod to part It a wound thai Inovor heart Sadly mi sod and always by Mom Rhonda 352424m HENDERSON Wlliom Royln loving momory a dear gran and II Bill who passed away suddenly as a result of an accident on Juno Though ho smile Is gono And his hand wo cannot momory Is God has in His keeping Lov ngly romomborod by Grandma and Grandpa Allon Aunt Pat and Undo Bill Shubort 352325m In Canadian Cancer Society will bo on mark respect and should bo ad droased lo Tho Canadian Concor Society Hills Unit WeBoyan Suite 302 Georgetown Cords are to baroavod and for Income tax to donors 351725m CRAWFORD Robert On Tuesday Juno at Princess Margarot Hospital Toronto Roborl Crawford of Norval husband of Grace and dear of Robert Joan Cooloy Jack and Patricia Mills Dear brother of Marcus Moalord and Irono Clark ol Toronto A was hold Thursday afternoon Juno 1981 the Jonos Funeral Homo Edith Streot Georgetown Interment Cemetery Norvol In momory contributions to Canadian Cancer Socloly would bo appreciated Flo On Wednesday Juno at the and strict Memorial Hospital Flo wile of John Ma son and mother of Robin Door sister of Mofa Mrs Rita Utile to Joan Mrs p Cook of Montreal and Gilbert Emond of Tlmmona Resting at McCluro Funeral Homo 34 Street 10 15 Saturday morning Juno 1991 The lo Holy Cross Church Christian Burial Moss at 1 clock Intormont Greenwood Cernotory ARMSTRONG Olive nice On Friday Juno 1981 at District Memorial Hospital Loece wife of tale John William Armstrong and dear mother or David and Janet Mrs J gran dmothor of Erlnn and Door sister OF Fred Looca ol Brampton and tho William Edna Gould Blossom Mason Ruth Wright Dick Susan Boyle and Bert Rested at Funeral Homo Edith Street whero funornJ aervtco woa hold Tuesday Juno 23 19S1 In Co mo to ry In memory con to Canadian Can Society would be Joan Suddenly on Friday Scarborough Graham in year the Into Douglas Hodglns and dear mother of Lynda and Stephen Scarborough daughter Joan and lato Graham of Goorgolown and Anno Mrs William Sproulo of Bram plan and John Georgetown Rested at Funeral Home Edith Whore a service waa hold Monday Juno 1981 momory con to Iho Canadian Can cor Society or the ion would bo appreciated Conserva in the Home Ontario a I of ill- billion is energy for the home principal fur hint ing ml natural and Inciti thru up I conscious and tin can Have men and help to ensure a of life no for future generations Hinting ib the muni item in builpM Hoi Water Heating If a natural water litaltr set lilt tilt ilC ami if voudonlliateadlKtluslicr lrcttin Insulate lines tn and re sneating irob I ins in summer least one of both cold and hot wall pipes tofrom your hot water lank be insu lated a mm 312 in bolt of insulation around tour hot tank This beat low up per lent however make Hint controls junction boxes air inlets and lank top on natural gas healers are not effected the insulation Take a instead of a better still put a flow in the shower head save hot and you can still enjo a skin tinging shower Have your leaky faucets fixed Healing Ha oil funic car Bel still vour heating tu or natural gas Keep furnace filters clean and replace keep heater fins by vacuum- Energy Ontario it is important do the correctly and carefully In an older with little insulalion a thorough rc insulation job can halve your The cost of laling areas such as the is usually recovered in five or less through lower annual heating costs Nowadays inflation not by thickness but by re sistance value R value the insulation s resistance to heat transfer The higher the value the less heat will escape through the insulating material As much as per cent of at run he lost through and around windows and doors windows use thermal drapes and have caulking or applied to prevent heal from escaping through Keep light bulbs clean In stall fluorescent lighli wherever puss hi its more than five limes as tent as incandescent And when buying fluoresce tubes buy the warm coloured kind such oh warm while because they give the room a wanner feeling

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