Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 7, 1981, p. 6

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Pago WEEKEND EXTRA Friday August Together we can help you better Royal Trust Georgetown Marketplace CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Wednesday Publication Deadline Monday 5 00 p Friday Publication Deadline Wednesday CLASSIFIED CASH RATES SO words plua35e lor lino of poetry CARDS Of THANKS Words Additional Lines each ENGAGEMENT DEATHS BIRTHS MARRIAGES words DEADLINE MONDAY 727 TORQUE FLITE Iran omission km CONTINENTAL angle bed Simplicity Washer gold double bed spread 877 SUZUKI motor St Pair high back bucket seals Pair Firestone B78 on Rims with custom hubcaps Set beauty ring hubcaps 3800311s VACUUM Cleaners and services ElectrcJux Filter Queen Compact central or built In and commercial B77 GET up to mora lor your car when you trade It In Claan Come to Tidy Car or Call 3o2327tltf SWIMMING POOL SALE SWIMMING POOL MAN clear lories Brand new pools complete with titter motor pomp patio and ton Regularly qow on sola lor SHOO white last Im mediately delivery Call Toll Freo for moredotaHs FOR SALE Waiting lor be a I weather and best price to start painting Stop wait and coma In to Georgetown Point Sato of Summon Wo got GHddon famous ex house paints your choice on sate at summer time outside panting prices Fiom only a Those are lop I no paints now al lorn line prices and you SB gallon end now at GEORGETOWN DECORAT ING Your one atop decora ling a hop Downtown MILK 3 QUART BAG OR JUG Early Bird Special Georgetown Jug City Georgetown 45 Mam St N 7 AM T0 10 AM Monday to Friday FRESH TROUT Netted cleaned a Individually packaged to order per do Hickory Smoked per Froe delivery Hills Trout Farms Ltd TEAK FURNrnjRE OPEN TILL EINAR CLAUSEN LTD Good con 853 PIANO Organs now and used I guarantee Tho Pano and Organ Ex charge Brampton 4064 Is STANDING Portable used Oc with pane a and As Portable Olympia FRIDGE stove washer dryer colour TV lamps dnol sell very urgent EATING APPLES Also nice seconds at S3 a bushel Cistercian Monastery Main St Georgetown 383232lsnt kitchen chairs unused Ian vinyl high book White washroom wall hung 877 384832lsnl WALNUT eluding Box and mat tress 12 rug girls bureau wringer washer kit Chen sot W TV phono alt very good 877 1912 CONVERTIBLE 1907 Pontine Pari ale black while In Good condition S2 385132clnl 3811 1970 ton pickup excellent tiros mag wheels Excellent running condition or best of 83B2913 1973 MERCURY Good con As is 653 1512 MONTE CARLO Auto PS PB Air 4457 381731c WE HAVE MANY QUALITY ECONOMY CARS To choose from at prices you can at lord Low down payment Bonk Financing RECREATIONAL VEHICLES In 2724 382831r MOWS THE TIME to buy 1 1 Freo air 1 1975 Scorpion Brule both In excellent 877 385332rvnf LUXURY It motor homo steeps low mloogo equipped 360 automat equipped for propane convor Eton Coll John after and weekend Panorama windows Many ox financing can be Rondovoua Dating Ltd Brampton 453 vntHiHH GOLD charm bracelet with charms Georgetown Liquor store or ASP store Losl Friday Koopaako generous roword Return to Liquor store 1llnl PUSS PLATES Repair outbuildings line granaries and bins or protect trunks of fruit with used Aluminum Press Plates 23 thick 58 cents each including applicable taxes at The Halton Hills Herald Front Countor The Buyers and Sellers Market Place Saturday Irom at 500 St Glen Will HUGE YARD AMD BASEMENT SALE August and 91h p m Salo includes several bed Water bed rugs war clothes trie lawn mower cycles and GARAGE SALE Saturday Aug to 4 pm Cob Excerciso bike sunlamp U nl vers text OLD GELDING gentle and rides Engl sh or Western Asking 1530 3B3032lnl PI All Breeds Groom ng Chop and Shampoo Also Even Weekend Appointments Table 8771995 WATSON AUTO WRECKERS Minted scrap and or wreck ng FREE PICKUP 8776226 GIBSONS Dead Stock Service CM collect Ml or or 459 Llctnce HELP AVAILABLE HERBS SER VICE Alt typos handyman lobs or FLAT HOOFERS WANTED Steady work for