Page fcXTRA Friday Together we can better Royal Trust BUYING SELLING CHECK OUt THE CLASSIFIED ads CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Wednesday Publication Deadline Monday 5 Friday Publication Deadline Wednesday 00pm CLASSIFIED CASH RATES tor poetry CARDS OF THANKS Words 54 SO ENGAGEMENT DEATHS BIRTHS MARRIAGES words CLASSIFIED DEADLINE MONDAYS DO VACUUM supplies and cos Filter Kirby Compact control or bull In and commercial 1st SWIMMING POOL SALE SWIMMING POOL MAN UFACTUHER must clow or Brand now 1981 pools complete with filter motor pump walkaroond polio and once Regularly now on solo lor whllo supplies 1m mediately Call Ton Fioo 1 for more details up to mora lor your car whan you il In clean Como Tidy Cir or Call 3871321a KENMORE 30 ElectricStovo Now oven con and 1665 LAWN TRACTOR Soars Super 12 HP snow Roeltypoorassculters and drag harrow Good evenings 1280otfiCe OFFICE dosk and chairs one largo desk with typewriter drawer 3865321s TWO CHESTERFIELDS yov old table or roc room Bunk bods Two para white curtains with rod tram CO or 877 3328 3837321s PIANO d Honed now Ivory koyo 1818 MILK 3 QUART BAG OR JUG Early Bird Special Georgetown Jug City Goof go town Main St 7 AM T0 AM Monday to Friday 189 FRESH TROUT Netted Individually packaged to order S23 do Hickory per delivery Farms Ltd 8773730 TEAK FURNITURE SALE 2355 OPEN TILL CLAUSEN LTD PIANO Organs new and used lull guarantee Tho Piano and Organ Ex change Brampton Is Compressor good run 495 Ploooo call IMPORTED Black Oak wall unit 3 lighted display sections 3 drowora and 7 adjustable Enclosed lighted bar ft long tall or boot otter 877 1400 TRACTOR Massey Ferguson with cob Low hours tires chains weights dual remotes now condition Please coll 833 2026 1973 MERCURY Good t As la 200 853 1512 GOLDEN EAGLE Jeep all options Highway mUea only Specially tuned lor good mileage 000 Mint sell office 1976 DODGE CHARGER mechanically lit Call Don 3B4l32c1 WE HAVE MANY QUALITY PRE OWNED ECONOMY CARS To a prices you can afford Low down paymonl Bank Financing RECREATIONAL VEHICLES LUXURY I960 It motor homo sleeps low mileage fully equipped automatic for propane conver Call John 853 odor 6pm and weekend windows Many ok baa 25 financing con be arranged SUZUKI 197Q low gotslOQMPG good on highway or tra I worth will soli or best oiler Mark anytime 85732 rv 198T 2300 km Brand new or beat Oder Con Cal REGISTERED Alpine Buck and Registered Sutlolk Lambs and 4841 KITTENS and cat abandoned badly in need of good home Anyone who can phono Pt All Breeds Grooming CI pp ng end Shampoo Also Evening Weekend Appointments labia ARLETTA ST LOST FOUND Spaniel Totoo Last Thursday near aiea Reward SWEET CORN Farm Hash Picked Dally Best Varieties No Poison Spray Allisons Mini Market mile south of Cedorvolo Park on Line Main SI South Reduced prices for Pick Your Own for rroozer Com PRESS PLATES Repair outbuildings lino granaries and bins or protect the trunks of fruit trees with used Aluminum Press Plates 23 thick cents each Including applicable taxes im Halton Hills Herald Front Counter The Buyers and Sellers Market Place GIBSONS Dead Stock Service Dead or disabled an mala removed lb paid lor old healthy horses Wo can lull you cause death ClD coded Of 2519 4S3 346CB5 UMBO WATSON AUTO WRECKERS Wan tod scrap cars and true lor wracking FREE PICKUP 8776226 YARD SALE August am Sponsored by Nerval Community Association at Commun Park Highway SOMETHING for house North of Steele Saturday August 10 3B7932gs FLEA MARKET SALE At ASP parking lot Friday and Saturday August 141h and 1 from a to 386232gs GARAGE SALE Saturday August end 16th Elmore in Acton 95pm Antiques furniture toys National 1957 In perfect condition Rain date Sat Aug 22 GARAGE SALE Mary St Toys clothes household Items electric broom point sprayer Saturday August 15th flam GARAGE SALT Saturday AuQual 22 Bom Omega black room supplies lawnmowor wood eater Ion camper stove nee desk chair and filing cab- In coke machine ski Is boots and skates toys clothes and much more Bring your money and on empty car or truck Cash only 16 Cromblo off YARD SALE Saturday August BOO to noon Humidifier bookshelves chairs man a bicycle skateboard ski equipment vacuum many Horns Windsor Rood comer BERNIE Laurie Marty Dixie Grog Evelyn Larry Moo Con Dating Ltd Acton519 3087 am to 9 Mon to Sat BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PLANT Boutique sale Downtown Georgetown plus stock Call 877 7287 HELP AVAILABLE MECHANICAL body work done el reasonable Call 877 389336hanf do carpentry renovating aundeck roc rooms 1166 Man with single dump truck Hourly 393eho33 HERBS VICE AS types of handyman Jobs or 370830ha BOOKKEEPING OFFICE OVERLOAD Service available Bookkeeper fully experienced through Trial Balance handle