WEEKEND EXTRA Friday Jnly J Page Jack Lee Jaycee of the Year Georgetown Jaycees and held their annual President a Awards Banquet Saturday night at North Golf and Country Club honoring members who have contributed to the group during the past year The highest honor possible was bestowed upon past president Dennis who was made a Senator for his past contrl to the organisation This Is only the fifth time in yea re that a member has been honored In this manner With a Mr automatically becomes a life member president Bev presented awards to the deserving Jaycette members Anne SI arret Dlona Acton recreation Joy Gwtltnm It flanked by summer program leaders Tina and Jane Truman as they offer pamphlets and hints on keeping lit this summer In Rack to Aclon Days display Herald photo BACK TO ACTON DAYS By and Lauretta Mills 8773915 Travel discounts With summer here senior the go Some railways airlines and bus lines offer reduced fares for those and over When travelling always ask for seniors rates Some of the following discounts may change without notice VIA RAIL gives you onethird off basic fares of more than any time of the year except between Christmas and New Years All you need for the discount is proof of age ONTARIO NOBTHLAND RAILWAY and its bus services will give you a percent discount off regular fares every day any time of the year VOYAGEUR BUSLINES has a percent discount off regular ares every day except Fridays and Sundays GREYHOUND BUS LINES allows a percent discount weekdays Monday to Thursday travel LINES gives a similar percent discount any day of the week anytime of the year GO TRANSIT gives seniors a 50 percent discount anytime AIR CANADA provides a percent discount on Domestic Routes only CP AIR allows a percent discount on Domestic Routes allows a percent discount off fares Many parks arc free or have reduced fares for seniors In Ontario In addition there are reduced admission rates to historical sites and major tourist attractions Some Ik tela motels and restaurants reduced rates Inquire before making reservations Get well wishes are extended to Ivan Crabtrcc Jean Graham Eva and other seniors who arc hospitalized or are convalescing at home YOU KNOW YOU GETTING OLD WHEN Almost everything hurts what doesn hurt doesn t work anyway It feels tike the momlng alter the night before and you haven been anywhere All the names in your little black book end In M You get winded playing chess Your mouth makes commitments that your body can t keep Your comb has more hair and teeth than your head You look forward to a dull evening You still chase women but you have forgotten why You turn out the lights Tor economic reasons not romantic You gel out of the bathtub and you are glad the mirror is fogged up Your knees buckle and your belt won You are 17 around the neck around the waist and 126 around the golf course You sink your teeth into a steak and they stay there You try to straighten the wrinkles In your socks and you find you are not wearing any A little gray haired lady tries to help you across the street she s your wife Contributed by Jack Layman II was a battle of he bubble gum brigade for this brother sister duel last weekend In Acton Brother Jaion although shotting a rather start here eventually lost older Dunn Jenny stand ready to supervise hand out Herald photo Just Arrived v KIRK KRAFT STUDIO nminemoralwe up Cups Saucers Steins Mugs Plates Just to name a fowl HURRY QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED STOCK IS DWINDLING FASTI Chargex HOURS Sat 10 6 KIRK KRAFT STUDIO 7 NORVAL 877 Good service at a good price That homeowners Insurance the State Farm way ROBERT AGENCY LTD Street good neighbour State Arm LEARN TO DRIVE THIS SUMMER BRAMPTON AND BRAMALEA CENTRES SPECIAL SAT PROGRAM JULY 900330 CONSECUTIVE SATS BRAMPTON JULY TUES JULY A CONSECUTIVE WEEKS SPECIAL DAY PROGRAM MON JULY 9 3 BRAMALEA JULY WED JULY 6 30pm to 9 30p SPECIAL DAY PROGRAM JULYQth MON THURS 330 ALL COURSE j ARE INCOME TAX AND INCLUDE THE TEST in Brampton Downtown phone 4594418 in City Centre phone 4594417 and Sharon received the Commute of tho Year award group sponsoring the years most successful project Tho Jayceltea honored them or the work they did during leal Winter Conference This was an event organized by all Jay cedes of the Central Region with over women attending Chairman of Ihc commit tee for the Winter Con ference received tho Chairman of the Year award for tho work aha did during the Conference a new comer to the also did mora than her fair share of the organizational work during the Winter Confe rence was honored as Rookie of the Year for her efforts The of the Year award also went to Dlanne who contributed the most to the organization over the year Jaycee president Jim Dudley presented the awards to his club member The Commi Has of the Year award went to Day Dennis Tom Oliver Graham Watts and Bob for the exceptional work they did organizing the annual Crazy Boat Race Ihla year Chairman of the Crazy Boat Race committee Jack Lee was also recognized Chairman of the Year chose Bill Smith to be their Rookie of the Year for his outstanding quail Ilea and enthusiasm President elect Jack Lee received the Jaycee of the Year award for community spirit and the fine work he has done as a member of the executive The also made their farewells to three members Saturday who or various reasons will not be rejoining the organization In September Bev Smllh Tom Oliver and Bob Bairstow Mr presented Membership which will enable him to always drop in on meetings Car fire costs Ilallon firefighters had to extinguish a car fire on Mary Street Wednesday evening Due to an electrical fault In the Wiring over damage waa done to a brand new Concord No injuries were reported We are celebrating our 5th Anniversary by moving to our New Location Thurs July 2nd Friday July 3rd Saturday July 4th Grand O S Free Manicure With any Service Fantastic Credo Knife Reg 8 NOW Ear Piercing Reg9 40 Off All Our Products with a makeup or facial A token of our gratitude Daisies for all the Ladies and Door Prizes when signing the Guest Book Come celebrate with us enjoy our Coffee Donuts Thurs Cake Bubbly Saturday Ask about pur Manicures Ear piercing Pedicures Artistic Makeup Permanent Nails Scientific Salon Facials Acrylic Nails Tips Correction of Skin Problems Makeup application by professional makeup artist Randy Brandford Waxing Electrolysis Fashion Trendsetter Line of Makeup HOURS Tues Wed 95 Thurs Fri 99 Saturday 9 5 J IXC Free Parking Is Available at the back ofMountalnvlaw Proprietor Barbara Young Drivers off Canada NOW JIT M0UNTAINVIEW PLAZA GEORGETOWN 8775376