Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 26, 1981, p. 7

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MORE PIONEER DAYS FUN God tor hid but they resurrected the terrible Ballad of SonlaSiwJ Saturday night at the Old Musk Hall Neville Wort 11 op front and tils gaggle of giddy gals left right Ron Hunt Gerry and George Mitchell may spill plenty of ribs at the gale dinner show doting for but will never win Ihe While 01 award for solid Canadian literature There were dozens of widely varied activities going on throughout downtown core Thursday through Saturday and the Gibbon Hotel s outdoor pallo served home base for many Pioneer Days celebrants The hotel a owners George and NIckMarkou nd staffers Jessie and Sally Hayes catered lo pasting shoppers during the day lien hosted Ihe big street dances featuring Dolly Varden Revue during the evenings INSURANCE AGENCY LTD 877 877 6148 A SERVICE DIRECTORY JCTj S3 LET US TAKE YOUR CALLS PAGING SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE VOICE TONE TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE PERSONALIZED SERVICE AROUND THE CLOCK 6973 DELREX ALUMINUM Also storm wlndowi and awnings 877 illllHilM AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS JUST 225 Installed and guaranteed unlimited mileage Most North American Cars 1 A George SI S HOME DELIVERY SERVICE IN GEORGETOWN CALL DAYS EVENINGS OR WEEKENDS THE MILK MAN Acton Photo Camera 4 WILLOW ST ACTON 8534250 FAST to all makes holographic equlpme FREE estimates within days Repairs within days ANNS CARTAGE PIANO MOVERS FULLY INSURED We Everything WILL DISMANTLE 6183 300 Samples frame mats to choose day service Qualified stall Acton Photo Camera WILLOW ST ACTON DJ SERVICES DAVES Disc Jockey Service 8783822 TEDS DRIVING SCHOOL Oaoigatown OTC CENSED FULLY INSURED DUAL CONTROLS Operated by Ted Scot Dial 877 4006 JACK BEER Licence Dual Controls Fully Insured Complete Training CALL 877 5844 MtililHW CARNEY ELECTRIC Industrial Commercial Charles Carney 877 9711 THE BEAUTY SPOT ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE For Service Ca I Your BARBER HENLEY LIMITED COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE Sirring G org town i nca Main SI 877 Fix Acrylic ft Tlpi THE BEAUTY SPOT 877 B2QQJ23H Brampton Monument Works MONUMENTS MARKERS LETTERING 45144451826 1363 DUNL0P INSURANCE AGENCY LID No Norval 8773268 Design Landscaping sod ding retaining walls clean up maintenance FREE ESTIMATES TUITMANS GARDEN CENTRE 8532480 SOD FOR SALE INFIELD Line between Derry and Britannia Road 1st East of Trafalgar Rd deliver It lay sod- 17626941 OPEN WEEKENDS INSULATION INSULATE NOW CONSERVE ON HEAT WARMER IN WINTER COOLER IN SUMMER WE USE Wa carry tfw Govarnmant Program 1 l ll 1 Ip DO EB INSULATION lTO MILTON 8787121 PLUMBING HEATING BILL GARBUTT Plumbing Heating Ltd Industrial Residential And Commercial ELOIN STREET Georgetown 877 3638 PLUMBING HEATING SID SPEAR SONS Plumbing Heating Installations Repair WE SELL THE BEST AND SERVICE THE REST CHIMNEY CLEANING AVAILABLE 877 RADIATORS REPAIRED CLEANED PEEL RADIATOR SERVICE 126 Nelson St Waal Brampton Rear of Dle Cup 4517177 EARLS FIX IT SHAVER SERVICE 1 34 Ire Boulevard Georgetown Complete Small Appllanceam Electric Shaver Sales ft Service GIVE EAHL A TRY BEFORE YOU RE BUY 877 MOTOR SERVICE SMALL ENGINE SPECIALIST REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES LAWN OARDEN CHAIN SAWS FREE PICK UP R ACTON 853 2219 AIR CONDITIONING REPAIRS HUMIDIFIERS ft DEHUMIDIFIERS Energy end get better Result Have your unite maintained cleaned end checked reoularlyl MNYE 8773957 RENOVATING CONTRACTORS LAFFERTY HOME RENOVATIONS LESLAFFERTV roollb m 8774080 WATTS ALUMINUM P BOX IBS CHURCH ST GEORGETOWN ONTARIO Soil I and Fascia Doors and troughs 4217 FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP RENOVATING CONTRACTORS Con it PLASTERING REPAIRS ALTERATIONS and TILE WORK PHONE MIKE S HOME IMPROVEMENTS Carpont roon For Free Estimates CARPENTER NEW REMODEL REPAIR WORK GUARANTEED 8770394 ENTERPRISES SUPERIOR SHOE REPAIR GEORGETOWN MARKETPLACE next Barbershop S3 A PERSONALIZED CATERINO SERVICE BUSINESS MEETINGS BANQUETS SHOWERS PARTIES tKStt UPHOLSTERING QuaaJS Workmanship TH Slonartlown COUNTRY CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY All types of reupholater For information CALL 1810 or 8777231 Bill VAN RYN WEED PEST CONTROL Got- Licenced WEED SPRAYING TILIZINO INSECT CON TROL 130 CONFEDERATION STREET WILLIAMS ONTARIO SOFT WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD BE FREE INSTALLATION COMPLETE LINE OF Water Treatment Equipment lor Home Farmland Business Stained Glass Co Qiaos Fabrtcat Windows Tiffany Repair 2542 after SELF SERVICE Sail Pickup or Delivery PHONE 8776242 340 QUELPH ST GEORGETOWN Urban Pest Control For professional treatment of all your pest problems carpenter ants wasps hornets fleas cockroaches spiders bats carpet beetles mice rats racoons skunks Government MMnan Qimmttaa 8777014 BOB CAMERON GEORGETOWN tnyfntnn Unit PAVING CONTRACTORS mm KING CREST PAVING INC apivisiorroruDrssoMTMiio INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL SERVING THE HALT0N HILLS REGION We take the Wipe to do It right Merfbore the B B and Registered with Con Protection FREE ESTIMATES TORONTO 244 BRAMPTON KING VALLEY PAVING LTD 329732 ONTARIO ASPHALT PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS TENNIS COURTS ETC BARNS AND STALLS ORNAMENTAL CUSTOM WORK OAS STATIONS Extra In commrclilrMi SAVESSS TUP DUALITY GUARANTEED CALL N0WI ASK FOR 8771 1 81 7834097 King Valley Pa vino I respected established pairing that serves Georgetown ft ill surrounding erect MEMBER OF CONSUMER PROTECTION BUREAU ft THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU Hinge

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