any accoun ting typing or general office duties Auditors roterenco available Please call 8332234 Erin f Acton area of McKonile Smith Public School starting Sep tember Phono BABYSITTER roquirod lor 2 year old starting September Monday lo Friday day 733B EMPLOYMENT WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANIfcU Small repairs plumb ng pen try and Cull after HELP WANTED OPPORTUNITY For experienced flexographtc press personnel Shift Supervisor Press Operator Apprentice Trainees Top wages paid bonus program Blue Cross Heallh Care and Dental Plan day work week Please apply to G STQNEHAM LABELMASTEHS LTD Real Estate Career Opportunity yen look lot a profession that offers polarity lor perianal excellent and lloxlbia hours A sales requires term nni ion and 1 well wriih others Ho necessary Sound Interestlno next training session starts soon Chock I system new deterred sharing plan Form caff BONNIE NOGUCHI Requires HEAD COACH Competitive Swimming For Fall 81 QUALIFICATIONS 1 years of age Current Ufesaving Award First Aid Instructors Coach I vel I or II an asset Responsible to Pool Supervisor and Supervisor of Aquatics Applications Must be received by August 31 1981 Mr Campbell 36 Main Street South Halton Hill Ontario Or at the Indoor Pools INTERESTED IN A SALES CAREER ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS CHEVROLET Is looking for two ambitious individuals with an honest desire to succeed In an sales career Experience not necessary Company demonstrator supplied Salary and commission For a confidential Interview appointment please phone Mr Andrew Murray Jr Brampton or Georgetown 8776944 ill WE ARE A Canadian company which has successfully combined manufacturing marketing with innovative engineering and development to build a solid respected reputation In over 25 countries for our superior melt conveying systems YOU ARE A person with the desire and ability to make a significant contribution to a highly sue growth oriented company If you are In tereated in one of the following positions we should get together and talk about the future MECHANICAL DRAUGHTS PERSONS to assist in the design of Injection molding systems should have a mathematical background with a good mechanical aptitude preferably gained in the plastics industry must be self starters with a good team spirit and three years related experience refer to file number E LtAU HANDS MOLDING Report to the General Foreman will run a shift In an Injection molding plant with several machines must be willing to work afternoon and night shifts two years experience In the plastics Industry preferably in set up work or maintenance must have ability to accept responsibility reler to number 01 LEAD HAND MILLING will report to Senior Foreman should preferably have served apprenticeship followed by five years in milling or general mac hlne shop work must be able to read blue prints and have lence in trigonometry should bo willing and able to train Junior staff refer to file number S 01 All of these vacancies offer an excellent salarybenefits package commensurate with ex perience and responsibility plus ample tunlty for self development within our rapidly growing organization If you feel you have Iho qualifications and would like to a future with us call or submit your resume In full to MICHAEL BURGOYNE MoldMasters Limited Armstrong Ave Georgetown Onl or HELP WANTED TOWN Of ana rants uepanmeni Saulh Halton Hills Georgetown Ontario L7G FALL SESSION Is now accepting applications for the following part time aquatic positions Assistant Super visors Instructors Lifeguards Changoroom At tendants DEADLINE DATE FOR APPUCAWONS August 31 at Send to the attention of Mr Glen Campbell Supervisor of Aquatics HayesDana Inc Requires An INTERNAL SALES PERSON Duties Include sales order processing customer liaison correspondence and some inventory con trol functions This is a salaried position with further unities In Marketing and Field Sales to keep pace with our expand ng New Product Development Program Experience in the heavy truck trailer field will be an asset Contact- Steve Armstrong Ave Georgetown 6905 ACTON CARRIER MAINS FROM TO SCENE SCENE ST BEFORE SCHOOL DELIVERY WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS NO COLLECTING HayesDana Inc Requires an APPLICATION ENGINEER QUALIFICATIONS mechanical engineer or technologist or equivalent with experience In two or more the following areas Product Engineering Manufacturing Engineering Plant Facilities and Layout Statistical Quality Control must be a self starter and able to follow through on projects to completion with a minimum of supervision experience In heavy vehicular field will be an asset Hayes Dana is a major parts manufacturer with plants and offices across Canada