Inge Friday June 1981 Back In the day Ihs wild gold rush at soapy and corny be many of today afternoon television programming Upholding the tradition organizers Saturday Old Music Hall a riotous finale this year In Georgetown staged Mary The Magnate Daughter Thli snippet of melodrama was appropriate received by the audience of about who hissed booed and finally cheered as evil was eventually overcome by the terrible Jokes the forces of good The Country Cheese on Georgetown Mill Street net up a barbecue for ioneer Days Owner Erin turned farmers which eventually found their way between kaisers creating a taste treat which celebrants found hard to res Is I during festivities Photos by Chris Aagaard tor one night only they called her Secondhand Rose One of the stars of the bid Tyme Hall was Sandra cranking out some genuine old favorites with true dancehatl girl flare Other songitresiei at the event which wrapped up Saturday night were Archer Dosi and Ruth In true music hall there was plenty of comedy com and Iota of participation from the capacity crowd gathered at the Hall Seven old David Young is teaming to become quite a David as well as doiens of other youngsters look advantage of the program during Georgetown s Saturday Organized b a group of about parents Chlldsart Is gaining momentum as a children diversion during local fairs and outdoor events Not ipt people dress up in pioneer costumes a colorfully attired Norton left i ltd following Saturday Pioneer Show which was Judged by Norm on Us on and Martha Lewis and organiied by Betty Months right of the Lingerie Boutique iozen models showed oil some period outfits recalling days of yore but as well received Involved expressed hope that more will get involved next year Award for fire fighter Acton resident Reg Land recently received an Ontario Medal for Bravery for his part in work done by the Misaksauga Fire Department the night of a train derailment and ion in November 1079 The province gave a medal to the department last fait which is kept in the Malton Station where Mr works but the Individual medals were only handed outlast week Mr is the only Miss reman living in Act on He has been on the force for years and became a captain last June Let me off Broad way burdensome lady instructed the bus driver he replied patiently Every block or two thereafter woman loudly rem the driver not to forget to lei her off at Broadway She finally demanded How know when we gel to Broadway By the smile on my face lady sighed the driver SAVE THIS SUMMER WITH HOME POOL OUTLET HOME POOL SERVICE YOUR MURSATT DEALERS STABILIZED CHLORINE PUCKS KG SHOCK LITRES LITRES MURIATIC ACID Solar SERVICE SALES POOL EQUIPMENT CHEMICALS POOL OPENINGS MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS FOR SERVICE SATISFACTION CALL JOE 877 5077 BOB or 833 TRAFALGAR 5 Discount on Chemicals with this Coupon VALID JUNE MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR EDWIN MITCHELL B Study Prayo Youth Act on Vliltori welcome FOR THE COTTAGE AND THOSE LONG RELAXING HOURS OF SUMMER Slock up with from OXBOW BOOKS 108 Main Stoats BIGGEST SALE EVER Glldden BEST Latex Flat House Paint Glldden BEST Latex Gloss House Paint fe SAVE8DD Glidden BEST Alkyd Gloss House Paint SAUEBOD SAVE8D0 WHEI YDU MHKE A MIT IT BUNDS Vortical Horizontal Blinds Drupes WALLPAPER 20 off 126 MAIN ST NORTH ACTON 8531190 Reg 20 Were Open WED JULY 1st and celebrating with these specials Knitting Sayelie 1 5 Mens Work Socks 3 Pair Pack First Quality 350 Pack LOOK FOH OTHER IN STORE SPECIALS Coming to the Old Glen Mill on Wed You bet you arel No one would want to miss our great CANADA DAY SPECIALS WIVE A LITTLE SAVE A LOT THE OLD CLEM MILL 586 MAIN ST GLEN WILLIAMS OPEN SUNDAY 1 NOON PM