dependable person Call 7380 lor interview EXPERIENCED Van Drivers required full and part lime In writing Box 74 do Tho Herald 45 St Georgetown FULL PART TIME people Georgetown Acton A areas Cor required call 1169lorlnlorviow ICE CREAM Sales required age 15 years Apply Deo Ice Cream HALTON HELPING HANDS cleaning for retired adults and disabled persons requires two permanent stall MJion and 3 4 days a week hour day Must have own cor bo lloxiblo caring mature have no inter toting committments For view call between and Mrs ReceptionistTypist Part lor downtown Estate Office Initially for Saturdays only wllh to expand to W week Call Pal Ellis William EDI Real Eitale Ltd WILLIAM ELLIS REAL ESTATE LTD DOUBLE TOUR ADVERTISING COVERAGE WITH ADM THE HERALD A WEEKEND EXTRA COVERING ACTON SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES CALL FOR ROSEMARY GEORGE BEFORE SCHOOL DELIVEHY WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS NO COLLECTING 8772201 OPPORTUNITY For flexorjraphic press personnel Shift Supervisor Press Operator Apprentice Trainees Top wages paid bonus program Blue Cross Health Care and Dental Plan day work week Please apply G STONEHAM LA8ELMASTERS LTD 4576130 Real Estate Career Opportunity Are you looking tor a thai oilers potential for personal owl exec lent compensation and houts A career in real sales requires on and an ability to com others No experience necessary Sound si tiiantiaswonsUtssion Check rclEnal compel five management support rato stall mortgages loans dental and health plans stock options new 1901 del erred profit sharing plan For a confidential caff BONNIE NOGUCHI 8775237 Coming J BARKER REAL ESTATE REDUCED IN PRICE Vendor has bought and is looking for offers on his home Completely renovated and span large defaced family home on treed lined street 3 bedrooms 2 washrooms sun porch and workshop Garage and large fenced lot Asking RJ Barker Real Estate Ltd R J Barker Real Estate 1981 Ltd 4516220 BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED HOME WITH STONE FIREPLACE IN FAMILY ROOM LARGE MASTER BEDROOM DINING ROOM WITH WALKOUT TO SPACIOUS YARD LOCATED ON QUIET COURT BUILT IN PLIAKCES GOOD MORTGAGING CALL CATHY DODOS PRICE REDUCED PARK AREA CLOSE TO SHOP PINO 3 BEDROOMS FINISHED BASEMENT FORMAL DINING ROOM CALLTENAKflOEZEN Make move a family affair 8775261 l Build your homo on rolling Blink fencing silo drilled wolf 12 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY SMALL PLANT lor Downtown plus slock Call 384332bonl ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE ROOM ront available August pleasant smoker mature ROOM tor rent tabic lor dependable work In APT lor Man St Goorgolown bedroom Call evenings 2 bedroom apis over store In Erin Available 1640 EXECUTIVE bedroom fur dished house 7 appliances 877 7107 LUXURY Silvorciook Towt open Ham to COMMERUAi OR STORE SPACE lor rent Small units Prost glous building downtown 249Qlrtf ELKS Hall lor rent Contact Harold Colpitis Sr alter pm SHOWROOM SPACE 730 SO FT Glass store Irani Highway Wared Reasonable rents Call Evqi INDUSTRIAL UNITS FOR RENT ARMSTRONG AVE SO FT PER UNIT For luthsl 8776936 Wostorn Canada School of Auctioneering Ltd Canada a I rst and trio only completely Canadian course altered Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing RSA 1970C For par the next write Box f Alberta or P TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS OR Straight Trucks CALL TrraCfcurfUnlflititutiof TrattDr TnMr Ttilslnj Toronto MMHH1 CHILDREN Come and MUNCH TO THE MOVIES at Acton Public Library 12 1 on Friday 7 14 and CRAFT CLUB FOR CHILDREN years old at Acton Public Library on Saturday August and at pm Coat register 3SS432co MAPLE NURSERY SCHOOL openings aim available for 1981 Localod In Codatvnle Park Excellent programs Lynn Cheryl Crawford DAY AND KINDER CAMPS Registration still copied Register at tainviewRd THE SUMMER COLLEC FORGE STUDIO GALLERY TERRA COTTA Presents Its summer collection ol Ontario top artists In Blown