This is an opportunity to grow with an expanding company Comprehensive benefit program fully paid by the company Opportunity for cement Contact J Campbell 120 Armstrong Ave Georgetown Ont TOWN OF HILLS Tender C11981 Part 1 Replacement of Spatted Brick Part 2 Replace Block Wall Clerks Building Town of Halton HIUs Georgetown Ontario Sealed Tenders marked to will bo received by the Clark of the Town Helton Hula at Main South Georgetown Ontario QONoon local Brno Wednesday Parti For trie replacing of brickwork which has Raked oil In parte of tho exterior walls Clerk Building on TrelalQar Road Halton Road No Tho work consist cutting out spoiled brick replace with matching pointing where needed check and replace If and roaool all Joints and sashes Part Excavae block wall to entrance supply lay now block Tenders may bo motto on ono or both porta Each lender must bo a conniod payable to tho Corporation Town Halton Hills In the ol of bid lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted can be at any For Tender documen ts or questions please contact H D PATTERSON A C PURCHASING AOENT TOWN OF HALTON HILLS 38 MAIN STREET SOUTH GEORGETOWN ONTARIO DRIVER NEEDED Must own car No trucks To drtvo middle aged man to various around 1121 FAHM HELP mod lor a small In city Brampton Fanning ox is doBiioabla but not To arrange Interview photio84B CENTRAL CABS Air Conditioned Radio Dispatched 8771111 HELP WANTED FACTORY HELP Acquired Inmodialoly Mature person for Moulding area Day and afternoon will bo cable Wo train Good company Apply In person 93 Mountalnvlew Rd N Georgetown Ontario 3B833ihw INDEPENDENT PERSON with Van lor 7 day dollvory of Toronto Star Nowapnpora In Georgetown area Mr Wong or Mr Jack betwoon NEED Somoone roar George Konnedy School In coring for 2 boys 7 lor hour bo lorn school and alter school until Commencing September Ploa3o call EXPERIENCED Van Drivers lull and part Apply In writing to Box Tho Herald Quolph St QUALIFIED JANITOR Roquirod immediately mature with a mink 3 janitorial Good company benefits Apply In to 93 MounUlnvlew Rd Georgetown Ontario 3BB432hW PARTTIME PIANO PLAYER or small Qroup lor at Howie Lounge Apply within 8770777 3eao33hwn EARN IB an hour your hobby Join our Croat Clrclo team Call 0009 cleaning In centrally local apartment 1121 394233hwn DO YOU LIKE TO DECORATE ARE YOU CREATIVE YOU WORKING WITH PEOPLE North Americas leading In home Interior decorating Co DECORATING DEN Is looking for full time and part time decorators In the Georgetown Area PHONE 3174 1200000 DOWN PRIVATE MILTON 82 990 00 with a 56 00 3 yr 14V Payments Second of 2 16 195 Three bedrooms 1 bath detached link approximately 1300 sq ft OVERSIZED master bedroom living room kitchen with walkout Call 14665431 evenings or 8784715 Commercial lor lease at Towers Minimum 1 fl Blocks with lull services Asking ft per annum net Call William Ellis Realtor lor full details 8776917 WILLIAM ELLIS REAL ESTATE LTD ACRE ESTATE 22E0 custom homo plus with heated workshop Close to Go Train and major centres Vendors will toko back mor at lor 2 years or tor years Private 15198339955 SEPT 1 bodroom all drapoa pIlancoB near schools plazas plus utilities APT for rent Main St bedroom Call 3S4932fmt ROOM lor rent suitable lor dependable working female ELKS Hall lor rent Harold Colpitis LUXURY Towers open to COMMERCIAL OFFICE OR STORE SPACE for rent Small nib available Prestigious build downtown COMMERCIAL SPACE 10QOSO FT SHOW WINDOW 16x7 LOCATION CUSTOMER PARKING INDUSTRIAL UNITS FOR RENT ARMSTRONG AVE FT Western Canada Auctioneering Ltd Canada hrat and only completely Canadian course anywhere under Schools Licensing Act 1970 For por licularo of next write Box Lscombo or phono 752 til LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS OH Straight Tracks CALL TntCanadtintaitihrtiot TrKWr Ltd Rojd Tsronh On MBM4R1 WmMSUSM ATTENTION Looguo Executives pro season mooting and party Thursday August 7 m REGULAR of Alcoholics Anonymous Friday nlghl at m at St John United Church Everyone welcome I FAITH world lo country and mankind Its cllUens Information and lor Informal discussions ANON Family Group meetings at St John a United Church Guolph St Daytime group moot Wednesday at p and Tuesday evenings at 30 m Anon tactfully help to anyone who neoda to learn how to live with all the many which alcoholism can create or For further Infor can or 3265 CHILDREN Como MUNCH TO THE MOVIES Acton Public Library I pm on Friday August 7 14 and Bring yourhin Ch CRAFT CLUB FOR CHILDREN 2 old at Acton Public Library on Saturday August 8 and Cost THE SALVATION ARMY pickup service Coll 8522 MEDITATION New group forming so tar I an For meditation and study mystical writings not to ESP TM or psychic to the spiritual and universal 8771121 or