together we can help you better Royal Trust BUYING SELLING CHECK OUT THE CLASSIFIED ads CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Wednesday Publication Deadline Monday 00 m Publication Deadline Wednesday CLASSIFIED CASH RATES MEM0R1AMS SO words plus 35t or lino of poo try cards of thanks Words Additional Lines 5 each ENGAGEMENT BIRTHS MARRIAGES words CUSWFltO WA0L1W MONDAY BO CIRCULATIONS VACUUM Cleonera supplies and cervices Filter Queon Compact central or built In and commercial SWIMMING POOL SALE SWIMMING POOL MAN must dear lories Brand now pools complete with I Iter motor pump potto and fence Regularly now on sale lor while last mediately del very Call Tolt Free 1 BOO for 371Btffo PAIR High back bucket seats pair Firestone 76 Snow urea on Rims with custom hubcaps SelBeauty Ring hubcaps 3989 3050331s PIANO Organs new and used full guarontue Piano and Organ Ex change Brampton fo SMALL RETAIL STORE CLOSED Must Sell Everything Display coolers health food products etc Everything will be sold at cost Great opportunity lor anyone In lores ted In starting your own business CALL 8778348 FOR SALE GARAGE Suitable for one car to be from present location by purchaser Sea ad undtr Tender 2 MILK 3 QUART BAG OR JUG Early Bird Special Georgetown Jug City Georgetown 45ManS N 7 AM TO 10 AM Monday to Friday 189 FRESH TROUT No tied clean a individually packaged to order per Smoked 27 per Free Trout Farms Ltd 8773730 TEAK FURNminc EINAR CLAUSEN LTD GET up to SI 00 more for your car when you trad It In clean Com to Tidy Car or PORTABLE Brother sewing machine only yrs old Ex coNont condition Call OOI5atertpm 394733gfs ANTIQUES FOR SALE 10 piece Walnut dining room suite single maple bods one double pineapple poster bod rug All condition Phone 4 clock MULT1 Colour tables 4 chairs Chrqmo light brown good anytime 3951 GREEN chair set Almost brand now Only Can 877 SEARS model lawn true tors HP In excellent con dition For informal on PONTIAC Lourontinn 4 dr PB PS very good condition Com lied To the best reasonable oiler Coll weekdays after p m weekends anytime 1877 one owner Car Sales FORD ELITE Excep tionally good condition 3250 cert lied Call877 alter BROWN DODGE from Alberta heater brakes recently done 56 miles on engine Phone 877 3flS833ct RAM CHARGER condition V8 pB or boat offer 1970 CUTLASS for sue Call Joe between fl 11pm 3611cltf 1070 GRANADA door air conditioning cyl excellent condition Asking Call after 677 397933ctwf WE HAVE MANY QUALITY ECONOMY CARS To choose at prices you canatford Low down payment Bonk Financing RECREATIONAL VEHICLES home sleeps 7 low mileage I equipped automatic equipped lor propane Call John 653 alter and weekend Panorama windows Many ok can bo arranged 1973 SUZUKI CC Water cooled full bags wind screen Tent Trailer for motorcycle use only person FT BOAT Trader heavy ex CaflGord677 FT FIBREGLASSBOAT Mark Mercury Best Over alter pin FT TRAVELUX Trader fully equipped A 1 SB Many extras anytime BOAT for solo 16 lborgloss 75 HP motor and trailer Call 1922 anytime 306534lsnf HONDA CT Ex condition and Suzuki 125 Troll Runs flood 1979 100 XL HONDA low mlteaQo groat condition Call PRESS PLATES Repair outbuildings line granaries and bins or protect the trunks of fruit trees with used Aluminum Press Plates 23 34 009 thick cents each Including applicable taxes at The Halton Hills Herald Front Counter The Buyers and Sellers Market Place 8772201 GIBSONS Dead Stack Service Dead or disabled animals 3c lb paid lor old heal horses the cause GUI Ml or Linnet RP WATSON AUTO WRECKERS Wonted scrap cars and true lor FREE PIC 8776226 GARAGE SALE unit round glass top table and many music Items Saturday August pm 16 Joycofyn Cr Park For proviow of furniture phono 3846 HUGE STREET SALE furr do hum lota storm windows tents typewriters and much more Everything must go Saturday August 11 17 and 1B Placo 390733ga GARAGE SALE August 9 at Edith Street Georgetown Lota of interesting Items Come and boo or yourself GARAGE SALE Saturday August am Omega black room Ian stove of coke machine skits boots and skates toys clothes and much more Bring your money and on empty car or truck Cosh only 16 Cromble Placo oil Dolrex Unattached and Call Dating Ltd 463 Acton 853 to Sat ABTrALCCTrEtS You heard about Its amazing benefits for skin care hair cons and health care Call me to see tho wodd a most complete line Atoe Vera products Call 8485 HELP AVAILABLE MECHANICAL and body done at reasonable prices Con 389330hani do carpentry renovating aundock rec rooms 393133hanf Man with single axle dump truck available Hourly 3936ha33 HERBS HANDYMANS SER VICE All types of handyman lobs or HELP AVAILABLE Open Trenching Laying Excellent rates roe Wo Install both aerial end burled cables In any condition Pioneer Cable Com Lid DAY CARE AVAILABLE kindergarten I anchor nutritious meals planned warm happy atmosphere close supervision all ogos welcome Full or part receipts