Intergovernmental bureaucracy threatens Halton juvenile aid centre THE HERALD Wednesday August Page 3 MIGHTY MUSHROOM Marian Braille made an unexpected harvest Friday morning when she found this 10pound puff ball growing In front yard of Draper Street home Mrs often picked tiny puff balls growing Initio vard but that Ihl la the flrsttlmesbesfoundoneof Mrs Brittle said plant to eat mushroom Bon Herald photo Ys PD days bound for Ontario Place This fail the Georgetown and District will again be offering its Day Trips with ihe first trip being held Sept S The will be travelling to Ontario Place and will have an opportunity to visit the Children Village the Cine- sphere the Children Theatre Children from five to 12 vcars are encouraged to participate In this Cost for the day is per child and for each additio nal child in he same family Extended care wilt be avail able from lo a and from lo and will cost 50 extra per child Children are asked to bring lunch and drinks and should dress ding lo the day events Volunteers are always need for Ihe Day Trips If you arc interested in assisting contact the at Registrations are now being or trip lo Ontario Place Space is limited so pre register early ihe Georgetown at Mountain view By CUIUS Herald Staff Writer fisted ministerial poll and misunders landings between regional councils could force the closure of Peel and only care centre for juvenile Already facing tough bud gel res trie I ions from the community and social services ministry officials from the Sheridan Youth Asso ciation Centre were unsuccess Wednesday in gelling an immediate to grant from I la I ion region Instead councillors agreed th a recommendat ion from the health and social services committee which nig the region should only give money if there was also some financial support from Peel Bui Association executive director John Cox told The Herald Thursday a neighboring region wanted to help but had no more money for charitable appeals this year The conditions attached lo proposed grant he added about how the Association funded Even though the Associa tion located adjacent to Cent Manor senior home In Milton serves both and Peel it is fully funded by the social services ministry However this years 000 budget tentatively presented by the ministry in April may not be enough and unless additional funding is found elsewhere the centre may begin a gradual closure in November Mr Cox and Youth in president Bryan Clarke are where ihey before the money is threaten the quality of service the Association oilers The ministry own consultants have concluded thai the Milton acillly is the in Ontario further Wed afternoon with the minlslry Ron Childs head of children services for south ern Ontario reached no decision Mr Cox said Last year ministry the Association budget realtime hat salaries for its eight full time staff members had fallen behind those avail able at similar facilities In the province As part of conditions for gating the additional from the ministry Mr Cox said the Association may be forced to impose a salary freeze and further thin out the number of staff Working each of Ihe Centre three daily shifts any lime during the centre seven day work week may be 10 youths bet ween and years old a court hearing They can be kept at the centre for about a month but the average stay is 11 days Although over per cent of the referrals to the Cenlre come from Peel Region Mr Clarke stressed that Ihe ty Is intended as a Joint venture Youths from Peel or treated any ferenlly depending on grants received from each region be said There were youths who stayed at centre last year and there promises to be more this year Mr Clarke added About per cent of all juveniles arrested In Peel and are sent to the negotiating with the ministry child services divis inn Tor an additional both officials are concern cd conditions included gel Pooling while walling for court appearances be or assessed and get advice on the legal system and lawyers Mr Clarke and Mr Cox told Council okays bikers event in area forest The Off Road Riders Association will be allowed use part of a forest near the Hilton Falls Conservation Area in Milton for a special motorcycle event Nov B Despite concerns from some councillors last Wednesday that the observed motorcycle trial event sponsored by the organization and sanctioned by the Canadian Motorcycle Association should not be held ir a public forest most repre sentatives agreed that event will have little effect on rounding terrain and wildlife Burlington Coun Pat pointed out that the event was approved by the region environmental advi committee and that regional staff will attend the motorcycle trials to ensure Ihe committee a guidelines are maintained In observed motorcycle trials ridersmustslowlycross a track GO to 100 feel long while being closely watched by Touching the ground with feet while crossing he course adds penally points The event will feature 12 to 15 observed points on the course as well as three or four laps Coun Ann Mulvate agreed with McLaugb adding lhat the event Isn likely to attract spectators other than members of Association and their families I would suggest to you that some of us may have some prejudice to people who have motorcycles she told council Bul Milton Coun Bill Johnson upset his own council was only recently informed of the plans suggested that abandon ed wayside pits and other leaseable open space be used for the event instead The local tiro chief has a special Interest in aclivi ties which take place in he forest Coun Johnson said and the town should have been made aware of the Associa tion plans Seek cost sharing Regional council wants Ihe province to force municipal Hies sharing the services of such facilities as the Sheridan Youlh Centre In Milton to pay for part of their costs loo More facilities like the centre and Women needed in the region council maintains but the province a community and social services ministry should insist that if they arc going to be used by nearby municipalities a cost sharing arrangement should be worked out with the region neighbors While the Sheridan Youth Association continues to negotiate for additional funding for its Milton centre with the province a community and social services ministry the region intends to make it clear to the government lhat it has already overspent ports of its daycare and general assistance budgets due to the Increasing demand for private home daycare can be met from other areas in Ihe daycare account but Juvenile committals and part time salaries have put considerable stress on the general assistance budget of which the province pays half In an effort avert a crisis regional council has agreed to formally point out the situation to the ministry Ron area manager for children services reporters following day council meeting that If the Association was forced to close youths would have no where else in Ihe regions lo go for en re and they would be sent to In more distant communities at considerably more expense to the taxpayer While he said regional coun cil appears to misunderstand Peel responsibility In aiding the Association Mr Clarke with its