Page WEEKEND EXTRA Friday Consultants examine our downtown cores BIAs look ahead to future CREDIT CRAYFISH CATCHERS splash we wui bathdown J encouraged frequent wet breaks from the hunt The Park might be an appropriate tune for these caught from the Sarah King Streets neighborhood In by the camera eye stirring normally sedate Silver Creek Georgetown are left to right Ernie John Andy Catching crayfish they II admit can be hot work and Friday Butler Marie Butler and Kelly Armstrong Arena use misunderstanding delays danceathon Gretzky Misunderstanding about the Memorial Arena In Georgetown has forced the postponement of a dance Mar planned this weekend to raise money or the Ontario Muscular Dystrophy on OMDAI Kevin McLauchlin Rum Bairgtaw and Trevor Hoy the three local youlhs working In conjunction with the OMDA to organic the were told Tuesday night that council could not consider waiving the arena rent until the town recreation depart had negotiated an agree ment for its use No new date has been set or the event Mr McLaughlin 18 told councillors that a former arena employee advised the group a few months ago they could use Memorial Arena Friday and Saturday nights as well as Sunday for But recreation department director Tom said his office had only recently been mode aware of the dance- proposal and no contract outlining the arena use f and llabll of parties had been signed between his de partment and dance era In fact he added arena rent for one day use la While the recreation depart was old on at least occasions by people Involved with the danceathon that the event had been cancelled Mr McLaughlin said he had no Ides that the town would have to have a staff member there Initially organizers hoped to have their own people look after the arena during the By Tuesday night council meeting said they had about to people who had picked up pledge sheets in anticipation of participating In the event and hoped to raise more than Normally requests to waive rental costs at municipally owned facilities are discussed when councillors and staff prepare the own annual budget Bui the policy on sudden mid year requests tthatclcar Mr said Arrangements with the St Johns Ambulance and the police department been settled for the dance nor was here any agreement covering the use the arena snack bar A systems and extension cords If needed The Ion Mr McLauchlin said was prepared to underwrite the terms the contract Lamenting what ho describ ed as a terrible situation here Mayor Pete said council could not consider the request to drop the arena rent for he until It properly planned You ve got to get the whole program set up and he said 1 think the idea Is super but It got too many problems now Along with a member of CKMW radio Brampton per organizers had planned visits by Mr Mc uncle folk rock musician Murray McLauchlin and Edmonton Oilers hockey Wayne Despite the confusion which led lo the a post the three teenagers ore hop to hold the event later this year possibly in the Georgetown and District High School Meanwhile people who col lee ted pledge sheets of the kind with two papers are asked to return them to Mr In Georgetown or Mr home at 39 Stevens Crescent Getting your share of the pie Not as much as would like Let the experienced advertising representatives at The Herald design an advertising campaign to enable you to increase your share of the pie fehWIERALDI Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Since 186 FOR MORE lift INFORMATION CALL FORD BROTHERS FEED MILL Steal Lies Matt Morra 677 Continued from page I Impact of having a food store In the district the consultants report suggests However a large department store like Simpson or The Bay locating outside the down town area could deplete trade and It Is unlikely these mall oriented outlets would build inside he Acton picture la quite although foreseen or current problems such as par king and shopping variety are similar to ones in Georgetown In fact Mr Acton real deals even use their A as great openair social centre A more narrowly defined downtown area largely limit to the community Mill and Main Streets Actons enjoys one commercial advan tage Georgetown there are no large plazas outside of town arresting shop- pert Interest before they get into the core and the Kasalan IGA prop osal for the old Dominion Hotel site fits in nicely with the surrounding downtown area as well as encouraging better services Acton has a thriving down town Mr Walker said There is a tremendous poten tial Tor rreating what is needed to enhance shopping varie ty We should prevent the competitiveness of urban malls tram coming into Acton Mr Walker said There should be a policy commitment to the downtown area Downtown merchant should further promote the communi Image a campaign already endorsed and boosted by a number of local businesses The town might consider locating tome of Its administrative services In the encourage trade but Mr Walker stressed Ac ton lack of municipal offices would be tar less harmful to its downtown area than the on the Georgetown If the new headquarters estab lished elsewhere The study notes that Acton could probably make use of a community centre attributing loitering problems by merchants to youngsters not having a place to go PRESERVE PAST We should also attempt to preserve old buildings Mr Walker sold referring to Act on current community effort to preserve its centuryold town hall But it it work at the retail standpoint than the whole thing is for naught Planners should also ser consider trimming the of the Acton BIA which Its Mill Street section stretches tor almost a quarter mile eastward to a railway crossing Some people will have to bile the bullet Mr Walker said and realize that some areas are best for retail and others are not We need to provide a focus for Mill and Main Streets and then build on what you have Like a mathematical Venn diagram Actons BIA trade a reals entirely contained with In the wider sweep of George town influence which stretc hes as far as Brampton