Glass Pottery Wood Silks Prints and Water colours The runs through the months of August and September Gallery hours are Wodnosdayo Thursdoys Saturdays Sundays noon or by THE SALVATION ARMY pickup sorvlco Call077 I FAITH country mankint Informal on and SWIMMING LESSONS August 10 lo 1 at outdoor pool Ton lessons fee Register at Moun tainvowRd S B77 REGULAR open moot Alcoholics Anonymous every day night at 9 m St John Unltod Church cell ANON Family Group moot ngs at St John Unltod Church SI Daytime group wll moot Wednesday at 1 30 and Tuesday evenings at p Anon tactfully oilers who needs to learn how live with all many a ft cullies which alcohol can or aggravate For further malloncal877 3013or877 3255 coll GIGANTIC FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION Friday SHARP Ol new and used Including approximately tractors and over plecos of all farm plus antique cars lawn tractors and tools Terms Cash or cheque day of sale Not responsible tor on property Trucking lunch table Auctioneer Gilbert Wlarton Syoutfw Wayne Ward Farm Equipment Hrghway Wlarton 1519 534 AUCTION SALEl WHERE Valley Maid Airport Hoi Hot- Hud Iters North toHVR Watch WHEN Sunday Ptirhtw 12 neon Early 19th century grandfather clock slngto wo ghl oak well clock largo pine harvest ladder back chairs with woven pine dry sink piece plno with panes glass each door stone lied gen a wardrobe mat dresser maple wardrobe walnut knee hole desk kitchen boko cupboard bookcase china cabinets granddaughter clock lands and more fridge washer dryer dishwasher largo braided rugs lawn garden umbrella and Chester L rocords mattrossos glass china pots pons lota Brass coal racks bells firescreens bean pots typo lamps can die sticks lots more Gold loaf candelabra gold loaf mirrors picture frames framed prints Currier and Ives prints primitives an tools etc 1974 A This Is a largo and household sale Property has been sold Many moro Items too numerous too list Clin MtTttreterg parking and not of or la Carl iHS41 FORTHCOMING MARRIAGES Mr and Mrs Dune Robinson ore pleased to announce forthcoming marriage their daughter Diane to John Mac Kay son Mr and Mrs Los Of Tweed Tho lawn wadding will tafco place Aug at tho homo brides uncle Ken Robinson Grant and Mary nee ore pleased to announce birth their first child Amy Barsa bom July weighing In at 7 Iba First grandchild Mr and Mrs Arnold Brampton and Mr and Mrs Mike Loniosool CENTRAL CABS Air Conditioned Radio Dispatched 8771111 Loslor TOn Sot Aug at the Goorgolown S District Memorial Hospital Loster At for morly Lake Manitoba husband Helen Lnno and dear brother of Florence of Wnnlpog and David of Langloy C Cromat on A memorial service wa3 hold Tuesday evening Jones Funeral lions District Hospital or St Johns Church would bo Colleen MaryAlter brief on Monday 3 Hospital Brampton Colleen of Brampton wile John Booby dear mother Susan Smdra and Michael all at homo S3tor Jean Mrs Armstrong and Nancy Mrs Woolham alt Goorgolown Bob Shirley Mrs Sodoro Resting at the Leo ArchdoWn Funeral Homo Mom St Highway Bramplon From 7 for on Thur sday Augusts Jnlormen Cometory Ontario Romembran cos can bo modo Canadion Cancer Society 377031 Hor memory Is our With which we part Qod has her In his keeping We In our hearts Always romemborod by Granny and Granddad In loving memory of a dear husband Victor who passed Aug 7 1972 Thoughts today Memories Always remembered by Wife Mono We would Iko to thank all our friends and nolghbors lor the help sup port during the long Illness and rocont death of Joe Special thanks to dear and Mlrjona Collins Bill Shlrl Richmond Ashonhursl Barb Dawn Scott Debbie WANTED for Sopl babysit tor lor month old Prelorrobly to come in school holidays oil 877 dctf Today as yesterday the number one employment market is in the classified ad pages of your newspaper 9 For bringing employer and job seeker together Newspaper Classified is Number One Call Today the HERALD Call 8772201

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