Page SECTION A HERALD August Delicious Macs Snacks on Delrex Blvd Like lift commercials say It a on your home That a the catch line Mary said she is counting on as she opened Georgetown third Mac variety store Friday afternoon The new store located on the comer of Street and Boulevard will hope fully attract many Georgetown residents who turn into Boulevard on their way home from work every night or who pass by on their way to work in the morning Its advantageous spot with easy access to both Highway and Boule vard Mary says is on the main route into the si on A prominent sign will also be set up on the corner to attract any customers heading out of town The store will stock standard Mac line of goods of soft drinks groceries and milk and they ore featuring the newest addition to the Mac ie Mac Snacks This is Mac for the latenight or anyone who needs a quick bite in a hurry They feature varie ties of sandwiches ham burg submarines danlshca coffee and fruit flavored slush It will en have that first morning cup of coffee ready for any early risers since they ore open seven days a week from in the morning until midnight District manager said that the Mac cha had been eyeing the property on the corner for about a year but they had to wait I it became develop ed Once the building was constructed Macs made the r move and leased the store Mary Is inde pendent dealer of the store A long time Georgetown res dent Mary is no newcomer to the Macs family She had been wdrking for two years at the Moore Park Mac store and said she really enjoys the business When she heard that the company was planning to open a third Georgetown outlet she applied to bo considered as a dealer After her application was processed she had to lake a exam and was finally accepted as Independent dealer The new outlet has Joined an ever growing Mac chain of stores all across the country Boasting at least 1100 outlets In With the fully stocked Independent dealer Mary it ready for the first customer who walks through the doors of Georgetown newest Mac store Friday afternoon The third Mac store opened Us doors Friday on the comer of Detrex Boulevard Street two- week course at Scarborough which out the of a Mac a store tram A to Once the course was completed she wrote an Canada of which are In Ontario alone and another in the US the Canadian opera t on is stiff going strong and always expanding Blood relatives In 1980 The Canad an Red Cross Society collected more than one mill on units of blood from voluntary donors More than people received blood G blood Is giving life Today one unit of blood ven to the Red Cross can be broken down into components and each of these components can be used to help a different person INSURANCE ng the mi RENEWABLE TERM Recognizing the major difference between SMOKER p creates its own demands Newer content simply to keep step or keep up to overage industry perform The Commercial Life establishes another precedent the introduction of their new TR 70 a precedent setting 5 Year Term Pol Special TR cont nue to be available at competitive standard rates Recently Introduced Smoker discounts make lower premiums possible provided you have not smoked tor the last 1 months Now the TR OPTIMUM discount establishes a new precedent with even lower rate category for those who have not smoked or years and meet the noceBBary additional qualifications Now the OPTIMUM discount Is available at a new rate that Is probably lower than any other Term policy available In Canada Example Annual Premiums Monthly Payments Ara Available fjsunfCE SMOKER SMOKER 40 100000 210 00 00 362 521 00 00 193 00 00 325 00 308 00 384 546 For Information and Coverage Contact BARBER HENLEY LTD ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE 72 Main St S Downtown Georgetown TO A off STOREWIDE ALL COMFORTERS SALE ENDS AUGUST 31ST TOWELS V WINGS MAM Main Street Sauth brackens STEAK AND SEAFOOD tufts in Halton Hills and area Or Try Our Back Dally Luncheon Specials Roast Beef Buffet Thuitdiy ft Friday ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Vlsf our ever popular FIRESIDE LOUNGE and meet a friend New Management Wimpeys Restaurant is now under the now management Mr and Mrs Now open Sundays also from to 3 00 p m to serve you even better RESTAURANT 8774690 Halton Hills Plaza the Treat Yourself Delicious food in a relaxed atmosphere the whole family will enjoy Choose from our Chicken and Ribs featuring a great new sauce available exclusively at the Rib Cage 367 Guelph St Georqetown RESTAURANT TAVERN Seafood Loiters CHINESE FOOD 8772227 8779791 Let us tantalize your taste buds with our wide varied menu Whatever the oc we are your first choice for steak and seafood neptunes J- seafood steakhouse Guelph Street Georgetown For Reservations Call 8777811 BRAMPTONS PRIDE I Its Our 10th Anniversary We Still Feature The Largest Menu Selection In Town Caesar Salad Flaming Steaks Soft Live Dance Music Fully Licenced Parties Up To SO People HIWAY HOST Steak Seafood House N lounge Dine With Us Businessmans Luncheon F Relax In Our Memory Lounge Evenings 5 p m Enjoy Nightly Entertainment Downstairs at DJs oil 8770777