Page SECTION THE 181 GUELPH STREET GEORGETOWN ONTARIO H FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD REALTOR OUR PROVEN RELIABILITY GETS RESULTS MAINTENANCE FREE BRICK ALUMINUM BUNGALOW ON A LOT Wall fireplace 3 bedrooms large eat In kllehon walkout largo living loom 10Hi mortgage October 1983 much more Asking Ash or DODGE OR AUDREY REDUCED TO LOT FOR SALE Superbly located 156 tot In beautiful Hilton Hlllt The well la already In and the septic tank permit It available Call DON SCHENK today LARGE LOT LOW PRICE 3 bedroom bungalow 165 loot lot noarcentreof town 158 BOO lull price Askfor DAVE ACRE FARM Excellent soil fully fenced two barn drive shed vendor will hold large mortgage el 13 for 3 years mlnutss from Georgetown Asking Cell 8775213 ONE OF A KIND 10 ACRES Rich Market Garden Land la the letting or thl a Elegant century 2 storey 2 family home Located In prime market garden area of the this property e huge barn with stills and drive ehed Must be lean Asking For further Information call DON or DORA MACKINNON SUPER HIGHWAY LOCATION Two bay garage lotsliehugeee x 174 well business call MARY ROSE or JEANNE SERVOS ACRES WILDWOOD secluded property on river Charming 3 bedroom Cape Code home Huge I hi no room with fireplace Deck overlooking pool One a kind- muat be Alklng Call DON SCHENK COMMERCIAL GEORGETOWN Downtown location 3 atorei 1 apartment All updated Alking CALL MORTGAGE level Tailelulty die ore led Maailve kllchm Professionally family room 4 bedrooms 2 balha Fantastic Reduced to Call NEW RAISED BUNGALOW BACKING ONTO FARMLAND All brick con Ion with aluminum toff in bedrooms dining room large raited biiement Town water and A for AUDREY DA VIES SUPER 14Vi MORTGAGE AVAILABLE set amongst majestic mature end fruit galore plus bedrooms brick bungalow finished roc room- fireplace Intercom syslam ceramic In entrance 200 yards Irom paved road and general tore Atklng 199 CALL AND ASK FOR PETER OR YVONNE TOP RESIDENTIAL AREA bedroom brick aluminum excellent large fenced lot central air air cleaner 14 mlge due 86 rec roomfireplace Immediate pott Ion Atklng Call DON SCHENK lor more Info CUSTOM BUILT ON RAVINE Listed 1129 CuldeSac lot Custom bull home Family room with wet bar Fireplace In living room 4 bedrooms Matter hat 3 piece emulte Central Air Condlllonlng Many other Cell for appointment with EV PATTERSON BRAMPTON TOWNHOUSE 566900 mortgage 141000 at 10WS Sliding doors from living room Plus Ceil NOW for an appointment to view Atk tor BRUCE ELMSLIE Lining Agent EAR ROUND RETREAT IN QUIET VILLAGE SETTING Large heavily wooded lotedge of town Flowing creek Brand new raited bungalow All brick top quality cons ruction 3 bedroom kitchen cupboerd galore 2 fireplace facilities Town water and Atklng To lew lor PETER or YVONNE 877- CUSTOM BUILT EXECUTIVE TUDOR HOME ON ACRE SUPER LOCATION Quality con si ruction 4 bedroom 3 bathe Mi In laundry room Main family room with fireplace Separate dining room much more for AUDREY DA VIES SUPER INVESTMENT Completely renovated a olid block bedroom apartments 21 bedroom apartment Exceptionally good Income Month to month tenancies no leases Alklng1135900 For more detail CALL PETER OR YVONNE 8775213 PICTURE POSTCARD VIEW 1 acre ravine Id Main floor lemlly room Main floor laundry room Open Hold a lone fireplace bedrooms 3 baths 2 walkout Asking Ctll DAVE SOAL COZY BUNGALOW CHELTENHAM private mature lot- huge trees 2 1 1 replaces Ilnlshed room lovely country atmosphere school but ttopi at door late August pos tan Ion CALL BRUCE Listing NEW LISTINGS BUYERS DELIGHT 3 bedroom raised bungalow Double car gsruga Family room kitchen Landscaped to perfection Dutch clean Just move In mortgage at Atklng For Information call MAL DODGE OR AUDREY SOUTH OF GEORGETOWN ACRES Spacious level exclusive home 4500 It Exceptional quality craltmanshlp Deluxe feature include 3 fireplaces cen tral vacuum and Intercom Heavy wiring lor central air B bedrooms kitchen Banquet living and dining room Main family room Finished rec room with wet bar Billiard or gsmet room cut torn drapee Included Excellent Iocs lion to town and SUPER MORTGAGE SUPER CLEAN Walkout from kitchen to I ng round pool and patio Nicely landscaped lot Central ilr and Intercom system 4 bedroom 2 baths Finished rec room Plui much more Asking land lease Ask lor AUDREY DAV1ES COUNTRY SQUIRE Largo bedroom homo antra I air electronic air clean or Main floor family room Double garage much