Pager THfelltIMLD Wednesday August 1WI Last blast of summer fun Leading the Time Warp parade Thursday night Georgetown residents Karl left and Rob Behind hem followed the Acton Band and then the floatseach made by the member of the Tot tot MAD or Play mobile programs The enormously successful summer activities program run by the town a rec department alto ended the 1881 seaion with a carnival In the Acton Sean Sean of Acton get tome help from Ma mother he flipped Interesting bead gear prior to Tharaday a Time Warp parade tkroagk Acton a cor of other Joined Bean and brother Hark or the parade ended town activities for another year Following Thursday Time Warp parade through down town which capped off tie town cot summer program for kidsthere a very successful penny carnival in the community arena It especially successful If through keen pitching were one of the who managed to a leader Into the dunktank And here a one going In RYDERS TV SALES A SERVICE TOSHIBA QUASAR All Colour feature monthi warranty or mora MOORE PARK PLAZA SIGNS CHEATED OR REFURBISHED PAINTED AND WEATHER TREATED M0NTR0VER MEDIA l8533502 now Talk about exercise These two girls were among the embers of the town summer ports camp who tumbled cartwheeled flipped down s Mill Street on their way to he arena Thursday night When they arrived at the arena plied Into the building raced downstairs and beaded oil to ir their luck at any number of carnival games in their behalf aught In the crowd saueeie at the front entrance of the Acton arena this Utile fellow was boxed In In more ways than one But once Inside there was all kinds of things lo do A Jelly bean guessing contest sponge tots a dunking tankgenerally one heck of a way to wrap up the seven weeks of summer fun So you tried a few different ways to spend your adertising money and now your sales curve has dropped completely off the chart ISNT IT ABOUT TIME YOU STARTED USING THE EFFECTIVE ONE YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER There are a lot of ways you can spend your hardearned advertising dollars and some of them can be very glamor and quite exotic But thats not what your business needs You need results and your focal newspaper can still deliver the customers and lots of them for a lot less than most of the others Newspaper advertising still provides the kind of good basic selling that really gets the job done Go with the winner newspaper advertising I Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Since HALTON SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD ADVANCE REGISTRATION Kindergarten to 8 placo at each school Tuesday September st 1 981 between the hours of and 1 cart I roQulrod lor nil registrants Schools tor WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER Bus routes tho main on franco or each school Ant you NEW TO TOWN or hara you Juat moved Into a new noma Would Ilka to call on you QIFT8 and Information about Georgetown For thla Information and warming call 8774812 Halton Hills BATON LESSONS Registration Tues Sept 1st 6 8pm At Elk Lodge Mountilnvlaw Georgetown Lesson to begin Monday Sept 14 Holy Cross 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