Hwy Nerval phone alter weekdays weekends anytime 6450 RELIABLE PERSON cars for our 3 year old at our homo Inglowood Starting September 1QS1 Monday to Friday per week Includes some light housework Own necessary Phone 391633 Bona LOST in Acton on Saturday Small long hair oil white dog Reward 391233UI LOST Maltose white male an aw era to Coney Family pot please cad BBS DRIVER NEEDED Mi own car No trucks To middle aged man to various places around Georgetown HAIRDRESSER Experienced Full time pat time Phono 394434hw HELP WANTED DO YOU WANT to join a rapidly growing dynamic organization in an environment where you can prove your ability to make a significant con tnbutlon DO YOU WANT a Job where an excellent salarybenefits package Including the best dental plan Is made available IF SO consider the following positions which are available Immediately to the right person with the light experience ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK to organize and run manual system grade or better with a business option preferably 2 years experience In accounts payable some importexport knowledge required refer to file 101 METALLURGICALCHEMICAL TECHNICIANS grade 13 or equivalent with some Industrial laboratory or heat treating experience to operate a plating line and heattreating furnace willing to take evening courses to upgrade knowledge refer to We LATHE OPERATORS grade 1 2 or equivalent with ability to read blue prints and work to close tolerances 2 or 3 years experience on lathes refer to file S 103 NC LATHE OPERATORS grade 1 2 or equivalent with some knowledge of numerical controlled machines 2 or 3 years experience running manual or numerical controlled lathes refer to file S104 LIGHT MACHINISTS grade 1 1 or equivalent some shop experience although training will be given refer to tile S105 In order to discuss these permanent full time positions further submit your resume or call in full confidence to MICHAEL BURGOYNE MoldMaileri Limited 233 Armstrong Ave Georgetown or 395933hw HayesDana Inc Requires an APPLICATION ENGINEER QUALIFICATIONS mechanical engineer or technologist or equivalent with experience in two or more of the following areas Product Engineering Manufacturing Engineering Plant Facilities and Layout Statistical Quality Control mu3t be a self starter and able to follow through on projects to completion with a minimum of supervision experience in heavy vehicular field will be an asset Hayes Dana Inc is a major parts manufacturer with and offices across Canada This Is an opportunity to grow with an expanding company Comprehensive benefit program fully paid by the company Opportunity for advan cement Contact J Campbell 20 Armstrong Ave Georgetown Ont Real Estate Career Opportunity Are you looking tor a profession that oiler high polarity tor personal growth excellent compensation an news A career real estate sales requires integrity determination and in ability to com well with No necessary Sound Interesting Our next training session starts Check these rational referral system management support preferred stall mortgages ft loans Cental and health plans stock options new deterred profit sharing plan mm BONNIE NOGUCHI 8775237 yK CLERKCASHIER Requited by Halton Hills HydroElectric Commission Interest applicant should submit their application writing by 1 2 Noon August 28th 1 to THE MANAGER HALTON HILLS HYDRO MILL STREET GEORGETOWN ONTARIO Your should be marked Application HELP WANTED mrjLDrrmsTERS WE ARE A unique Canadian company which has successfully combined efficient manufacturing aggressive marketing with innovative engineering and development to build a solid respected reputation in over countries for our superior melt conveying systems YOU ARE A person with the desire and ability to make a significant contribution to a highly sue cossful growth oriented company If you are In terested in one of the following positions we should get together and talk about the future MECHANICAL DRAUGHTS PERSONS to assist in the design of injection molding systems should have a mathematical background with a good mechanical aptitude preferably gained In the plastics Industry must be self starters with a good team spirit and three years related experience refer to file number E 1 LEAD HANDS MOLDING Report to the General Foreman will run a shift in an injection molding plant with several machines must be willing to work afternoon and night shifts two years experience in the plastics industry preferably In set up work or maintenance must have ability to accept responsibility refer to file number 1 LEAD HAND MILLING will report to Senior Foreman should preferably have served apprenticeship followed by years In milling or general mac nine shop work must be able to read blue prints and have exper ience In trigonometry should bo willing and able to train junior staff refer to flie numbers 1 01 All of these vacancies offer an excellent