more Aak1ngf12SBOO0O For Information call AUDREY DAVIES OR MAL DODOE 3 MOBILE HOME 11890000 bedrooms Family room Franklin Four appliance Call HEATHER WHITING 877 EXECUTIVE HOME TOWN COUNTRY new home now being built 2400 qui re feet 3 3 main floor room with fireplace area of estate homes alklng 118BSD0 Celt DON i RWllLtiSE2 APPROXIMATELY ACRES IN THE PARK Executive home Fantastic view every window Six bedrooms 3 In olld pine 3 baths 1 1 rep lace Main floor family room 3 car garage Many extra Vendor will assist with finan cing See lovely home with MARION BROWN8776213 BACKS ONTO CREDIT RIVER own home years Loaded central air central vacuum electronic air cleaner 3 fireplaces main family room and formal dining room Spanish II Ir with natural it on pat loo lovely landscaping tali shade tree Thl house I ONE OF A KIND must be n Atk for BRUCE ELMSLIE 877- 5213 4 BEDROOM CAPE COD STYLE GOOD LOCATION OF BRAMPTON bathroom separate dining room large living room wllh fireplace walkout double garage Iota of tree much mora Asking Alk for AUDREY DAVIES OR LOOKING FOR A START bedroom Excellent location walk to all Spacious rooms Sliding door a from living room New broadloom In living dining room Financing at13fttt Priced logo last To view ask for PETER or YVONNE 877- BRAND NEW AND AFFORDABLE bedroom 1V4 baths Choice colours cabinet and builders samples Centrally located In town Asking Calf DON lor mora details 877- 5213 BUNGALOW 3 bedroom Brick bungalow Finished Rec room with bar and Franklin fireplace In quiet residential area of Ha Hon Hills for DAVE ACRES from town Building permit available agricultural land some Vendor will hold mortgage Asking Call DON GENERAL STORE TERRA COTTA SUPER LOCATION General Sloro plus Ice Large lot with plenty of parking Store Includes appliances Newly renovated Potl Of lice area Large bedroom home vary well kept wllh cedar deck Large Country alio kitchen plua much Completely renovated 1149000 CALL 877 TUDOR STYLE HOME 3BR 1rt bath bungalow Professionally finished rec room with rep lace Priced for action at 173900 Cell HEATHER FOUR GO STATION possibility of building another apartment In lull high basement Owner will hold mor tgage it 15tt wllh good down payment Excellent Investment at only For more details lee so call and ask lor BRUCE ELMSLIE lilting agent CENTURY HOME Century home on 3 acres CioteloGiorgelown On town water 4 bedroom Main lloor room with fireplace Living room with fireplace 10MW mortgage For more InformMlon call EV PATTERSON VENDOR SAYS So try an offer Alking price Only BOO Central Georgetown location Total room Extra washroom original wood staircase door ft trim BUILDING LOT GOOD LOCATION Almost half acre Near golf course Only 134 Call JEANNE SERVOS or details B77 5213 AREA LARGE HOME ON 42 ACRES 5 bedroom ilone fireplaces 2 walkout inground pool oversized doublecar garage nicely plus more asking Ask or MAL OR AUDREY 5213 BUILD YOUR OWN Design on lot Just outside on deadend road In area fine but dont dilsy lor KEN 877 CHARM OF YESTERDAY Charming older home close lo lake and park district Brick Dutch Ma sard style Large eatIn kitchen 3 bedrooms nicely decorated very bright and clean large lot- detached garage Financing 14 unlit 1984 Call and ask for PETER OR YVONNE WOODED LOT 2 SB teres with stream excellent financing ideal for retirement located In Campbellford area realistically priced at 114900 Atklor DAVE LARGE STARTER HOME bedrooms t412pc bath semi detached no maintenance lee 142000 mortgage at can be 2nd available See It today- call PATTERSON Reduced to COUNTRY SQUIRE wall maintained horn 4 bedrooms- bath a Hardwood Main Moot room with walkout New Finished roc Zoom Mtlntanancelrae concrete dilve Well tended and hedged lot Excel crescant close to all amenllles See with PETER or YVONNE HIGHWAY PLAZA Two adjacent store for toass Ft Full basement 2 washrooms Highway per month This is a Sea Kan EXCLUSIVELY YOURS Immediate posse wllh pool bedrooms 10 mortgage Alklng 1129700 Call DAVE 3 RETIREMENT LOT 2 acres Picturesque Build your own Asking Call DAVE Seplimbir test Ion Excellent floor plan Hugs kitchen family room re places 3 baths Beautllularaeedgeof town Call at opes for more detail Ask for Bruce Elmtlle listing agent 5213 JEANNE SERVOS MACKINNON YVONNE JOANNE DAVID SOAL WHITING 3725 MARION BROWN AUDREY DAVIES JUS EVELYN PATTERSON DON 8777887 PETER MAL HOSE PETERS KEN DEROSE B773552 HEATHER WHITIK0 Toronto 4571752 j