PgB WEEKEND EXTRA Friday Jul Together we can help you better Royal Trust Georgetown Marketplace BUYING SELLING CHECK OUT THE CLASSIFIED ads The Buyers and Sellers Market Place 8778822 8772201 CENTRAL CABS Air Conditioned Radio Dispatched 8771111 CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Wednesday Publication Deadline Monday Publication Deadline Wednesday 5 CLASSIFIED CASH RATES 8822 for each lino CARDS OF THANKS Words Linos 1Ee ENGAGEMENT DEATHS BIRTHS MARRIAGES words CLASSIFIED DEADLINE MONDAY DO CIRCULATIONS KITCHEN SET Chrome lour chairs good con 362B2afsnf Humus Weal for collage Friday and Saturday only 355725tsnf ALUMINUM awning leal complete sat weights with bench pair Volte lory mags color TV 36182710 30 TV TOWER Hood Rotor 14 Chrome Mags or Volkswagen 1 3 mo eld 12 volt battery 1 tike now lira Phono alter 3 383B28I3 COMPLETE cupboard sol top and bottom one while slave 367B PC MAHOGANY bodroom set box spring and Good condition Also Queen box spring and mattress good condition 1912 3649273 PIANO Organs now and used lull guar on tie Tho Piano and Oman Ex Brampton METAL SHED You remove Suitable or arm or storage or best offer 1450 MILK 3 QUART BAG OR JUG Early Bird Special Georgetown Jug City Georgetown Main St N 7 AM T0 10 AM Monday to Friday RESTAURANT Cafotorla equipment or loose or For Information call 3651271a SONY Stereo dock with Tone head domagnotiier tapes Will soli separate Best coll ONE 30 White Electric stova Excellent con Asking Phono 0645 alter m 367828lsnl FAN door model 3 speed 20 now motor 387228lsnt FREE standing lire piece ideal lor 9290 3fl7228f3nl WASH Basin ana towel set green 120 or 7614 387028lsnf NEWJohnDeor 14HPRiding Lawn Mower 56000 will soli 53750 Moving out town to apartment 653 1290 368128lsnt RECREATIONAL VEHICLES new August Sep tember Ask lor Bob at State Form 877 cTJMttyjia GARAGE July Bam Lino past Boll naiad white vlnyt chostorflolds 1 love seal Won lor cotlago other miscellaneous Horns SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE YARD SALE Ant household goods baby articles much more 34 Mowbray Place Acton Saturday July 1 day Sun LOST Main Mill St Bonk Co mm or Public phono booth Contact Mrs Stewart 115 John or Call 377 If TRANSPORTATION WANTED 19th Una below to Ave Georgetown 3B3528rv 305VB pb Boat oiler 381327c MAVERICK body now point Job Over put in car 3227 363628c 1070 CUTLASS or sale Also 14tt aluminum boa Best of Call Joe 3B1 GET up to SI or mora for your car when you trad It Indian Coma to Tidy Car or VEGA Hatchback now point Job or boat offer standard needs body work Best Offer Phone BEAUMONT Station Wagon Maroon sun roof air bag air shocks Olds motor transmission and roar mag wheels mites Ex cellonl condition Asking for owner 853 1011 door automatic ps pb tilt wheel buckets radio block hooter vinyl rool tilled 519 5673 1975 FORD Station Wagon Good Ask tor owner 1011 36872Bctnf FRESH TROUT Netted cleaned virtually packaged to order per Hickory 527 per Free delivery lis Trout Farms Ltd 8773730 WE HAVE MANV QUALITY ECONOMY CARS To choose al prices you con Low down payment Bonk Financing I1Z MOTORS LTD HiMHHW TEAK NEWSPRINT ROLL ENDS lb xis table cove USES THE HERALD FRONT COUNTER Bicycles molorcycto games books Girl Guide uniform lire much more MOVING SALE St Friday July evening and Saturday July Wide range of household and clothing Major Items con be seen prior sale Moffalrongo Maytag washer gas dryer sola bod unfinished china cabinet commercial book racks dressers desk Dinette 3B7628gs GARAGE SALE Michael behind Abltbl Paper Sol day July 1 and Sunday July 9am til PRESS PLATES Repair outbuildings lino granaries and bins or protect Ihe trunks of fruit with Aluminum press Plates thick cents each Including applicable taxes at Hills Herald Front Counter WANTED II PERSONAL II ACCOMMODATION HELP WANTED FOR RENT 11 AVAILABLE