Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 26, 1981, p. 24

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together we can help you better Royal Trust BUYING SELLING CHECK OUT THE CLASSIFIED ads CLASSIFIED DEADLINES WtdntMtai MMdtjSOOPM Dudtar WMnttdiy CLASSIFIED CASH RATES Additional 10 charge il not paid days Extra words 20tK Box IS word plus or each lino words CARDS Of THANKS 30 Worts 15 Words each ENGAGEMENTS DEATHS BIRTHS IS GO words Additional words CIRCULATIONS FOR SALE GARAGE romovod from location by purchaser ad under Tenders TEAK SALE BRAMALEA OPEN TILL CLAUSEN LTD frlifrW GET up more lor your car you trade It In clean Coma Tidy Car or Call 87761 SOTS model OH II HP in con For Inlorn BOAT lor sale I VACUUM Cleaners supples and services Filler Quoon Compact control or bull in and commercial is SWIMMING POOL SALE SWIMMING POOL MAN UFACTURER clear lories Brand now 1981 pools I pump walkaround and Regularly now on solo tor while supplies last Im mediately delivery Call Toll 1 tor more details 371 Bills 31 GALLON matching aland dor gravel Iter and whisper 700pump3S100 WEDDING DRESS Only used Designed In Florida Site 12 PleasocaB77 1194 Grand Estate frost refrigerator Enter prise gas rango con I Both almond colour KITCHEN SET chars SMALL RETAIL STORE CLOSED Must Soil Everything Display coolers products etc Every thing witl bo sold at coat Great opportunity tor start your PRESS PLATES Repair outbuildings line granaries and bins or protect the trunks of fruit trees with used Aluminum Press Plates 23 34 thick cents each including applicable taxes at The HiHs Herald Front Counter Quality Used Car Values for Under 1978 CHEVROLET MAUBU CLASSIC STATION WAGON 4995 1977 CENTURY COUPE CERTIFIED 350 Automatic In perfect condition Inspection Invited 3950 AUTOMOTIVE GEORGETOWN 077 1977 FORD PICKUP F100V8 Automatic License AWQ398 3995 1977 DODGE DIPLOMAT Economy door Sedan Cortiliod AM FM Full power factory a An Ideal small am car 3950 REOFEAN AUTOMOTIVE GE0HGETOWN 1978 FORD FIESTA SPORT 3795 GEORGETOWN TOYOTA LTD 343 St No it 8772297 1976CAMAR0LT1 3950 Automatic Completely reconditioned Cortiliod Tilt A super car ready to go Will or trado lor lato model ton or Von or AUTOMOTIVE GEORGETOWN The Buyers and Sellers Market Place lablo wast year old I 3993341 Brown aluminum Both cor 4051311 FRESH TROUT 8773730 MILK 3 QUART BAG OR JUG rd Spectal Georgetown Jug City Mam St Monday to Friday GARAGE SALE Saturday Sunday Throe homos am loslo Hi I Terra GARAGE SALE 123 Man SI Georgetown must go Starting am 404334gs RECREATIONAL VEHICLES LUXURY homo sloops low mileage equipped equipped lor propane Colt John Panorama w ndows Many on Iras I can bo arran 1979 XL IS Ci niter CT condition and Tral Bke Runs good Coll 396B34rvnl owner PB certified Call Wilson Cir Sales 1970 CUTLASS tor solo Call Joa between 1978 HONDA 554 K Bought now in Excellent condition Only 1800 COUGAR 351 Clove land engine excellent tunning condition Best FORD WINDOW VAN 9 passenger automatic PIS PIB control air con dtionod 871 alter 5 pm 400734c SPEEDhONDA CIVIC Hatchback Hunt proofed Radial liros radio dock dton Cortiliod or best Phono 677 altar ONE 1974 FORD PINTO Station wagon order lor ports Cull Chris 402334clt 1975 FORD GRAN TORINO V8 door as Is Call 7686 405934c 1973 PINTO Hatchback speed now paint miles Excellent lion Cor tilod Price WE HAVE MANY QUALITY PRE OWNED ECONOMY CARS To choose at prices you payment Bank Financing WANTED lo rent or lease Middle ox ecu two couple largo homo lor No children no pots Ex role r a avail a bio Call Mr Bob Holmoa 4161624 BOWLERS needed lor mixed bowling league Thur nights Ploaso call 401434w WANTED APARTMENT SIZED PIANO with bench Cull GIBSONS Dead Stock Service or disabled horses Wo can loll you CM collect or or Brampton Licence WATSON AUTO WRECKERS Minted scrap cars and trucks lor wrecking FREE PICKUP 8776226 Rendavous Doling Ltd 1661 Acton519653 3087 EXCLUSIVELY YOURS FIT NESS CENTRE Will be opening Wednesday Soptom for our Fall and season Wo took forward lo seeing you For further Information call i77 ASK ME ABOUT ALOE VERA You vo hoard about Its amazing benefits skin hair core the world a most complete bio a products Cell PETS LIVESTOCK Shophord purebred and Ian largo wh old 853 any mo IRISH SETTER lor to mile your old 402434pl Pretty All CI PC mng Shampooing Also Evening Weekend Appointment j 8771995 URBAN