city limits to thu east and to Eden Mills 15 miles westward Nevertheless Mr Walker Indicated that both groups of merchants will have to work closely to ensure the retail successes of their downtown cores In the future A broader Hills thinking is need ed he said merchants can t be left behind by regarding their community from a ten- year old point of view Both downtown areas have parking problems In George town while It has a large offstreet parking section for shoppers his may be threatened If the property owners decide to participate In a downtown business boom by developing the lot for com mercial use WRONG PUCES There appears to be enough parking in Acton Mr Walker told Tuesday night a meeting It Just happens to be In the wrong places More offafreet parking Is needed to ease the traffic squeeze on Mill Street Meanwhile both communities are pondering the merits of parking meters There have been suggestions that the parking situation on the street t be too bad It merchants saved those spaces for the shoppers Des pite some displeasure expres sed to consultant during the study about meter fees and parking twos tor violating them at least one Georgetown merchant maintains they are needed paying for snow clear ance and other maintenance costs The study also maintains that It would be pointless to spend money on largescale landscaping plans for both areas Acton needs greenery the report notes and architec turally merchants would do well to Improve both the exterior and Interior designs of their stores The greening suggested would help break up the barren appearance of the downtown core airing out the Impression of store and traffic conation Georgetown already has a unique openness and visual appeal the study Store owners should be encouraged to develop an pravement program which en hances the downtown area character SHOWCASE The survival of George town BIA may well depend on lis character a neigh borhood centre and Mr Walker said municipal plan ning decisions may have to look more favorably at apart developments near the downtown core It a the showcase Image the aes thetic appeal which Hollywood film makers to shoot here that Is one of It a most valuable assets he add ed Ironically it appears that Acton the community many of its longestablished residents claim has sincerely suffered under regions government and the Hills marriage which has the most important commercially viable down town section Here too yellow caution flags have been thrown warning against building pping centre on its fringes Merchants wishing to com ment on the first part of the study have until the end of the month The coosultanta have already tucked Into the second phase of the study a six week period In which they will prepare suggestions on specif changes needed In each of the to encourage a better trade environment SAVE THIS SUMMER WITH HOME POOL OUTLET HOME POOL SERVICE YOUR MURSATT DEALERS 0 Ha STABILIZED CHLORINE OZ PUCKS SHOCK LITRES LrmEB MURIATIC ACID SERVICE SHIES pool eowikht a POOL OPENINGS MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS FOR SERVICE SATISFACTION CALL JOE BOB 8779101 or 5 Discount on Chemicals with this Coupon D ftC ALUM STORM WINDOWS doom THE PLACE TO Wall Our Showroom HOME OF THE WEEK PARSONS VINYL 877 TWS WEEKS MHO SPECIALS WALL PANELS CERAMIC TILE ALUMINUM SEAMLESS EAWSTR0UCH CHOICE Of LOW RENTALS FREE SERVICE FREE INSTALLATION SI FOURBEDROOM LEISURE CHALET Hits a charmingly rustic recreational home design In the Bavarian style manner which is Ideally to the vary narrow recreational building sits ysl which almost 1 square tat nil had floor area on Its two Inert The styltehty- lor la Untitled In mixed horizontal and vertical channel siding with sheltered verandah on two sides and a heavy shahs root For those whose tastes run traditions thereof could be sttsmataly finished In shingles Ths main entry from the bettered leads Into a com pact recaption foyer and storage area from traffic naturally left and Into G0RD HAMILTON CUSTOM CARPENTRY Cut AREA AGENT FOR WINDOWS CalB77 I PUP hearth masonry I replace and olds glass walk through leading onto wraparound verandah dining has sliding glass doors affording out door d nlng Jn tin weather and good In stuffy Ths kitchen provides generous tar lop wort smpts cupboard storage and a work Irian g configuration Two lower level bedrooms linen storage cupboard Each has generous closet storage and good for View and natural light Two ad ditions bedrooms are on me second accessible via stairway from the main hallway Iscsfll to the bring room Both are spa clout snd have light and generous cl oasts The second level and wall lighted enclosed gallery with double sliding glass walk tiding onto the front and side bsfeon This would make an excellent In door lounge and recreation fad Ity lor smaller children dur weather or could be developed Into ad ditional accommodations according to Individual family I lestyle An outstandingly leisure home offering great visual appeal and a highly practical layout of available space Plans for design No may be purchased either by the single sal a coet of 13S for the first set and IIS for each additional set or by the package A five- set plan package Including the first tat Is economics priced at end an package slut In cluding the first set Is only MM Whlchavsr method you choose please Include for postage and hanldlng Ontario residents please add sales tax Send for the current edition Select Home series featuring Imaginative decorating and home provement Ideas home plans of every Available for handling To order any of these Items rites send cheque or money order payable to the Home of the Week Address to Home he Week The Helton Hills Herald Suite Toron to the PLUMBING STORE YOU WITH PLUMBING FIXTURES PLUMBING REPAIR PARTS ALTEC I IS CHAW FREE ADVICE 330GUELPH 3592 WE All MUSIS BtttWOODWORKHG or ACADIAN POOLS LTD 9562 Aluminum Limit A num Awn tigs Elves roughs Skiing Doors Soil It Fascia L Iw AVE MONET SAVE 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