BICYCLE 12 back Iron wheel with training whools 877 GAS or Propone 853 3B6G2Bwn WATSON AUTO WRECKERS Wanted cirs and trucKs or roc king FREE PICKUP 8776226 GIBSONS Dead Stock Service Dead or disabled animals removed lb- paid lor old healthy horses Wo can loll you CtU Ftrgjt B43 or Licence HP 3BDC 65 TENDER PROVINCE OF ONTARIO CATERING CONTRACT FOR OFP BRAMPTON TRAINING CENTRE TENDER NO Sealed tenders submitted In tender envelopes provided by the Solicitor General will bo received until 15 on July 29th 1981 for tho catering of Training Centre locotod Brampton Ontario Tendering documents may bo obtained Purchaalng Manager Ministry ho Solicitor General Street Floor Toronto Ontario Canada Telephone No Between the hours 30 am and 30 Tenders not bo considered unless on Tender forms supplied by tho Ministry and in accordance with tor ms and conditions sot forth therein CLOSING DATE July IS or amy not Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General The Corporation of the Town of Halton Hills And The Regional Municipality of Halton CONTRACT Dayfoot Drive Reconstruction Sealed tenders clearly merited as to contents will be recolvod by Clerk Administrator Mr Richardson A M T tho Town Main Street South HUs Goor noon local lime as follows 121Sm tonne 1100 major II axcavatlon ant grading concratacurb and granular road hot mix alpha It paring unitary a appurtana 300 appurtenance a tar a I connections Plans specifications and lender may obtained from ho of I Ices Town Purchasing Agent or the Consultant upon payment Town refundable deposit A choquo or bid bond In amount specified In the Tender Documents must each Tender Tenders will bo at 10 noon local Thursday July tho Town of Administration Building Trafalgar Road Halton Hills Those Ion dors are Lovfst or my not Mr Richardson A M C T RE Clips hum Limited Clerk Administrator Consulting Eng Town Hills 1 Rood South Main Souln Hulton Hills Goorgolown Halion Hills Ontario Ontario 4K1 TOWN OF HILLS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CONTRACT P81C1 Lakeview Subdivision Road Reconstruction PHASE II SEALED TENDERS clearly marked as to contents will bo by the Clerk rotor Mr K R Town Offices 36 Main SI South Goorgot0wnuntiJ12 WEDNESDAY JULY 15 for reconstruction Elmore Drtvo Elizabeth Avenue Tylor Avenue LaXavlow Subdivision In the Town of Comploto tender documents moy be obtained the of he Town Purchasing Agent or Engineer upon payment of a refundable deposit Cheques are to bo mode payablo to Town Of Holton Hills Each must bo by a Hod or Bid Bond to Town Halton Hills in tho amount of tho lander price Tho Consulting lor work Associates Limited 12io East OntorloM2KlE3 Tolophono rlcharddon m I Clerk Town Hills 38 Main SI South Holton Georgetown mplon416 AVAILABLE immedlaioly room lor rant Georgetown area minutes GO Station Girl only SENIOR CITIZENS HOME ton Room and board all private and so ml private rooms Reasonable Financial assistance In AUCTION SALE WHERE Hockley Valley Road Orangewllle Take Airport Road North to Valley Road then West lor 3 miles or Take 10 North lo HVR then East lor 3 Watch for signs WHEN Sunday July at 100pm Preview at 2 noon FURNITURE Largs French chest heavy marble top and brass Frci Iry crania adorned Victorian pedestal tables Flinch lamp labia bioma and sandalwood Inlay American lamp and coffee Iwoplcc pine pine walnut bullet Victorian drop centra Crasser with hint maple plno cherry table rocking chair small harvest table pine carpenters da tailed box cast Iron school desks oak maple chest drawers BRASS brass teapot with amber hand loot solid copper unusual solid brass Persian able lamp solid brass Vic lender Victorian brass inkwell with cobalt blue insert brass lire nosa I llany type labte lamp hand chased brass tray copper and brass handmade bean pots large handmade chased Jar Victorian brass urn silver