I YOULL DO BETTER AT I I YOU LL DO BETTER AT AfcP I SECTION A THE HERALD Page DAYS SALE at AP Valuable 200 RODEO offer at SAVE SPRITE OR COCACOLA HEINZ KLEENEX SPAGHETTI FACIAL TISSUE SUGAR WAFERS 2143 MARSHMAILOWS AIR FRESHENERS I presents HOT Free admission to the C with the purchase of a rodeo ticket Featuring John Waynes favorite movie horse Tho Riata Ranch Cowboys Rodeo Clowns Specialty Acts and more than Cowboys and Cowgirls from Canada and the U S A competing for over in prize money and he Awards STADIUM in a jg m Jan Tickets on sale now at C Box Office and selected BASS outlets VISA MASTERCARD GET YOUR VALUABLE DISCOUNT COUPONS AT YOUR LOCAL FOR THE FRIDAY AND SUNDAY EVENING PERFORMANCES Cut from Canada s Finest Grade A Beef BONELESS BEEF ROASTS Rump Sirloin Tip or Inside Cut Round Our Regular Price up to lb Cut from Canada a Finest Grad A Beef ROUND ROAST Outside ft Removed 259 Our Regular Price SAVE 100 lb Grlt Full Silt Boneless ROUND ROAST 89 FRESH PORK JIB IE J 29 Great en the B Q It RIO HOTS DUTCH DINNER FRANK Great on the B FRESH LEAN 100 SchnefdersWienerri 79 SHOULDER BUn GROUND BEEF PORK CHOPS b Cooked Meats 99 SCHNEIDERS CONTAINS PIECES fc SCHNEIDERS VAC Sirloin Tip steak Cooked Ham 189 CUT FROM CANADAS FINEST A BO TENOUIZID J Cube Steak Bologna mini RIQULAKOR 239 Bucket Chicken 399 SKOPST SI AP REGULAR OR THICK Side Bacon 199 Side Bacon PREVIOUSLY Potato Salad 9 pit Sausages i a inio COUNTRY MAKE RtOULAR OR THICK VAC Sliced Beef Liver 89 Schneiders Corned Beef SCHNIIDERS FROZEN SHOULDER SCHNEIDERS OR All Lamb Chops Mini Sizzlers ORAM A CORNISH SCHNEIDERS VARIETIES IHCl BACON I Game Hens Meat Spread ASP GREAT ON ISO SCHNEIDERS VARIETIES Beef Steakettes 449 Mini Deli Rolls SCHHIlDfRI LOOTS Polish Sausage 499 Headcheese Smoked sausage 99 In stores with Deli Shop Mlliai 199 Cold Cuts iiaw macaroni or 179 Potato Salad 409 Buy 3SAVE 124 BMf Chicken Turkey Irish CLARK STEWS Grape or Orange Flavours QUENCH CRYSTALS Our Regular NUTTY KIDDY OF OX SMACK AND A HALF PRO OF READY TO1ERVE ASSORTED VARIETIIS BROWNED WITH FORK H FORK MOLASSES Good Humor Novelties Habitant Soups 6 149 i aq Beans 2 Orange Juice Piquets LuncheonMeat Dr Cat Food 3 149 DIAMOND TIN BRAVO PLAIN THICK a SAVE I Mandarin Oranges 3149 Spaghetti Sauce FURE Crispy Flake 2149 Iced Tea Mix 149 Texize POWDERED 400 CONTAINER Old Dutch Cleanser 3 149 Boutique KLEENEX NAPKINS Our Regular Price Mountain Dew or Regular Diet PEPSICOLA SAVE Our Regular Price Wc each Orange Flavour TANG CRYSTALS Our Regular Price GREAT GETAWAYS GIVEAWAYS TRAVE BREAKTHROUGH Vs up itwo Cnamy book a travel TEA SaveiololOSDnHenicariwui hm Get I maps and I vtl Ash ASP CMher lor fletrti I YOU LL DO BETTER AT AdP I I YOULL DO BETTER AT AfcP I Sign up for swim sessions Herald Special We ere now past the halfway point In our summer program That a right You have only till August IT 1961 to register far our lut summer session of lessons which run until August 1961 All are encouraged to come out and meet the Swimming Pool Staffs They will assist you with any questions you may have about our programs It a never too to learn to swim Don wait till tomorrow what you can do today Water Sports from boating to water skiing to swimming are enjoyed by Canadians of all ages Every year more than Canadians drown many of them are children Learning to swim properly and becoming familiar with water safety rules can ensure the safety of every member of the family The Acton and Georgetown have a long of In swim instruction We use the National Red Cross Swim Safety Program for the fall of 1961 swim session The new program is Interchange able with the old Red Cross system and there are charts at the pools to help you determine which level your child should be la The new system Is designed to a child is continually pro gressing As one skill is completed it is checked off and the student tackles a new The program content provides a balance between safety education safety skills movement skills continuous activity and fun The Halton Hills recreation and parka department offers swimming lessons throughout the year which are offered In the alt winter and spring once a week for 11 weeks and over 11 consecutive days during the summer Any child any age can take part The coat for the lessons are one half hour three quarters of an hour one hour Cootinuoui regEitra Use I going en now Call the Acton Indoor pool at or the Georgetown indoor pool at for further information Horsin around Continued from page AS Jumps aid a devil s dyke one of the toughest Jumps for grand prix equestrians There a been a lot of work done on the course to ensure good turf fooling and North American course designer Robert of Montreal has plenty of raw material at develop an im course Besides the coming Si Saturday the Cheltenham Show has been present some fine Junior talent the past few days There were children and youths events Monday and Tuesday and from today Wednesday until Sun day there are a variety of Jumping events for both both adult and Junior competitors Top money for the World Cup grand is with tho purse gradually lowering to Tickets for the event five dollars each Farm Is easy to reach from Georgetown Slay on Winston Churchill from Nerval and con tinue past Terra The Farm readily identifiable by the Large green and white bouse is located on the Third Line about a quarter of a mile from Side- road RYDERS TV SALES SERVICE TOSHIBA QUASAR All Colour Sals fasture on Ins warranty or mora MOORE PARK PLAZA Are you NEW TO TOWN or have you moved Into a new Would Ilka to call on with HOUSEWARMINQ GIFTS and about For this Information and Houaiwarmlng gilt 8774812