Page SECTION THE HERALD Wednesday Auguat Z6 1M1 Ramautarsingh reelected to Wilfrid Laurier Senate Water servicing reviewed Tom Georgetown community work er and nigh school teacher baa been reelected to the Sena of Wilfrid University of Waterloo The University Senate makes recommends lion to the Board of Governors regarding policy and finance assists in ratifying appoint ments and promotions and recommends to Chancellor of the University students who have fulfilled the requirements for degrees Most of the dis cussions and decisions deal with Iho academic wellbeing of the university Senate meetings are bold evenings at the Paul Martin Centre named otter former chancellor who served as Canadian High Commissioner to the and Tom Georgetown left greets Ontario LieutenantGovernor John right and Robert Mcintosh after all three men were reelected the Senate of Wilfrid University In Waterloo Mr will continue to represent the universitys board of governors on the Senate Dr Aird Is WLUs Chancellor and Mr Mcintosh chairman of its board of governors Photo submitted Mr has served as secretary on the Senates Students Appeals Committee for three years and on many local regional and provincial organizations He received his A English and History and his M A History from and Master of Education from the University of Toronto Mr also serves on the Board of Governors was chairman of the successful Love George town programme and chair ed the High School Commence ment Committee Regional council may yet reverse a March IS decision calling for Individual water meters In lowrise residential and Industrial complexes The review of the regions unit servicing policy endorsed at last Wednesdays council meeting was prompted by two develop ers concerns that they were providing space for rent rather than purchase and that single meters should be instal led in raited buildings One developer Cherrytree Ltd is currently constructing a low rise industrial complex on Guelph Street In George town the other George Ltd is planning a similar facility in Burlington Speaking before councillors last week Wimpey represen tative Colin Gillie maintained that the regions present servicing policy could become Inflexible by not discrimina ting between renting space In a residential Industrial or commercial complex and buy ing it In a condominium deve lopment The region apparently wants to where the water meters will be installed Mr Gillie said This leaves the user In a lurch Small businessmen are particularly sensitive to rental rates In todays depressed economy he added and they maybe Inclined lo locate else where if they have to pay water rates higher than their rent Most of tho businesses expected to move Into the project arc likely to ties But Mr Gillie said a separate meter could be Instal led for Industries which use a lot of water Through an agree ment with the region additio nal metering would become the responsibility of the builder The agreement would also include a clause which would compel future buyers planning to turn such complexes into condominiums Individually service each unit Although the regions public works and planning committee will review the policy over the next few weeks complexes currently Installing water services will have to abide by the policy Jeffs been busy Georgetown cattle breeder Jeff Nurse has been busier than usual lately doing his usual competent Job placing cattle exhibited at the Eastern Ontario Spring Show held recently in Maxvilic A total of 18 head were shown by exhibitors and viewed by visitors from around the world Deer hunt set for Nov 25 The provinces ministry of natural resources has formally announced plans for the areas second annual controlled deer hunt scheduled for Nov to The area of the hunt in which hunters wilt partici pate includes the northern twothirds of region aa well as Flam- borough and South Dumfries townships According to the ministry per cent of tho special permits Issued following a lottery to be held late next month will be allocated to residents of the hunt area In addition farm ers and landowners who reside on minimum of so acres are automatically eligible for a permit in the zone in which they live Shotguns and muz zle loaders arc the only allow able firearms which may be used and dogs are not permit ted Permits to be ached to a 1981 Ontario resident or Farmers Deer licence are valid for only one of the five hunt zones are not transferr- and entitle the holder to only one deer with or without antlers Overall hunter success was approximately one dew perslx hunters Although