plate butler dish solid brass figure Mult inch brass numbers and I switch covets brass blow torch copper boiler solid brass sampan PICTURES RUGS COLLECTABLE Hare lole walking doll celluloid head Oriental carved wall lamp with bracket Rose pattern line china plates Oil on board stoned Karon I on board Road at East signed Dirk A A Cunler and Ives prints shaker porcelain dlmere large antique jardiniere set of finished and needle point canvasses 6x9 handmade wool runners wool prayer ruo signed wood Girl on signed cast Iron teapot with bronze lid horse collar mirror brass t names This sale consists many very tine antiques and some recently Hams of high quality although Items date framie001920 to attand this our that Male of TERMS Cast cheque Plenty of parting Refreshments available Owners and auctioneer not responsible for loss or damage to property on day sale AUCTIONEER Cut Rolen 7379 HELP WANTED MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN Expanding wallpaper manufacturer In requires additional personnel with experience on Industrial high speed production machines packaging printing and paper converting equip Some mechanical experience a definite asset This position offers good salary full com pany paid benefits Including dental major medical long term disability Also has a recreation centre for the use employees Only with above qualifications need apply For please call NORTH AMERICAN WALLPAPERS LTD 1055 CLARKE BLVD BRAMALEA ONTARIO EXT Avon DISTRICT MANAGERS Boaouso of continued growth wo ore interviewing lor district manogors In Georgetown aroa II you willing work hard soloctlng and developing Avon Solos on a day to day basis wo would like As a leader In direct wo oiler a full training program an excellent starting salary plus commissions supply you wilh a company car end pay nil your business This la on opportunity or o mindod to associate in Its fluid Avon re prose would be an Is not II you arc Interested ptoosowrltolmrnodlntoly to MRS P A GRAHAM Ion Manager Canada Inc Box Claim Daryal Real Estate Career Opportunity Are you looking lor a profession that oilers high potential lot personal growth excellent compensation and flexible A career in real estate sales requires Inleodty determination and an to com well others Ho necessary Sound I sling Our training session starts soon Check bene I is system competitive management preferred rate stall mortgages loans dental and be aim plans stock opt now deterred sharlnn plan 8775237 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Required Immediately mature person for in and repair of production machinery and plant facilities Applicants should be familiar with hydraulics pneumatics and compressors Electrical knowledge would be an asset Minimum yra experience required Good company benefits Apply In person lo INC 93 Rd Georgetown Ontario INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL TECHNICIANS Required immediately by expanding Service Company or field assignments start up and commissioning of electronic and neumatic Instrumentation Excellent salary and field bonuses for qualified Individuals Please phone for Interview Saturday 9 pm EXECUTIVE SECRETARY for General Manager The lob demands top secretarial skills and organizational ability Telex experience and shorthand an asset Must be able to work with a minimum of supervision The applicant should be eager to learn a new business end function well under pressure Minimum 5 years experience Located miles north of Brampton Must have own transportation CONTACT CAROL DAVIS 8465080 ACTON CARRIER MAIN ST FROM LIGHTS TO SCENE SCENE ST BEFORE SCHOOL DELIVERY WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS NO COLLECTING 8772201 RECEPTIONIST tor professional Non smoker Send lull resumo to Box Tho Herald St George town ACCOMMODATION WANTED COUPLE with would like small