position that the onus for funding is square ly on the shoulders of the pro government and not municipalities However in order lo cut costs by imposing a salary freeze and trashing the Association mint system for granting raises its employees the ministry Is forcing Sheridan comply with less than ade quate standards We will not provide a substandard service Mr Clarke said It the first time the Associa tion has iiad to approach outside agencies for additional funding It Is ineligible for United Way money largely because It receives most of Its funding from ihe government and public appeals are lime- consuming and difficult for Association staffers who have to look after youths Despite charges from some councillors lhat Ignoring the Associations appeal for imme diate money Is irresponsib le to Ihe youths staying at the members agreed with Hills Coun Dave Whitings position thai Peel must contribute as well before releases the II would be short sighted to rest our decision on what Peel has done Burlington rep Dave La Combe said Mayor Harry Bar rctl claimed thai Ihe Associat ion was not in Jeopardy until mid March about two weeks before its new budget would be presented They re not desperate at this time he said We have lo give Peel time to come to the pumps Rut procedures involved closing the Association would be more tlmeconsum than that Mr Clarke pointed out later The agencies involved with the Association ihe Children Aid Society police and the courts would have to be notified and refer made elsewhere on behalf of he youths The ministry and th region should be building its juvenile services up and not down Mr Cox warned Within Ihe next two years the federal gov emment is expected lo pass a new Offenders Act of which the Secure Services Policy will likely increase Children Aid Society and courts referral of young of lenders to facilities like Sheridan Cenlre Jolliffe Shoe Store Taona Ladles Mana8tKMa Village Acton 853 ENDOFMODELYEAR CLEARANCE SALE Super Priced 1981 Models Pay our current low price lor a 98 RCA Color TV and save up to or more compared the cost of lis 1 successor Response to our Sale has been fantastic at these puces they are going fast Come on in now and SAVE SPLCIAL LARGE SCREEN TttatrWon RCA XL 100 COLOR PORTABLE TELEVISION 00 ONLY SUPER SPECIAL 26 RCA Console MSLP MUHcrc TV Special HEW REMOTE CHANNEL WIRELESS CONVERTER I 119 COLOR ssrs BONUS Bring in this ad and receive a further discount of 10 off advertised RCA Color Sets RCA 20 Remote Control with 22 Channel Tuning NOW ONLY 698 00 Compare elsewhere at 729 end up GUARANTEED SERVICE WITH ALL SALESl 8773405 Service What We Sell 14 Street Just oil Main SI We will not knowingly be undersold NOW IN OUR YEAR Winston gets his Way As long the region of agrees Kills has no qualms about renaming the Sixth Line north out of Nerval southerly portion is more commonly knovn by Peel and residents as Winston Churchill Boulevard and now the town of Calcdon wants to name the entire stretch after the nosl famous of Britain modern prime ministers Any comments Approval of the own long awaited bylaw has been deferred until Sept It to get additional comments from businesses which will be most affected by the new regulations The bylaw which will cover everything from licensing bikes adult entertainment parlors has been circulated to a number of agencies including the own two business Improvement areas and Halton region However recent mall strike postponed some of comments anticipated and bylaw subcommittee chairman Dave Whiting said the extra lime should allow oil affected parlies to present their views New face at region Once again underlining Its faith In recommendations made by a recent study into the region s administration regional council has hired an assistant for Ihe chief administrative officer After sifting through about 150 applicants the administration selected Joanne Brown a 28year old graduate of the University of Manitoba with arts and education degrees A former teacher and recently a member of a management consulting firm In Toronto Miss Brown started work at the region Aug and was Introduced lomembcrsof the region health and social services public works administration and finance committees last Locate in Halton Hal on region newest Industrial firm Is Vac which will locate on Burlington South Service Rood the region business development department has announced The new branch facility will service residential and commercial market In and Hamilton removal and air handling systems Its residential operation could help reduce allergic effects and reduce the chance of household fires according to sales manager Jerry I J Town council has land familiarly known as the school property at the end of Mary and Draper Streets to ensure Its use as open recreational space The basically compiles with a request from the Norval Community Association to have the land listed under the town open space category rather than Its current residential general designation However the planning deportment suggested that council mono the land to residential generalspecial zone because the open space designation would not permit Iho community centre building and would mean he land could be used for any number of things Including a zoo and a golf driving range The new zoning also means that the property value of the lot will drop Meeting social needs item certain to receive a considerable amount of attention In the regions fiveyear corporate plan is a recommendation from the health and social services committee to develop a comprehensive human services scheme Among the items which the committee would like to see included In the human services plan are the Intent to increase cooperation between the regional boards of education and the social services department bolster care for the elderly encourage more affordable housing consider treatment centres for distressed adolescents expand family planning clinics to north and and even obtain audiovisual equipment for the health and social services departments Council has called on chief administrative on leer Dennis to study the costs of Ihe human services plan and present a report prior to the 1982 budget discussions Dial one number Along with studying proposed Improvements in the region human services package as part of fiveyear corporate plan the region is also considering a general information telephone number for health and social services The Idea was suggested by the Halton District Health Council and will be considered by council public information subcommittee formed earlier this summer to examine ways in which the public may bo better informed about how he region functions FUND RAISING Doss your club school or organization roquiro monoy LET ME SHOW YOU HOW TO EARN No investment end no risk to your club In any way Write and Include your name address and phone number to Main St Georgetown Ont L7G 3H2 HEARING AID CENTRES Having A Hearing Problem Problems With Your Hearing Aid GEORGETOWN Friday Sept 19B1 12 00 Moon Wednesday Sept 00 Noon JV CLOTHINGS BULLS EYE ON JV CLOTHING HOURS to Wed to 6 to Fri to Sat to 5 LOCATED IN GEORGETOWN MARKET PLACE STREET BY CALL