both shotguns and muzzleloaders were permissible firearms during the hunt per cent of hunters used shotguns Trespass is Illegal Hunters must contact landowners well before the season begins to ensure they have permission to hunt on private land should a landowner experience a tres pass incident he has the follow ing alternatives 1 trespass or protected under the Trespass Act call the ministry Zenith or the local police department They will respond as soon as poss ible and trespass charges will be laid warranted and if the landowner desires there Is no need to approach the hunter in this situation If the land is not posted and not protected under the Tres pass Act verbal notice must be given to the trespasser If he does not leave the police or the ministry can then be notified If verbal notice Is not given no charges can be laid Copies of the Trespass Act are available from Publications Centre Floor Bay Street Toronto Ontario M7A 1NB Commun ications Officer Ministry of the Attorney General Floor IB King Street East Toronto Ontario M5C Persons who are not fanners or landowners of or more acres in the controlled hunt zones can obtain applications for the draw at the Ministry of Natural Resources office in Cambridge after September 1 Deadline for hunters applic ations la Sept 25 The draw will be held during the week of Sept hunters will be moiled their controlled hunt stamps by Oct BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME FROM THE GROUND UP WITH UNILOCK PAVERS Your home is a more beautiful place with the pattern color and texture of Interlock ing pavers on your driveway walkway patio or pool deck Choose from a variety of paver shapes and colors Unilock is not only the beautiful alternative to poured concrete and asphalt but is more durable and requires no maintenance Be creative about paving CALL NOW Let our qualified Of If SD SERVICES Coming 1 Queen St E Brampton NURSERY Working a for your conveitfoncs and REMEMBER YOU CAN PUNT ALL SEASON LONGI SPECIAL OF THE WEEK Effective August 26 September 1 NORWAY SPRUCE Plcea abies balled and Regular49 95 J SPECIAL II I Tall rapidly growing evergreen used for wind breaks or as a specimen planting QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED SUMMER HOURS Monday thru Friday am 700 Saturday am pm Sunday 1000 am pm 7370 MISSISSAUGA RD NORTH RR 3 ONT L5M 2B3 8261601 BUSINESS DIRECTOR OPTOMETRISTS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Dr RR Hamilton AND Dr DC Patterson OPTOMETRISTS Carrtttl Building Read J rot town Ontario TELEPHONE GW Corbett CHIROPRACTOR to MHI Strati Qtorgal own Goebelle Wagner MacAdam Main South Ontario ffiaHEBSOa Limited Surveyors Consulting Engineers It Read South Suit mill Oaorotlown Ontario 4ttIT7l Excellent Location Enjoy the view from largo living room windows the ranch style bungalow on the most secluded lot in town There are many mature trees on the 1 acre lot All of this is just within walking distance at the downtown area schools churches parks etc Asking Call Bia at Kara Real Lid FORD BROTHERS FEED MILL a tat a FtrHrtn 3MtnHMiafUrtTCrMk COMPLETE LINE OF ENERGY SAVING WINDOWS a DOORS THE PLACE TO SAVE UNIT GEORGETOWN PHONE DRIVE A LITTLE SAVE A LOT I HOME OF THE WEEK ACADIAN POOLS LTD Fna Comftfv Hare Real Estate Peel Ltd Realtor 4512390 FOR HOMES THERES NO PLACE LIKE THE PERMANENT MEMBER OF THE TORONTO BRAMPTON REAL ESTATE BOARDS IF YOU MUST BE WITHIN Walking distance from school and snooping this 3 bedroom bungalow might just bo what your looking tor Vendor will help wllh financing call Rudy or BEAT THE HUSH INTEREST By the existing 10 mortgage till August and letting the vendor etp you with the balance at 15i Sounds Good Call mo right away Rudy Cutout or 7928111 BRAMPTON BEST Vendor transferred Must sell Now reduced to This Futy Detached Brick Bungalow with fireplace family room and a 1 0 32 Inground pool can be yours school starts SHOPPERS WORLD PLAZA CANADA PERMANENT TRUST CO LTD WALL PANELS I I CERAMIC TILE ALUMINUM ALUMINUM SOFFIT FASCIA WINDOWS CHOICE OF COLOURS Miuura iMSS4BTI4S LOW MONTHLY RENTALS FREE SERVICE FREE IP HAMILTON fJUStOMCARPENTBY Noam SPACIOUS TUDORESQUE SPLIT LEVEL HOME WITH LARGE UNDEVELOPED AREA Th charming Tudor noma provlaat a ring of coo- van faaturaa abundant or la war family and room for plan off are 1700 aquara Im I of flnlthad if for and a aquara had araa In tha lowar lavtl Tha ax- la In or lion til channal aiding atona and miliar Tudor ttueeo and board trim Tha alatatad atylo main an try Into a 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