country In tho Georgetown Brampton 519 30772flawnl COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL Olflco and Showroom located on Highway Includes all utilities Apply OFFICE SPACE at Good parking good location suitable for professionals Available August 1 Ask for Bob State Form AVAILABLE Quoon Georgetown Toronto PRIVATE SALE Custom homo Air conditioned patio Open house Saturday and Sunday p S99 Largo 14iTo drat mortgage I960 251 or 451 382027ro COMMERCIAL OFFICE OH STORE SPACE For rent Small units available Prestigious butdlng down 453 THREE bedroom house Ml Acton Appliances Included 375 plus utilities Available Immediately 3675281ml LUXURY Silvorcrsok 11am to 7pm 877 ELKS HALL lor rent Contact Harold alter 5 30 pm INDUSTRIAL UNITS FOR RENT ARMSTRONG AVE SO FT PER UNIT For Information Jack 877S936 SHOWROOM SPACE SO FT Glass store front Highway SprlnWorod Reasonable rents ONE bedroom apartment per month Available now Call877 8244 367328fmf SECOND floor one bedroom apartment for ront No stove or per month ptua hydro Phono 5751 after 8pm 3662281ml ONE bodroom par month All Included stove drapes included No pots Avallablo immediately 36592Bmf Wostorn Canada School of Auctioneering Ltd Canada firs end the only complotoly Canadian course offeree anywhere under Tradp Schools Licensing RS A 1970 For par of the next course write Box Alberto or phono Iff LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS OR Straight Trucks CALL The Canadian Tractor Trailer Training Lid IZBZWKtonRuit Toronto Ontario MSM4R1 All Breeds Grooming CI and Srmrnpcoing Also Appointments Availahl 8771995 I FAITH TV world Is country and mankind its citizens Inlor and lor lnormal discussions or Box91 Georgetown CRAFT CLUB or children Saturday Jury 1 Plooso register Cosl 50c Public Library SUMMER READING begins Come aboard Booh Boat lor roadmg Road books and earn Join us lor Reading Club Meetings Sign on soon at Ac on and Georgetown Public Libraries Children Come and MUNCH TO THE MOVIES Acton Public Library 12 00 to on Wed July This programme will be Wednesday In July Bring HORNBY Gordon Saturday July All star fastball game All star stage show 30 Children free CLAUDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Chicken Friday July chicken 50 with salads Highway north of Victoria 381427CO REGULAR meetings Alcoholics Anonymous every Friday night at p m SI John Unllod Church wo Icomo OWNER HAS BOUGHT Now is the best time to look at this attractive com pletoly renovated two storey detached homo In well establlshod and mature tree linod area of Georgetown Large eat In kitchen with sparkling new floor Entertainment sized living room and three large bedrooms Sun porch and work room Make this MUST to see If you are looking lor value CALL R J Barker Real Estate 1081 Ltd THE PRICE IS WRONG Its much too low but that makes It right for Owner wants to sell this scenic acres lot located in Calodon Hills It will be a sweetheart of a deal Give RJ Barker Real Eetate Ltd a call today 4616220 366028ronl R J Barker Real Estate 1981 Ltd THE SALVATION ARMY p service Tuosdoy Call AMAZING Is a torrlflc range of programmea for this summer SUMMER READING CLUB story limes puppet club creative wrllino UN Club puppet magic and much more Pick up your or call your lor details Georgetown Ac ton ANON Family Group meetings SI John s United Church SI Daytime group will moot Wednesday at and Tuesday overlings at P AlAnon tactfully of I holp to anyone who loam how to rhjb all many which alcoholism con create For further Inter motion coll 3013 or HAYES Nancy nee Richer and wish to an nounco birth their dough tor Lynno Ann on June 30 1961 Mother and daughter well father Id recovering First groat gran dchild ot Mrs Mary Ann molhaack of Georgetown Fifth Seal grandchild of Mr Scotland First grandchild of Mrs Lola Ann Richardson Filth grandchild ol Mr