PEST CONTROL Professional wasps cirpantar rati mica spldors skunks WMTTZN GUARANTEE BOB CAMERON 3765alor5pm NEEOED Roliablo person who pets and neod3 to look alter Spnngor Spaniel Mondays to Fridays Coll 399934m EXPANDING needs nor dworking housekeepers to work in Georgetown area 3111 or FULL TIME toilers required Experience No work Apply Mrs Mac Donald 87 8995 Bank of Nova Scotia DENTAL HYGENIEST required lor days week to work In a progressive prevent donta off ico Salary negotiable Apply in writing or tela phone Brian SI Georgetown FACTORY HELP floquirod Mature person for Moulding area Day and afternoon shifts II bo ap plicable Wo will train Good company bun of its Apply 93MountalnvgwRd N Georgetown Ontario Mature help In our retail Full training program Musi bo available am to m 3 m following week Alt ling Saturday a Wrjflo por hour to start Pick up your application at Qaorgalown Marital Quatph Mounlalnvliw GUESS IF YOU CAN ANSWER TO THESE FOUR QUESTIONS LTD 92 Main St S ACTON CARRIER FOR SUBDIVISION AREA PART OF ELMORE ELIZABETH ALL OF TYLER JEF FREY NELSON LAKEVIEW AVE WEDNESOAY FRIDAYS BEFORE SCHOOL DELIVERY NO COLLECTING SALES ORDER DESK Manufacturers heat products require an order desk person tor customer service Experience la preferred but not essential for a who Is sales motivated Typing skills for order processing is required Please forward resume to the attention of CAMPBELL TWINCEE LTD 20 ARMSTRONG AVE GEORGETOWN ONTARIO A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE Just Might Change Your Life Explore your potential as a real estate associate attend a Family Trust Corporation CAREER IN REAL ESTATE SEMINAR WEDNESDAY AT 730 PM HOLIDAY INN HIGHWAY AND DIXIE RD BRAMALEA This seminar will owe you the opportunity to evaluate place In this rewarding Industry Seating Is limited For reservation and further In formation call DAN LEVY 8775261 GENERAL MACHINIST Required Immediately general machinist for engine lalhe and bridge boat metal good benefits and good rataa Only highly skilled need apply Contact MR RATTAN KALSI Real Estate Career Opportunity Are you looking lor a profession itut offers high potential lor I Latlon and hours A career irtiy determination and an growth compensation and hours A career I m integrity i others ho experience necessary Sound Interesting sales requires ihoLh Our next training session nans soon Check these national refetral system dental and health plans stock options sharing plan cm nun m BONNIE NOGUCHI tegRpIhist CLERKCASHIER Required by Haiton Hills HydroElectric Commission applicants should submit their ap plication in writing by Noon August THE MANAGER HALTON HILLS HYDRO MILL STREET GEORGETOWN ONTARIO L7Q Your envelope should be marked Application HELP WANTED several for their main at St and a smaller retail outlet on Mil SI to open In September Wo are also looking lor a very person to tram as oven man Applications espied until the end of August Call 878 or come and see us el 330 SI EARN EXTRA MONEY Show our exciting line of Christmas neighbours No needed Our catalogue makes It easy and Phone or wrlfo today lor free Christmas and Information Monarch Greeting Cards Cannon Hamilton Phono I 527 STUDENT to wash now Van Inside and out a Phono Saturday SALES HELP wanted Sales wanted for Insulation Company HAIRDRESSERS Experienced Funlime a pari Phone QUALIFIED JANITOR Required immediately a mature person with a minimum of years janitorial Co Good company bonelts Apply in person to RrJ Ontario EMPLOYMENT WANTED Smalt repairs plumbing cor pen fry and electrical Call Ltoyd alter HELP AVAILABLE MECHANICAL and body work done at reasonable pricos Call 389336hanf HERBS VICE ATI typoa of handynan Jobs or 370830ha REQUIRED Before and school Children ages and Pinovlew School Area Call BABYSITTING available before school In Umehouso area Monday Friday Call anytime 4009341m BABYSITTING AVAILABLE Mountain view and Would like company lor my DAY CARE AVAILABLE Former teacher spacious do nutritious planned lie warm happy atmosphere close supervision oil welcome Full phone alter weekdays weekends anytime ACCOMMODATION WANTED CLEAN responsible of five wishes ran house with Georgetown Call Frank 5108 days 406 1wf WANTED TO RENT Middle aged unman led professional man desires quiet cither In fumlshod or email house not lor horn Georgetown Congenial essential I ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE ROOM to rant Abstainer smoker maturo male use Ploawnt dings Western Canada School of Auctioneering Ltd Canada first and ihe only Canadian course Ho rod anywhere Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Act 1Q70C For the course write Box Alberta or phone 752 DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS OR Straight Truck CALL TbtCirwJUfllrtltHirtid Trader TrifciTrtlnliM Ltd imWislenRud Terantt CENTRAL CABS Air Conditioned Radio Dispatched 8771111 SMALL COMFORTABLE room apt available In return for light chores lain area Box 76 The Herald 45 Street COMMERCIAL OFFICE OR STORE SPACE for ronl Small available Prestigious building 453 INDUSTRIAL UNITS SO FT PER UNIT For in 8776936 Industrial Space Ideal light Manufacturing Space Hydro 14 It coiling Easy to heal Reasonable rent 1 11 Nov 1 si sooner if Call Knolcrest Properties Ltd 8770202 or H Fobert Real Estate Warehouse or Service Shop Space FOB RENT 1352sq It Overhead door Spr Reasonable Rent AratSfit lit 8770202 EVENINGS 8779686 Commercial Office space tor lease at Sllvercroek Towers Minimum It Blocks with services Asking 8 per ft annum not Call William Oils RMitortorfulldatilla FURNISHED room for rent Suitable for worfcJrm lady Call 403434fr TERRA two bedroom cottage Terrific view monthly Ira Available September 1st Juno 1st Call 4809 FURNISHED for Downtown negotiable please call anytime 405034fr ELKS Hail for Harold Cotpitts Sr after 30 p 3428rtf OFFICE FOR RENT Ideally suited for professional services In prestigious building In Georgetown Available im mediately Phono 305733frtf MEDITATION Now group forming nor croodal non sectarian For meditation and mystical writings Oriented not to ESP or psychic but the spiritual and universal 8771121 TENDER Co operative tender tor sup ply and delivery of winter sand or Town of Hills Town of City of Burlington Tenders will be received by the Clerk until 12 Noon local time Sep tember 9lh For the supply and delivery winter sand Specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the Office of the under siqned Lowest or any tender not accepted HUGH PATTERSON PURCHASING AGENT TOWN OF HILLS MAIN STREET SOUTH GEORGETOWN ONTARIO L7Q4X1 TENDER CALL SNOW ICE CONTROL GO Transit invites tenders for the supply and operation of snow plows salt spreaders and loaders as well as the supply of crushed rock salt for the purpose snow and ice control at various GO Transit rail and bus stations and facilities Sealed tenders will be received up until 2pm local time as follows Contracts 81PT41 to 81 Inclusive September Contracts 30 and Contracts to 81PT58 inclusive September 981 Public opening will take place immediately after closing on each dole at 3825 Dufterfn Street Ontario Engineering Boardroom 2nd Floor Tender documents may be picked up at the Pur chasing Office 1st floor at the above address Phone 630 AUCTION SALE FOR Mn Charles 1 mile ot Terra Cotta on Town Peel Churchill RrJ Jon SAT AUG AT 1115 AM Small Bard Rosewood piano In good condition pee oak kitchen suite library table pine blanket box assortment chairs sectional bookcase library chains heavy groined wooden drooaor matching cheat of drawers In beautiful condition Flow Blue bedroom dishes 2 bedroom china doll music cabinet lamp Black coocoo clock mirror session clock oil tamp childs rocker several crocks hanging lamp cream con Iron roosting pan scrub board old fanning mill several scales wooden barrels sealers round dining tabo with choirs metal windows 2 sheets Of plywood no motor wagon wheels old wheel cultivator pipe Jack all hand tongs old pump stool ok wheel traitor walking plow furrow plow cedar tails lawn roller old lumber old bench grinder licence plates trunk wooden ladder lawn mower hand seeder wheel borrow shovels forks hand tools Table saw bonch stylo jig saw beam drill gander electric hand drill bench drill tree primer blow torch railway lantern hedge clipper steel pianos also good assortment of wooden mould planes borne to chain saw wash stand rfvet all larrje lovela step- stool email workshop materials too numerous to mention stool desks office settees wooden desks wooden chains swivel office choirs Hunter Real to This Is the first sale In this family This will be an In torestlno sale as there are antiques colleclables throughout the sole LUNCH BOOTH SELLING BY NUMBER ALFRED

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