salarybenefits package commensurate with ex perience and responsibility plus ample for self development within our rapidly growing organization If you feel you have the qualifications and would like to explore a future with us call or submit your resume In full confidence to MICHAEL MoMMaitere Limited Armstrong Ave Georgetown or Baltimore Aircoil OF CANADA 35 SINCLAIR AVENUE GEORGETOWN ONT Due to continuing high production requirements we are in need of additional employees in our ASSEMBLY WELDING AND SHEET METAL DEPARTMENTS We offer a good starting salary with progressions working conditions and a full range of company paid benefits Interested candidates are requested to apply in person at our plant ASK FOR JOHN TENHAGE PLANT SUPERINTENDENT SALES ORDER DESK Manufacturers of heat metal products require an order desk person for customer service depar tment Experience is preferred but not essential lor a person who is sales motivated Typing skills for order processing is required Please forward resume to the attention of CAMPBELL TWINCEELTD 20 ARMSTRONG AVE GEORGETOWN ONTARIO L7G HayesDana Inc Requires An INTERNAL SALES PERSON Duties include sales order processing customer liaison correspondence and some Inventory con trol functions This Is a salaried position with further oppor tunities in Marketing and Field Sales to keep pace with our expanding New Product Development Program Experience in the heavy trucktrailer field will be an asset Contact Steve McManus 120 Armstrong Ave Georgetown 3833ftw GENERAL MACHINIST Required Immediately general machinist for engine lathe and bridge boat metal good benefits and good rotes Only highly skilled need apply Contact MR RATTAN KALS CENTRAL CABS Air Conditioned Radio Dispatched 8771111 HELP WANTED Rough Reliable 465B Evo only 3 PART TIME TELLER Bonk of Nova Scotia Georgetown Ap ply to Mrs J 3B13233hw BABYSITTER My homo Please coll between pm BAKERY is looking tor lor thoir mam store at Guelph St and smaller retail outlet on Mill St to open in Wo are looking lor a very oven man Applications copied until end of August Call or come and see us at 330 Guelph SI side STUDENT wantod wash now Von Inside and out once a wook Phono Saturday mor nlng 10am only B77 SALES HELP war tod Snloa person lor Insulation Company 7447 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST for Georgetown and Che tr let submit resumo to S or coll EXPERIENCED Van Drivers required full and pari lime Apply In writing Box Herald St Georgetown FACTORY HELP Immediately Mature perron for Moulding area Day and altornoon shifts will bo ap plicable Wo train Good company bono 113 Apply poraon 93 Mountatnvlew Rd Georgetown Ontario 3U331E QUALIFIED JANITOR Roqulrod Immediately of 3 yoars co Good company bono fits Apply in person to INC 93 Muuntainvfew Rd Georgetown Ontirio EARN EXTRA MONEY Show our lino of cards and gilts to neighbours No experience needed Our catalogue II easy and Phono or write today lor frao Christmas and Informal on Monarch Groo tin Cards Cannon Hamilton L8N Phono 1 LIGHT CLEANING professional man needs to do occasional I ght cloon no In centrally located PART TIME HELP 9 p Phono soliciting Also nood dolivory person lull time from 5 and one part Cad 391033hw EMPLOYMENT WANTED Small ropars plumbing car and electrical Call alter 877 Doug are very pleased announce the long awaited arrival of their drat child a daughter Nicole on August 12 Weighing 5 lbs 12ois at Peel Memorial Hospital Proud grandparents are Mr Ken Mra Joe Hurley and Mr and Mrs Goorgo Pernbleton First greatgrandchild tor Mrs Margaret Ingersotl On torio and Mr and Mrs Los London Ontario Avery special to Whitney ENGAGEMENTS BROWN- HAHT Mr end Mrs Peter Brown of Terra ere pleased to an noun of their daughter Daisy to Bradley Hart son of Mr end Hart of Toronto Mr and Donaldson Georgetown ore to lha engagement their daughter Heather Dion no to Daniel son of Mr and Mrs Robert also Georgetown REAL ESTATE TOWNHOUSE for sale Largo master bedroom other targe Sized bedrooms targe kitchen dining room living mortgage Coll Ltd Ask for Ken Denote PRIVATE SALE Executive Country homo miles W of Georgetown Georgian centre Hall plan acres property with stream but not Isolated bedrooms library 2 3 bathrooms rocrootlon room pool Many 3flB3retf Bayley r A HOME YOU WILL LIKE REDUCED TO 60900 Spacious 3 bedroom home with room to grow and play To view call Jack MCCruddon at or or Bonnie Watson at or FORCED SALE room older frame home Some renovations Both owners ANXIOUS to Sell Good Opportunity for Cash buyer Further Information from Jack Holmes JACK HOLMES REAL ESTATE BROKER MILL ST ACTON A GEM Very tidy 1 00 acre farm with modernized family one bedroom self contained apartment family aluminum clad home Solid bank bam Productive land Creek and small Maple wood lot Asking 89000 CAMPERS DELIGHT 3 spring creok 6900 00 1000 down Call P Redmond Realtor Dundalk Ontario 5199232749